A Clean Break (Gay Amish Romance Book 2) (22 page)

I’m dying! God help me! Isaac!

He was powerless to stop it—he was going to die here on the floor and he couldn’t save himself. Gasping, he felt as though he was watching from a far-off place. There wasn’t enough air, and everything was spinning. His throat was closing and his heart was going to explode, and he’d never felt so alone.

Dying, dying, dying!

His hands scrabbling on the hardwood, David managed to suck in a frantic breath. Then another. And another. His vision cleared enough that he could make out the planks of wood, and he concentrated on breathing.

The dizziness began to fade, and the tingles that had pierced him lessened until they went away. His heart still pounded so hard he was sure it would burst, but he focused on expanding his lungs. In and out. In and out.

It’s all right. I’m not dead. I’m still here

David wasn’t sure how long he was crumpled on the floor. He thought of his father in the field, and how he’d clutched his arm and toppled over in an instant. Was this a heart attack? Would David die the same way?

As the frenzy that had gripped him loosened inch by inch, David managed to haul himself to his feet. He trembled all over, and leaned against the table heavily, rubbing his eyes until his vision completely cleared.

The house was still silent. Isaac, Aaron, and Jen still slept upstairs. At first David wondered how they could have not heard him, but he realized he’d hardly made a sound. The screaming had all been in his head.

His heartbeat and breathing were normal enough again that he was able to examine himself. Aside from a tremor that he couldn’t shake yet, he seemed to be fine. Not a heart attack after all. He’d see how he felt in the morning, but it must have just been some strange reaction to the nightmare. Yes, he was fine now. No need to wake Isaac.

David blinked at the cabinet on the other side of the table. Through a panel of glass there were bottles standing in a neat line, and a row of upside-down glasses on the shelf above. He thought of how wine and beer seemed to calm his nerves.

Before he knew what he was doing, the cabinet was open, and David held a bottle in his hands. Vodka from Russia, said the label. It was only a third full. Aaron and Jen had said to have anything, so surely they wouldn’t mind. Just a little to help him sleep.

He upended one of the short glasses and unscrewed the cap on the bottle. The clear liquid poured faster than he expected, splashing onto the wood of the cabinet. He dabbed at it clumsily with his trembling hand and wiped his palm on his shorts before lifting the glass to his lips. The vodka didn’t really taste like anything.

It burned wickedly as he swallowed, but he didn’t mind it. He focused on the new sensation in his throat, and could feel it travel down to his chest as well. He imagined the iron ball that was lodged there melting as the vodka flowed.

Before he knew it, the glass was empty. He poured a bit more for good measure. He already felt better somehow, the nice buzz slowing the drumming of his pulse in his ears. Whatever had happened, it was over now.

He stole back upstairs. Ever so gently, David slipped under the covers. The remaining tremor finally withered away as Isaac mumbled and turned into his arms, warm and safe.




The toilet seat was already up when David shuffled into the bathroom, and he could see the outline of Isaac’s body through the opaque blue shower curtain. He leaned over the sink and examined himself in the mirror.

His eyes were a little bloodshot, and there were dark smudges below them. He took a deep breath and blew it out. His heart seemed to be working normally, and he felt okay. A little unsteady and on edge, but fine. No need to worry Isaac with what had happened.

“Morning,” Isaac called over the rush of the water.

“Morning,” David mumbled. His mouth felt as though it was full of cotton, and his head was heavy. He shook out a few little brown pills from the bottle in the cabinet, and gulped down a glass of water. Then another, and another.

Yawning widely, he pissed. It had been strange at first, sharing a bathroom. Of course he’d shared an outhouse with his family, but that was a one-at-a-time proposition. Initially, he and Isaac had taken turns, always closing the door, until one morning when Isaac couldn’t wait. Since then a barrier had been lifted.

As he flushed, Isaac’s hand snaked out to tug him into the bathtub. David smiled, hoping the ibuprofen would kick in soon. The water he’d drunk was already helping at least. He pulled the curtain closed behind him as Isaac kissed him deeply, wasting no time in sweeping his tongue into David’s mouth.

But then Isaac leaned back, his brow furrowed. “You taste different.”

David’s stomach dropped, and he forced a smile. “Sorry. I think they call it morning breath.” It wasn’t completely a lie. He turned Isaac around to face the shower spray and soaped his back.

“It’s okay. Are you feeling all right? You look tired.”

“Didn’t sleep that well, but I’m fine.” He smoothed his palms over Isaac’s shoulders.

“Mmm.” Isaac rolled his neck. “Remind me not to jump into the Pacific in spring again. It was so cold I think I pulled all my muscles.”

A wave of nausea passed over David as he remembered Isaac disappearing beneath the waves. He concentrated on keeping his voice light. “I’m not surprised.” He put the green soap on its little holder and gently rubbed Isaac’s neck and shoulders.

Isaac swayed against him. “Feels nice.”

“Good.” David kissed down the knobs of Isaac’s spine.

“I love indoor plumbing,” Isaac murmured. “Although there was something to be said for the shower contraption you created in the barn.”

David pushed his worries away and trailed his fingers over the globes of Isaac’s ass. “I always dreamed I’d get you back there, wet and willing.”

Isaac’s shoulders shook, and he turned, biting his lip. “Did you?” He maneuvered David under the spray and lathered up.

“Uh-huh. You know that.”

“Tell me again.” Isaac spread his soapy hands over David’s chest, rubbing his nipples.

The flickers of pleasure helped ease David’s headache. “The first day you came to work for me, do you remember you had a shower? While you were back there I was so hard I thought I would embarrass myself.”

Isaac grinned. Water dripped into his eyes, and he slicked his hair back, a soap bubble hovering on his forehead before popping. “You were?”

“Of course. You were naked and wet in my barn. I wanted to burst in and have you up against the wall.” He was getting hard now, and he could feel Isaac’s cock growing against his hip.

Isaac dipped his soapy fingers between David’s ass cheeks. “You know what I remember most about that shower in the barn?”

“What?” David practically growled. He grabbed Isaac’s hips and pulled him close, grinding against him.

Isaac pushed his finger into David’s hole. He licked his lips. “When you put your mouth on me. Your tongue
me. I couldn’t believe you were doing that. It felt so good.” His gaze flicked to David’s mouth and back up. “Can I…?”

David could only nod, and they jostled in the small space until he was braced against the wall at the foot of the tub with arms and legs spread. He shuddered as he felt hot breath on his skin. Isaac’s gentle hands spread him open, and David craned his neck to see as Isaac kissed his hole tenderly.

He groaned. “Please, Isaac.”

Then Isaac’s mouth was sucking at him, his tongue pushing at the rim of David’s ass. David’s knees went weak. He hadn’t known it could feel this good. He’d loved it when he’d done it to Isaac—had reveled in actually tasting
him. It had felt so incredibly
, but in the best way.

And now he was opening for Isaac, trembling as Isaac’s nose bumped him. Isaac’s teeth caught, and his tongue—and now finger—pushed in. It burned, but Isaac spit into him, licking and kissing and making David’s cock stand up red and straining, the glistening head pushing through his foreskin. David’s fingers slid on the steam-slick tiles, and Isaac grabbed his hips.

“Don’t stop. Please.” David was begging, but with Isaac he felt no shame.

Isaac’s thumbs spread him again, his tongue plunging back inside. He lapped at David’s ass, mumbling something David couldn’t understand.

Soon Isaac’s tongue wasn’t enough. “I need you to fuck me,” David gritted out.

He heard Isaac get to his feet and squeeze open the bottle of lubricant they’d stashed in the shower. His motion was rough as he slicked David’s hole, his exhales hot on the back of David’s neck. David twisted his head this way and that before turning. “Need to see you, Eechel.”

He tore open the shower curtain and they stumbled to the floor, Isaac sprawling on his back on the fluffy blue mat. David climbed on top of him, straddling his hips and reaching behind to line up Isaac’s cock with his ass. When he sank down, they both moaned.

“Oh, David.” Isaac watched where their bodies joined, his eyes dark and lips parted. “You feel so good.”

Flexing his thighs, David sank onto Isaac’s thick cock, the head stretching him. It hurt, and he reached up to pinch his nipples, the pain in his ass somehow lessening.

“I wish you could see how you look right now.” Isaac stroked David’s hips. “That’s it. Almost there. I’ve got you.”

David couldn’t look away from Isaac as he lowered himself.
He’s still here
He’s real
. With a push and a cry, he took the rest of Isaac’s cock. The sensation of being complete was so commanding that he could have been happy to just stay like that with Isaac throbbing inside him.

But he leaned forward, both of them groaning, and spread his hands on Isaac’s chest. With needy thrusts of Isaac’s hips, David rode him. The bathmat was a little rough beneath his knees as he fucked himself on Isaac’s cock, but all he cared about was the sensation of being filled, of Isaac stretching him and making him whole.

Isaac touched him here and there, little rubs and pats that were uncoordinated. He murmured David’s name, and David rode him harder and harder, rising up and slamming down, his bouncing cock leaking even though it hadn’t been touched.

His gaze locked with Isaac’s, and he brushed back the short wet hair from Isaac’s forehead. Isaac was safe, and they were together. He felt the burn of Isaac deep inside him spread like electricity. What he felt for Isaac was always there, and when they flipped the switch the desire came alive and filled every pore.

Gasping, David circled his hips, throwing his head back as he rubbed the secret spot inside him. Again, and again, and again—until his balls drew up and he came, splattering Isaac, who reached up to milk him, stroking him just the way David liked it while he caressed David’s thigh with his other hand.

“Give me more,” Isaac urged.

David did—another rush of bliss flowing through him and dripping down Isaac’s hand. He wanted to collapse, but Isaac was still like an iron poker inside him. David squeezed with his ass. “Your turn.”

His chest heaving, Isaac bent his legs and fucked up into David, grunting with every thrust. His wet skin glistened with David’s seed, and David wondered if next time he could take a picture, because Isaac was his most beautiful laid bare like this. “I want to see you like this forever,” he murmured. “My Isaac. Come for me.”

“Oh, oh, oh—” His head banging on the mat, Isaac shook with his release, his eyes closed and mouth wide open.

David reveled in the slick feel of it inside him. When Isaac slipped from his ass, he stretched over him and they kissed lazily. Even though they needed to jump back in the shower and get to work and school, David closed his eyes. The water was still running, and steam filled the air, wrapping them in a cocoon and keeping the world at bay.




David blinked at the man behind the counter, who stared back flatly. David stuttered. “I, I…uh. I don’t have any.” He felt guilty for some reason.

The man chewed something with slow movements of his jaw. “Need ID.”

David’s palms got sweaty, and he glanced at the woman behind him at the little store. She narrowed her gaze, giving him a disdainful look. He turned back to the counter. “I’m twenty-two.”

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