Read A Gangsta Twist Saga Online

Authors: Clifford “Spud” Johnson

A Gangsta Twist Saga (41 page)

Chapter Seventeen

“I'm tellin' you, Tee, I should have been taken that punk-ass clown out the game! That nigga is actually tryin' to get at me! That fool really doesn't know who he's fuckin' with!” yelled Taz.

“Obviously he does, Taz. If he didn't, he wouldn't have tried to get at you in the first place,” Tari replied logically.

“I bet you that that punk-ass nigga wasn't even at the club that night. It was probably some of his li'l homeboys. He don't have no heart like that.”

“How do you know that, Taz? There were four of them that night. One of them could have been him. You were on the ground, remember?”

Taz smiled and said, “Fuck you, Tee!”

Tari laughed and said, “I didn't mean it like that, silly. I meant that he could have been there, you know.”

“Yeah, but I doubt it. But, look, I gots to have that nigga, and I mean like yesterday. Until I do, I'm makin' sure that the homies stay out of the way.”

“Just remember to use your head, Taz. Don't let your emotions control you on this shit.”

“I won't.”

“I spoke with Won the other day.”

“Yeah? What's up with him?”

“I don't know. He sounded sort of strange to me. I don't think things are going the way he planned them to. If that's the case, then he's in a real funky mood.”

“I wouldn't know shit about that one. I've never been around him when shit ain't goin' his way.”

Tari laughed and said, “Well, I have, and believe me, it's not a pretty sight.”

“Oh, well! He'll get it together. You just make sure that you're ready when he does.”

“I stay ready, Taz,” she said seriously.

“Good. Now, let me roll. I got some shit to check on.”

“Be careful out there, Taz.”

“I will. Bye!” After hanging up with her, he called Sacha and asked, “Are you ready, baby? It's Friday night, and I'm tryin' to have a pleasurable evening with my Li'l Mama.”

“Umm . . . Taz, baby, I kinda invited Bob and Gwen to join us for dinner,” Sacha said hesitantly.

Taz laughed and said, “You
invited them, huh? How can you kinda invite someone out with us, Li'l Mama?”

“You know what I mean! Stop that, baby! They've been cooped up inside of Bob's house since he got back from New York. I thought it would be fun for them if they came and had dinner with us. Are you mad at me, baby?” she asked sweetly.

“Don't even try it, Li'l Mama! That sweet shit ain't gon' make everything all good. On the real though, nah, I ain't mad at ya. I haven't seen my nigga since he made it back anyway. With all of this drama goin' on, I've been too caught up. I'm on my way over, so please be ready when I get there. I'm not tryin' to be sittin' there for forever waitin' on you to finish gettin' dressed.”

“I'm not even going to respond to that comment, mister! Bye!”

Taz smiled as he hung up the phone, grabbed his keys and went into his four-car garage. He jumped into his Bentley and hit the garage door opener. As he was pulling out of the garage he saw Bo-Pete's Navigator pulling into his circular driveway. He stopped, climbed out of his car and walked toward Bo-Pete's truck. “What up, my niggas?” he asked Bo-Pete and Wild Bill once he made it to the driver's side of the Navigator.

“Ain't shit. Bored as hell, really. We just came over here to see what you had poppin' for the night,” said Bo-Pete.

“I'm on my way to go have dinner with Sacha, Gwen and Bob. What? Y'all tryin' to tag along?”

“Fuck nah! We might as well hit the club and have some drinks,” Wild Bill said from the passenger's seat.

“Might as well. We ain't got shit else to do,” replied Bo-Pete.

“Dog, why don't y'all get with Red and Keno if y'all gon' hit the club up? You know shit is too hot right now. I don't want them Hoover niggas to have any action at gettin' at any of us.”

“First off, fuck them fools, gee! And, second, Keno and Red are doing the same thing you and Bob are doing. They're spending time with their broads. Don't worry about us, gee. We'll be straight. Believe me, when we walk out that bitch, we'll have the straps in our hands cocked and locked!” Bo-Pete said confidently.

“All right, but make sure that you hit me after y'all leave the club.”

Wild Bill started laughing and said, “Look at this nigga, all worried and shit! Don't sweat it, my nigga. We gots this.”

Taz laughed and said, “Fuck you two niggas! I'm out!” He turned and walked back to his car.



Just like Taz figured, when he made it over to Sacha's house she was still in the process of getting dressed. “Damn, Li'l Mama! Why you always got to do me like this? I told you I didn't feel like waiting forever for you to get ready.”

Sacha smiled as she applied the last of her makeup. She came out of the bathroom and said, “You can't rush a woman when she's getting dressed, Taz. That's not polite.”

“Polite? Whoever said I was a polite nigga? You better bring your ass on before you get left!”

“O-o-o-h! I like it when you're all tough and demanding with me!” she said as she grabbed her Chanel purse.

Taz smiled and had to admit that his fiancée was looking real damn good. She was wearing the hell out of a sexy black-and-gray dress by Prada, with matching gray pumps. Her hair was hanging loosely past her bare shoulders just the way he liked it. Her cleavage was looking edible to him. “We need to gon' and bounce before I end up changin' our plans for the evening,” he said as he stared at the long split that went straight up the middle of her dress.

She smiled and said, “I'll take that as a compliment. Come on, silly. I'm ready.”

Clifford was on the phone talking to Tazneema, when he got a call from H-Hop on his cell phone. “Hold on, baby,” he told her, and then answered his other phone. “What up, cuz?”

“Since we haven't had any luck finding them niggas, me and Li'l Bomb are about to go post up at that club and see if them niggas pop up again. You tryin' to roll, cuz?” asked H-Hop.

“I don't think they'll show, but fuck it, cuz! I ain't got nothing else to get into for the night. I'll be over there in about twenty minutes. It's early, so I know those fools won't be there yet—that is if they come out.”

“All right, cuz, see you in a li'l bit.”

Clifford grabbed the phone as he set his cell phone on the table, and told Tazneema, “Looks like I'm on my way out, baby.”

“Where are you going?” Tazneema asked jealously.

He laughed and said, “I'm about to go have a few drinks with some lawyers I know from another firm. You know, network a little. I am trying to get another job, remember?”

“Oh. I thought you had a hot date all of a sudden. You know I was about to tell Mama-Mama I gots to go stop my man from being naughty!”

They both laughed at her joke. “You don't ever have to worry about anything like that, 'Neema. I'm yours and yours only for as long as you want me.”

“Then that means you're mine forever, Cliff.”

He laughed and said, “So be it, baby. Give me a call on my cell a little later if you want. You can come on over, and we can cuddle for a little while.”

“Cuddle? If I sneak out of this house, I'm not coming way over to your house just to cuddle. I'm coming to get me some, boy!”

He laughed and said, “You are crazy, girl! I love you!”

“I love you more. I'll give you a call later. Bye!” she said and hung up.

Clifford went into his bedroom and put on a pair of black jeans and a blue sweatshirt, and grabbed his car keys. He was off to see if he could get lucky enough to kill Taz tonight.

Bo-Pete and Wild Bill were standing outside of the club, checking out their surroundings. Bo-Pete tried to remember every single car parked close to and across the street from them. He wasn't about to let those Crips get a lucky shot at him and Wild Bill.

After they felt comfortable, they put their 9 mm in the small of their backs and entered the club. It felt good to know that they could always enter the club with their weapons. They had it like that. There were no metal detectors for any members of their crew.
That shit was for suckas
, thought Bo-Pete as he stepped to the bar and ordered a glass of Hennessy for himself and Wild Bill.



Taz and Sacha met Gwen and Bob at the Outback Steakhouse. While they were enjoying their meal, Taz had a feeling that something was just not right. For some reason, he just couldn't relax.
Bob seems to be back to his old self,
he thought as he watched his homeboy clown with his girl Gwen.

“I'm tellin' you, baby, as soon as they take this bag off, I'm gon' break you off somethin' real proper for the way you been handlin' a nigga,” Bob told Gwen with a smile on his face.

“Humph! You need to! I'm sick and tired of having to do all of the damn work, with your nasty-ass!” Gwen said as she smiled lovingly toward her man.

Ever since Bob had made it back from New York, their relationship seemed to have intensified. Gwen was so scared that she was going to lose him, she clung to him tighter than ever now.

Even though Bob was on some “tough man time,” he had been just as scared of losing Gwen. He didn't fear the thought of dying. What scared him most was the thought of not being able to be with his soul mate for the rest of his life. He was in love for the first time in his crazy life, and it felt real good.

They laughed and joked for the rest of the evening. After dinner was over, they decided to head over to Bob and Gwen's place for some more drinks. As Taz followed Bob out to his home, he still couldn't shake that funny feeling he'd been having evening. He grabbed his cell and called Keno. When Keno answered his cell phone Taz asked, “What's up, dog? Y'all straight?”

“Yeah, we're good. What's up with you?”

“Chillin'. We just finished eating, and we're on our way over to Bob's spot to chill out for a li'l while longer. You heard from Bo-Pete and Wild Bill?”


“They told me that they were goin' to the club and hang for a minute.”

“Is that right? Well, you know them niggas are most likely gettin' their drink on and clowin' with some hoes or some shit.”

“Yeah, I know. All right then, my nigga, I'll get at you in the morning.”

Keno didn't like the sound of Taz's voice, so he asked, “What's wrong, dog?”

That nigga knows me like a book,
Taz thought. “What you mean?” he asked.

“Come on, nigga. You know I be knowin' when somethin' ain't sittin' right with you. What's up?”

Taz sighed and said, “I don't know, dog. I've been havin' this funny feeling all night, like I'm missin' somethin', or that I should be somewhere I'm not.”

“Keep your eyes open at all times, dog, and everything will be all good. We're in some stressful times right now. You just mind fuckin' yourself, that's all. Everything's goin' to be everything.”

“Yeah, I know. I'll holla,” Taz said and closed his cell phone.

As he pulled into Bob's driveway, Sacha said, “Are you really okay, baby?”

Taz shrugged his shoulders and said, “I guess. Come on, let's go on inside and chill with these two clowns.”

Sacha laughed and said, “You got that right! I swear they're made for each other. I'm so happy for Gwen. She really deserves to be happy.”

“Yeah, I'm happy for my nigga too. I never thought he would have been capable of crackin' a broad of Gwen's caliber. I guess it's true what they say.”

“What's that?”

“Love is a muthafucka!” They both started laughing as they walked inside of Bob's ranch-style home.



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