Read A Hot Mess Online

Authors: Christy Gissendaner

A Hot Mess (9 page)

The dance drew to a close, and Dylan swept her into his arms. He couldn’t wait. He had to kiss her despite the people who watched them.

“Dylan!” Cait’s protest was smothered as he pressed his lips to hers.

She tasted like the mint gum she’d chewed on the way there. He deepened the kiss and wrapped his arms around to her back to pull her full length against him.

Cait made a purring sound in the back of her throat. Dylan itched to do more, but they were in public.

He pulled back with slow reluctance and gazed into the endless seas of green that were her eyes. “Happy Valentine’s Day, Cait.”

An adorable shade of pink tinged her cheekbones. She appeared delightfully flustered. Cait reached up to tuck her hair behind her ear and gave him a shy smile.

Her cheeks flushed darker when the onlookers applauded. “Oh, my goodness!”

Before she could panic, Dylan gave a quick wave to the crowd, grabbed Cait’s hand, and led her away.

Cait’s heels clicked on the cement walkway as she kept up with his pace. “Where are we going?”

There was more he wanted to experience with her. “I have another surprise.”

“Are we late, or do you think we can slow the pace a little?”

Dylan slowed his steps and shot her a sheepish look. “I’m sorry. I was just excited.”

Cait stopped walking altogether and tugged on his hand. “Why are you doing all of this, Dylan? I get that you want to cheer me up, and I appreciate it, but why the seduction tactics? You don’t have to use your tricks on me.”

“They’re not tricks.” Dylan frowned.

Cait stepped closer and lowered her voice to a whisper. “Are you sure you’re not doing all of this to get in my pants? I thought we’d already decided that was a given?”

“Chill out, Cait. I just want to make this Valentine’s Day memorable. Okay?”

“Oh, trust me. It’s certainly memorable.” There was a sparkle in her eye as she spoke, but then her expression froze.

Dylan knew the instant the memory of yesterday came to her. The amusement leached from her face, and her lips turned down at the corners. He didn’t want her to think of her heartless ex. He wanted to be all she could think about.

With a sigh, he turned to walk. “Come on, Cait. Let’s go.”

* * * *

Boats glided over blue water, propelled by oars that were held by men wearing black-and-white striped shirts. Bright red scarves were knotted about their throats and berets were set at a cocky angle on top of their heads.

Cait stood with Dylan on the small wooden dock and waited to board a gondola. He still held her hand, but the playfulness he’d displayed the entire day was gone. She wasn’t sure what she’d done, but she’d upset him somehow. A black mood had descended on their lovely afternoon, and she wished she could make it go away.

The gondola arrived, and Dylan stepped into it. He held out his hand to help her step over the edge. She clutched at him as she tottered on her heels and fought to gain her balance. She and boats had never been an easy combination.

“Thank you,” she said after successfully navigating her way aboard.

She and Dylan sat in the front of their ride as the gondolier pushed away from the dock. They soon joined the other patrons gliding through the faux canals of Venice. The replica of the Italian city’s storefronts drew Cait’s eyes, and she soaked in as many of the sights as she could.

The gondolier began to sing, and Cait gasped with delight. “Oh! I didn’t know they serenade you!”

The delightful music absorbed Cait. She closed her eyes and swayed to the rhythm of the song even though she had no clue what any of the Italian words meant.

Dylan shifted and then wrapped his arm around her shoulder, drawing her close. Her eyes popped open to fix on him.

“Hey,” he said with an easy smile.

She fought to keep her lips still. “Hey.”

“Do you like it?” Dylan waved his hand at the elegant façade of Venice that had been created at the Venetian.

“It’s gorgeous! What’s not to like?”

“I figured since we weren’t in Europe, I could give you a taste of it anyway.”

“Thank you.” Cait leaned in and gave him a soft kiss. “But you didn’t have to do all of this.”

“I wanted to.” Dylan’s eyes turned molten. “Why is it so hard for you to let someone be nice to you? Don’t push me away, Cait.”

Her mouth dropped open. “I’m not pushing you away, Dylan.”

“Yes, you are.” He took her hand and rubbed the back of it with his thumb. “Don’t do it, baby.”

She laughed to break the tension. “You called me baby.”

His voice grew husky. “You said you liked it.”

“I do.” She held his gaze. “It’s sexy when you say it. I just didn’t think you would do it outside the bedroom.”

“Does it embarrass you?”

“No.” She shook her head.

“Well, that’s settled then.” Dylan shot her a mischievous grin. “Baby.”

Cait snuggled against his side and rested her head on his shoulder. “May I just say that this is nauseatingly romantic?”

“You don’t like it?”

She lifted her head and twisted to look at him. “Of course I do, even if it is fake.”

“What’s fake about it?”

Cait rolled her eyes and snorted. How could he even keep a straight face?

The ride came to an end, and Dylan assisted her out of the gondola. They thanked the gondolier, and Dylan handed him a tip.

Cait straightened her dress as they walked away from the dock. “That was fun. What’s next?”

Dylan snagged her around the waist and pulled her backward to nibble her neck. “I can’t think when you do that prance walk you do.”

She gasped in outrage. “I do not prance!”

“Yes, you do. It’s cute.”

“Cute?” Cait looked at him over her shoulder. “I’ll show you cute.”

She jerked from him and walked away with a pronounced sway of her hips. She flipped her hair with an overly dramatic brush of her hand.

Dylan caught up to her and grabbed her hips. “Unless you want me and every guy here to attack, I suggest you stop.”

She giggled and walked normal again. “Guys are so easy. By the way, you never said what we’re doing next.”

“I want to go back to the room.”

Cait swung her face around to gaze at him. “The room?”

“Yes.” He nodded.

“What are we going to do when we get there?”

He gave a pointed glance downward. “Do you really need to ask?”

Cait’s breath sucked in between her teeth as she caught sight of his arousal straining the flap of his jeans. She licked her lips and smiled in response. “You seem to be in an interesting predicament.”

“Caused by you, I must point out.”

“Oh, so it’s my fault?” Cait gave him a slow wink. “I will see what I can do to remedy the situation then.”

“You do that.”

* * * *

It took forever to get back to the hotel.

Cait walked as fast as she could, trying to keep up with the pace Dylan set for them. She was winded by the time they reached the lobby. It was late afternoon and crowded with tourists. They weaved in and out of the crowd as they sought the quickest route back to the room.

Cait was thrilled to the core to finish what they’d started earlier. She quivered with the need to be possessed by Dylan, to have him deep inside her. She’d been given a sneak peek of his performance, and she could only imagine the rest would be fireworks.

They rode to the eighth floor with six other people crowded into the elevator. Cait stood next to Dylan, desperate to touch him but not able to. It was pure torture but blessedly brief.

The elevator stopped at their floor. They squeezed through the bodies and luggage to exit. Dylan grabbed her hand, and they raced to the room, collapsing against each other at the door, breathless with laughter and exertion.

Mid-laugh, Cait looked at Dylan, and her breath caught at the look on his face. He watched her intently, his laughter trailing off as well.

He touched her face and trailed his fingertip down the line of her jaw. “Hey.”

“Hey,” she replied in a soft voice.

The adage was true, old friends could pick up where they left off as if they’d never been apart. Would it be the same for them as lovers?

Dylan leaned close and rubbed his nose against hers. “Are you ready?”

“Yes,” she whispered.

He unlocked the door, and Cait passed through the entrance. He followed close behind, and the door closed with a soft click. Dylan tossed the keycard on the counter of the wet bar while she moved to the center of the room.

Cait turned to face him, her fingers twisting together anxiously in front of her. This was it, the moment she’d waited half a lifetime for, even though she would never admit it to him. All paths led to this one. Despite their separate adult lives, she and Dylan were meant to travel this road together. They’d shared so much, it was only right they shared this.

Dylan grabbed the hem of his T-shirt and pulled it off in what seemed to be slow motion. Cait watched as his waist, and then his abs, and finally his pecs were bared. He was pure perfection, tanned and muscular with strong arms and a broad chest.

He bent down to remove his shoes and socks and tossed them aside. Cait stood still and watched him advance on her. His undid his jeans but did not pull them off.

Dylan reached her and pulled her close for a kiss. Cait closed her eyes and gave herself over to the joy of being with him.

Dylan bent his knees, and his hands delved under her dress. His fingers hooked in the elastic waist of her panties and pulled them down and off. He slipped her shoes off but did not try to remove her dress. Instead he pulled up the hem and cupped the bare skin of her ass.

Cait moaned and pressed close to him. The unzipped flaps of his jeans scraped her belly, but she ignored the slight bite of pain. The denim caressed her legs as she rubbed against him, straining to feel more.

She took hold of the waist of his jeans and slid her fingers under the waistband of his boxers. The tips of her fingers brushed his hard cock. She tried to wrap her hand around the shaft, but it was hard to do since his erection was trapped in the denim. There was not enough room for her to maneuver her hand.

With a frustrated hiss, she pulled her hand out of his jeans. She yanked on them, and Dylan leaned back, so she could pull them completely off. She went to her knees to pull his feet free of the pant legs. Sitting back, she glanced up.

Cait gulped at the sight of his erection peeping at her from the opening of his boxers. She touched the tip and smoothed away the pearlescent drop of semen at the slit.

She cut her eyes to Dylan, who watched her actions. “Condom?”

He nodded. “I have some in my bag.”

She slid her hand inside his boxers and wrapped around the shaft, marveling at his length and thickness. She teased the head of his cock with her thumb, massaging the skin in lazy circles.

She moved her gaze back to Dylan’s face. His head was thrown back, the cords of his neck visibly moving as a moan escaped him. She studied the underside of his chin until he tilted his head down and met her eyes.

“Cait,” he mouthed. If he said it aloud, it was so low she couldn’t hear it.

She licked her lips and came up on her knees before him. He grasped the back of her head, his fingers entangling in the hair at her nape. She leaned forward and pressed a tiny kiss on the head of his cock.

Dylan hissed, and his grip on her hair tightened. Cait reveled in the display of his emotion. She opened her lips and took his cock into her mouth. Her tongue teased the slit, laving up and down in a slow, leisurely motion. She sucked in her cheeks and then blew a stream of warm air across the head.

A shudder crossed Dylan’s body, and he pulled on her hair, forcing her to free his cock from her mouth. He pulled her head back, so their gazes could collide.

“I can’t, Cait. I’m going to come.”

She smiled before licking her lower lip in a teasing manner. “I thought that was the point.”

“It is.” Dylan bent down, put his hands under her arms, and jerked her to her feet. “But when I do, I want to be inside you.”

Cait shivered with lust. She wanted that to. She wanted him deep inside her, to feel his release and know it was because of her.

Dylan went to his bag and dug in it. He returned with a foil-wrapped package, which he tossed onto the bed.

Dylan came to her again. He took her in his arms, forcing her to move backward until the backs of her knees hit the mattress. She collapsed onto it, and Dylan followed her down. His body blanketed hers with his warmth. He pinned her hands above her head and kissed her.

Cait gave a weak struggle to free her hands but gave up her efforts when he refused to release her. A tingle started at her toes and worked its way up her body as she realized she was at Dylan’s mercy.

Normally she would freak out if she was held down, but she trusted Dylan one hundred percent. He would not hurt her. She was free to live out this fantasy with him, knowing he would let her go if it was what she truly wanted.

Her hips angled to seek his cock. She rubbed against his hard length in an effort to ease the ache inside her. Dylan nuzzled her neck, and his five o’clock shadow tickled. She turned her head and giggled. Her giggle turned into a moan as he bit her neck and then soothed it with a swipe of his tongue.

Dylan moved lower and gave the same treatment to each of her nipples. Cait cried out and arched her back in an attempt to get closer. She would crawl into his skin if she could; she was that desperate to be with him.

Dylan let go of her hands and reached over to snag the condom. He ripped the silver package open and rolled the rubber down his length before returning to her.

He insinuated a knee between her legs, and she eagerly opened her thighs to give him access. Cait lifted one leg and placed it over his hip. Their lower bodies came together and then retreated, mimicking the act of sex. His cock brushed her clit, but he did not enter her. She bit back a moan of disappointment.

Dylan lifted his arm and wrapped his hand around both of her wrists. His other hand moved between their legs. He grabbed his cock and rubbed the head against her damp warmth. Yet he still did not enter her.

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