A Hot Mess (18 page)

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Authors: Christy Gissendaner

“Sometimes it takes a long time to realize what has been right in front of you all along.”

Cait’s expression cleared, and a light appeared in her eyes. “I think you’re right.”

Dylan grew hopeful. He had not meant his words as such, but he suspected Cait thought he referred to himself. His innocent words were certainly apt to sum up the situation between the two of them

He leaned in, delighting in the fact she had not run from him yet. “Promise me you will think about what I’ve said.”

“How could I not?” Cait’s laugh was soft. “But I promise I will.”

Dylan pressed a fleeting kiss to her lips and then pulled away. He hoped it would not be their last.

“I should probably go.” Dylan motioned with his thumb. He didn’t want to, but he also didn’t want to camp out on her front stoop, begging her to let him in. “I’m sure you have a lot of stuff to catch up on.”

“Yes, I’ve got to unpack the new wardrobe you bought me. Do laundry, water my plants.” Cait rolled her eyes. “You know, the usual.”

“I will get going then since you’re such a busy woman.” Dylan tried to force his feet to move.

Cait reached out to stop him. “What are you doing tomorrow?”

Dylan ran through a mental list of his calendar. “I’m free until Monday.”

Cait nodded and bit her lip as if she were nervous. “Can I come see you?”

“Sure, anytime you want.” Dylan wanted to do a fist pump in the air, but he managed to restrain himself.

Cait was acting odd. He couldn’t quite put his finger on it, but she definitely had something up her sleeve.

“Well I’m going to hit the road. Call me, and we’ll get together tomorrow.”

He turned, hoping she would call out to him. He’d played it cool, deciding not to push her. It would be up to Cait to make the next move.

But he walked out the door, and she didn’t try to stop him.

* * * *

Later that night, Cait lay in bed. She couldn’t sleep again.

Ever since Dylan had left, she’d felt out of sorts. She knew it wasn’t the scene with Simon that kept her up. It was the way she’d left things with Dylan that ate at her consciousness.

He’d said he loved her. Cait was still in shock, but she needed to get her jumbled thoughts in order, so she could figure out if she felt the same.

It was true she enjoyed being with Dylan. Sex was awesome, so that was a point in his favor. But love? Could she … did she … love Dylan?

Memories ran through her mind, their shared childhood, their tumultuous relationship as teenagers, and their easy friendship up until now. Where did that leave them?

Cait didn’t want to rush into a new relationship so soon after Simon, but her heart continued to prod her in Dylan’s direction. She wanted to take a chance with him, to give him her love. She shouldn’t hold back.

Tossing back the covers, Cait rushed across the room and grabbed her cell phone. Thank goodness her luggage had finally been delivered. She unhooked the cell from the charger and jumped back in bed, throwing the blanket over her chilled toes. It was cold that night, and she longed for a nice pair of thermal socks.

She dialed Dylan’s number and rubbed her toes together as she waited for him to answer.

He did after the second ring. “Cait?”

His voice was rough with sleep, and Cait’s heart melted at the vision of him lying in bed beside her. “Hey.”

“Hey.” He cleared his throat and made a sound as if he were stretching. “What time is it?”

Cait glanced at the clock on her bedside table. “A little after midnight.”

“Is something wrong?”

“No.” Cait gripped her phone tight as she prepared to make her admission. “I miss you.”

Dylan gave a soft chuckle. “I miss you too.”

“I know it’s late, but do you want to come over?”

Dylan sighed. “Cait, if this is just a booty call…”

She cut him off. “No. I want to see you. It’s not just about sex.”

“Well a
sex would be okay.”

“Is there such a thing as just little sex?” Cait’s chilled toes tingled with anticipation. “So are you coming?”

“Let me think about it.”

Cait’s mouth fell open. “What is there to think about?”

Dylan laughed. “I’m just kidding, baby. I’m coming.”

After she got off the phone, Cait flew into a whirl of activity. She picked up her discarded clothes and stuffed them in the hamper. Then she made her bed up and took a steaming hot shower. Curls of steam lifted from her body as she toweled dry. She brushed her hair and put on a light coat of lip gloss. She drew the line at further makeup. This was no movie where everyone wore fake eyelashes and blush to bed.

She spritzed floral body spray and then slipped on the sexy nightie she’d chosen. It was black with pink lacing and floor length, but a slit in the hem extended to the top of her thigh. Cait felt like an old-timey movie star as she twirled around in front of the mirror. Maybe she
rethink her makeup stance.

Before she could grab her makeup bag, the doorbell rang. She fluffed her hair one last time and went to answer the door.

A blast of cold air filled the entryway as she opened the door. Her nipples peaked, and she wrapped her arms around herself as she shivered. “Come in. It’s freezing!”

Dylan stepped inside and shut the door, locking it behind him. He turned to her and he gaped. “Wow.”

Cait preened in front of him even though her cheeks felt warm. “You don’t look bad yourself.”

Dylan wore a thick jacket, and a Braves baseball cap. She’d always loved it when he wore caps. He was undeniably sexy when he did so. He unbuttoned his jacket and tossed it over the back of the couch. She wished he would remove his shirt as well, but all in good time.

Dylan came closer, and he touched the sheer fabric that covered her belly. His hand stole around her waist and clasped her back to pull her in close for a kiss. “Now tell me why you called me over here in the middle of the night, if not for sex.”

Cait took his hand and led him to the couch. “Please sit. I can’t think when you’re touching me.”

She perched on the armrest and pivoted, so she could face him. Dylan sat, his long frame making her couch seem tiny. He gave her a questioning look. “Okay, I’m sitting. Now spill.”

Cait took a breath, wondering how to begin. It was so hard. Normally she did this sort of thing spur of the moment, not planned like it was now. It was a very different approach for her, but hopefully one that would work.

“When you left, I couldn’t sleep.”

Dylan lifted a brow. “Too much excitement?”

“No.” Cait shook her head. Her pulse tripled in its rate. “Well, yes, but that’s not what I meant. I discovered that I missed you.”

“I haven’t gone anywhere, Cait. I’m right here.”

“I know, but I want you here with me.” She met his eyes. “Forever.”

“Wait.” Dylan tilted his head and stared at her. “Are you saying…?”

“I’m saying I love you.” Cait smiled at him, relieved she’d finally said it, relieved she finally meant it.

Dylan didn’t say anything for several moments. Cait pushed her hair behind her ears and gave him a shy smile. “Well, say something.”

Dylan’s lip cracked into a smile. “You’re so stubborn. Do you know that?”

Cait frowned. “What are you talking about?”

Dylan leaned over to grab her and pull her onto the couch next to him. “I’ve waited years for you to say you love me. What took you so long?”

Cait wished he would kiss her. She wanted his lips on hers. “I had to be sure.”

“And are you sure now?” Dylan gave her a serious look.

“Yes.” Cait gave a nod of agreement. “I’m through with the wrong men. It is time I finally found the right one.”

Dylan leaned in to softly kiss the corner of her mouth. “Let me know when you find him, so I can congratulate him.”

Cait lightly slapped his arm. “Dylan!”

“I’m just kidding, baby.” His lips teased hers, his tongue tracing the seam of her bottom lip before he pulled away to look into her eyes. “I love you.”

“I love you.” Cait put her arms around his shoulders and held on tight. She’d finally done it, finally found the man she knew she would spend the rest of her life with. “You know, it’s going to be hard to top Valentine’s Day next year.”

Dylan smiled at her and cupped her face. “I’m sure we’ll find a way.”

Cait smiled back at him as the vision of their shared future stretched before them.

“What do you think about eloping?”

Cait’s mouth fell open. “Are you kidding?”

Dylan chuckled. “Yes.”

Cait sighed in relief. “Whew. You scared me for a minute.”

“When we get married, it will be a gigantic celebration. We are not running off to Vegas.”

Cait latched onto his words. “
we get married?”

Dylan nodded. “Yes.”

“Is that a proposal?”

Dylan put his finger under her chin to tilt it up for his kiss. “We don’t have to rush into anything, Cait. But yes, I do want to marry you.”

Cait closed her eyes as he kissed her.
Marriage to Dylan?
She couldn’t imagine a happier ending.

“Well since we’re not rushing, I just want to go ahead and let you know that my answer will be yes.”

Dylan held her close. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

Pure happiness surged through Cait. “Are you sure you’re ready to deal with a mess like me?”

“Absolutely, positively sure.” Dylan affirmed. “You may be a mess, but you’re my mess.”

“Hey!” Cait exclaimed even as she laughed. “You didn’t have to agree with me.”

Dylan stroked his hand down her hair. “I love you, Cait.”

Cait arched into his caress. “I love you. I just hate that it took me so long to realize it.”

“You know what they say.
Good things come to those who wait

She grinned. “So are you saying we should wait to have sex then?”

Dylan stood and reached down to pick her up. He headed to the bedroom with her cradled in his arms. “There is another saying;
there is no time like the present

“I like that one much better,” Cait agreed.

The End

About Christy Gissendaner

Christy Gissendaner is a romantic comedy author and believes that laughter and love should go hand in hand. She lives in Alabama with her husband and three sons and is always hard at work on her next novel. In her spare time, Christy loves blackjack, karaoke, and anything resembling a vacation!


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