Read A Gangsta Twist Saga Online

Authors: Clifford “Spud” Johnson

A Gangsta Twist Saga (40 page)

Chapter Fifteen

Keno and Katrina were relaxing on Keno's bed, engaging in a little pillow talk. Katrina had just finished sexing the hell out of Keno, and he was as content as ever. She smiled lazily, stretched and said, “I asked around about what's been up with them Hoover dudes, like you asked me to, baby.”

“Yeah? Did you find out anything?” Keno asked as he reached and grabbed a Black and Mild cigar off of his nightstand.

“Do you know a guy by the name of C-Baby? He's an original 107 Hoover. He was one of the first ones that started Hoover in the city back in the days. Them L.A. Hoovers liked him and put him in charge of organizing the rest of the guys in the city.”

“Is that right? Nah, I don't know no nigga like that. Why? What's up with him?”

“I don't know, but there has to be a connection somehow. Remember that guy that Taz shot in front of the club a few months back?”


“He was from Hoover.”

You bullshittin'!” he asked excitedly.

“Uh-uh, I'm serious. As a matter a fact, he was real tight with C-Baby back in the days.”

“So you think this C-Baby nigga has the beef with us?”

“I'm just saying, your boy did kill his homeboy. That has to be it. Why else would the Hoovers be trying to get at Taz? Y'all ain't on no gang-bangin' shit.”

“Real talk, baby, that's good lookin',” Keno said as he grabbed the phone and quickly dialed Taz's home number. When Taz answered the phone Keno repeated everything Katrina had just told him and said, “That's got to be the reason, my nigga. You took that fool, C-Baby's dog. And since he's supposed to be an O.G. over there, he has to get back at ya.”

Shaking her head no, Katrina said, “Uh-uh, it's not C-Baby whose getting at y'all. He don't even come around no more. He's some big-time lawyer now downtown at Whitney & Johnson law firm. He has the rest of them Hoovers all fired up to look at y'all 'cause he don't get down like that no more. At least that's what I heard.”

Taz heard what Katrina had just told Keno and asked, “What did she just say, dog?”

“She said that that nigga C-Baby ain't the one who actually put in the work 'cause he's some big-time lawyer now.”

“How the fuck can an O.G. Hoover Crip become an attorney?” Taz wondered aloud.

“Maybe the nigga found Jesus and changed his ways or some shit. How the fuck would I know?”

“She did say that that clown worked at Whitney & Johnson, huh?”

“Yeah. Why?”

“Think about it, nigga. Sacha's a partner at that firm, remember?”

“That's right! I forgot about that shit, dog! This shit is hittin' too fuckin' close to home, Taz. What the fuck is up?”

“I don't know, my nigga, but I'm about to find out. I'll get at ya in a li'l bit. Tell your girl that I said good lookin'.”

“Fa' sho,” Keno said, and hung up. He then turned to Katrina and said, “You done good, baby, and just for that, I'm gon' break you off some more of this good dick.”

She smiled and said, “M-m-m! Is there anything else you want me to find out for you, baby?”

“Not right now,
, but you can find your way back on top of this!” he said as he held his erect penis in his hand.



Back at Taz's house, he was wracking his brains trying to figure out how the pieces to this puzzle fit. All of a sudden it came to him. “Nah! Hell nah! I know that nigga didn't!” he screamed as he grabbed the phone and called Sacha on her cell phone. When she answered, he asked her, “Where are you, Li'l Mama?”

“I'm on my way home. I just left Bob and Gwen at Bob's house. What's up, baby”?”

“Tell me somethin', Li'l Mama. How well did you know that nigga, Cliff when y'all were goin' out and shit?”

“What do you mean?”

“Did he tell you anything about his past?”

Sacha thought about Taz's question for a minute while she drove, and then she said, “Now that you mention it, not really. Why? What's goin' on, Taz?”

“Baby, you're not goin' to believe this shit, but I got a funny feelin' that the nigga Cliff is the reason them Crip niggas tried to get at me at the club the other night.”


Taz quickly explained to her what Katrina had told Keno. Afterward he said, “But how could that nigga have been caught up with the Hoovers, and then become an attorney and shit?”

Sacha pulled into her driveway, cut off her car and said, “That's easy, baby. As long as he was never convicted of a felony, there would be nothing in his way to stop him from becoming an attorney.”

“Well, I'll be damn! And to think I was actually thinkin' 'bout lettin' that clown-ass nigga make it!”

“What are you talking about, Taz?”

“Don't you see it, Li'l Mama? That nigga Cliff is C-Baby! He had that nigga I smoked in front of the club try to rob us. But, on the real, he wasn't just goin' to rob us; he was supposed to smoke me! He wanted to get me out of the way so he could get to you!”

“Come on, baby. That's a little far-fetched, don't you think?”

“Think about it. Cliff's friend from back in the day tries to rob us, and I smoke his ass. Months later, some Hoover niggas try to dump on me at the same fuckin' club. I don't believe in coincidences, Li'l Mama. It all makes fuckin' sense. That nigga tried to have me smoked! He knew that he had to get me out of the way to be able to get at you!” Taz yelled excitedly.

“Calm down, baby. All you have is circumstantial evidence. You still don't have any solid proof against him.”

He smiled and said, “There goes that lawyer in you talkin', Li'l Mama. I have all of the proof I fuckin' need. That nigga's a dead man now for real!”

Sacha climbed out of her car, walked inside of her home and said, “Baby, what about Tazneema?”

“What about Tazneema? What about
? That fool has tried to take me out—not once, but twice! You want proof, Li'l Mama? All right, I'll give you some fuckin' proof. What's that nigga's telephone number?”


“I'm gon' call him and ask for C-Baby. If he doesn't acknowledge that he's in fact C-Baby, I give you my word, on MiMi's grave, that I'll leave this shit alone and never bring it up again.”

“Deal! But what are you going to say if he does or doesn't acknowledge you?”

“I'll just hang up the phone. My number's unlisted, and it won't show on his caller ID.”

Sacha smiled and said, “Okay, his number is 427-7023.”

Taz clicked over and quickly dialed the number that she had just given him, and then clicked back over to Sacha while the phone rang. The telephone rang three times before it was answered. When Cliff picked up the line, Taz made his voice sound deeper than normal and said, “Can I speak to C-Baby?”

Clifford hesitated momentarily, and then said, “This is him. Who's this?”

Taz hung up the phone in his face and yelled, “I told you! I fuckin' told you, Li'l Mama! That nigga is fuckin' dead!”

Sacha sat down at her dining room table and said, “Shit!”



After Clifford hung up the phone he said, “Fuck! That was Taz! That nigga has figured out my ties with the homies! He's going to try to get at me for real now!” He picked up the phone and called H-Hop. When H-Hop answered the phone, Clifford said, “Cuz, my peoples wasn't able to get a line on that nigga's pad from his tag number. It came back to his mother's house out in Spencer. We have to get them niggas, loc. I think he's about to try and make a move on me.”

“What makes you say that, cuz?” asked H-Hop.

Clifford told him about the call he had just received, and said, “That nigga didn't know me by C-Baby, cuz. He has done his homework, loc, and figured shit out.”

“How you wanna play this shit, cuz?”

“Whichever way we play this shit, we gots to play to win, 'cause that nigga's going to come at us real hard.”

Chapter Sixteen

Pitt was sitting inside of his office with a content smile on his face. He was about to get at whomever this G person was, and after that, he was confident that he would be able to get all of the proof he needed to hang Won's ass. There was a knock at his door and he yelled, “Come on in!”

A short white woman entered his office, followed by Leo and Tru. She smiled at Pitt and asked, “How are you doing, Pitt?”

“Just fine, Vixen, just fine. Did you bring everything you're going to need for this one?”

With a nod of her head, she said, “Yes, I have everything right here. All you have to do is keep this guy on the line for at least thirty seconds, and I'll get a direct line on him. I'll only be able to hold onto him for thirty to thirty-five seconds though. So it's important that you apprehend him as soon as you can, or we'll have to go through this all over again.”

“Don't worry, I won't miss. Leo and Tru here are going to make sure that they get him on the first try,” Pitt said confidently as he smiled at his two heavy hitters.

Leo was a Samoan who stood a little over six foot, and was very muscular. He kept his long hair pulled back into a tight ponytail. Just by looking into his eyes one could tell that he was not to be fucked with. Pitt liked to refer to Leo as his “personal torpedo” because when Leo hit, he hit hard and fast and caused a tremendous amount of damage.

Though Tru was older than Leo, he was equally as dangerous. He stood at six foot two inches, and was small compared to his partner. His body language made people feel as if he was harmless, but that was not true at all. Tru had executed more men than anyone else in Pitt's camp. And most of his victims died by his hands. Pitt thought that was strange at first, but he quickly understood that Tru got some kind of crazy rush when he killed a man or woman with his bare hands. Pitt really didn't give a damn how the work was completed, just as long as the job was done effectively.

Pitt sat back in his leather chair and said, “All right, Vee, do you.”

Vixen smiled and pulled out a small laptop computer. After she turned it on, she started typing what looked like a thousand words a minute. Her fingers were a blur to one's vision as she typed at a super speed. After about six or seven minutes of this, she finally stopped and said, “I'm ready, Pitt. What is the telephone number?”

Pitt grabbed the white slip of paper that Brenda gave him and read the number off it. When he was finished, he said, “Tru, you and Leo head on downstairs to the truck. I'll call y'all and give you directions on where to go get this nigga as soon as Vixen gives me his hookup. Make sure that he remains breathing, Leo. He's no good to me dead.”

Leo smiled and said, “Don't trip, Pitt. I got you.”

After Leo and Tru left the office, Vixen tapped some more keys on her laptop and said, “All right, this is how this works. I have plugged my laptop to your phone here, and all you have to do is call this guy and keep him on the phone for at least thirty seconds like I said. Once you hang up, I'll have a line on all of his movements as long as he has his cell phone on his person.”

“I'm telling you, Vee, this is some crazy shit. This shit is like that TV show,
on Fox. Do you ever watch that shit?”

Vixen smiled and shook her head no.

Pitt started laughing and said, “You know what? You're my ‘Chloe'!”

“You're what?” she asked with a smile on her face.

“Chloe. You know, the computer geek broad who saves Jack's ass all of the time. She's the best at that shit. As a matter a fact, I think she did some shit like this before for Jack.”

Vixen laughed then said, “Okay, Pitt. Are you ready or what?”

He lit one of his hand-rolled Cuban cigars and said, “Yep, I'm ready if you are.”

“Make the call,” she said as she focused on her laptop.

Pitt dialed the number to the cell phone of the mysterious man named G. The cell was answered on the third ring. “Hello?”

“Yo', let me speak to G,” Pitt said in a deep tone of voice.

“Who's this?”

“Is this G?” Pitt asked as he took a quick peek at his platinum watch by Jacob the Jeweler.

“Yeah, this is G. Now, who the fuck am I talkin' to?”

“Check this out, clown. My name is Pitt, and I want to know who put you onto my girl Brenda. If you give me this information, I'd highly appreciate it.”

G started laughing and said, “Yeah, I bet you would, dog. But check this out. Fuck you, nigga! You've wasted your fuckin' time gettin' at me, partna!”

“I'm sorry you feel that way,” Pitt said as he watched as Vixen gave him thumbs-up, indicating that she had what she needed. He smiled and told G, “I guess I'll be seeing you then, my man.”

“Whatever, Mr. Big Man!” G said as he started laughing and hung up the phone in Pitt's ear.

After Pitt hung up the phone, he stared at Vixen as she tapped furiously on her laptop. After she finished, she turned the screen toward him and said, “Right now he's over in Fairfield, out by Travis Air Force Base. He's not moving, so I assume he's at his home right now. Go on and tell your boys to head out toward Fairfield. I'll have his exact address within the next five minutes.”

“You mean you can tell me exactly where he lives at?” asked a shock Pitt.

Vixen nodded. “Sure can. You'd be surprised how much I can do with this bad boy right here,” she said as she lovingly rubbed the side of her laptop.

Pitt started laughing and yelled, “You
my Chloe!” He then called Leo and Tru and told them to head out to Fairfield, which was maybe twenty minutes outside of Oakland. “G, you're about to get the surprise of your fucking life!” he said as he smiled and inhaled deeply on his Cuban cigar.

Won had become slightly concerned.
Cash Flo' and Pitt should have called for a meet by now,
he thought as he walked around his luxurious home. He stepped out onto his sun deck overlooking the Pacific and smiled. For as long as he could remember, he had lived the good life. His hunger for power was what kept him motivated to have more. Once he obtained complete control over The Network, there would be no stopping him. It would be as if he owned a nice chunk of the world. “Come on, Cash Flo', don't change up on me now, you old bastard!” he said aloud as he turned and went back inside of his home.



Back in Oakland, Pitt was on the telephone talking to Leo on his cell phone. “The address is 2671 North Williams Avenue. Vixen just told me that he's still at that address right now. How far are y'all from Fairfield now?”

“We've just made it in. We'll be at his place within the next ten minutes,” Leo said, and gave the address to Tru.

“All right, call me after y'all got that nigga,” Pitt said, and hung up the phone. “All right, Chloe, how much do I owe you for your services this time?”

Vixen smiled and said, “The usual, Pitt. But shouldn't you wait until your boys have grabbed your man?”

“Nah, they'll handle everything. You can go on and have some fun. As a matter a fact, I'm throwing in an extra thousand for your superb work,” he said as he passed her an envelope with eleven thousand dollars inside of it.

Vixen accepted the money from him and began to disconnect her equipment from Pitt's telephone line. After she had all of her stuff together, she said, “You know where to find me if you need me, Pitt.”

“That I do, babe. Take care of yourself,” he said as he watched her leave his office. Just as he reclined in his chair his cell phone rang. “Hello.”

“What's going on with you, old boy?” asked Cash Flo'.

“Everything is just fine up here in Northern Cali, baby. What's up with you down there in the South?”

“I'm sitting here wondering why haven't I heard anything from you. But since you sound so fucking happy, I guess it's safe to assume that everything is going the way you want it to.”

“Yeah, you can say that. I'm waiting on a call as we speak to confirm that I got that nigga who paid my people to cross me. Once I have him, it won't be long before I give you a call so you can green-light that nigga Won.”

“I'll be waiting,” Cash Flo' said, and hung up the phone.

Just as Pitt closed his cell phone, the phone on his desk started ringing. He glanced at the number on the caller ID and smiled as he picked up the receiver and said, “Tell me that you got his ass.”

Leo smiled and said, “Yeah, we got him. Tru just put him inside of the truck.”

“All right, you know where to take him. I'll meet y'all there.”

“Cool,” Leo calmly replied.

After speaking with Leo, Pitt jumped out of his chair and grabbed his suit jacket. He had a huge smile on his face as he left his office. He went down to the underground parking area and jumped into his Jaguar, and sped out of the parking lot.

It took him under ten minutes to make it to East Oakland. He pulled into the driveway of a house that looked as if it had seen better days. The windows were boarded up, and the grass looked as if it had been scorched for years.

Pitt's Jaguar looked totally out of place in this neighborhood as he climbed out of it and walked toward the front door of the broken-down home. He pulled out his keys, unlocked the front door and quickly stepped inside.

Though the house was a boarded-up wreck on the outside, the inside was a completely different story. Inside of the living room sat a fifty-five-inch plasma screen television equipped with a DVD player. To the far right of the living room was a comfortable-looking sectional sofa. It wasn't all that plush, but it was definitely comfortable. Pitt sat down on the sofa and pulled out his cell phone and called Leo. “Where y'all at?” he asked when Leo answered his cell.

“We're turning onto the street now. I see your car in the driveway right now,” replied Leo.

“Good,” Pitt said and closed his cell. He went to the front door and watched as Leo pulled into the driveway and parked his truck behind his Jag. Since the sun had already set, it was dark enough for no one to really pay any attention to Leo and Tru as they walked G inside of the boarded-up home in handcuffs.

Once they had him inside of the house, Pitt smiled and said, “Hi, G. My name is Pitt. I'm the guy you got real fly with earlier. I want you to know that what you're about to go through will be very very painful—that is if you choose not to cooperate with us. If you do cooperate, then your death will be swift. Either way, you are going to die today. So, the choice is yours on how you go out. Do you understand what I'm saying, G?”

G, a tall, dark-skinned man, smiled and showed a mouthful of bright white teeth and said, “Since I'm dying regardless, I think I'd rather go out the hard way.” He shrugged his shoulders and continued, “I'm kinda funny like that. I've never been with taking the easy way out, ya know what I'm sayin'?”

Pitt smiled and said, “I can accept that. But you are going to tell me what I need to know.”

“That remains to be seen, Mr. Big Man!” G replied arrogantly.

Pitt sighed heavily and then told Leo and Tru, “All right, you two, get to work.” He then went and sat back down on the sofa and watched as his men began to viciously torture G.

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