30 Days (23 page)

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Authors: K Larsen

Dr. Rand


“Pleased to see you again Mr. Darling. Were you able to secure the credit line?” I had rubbed my hands together nervously waiting for his answer. I needed this. God damned Sheila was killing me with alimony payments. I’m was so close to bankruptcy I could have vomited.

“Dr. Rand, always a pleasure. Do you have a moment to chat?” He’d asked.

“Of course.” I had replied not knowing that what he would go on to offer I wouldn't be able to refuse. That I would end up making a huge mistake and risking my career on a gamble for a man’s greed.


When Ryan had offered me a hundred thousand dollars cash to counsel his wife, eventually making sure that she ended up locked away in the psychiatric floor of the hospital I’m affiliated with, I should have said no. But, I didn't. I said yes, knowing the money would pay off the majority of my debts allowing me to crawl out of the hole I was in.


If Elle hadn't made it as easy for me to get her into the hospital, maybe I would have backed out and saved myself all this headache. Elle was a nice woman married to a greedy man who treated her terribly. It wasn’t her fault. It became my fault however, when she disappeared six months later taking with her the cash I was promised.


DAY 26



After tying our aprons on, we wet our hands and the clay and following instruction use our  full strength, resting our hands against our thighs to provide
stability while trying to center our lumps.  

“You will know the clay is centered when you can wrap your hands around it and it spins smoothly.”  The teacher explains.

My opening is lopsided, and I  have to close it up, recenter and try again.  Once I get a hole I use both of my hands to widen it.  The clay is slick and smooth under my hands.  Using gentle pressure as instructed I mold the clay into a wide bowl.  It’s
much a tactile experience. My fingers see by feeling the clay, its texture, pliability, responsiveness to pressure, shape, and moisture using a pottery wheel is a sensual, messy, satisfying experience.

I watch as Colin gets sprayed by the fine mist blowing off the wheel as he spins his lump of clay around trying to form something. His brow is furrowed as he focuses on what he’s doing and his bottom lip is caught between his teeth.

“This isn't anything like
” He whines when he catches me staring at him.  A few other classmates join me in a fit of laughter at Colin’s statement.  The teacher moves behind him and guides his hands until his lump vaguely resembles a vase.

“When the piece is shaped to your satisfaction, slide a wire under the base and set it aside to harden up.” She says.


Having pretty much given up hope of creating something stunning Colin slides the wire under his to set it aside. As I finish mine to the best of my limited ability he leans in brushing a kiss on my neck. “Looks good.” He says low in my ear.

“Thanks.” I slide a wire under my bowl and move it to the shelf to let it harden.  At the end of our class the teacher lets us know that in two days we can pick up our fired and finished pieces.

After a delicious round of chili for dinner, Colin and I spend the rest of the evening snuggled into one another on the couch watching movies and quietly conversing about life and love, because when you stop and look around this life is pretty amazing.  When we finally crawl into bed he takes mine hand in his and rests them over my heart.

“Feel that?” He whispers in the dark.


“That’s called purpose. We’re here for a reason.” He kisses me once with tenderness before letting go of my hand and pulling my back tightly to his front. My chest swells with emotion at his words. My brain whirls one thought round and round like a tornado; I’m in love with this man. It scares me to realize how much he’s become mine when I’m not sure how much time I have, knowing that I don’t belong here.  I push all my demons down and try to let myself enjoy the feeling of safety and love for the time being.

DAY 27


Elle, Jenna, Ben and I are headed now to Target. We’re supposed to get kicked out of a
Wal-Mart per Elle’s list but Target is closer and we all agreed it was basically the same idea. We don't have a solid plan on how to do this but we’re all pretty excited and convinced it will end up being a great story. Elle’s chili was nothing short of amazing, however, chili comes with a written guarantee from me that if I eat it, the next day my ass
fall off and this morning I wasn’t able to make it happen.


When we enter the store Elle grabs a cart and starts pushing it up and down aisles. We’re flying by the seat of our pants here. I’m not sure what will come in handy so we’re all just chucking things into the car.  We’re furthest from the restrooms when the pain hits me. No, no, no. This can’t be happening.


“Elle.” I groan. “Uh...I gotta go .” This pain feels different from my normal poop cramps. The peppers in the chili seem to be staging a revolt. My stomach knots in pain making me clutch my gut and double over.

“Are you alright?” Elle asks concerned.

This is every man’s worst nightmare. In some sadistic dash for freedom the peppers rip their way through my intestines, and before I can take a single step Elle’s chili fires a warning shot and I freeze in horror.

“Holy shit Colin!” Elle pinches her nose and her face turns red.

“Dude.” Ben scolds as Jenna just makes an awful retching sound.

We’re in the beer aisle, suddenly trapped in a noxious cloud the likes of which has never before been smelled. I’m afraid to move for fear that more of this vile odor might escape me. I shrug my apology to the three horrified people staring me down. “What?” I say and resume walking to the main one, just as a woman turns down ours.


I don't know why, but I stop to see what her reaction will be to the nasty vapor that refuses to lift. I stand frozen again and watch as she walks into an invisible wall of odor
so rancid that all she can do before coming to her senses, is stand there blinking in horror.  Without warning me, Elle, Jenna and Ben begin to laugh. Big Mistake.


It's hard to keep things clenched while laughing. With each burst of laughter an explosive fart bursts out of me. Suddenly things are no longer funny.  “No!” I scream. “It’s coming!”  Ben’s laughter roars as I race towards the bathrooms, praying that I make it before the grand assplosion takes place. I’m prepared to do whatever it takes, push women and children out of my way to ensure I don't publicly crap my pants. I make it just in time and begin the floating above the toilet seat because my ass is burning so bad, explosion.


Thanking God no one came in while I was going I exit the restroom, determined to somehow make Elle not think I’m the most disgusting human on earth when a store employee approaches me .

“Sir, you might want to step outside for a few minutes. It appears someone set off a stink bomb in the store.” I can feel my eyes bug out but with everyone waiting just steps away rolling with laughter, I can’t help but join them, causing a follow up fart to escape. The employee takes one sniff, jumps back pulling his shirt up to cover his nose and, points at me accusingly and backing up a step.

“IT'S YOU!” He shouts running off.

“Colin.” Elle wheezes trying to catch her breath. “Oh my god. I’m going to die of laughter.” Her eyes are watering and mascara streams down her face.

“Holy shit dude. This is seriously the best day of my life!” Ben squeals as employee returns with the manager in tow.

“Sir. We’re going to have to ask you to leave the store.” The manager states while trying not to gag.

“What?” I can tell my expression is nothing short of horrified.

“And please, don’t come back.” He waits as I glance over to everyone and then points to the door. “Out. Now.”

Elle, Ben and Jenna follow a good distance behind me as we exit the store probably in fear that my bowels will kill them if set off again. I am utterly horrified that my ass just got us kicked out of Target. I can feel my cheeks redden with every step I take.

“You were right.” Elle quips trying not to laugh.

“Yup, funniest, most amazing best story ever out of this!” Jenna bellows before doubling over in another fit of laughter. I slap my face and dragging my palm down it.

“I am never eating your chili again.” I shoot Elle a pointed look. The three of them stand there choking on their laughter and clutching each other for stability at my expense.

“I’m ready to go home.” I deadpan.






It took a bottle of Pepto Bismol and a lot of coaxing that I didn't think he was disgusting before Colin calmed down enough to enjoy the rest of our day after the Target incident.

It had taken me by surprise when Colin brought up the fact that my month was almost up. He held me close and asked me hesitantly what I was doing after the rental was up. I’ve thought it over a lot and talked to Jenna about it. I want to stay. When I told Colin that I plan on staying he was overjoyed goi
ng on about how relieved he was to hear me say that.

I explained that I needed to find an apartment and a job and I might stay with Jenna until I could find something suitable. His face had dropped slightly, surprising me, sure we spend our days mostly together but he couldn’t think that we’d just move in together after a month. He offered his place up until I found a place an
d I told him I’d think about it but I knew that I didn’t want to rush things more than they already were.


As he held me firmly in bed that night my brain went into overdrive thinking about my life. I’ll never go back to Ryan, but there are so many things to fix before I can really settle into my life here. I can't imagine a world without Colin, Jenna and the guys, but they don't know the extent of what I’m up against either.  His warm body pressed up against me, warming me. The air all but crackled every time we were near each other. How could I possibly tell him the rest without him thinking I’m insane, without him looking at me differently?  Just before falling asleep his fingers had grazed the inside of my wrist and slid up through the palm of my hand until they pushed in between mine and interlaced together while he softly rubbed his thumb back and forth over the knuckle of my thumb. The intimate gesture sucked all the air from my lungs. I couldn't bear to lose him, to have this change in any way.

DAY 28



My eyes fluttered open as warm soft kisses started at my shoulder blades moving down my spine before ending at the small of my back where the blanket draped across my hips. He made his way back up, following the same path before rolling me to him. His tongue softly pushed past my lips as his knee moved between my legs, pushing my legs apart. He settled himself there and paused. His kiss lights me on fire, and I can't stop from breathing my moan into his mouth.

“Morning babe.” His voice is thick with sleep as he pushes inside of me slowly.

“Morning.”  I breathe.  Feeling every solid inch of him inside me makes me pulse around him with the need for more. His lips descend on my neck, just behind my ear and a low guttural cry escapes me as he eases in and out. “So wet.” He rasps. “Always ready.”

Wrapping my legs around his hips and pulling him deeper into me as he rolls his hips is too much and not enough at the same time. I can’t seem to ever get him close enough. “More.” I pant. Colin slips an arm under me pulling me closer to him and picks up his pace. It’s wild and unrestrained and I find myself clutching him firmly to keep the rhythm.  I can feel the
telltale blush spread across my chest just before I come apart around him. I’ve never felt anything more intense in my life. When his body jerked with the force of his orgasm he collapsed against me panting heavily. His hazel eyes stare into mine drinking me in like he’s memorizing every inch of me as he brushes my bangs out of my face. “I love that.”

“What?” I ask.

“You absentmindedly lick your lips when I check you out.” He smirks. “It’s hot.”  He dips his head to mine again, brushing a light kiss across my lips before rolling off to the side.

“We should shower.”

“We?” He questions raising his brow at me curiously.

“If you’re up for it.”

“Go!” He hops out of bed racing to the shower leaving me in stitches at his enthusiasm.


Four hours and an intense sparring session at the gym later Colin, Ben, Jenna and I are enjoying the weather, some music and drinks on the patio at my cottage.

“Geez Jenna, I had no idea. I have a really good lawyer if you want to meet with him.”

“Well, he didn't really start stalking me until he noticed Ben around.” She admits. Ben’s hands are clenched in fists as his sides and his jaw ticks as Jenna speaks.

“I don’t care about the whole slashing a tire bit, but I don't think it should be his.” He grinds out.

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