A Marine for Christmas (Hearts Ablaze: Men in Uniform) (8 page)



They’d made love once right on the sofa, in such a hurry they’d barely had time to rip the clothes off of each other first.  When they were finished, and after he’d managed to give her a second amazing orgasm, Amy had relaxed in the warmth of Jason’s arms, sharing kisses with him in the waning afternoon light.  As the day had given way to evening, Jason had lit a roaring fire and opened a bottle of wine.  Content to relax together knowing that the hours of the night still stretched out before them, they’d talked and kissed in front of the flickering flames.

Jason had pulled his jeans back on and Amy her long sweater
to ward off the chill, but she lay snuggled against his chest, inhaling his masculine scent and the hint of soap and aftershave she detected.  She absentmindedly caressed the hard planes of his firm torso, practically in disbelief that they’d just made love right here in his living room.

ran his muscular hands up and down her bare legs.  She shivered delightedly at his soft caress.  “I kind of liked it better when you were wearing nothing at all,” Jason whispered huskily, running his fingers farther up her bare thigh.

“And why is that?” she teased, trailing her fingers down his washboard abs so they just hooked under the waistband of his jeans.

“Ugh—you’re killing me,” he groaned.  “But in the best, most erotic way possible.”

She straddled his lap, kissing him, and felt the bulge beginning to grow beneath his jeans.
  Lowering her lips to his neck, she sucked gently, and Jason unwittingly began to gently thrust beneath her.

Hmmm,” she said, feeling his male hardness brush up against her sex.

She lowered her mouth to his shoulder, and as he reached around her, pulling her close, the flash of his tattoo caught her attention.

Jason followed her gaze, and she slowly began to trace the emblem with her fingertips.

“Do you have a thing for guys with tattoos
?” he asked, his voice gruff.

“I never did before
…,” she admitted.  “But I have to say—it’s kind of hot.”

“Time to go upstairs,” he said desperately, clenching his teeth as he stood up, lifting her to the ground as well.

“What’s upstairs?” she challenged, knowing for the first time this afternoon that she was the one in control.

“A bed.”

He took hold of her hips, guiding her closer to him, and in a moment his hot mouth was once again on hers.  The tongues intertwined and soon he was raising her sweater up and over her head and then desperately caressing her full breasts as she fumbled with the zipper on his jeans.  They stumbled backward again, bumping into a low-back leather chair to the left of the sofa.  “On second thought, this will do.”

He gripped her shoulders and turned her around, bending her forward over the back of the
sleek leather.  He cupped her breasts as he stepped even closer, and her heart pounded in her chest. The leather felt cold against her bare skin and was in stark contrast to Jason’s heated flesh.  “Trust me,” he whispered.  She could feel his erection pushing up against her, and she felt a throbbing in her sex as she was suddenly desperate for him to take her.  Jason gripped her hips in his strong hands, tilting her to meet him.  The tip of his erection was pushing up against her wet entrance, and in one single, powerful thrust he was pushing inside her, filling her up with his immense girth.

She gasped as
her walls clasped around his manhood.  What had been amazing earlier was unbelievable in this position.  Jason began to thrust inside of her, pulling her hips back to meet his every movement.  She closed her eyes, lost in the moment as Jason took all control, filling her up again and again.  She was powerless bent over like this, and she gasped as he seemed to know just how to make her once again come undone.  A moment later his fingers slid to where their sexes joined, and she moaned as they teased her swollen nub.  “That’s it,” he murmured, seemingly more to himself than her.  He caressed her there as his thrusts continued, and as the heat surged through her, she lost all control and once again screamed out his name.

Jason grew even harder and released as well, holding her to him as he gave one more final thrust.  “Amy,” he said reverently.  “You have no idea how God Damn sexy you are.”
  He helped her stand up and then pulled her into his arms.

She collapsed against his muscular chest and let him hold her, still in a daze from the powerful orgasm she’d just had. 
There was no way sex with him—with anyone—could get any hotter than that.  He knew just what to do and exactly how to please her.  She relaxed into their embrace, loving the feel of his skin against her own.  A moment later Jason tipped her chin up toward him, cupping her cheek as he gently bent down and kissed her lips.  “Now let’s go upstairs.”




The next morning Jason blinked as he awoke, feeling the warmth, soft skin, and curves of a woman nestled in his arms.  Amy’s small body was tucked so neatly into his own, it was as if she was made to be his.  His head was beside hers, his arm across her, cupping one breast, and his growing erection was pushed up against her bare bottom.  Hmmm, he would have to do something about that.

Amy stirred beside him, and he whispered huskily into her ear.  “I could get used to waking up beside you
every morning.”

Mmm hmm,” she mumbled, turning over in his arms.  “Oh,” she said, glancing down at his hard length.  “Looks like you’re already awake.”

“I couldn’t help it.  Amy, you are so damn sexy….”  He rose up, balancing his weight on one arm, and leaned down to kiss her.  Desire filled his blue eyes, and she felt a stirring of her own as he slid his hand across her chest, caressing and squeezing her breast.  “Let’s see if we can get you caught up….”



An hour later they’d both showered and dressed and were sitting at Jason’s kitchen table.  “I’m sorry I don’t have anything better to offer you,” he said, pulling frozen waffles from the toaster.  “Next time I’ll make you breakfast.”

“These are fine
,” she said.  “I have plenty of food at home anyway.”

“Oh, I see. 
You’re not here for breakfast, so you were just using me for my body last night.”  He flashed her a wicked grin, and Amy blushed despite herself.

“Hey, I’m just teasing,” Jason said, walking over and planting a gentle kiss on her lips.

“I know,” she said, pulling him back for another quick kiss.

He met her gaze for a moment.  “I like having you here in the morning.”

“I like it, too,” she said, slightly surprised by her admission.  Wasn’t it just a week ago that she’d told her friends she was swearing off men for a while?  Jason finished making the coffee as Amy glanced outside.  She was happy to see the sun peeking through the clouds.  “I wonder if the schools will be closed tomorrow,” she mused.

Jason looked
toward the windows from across the room.  “It doesn’t look that bad.”

“No, but trust me.  They close the schools here for anything.”

“The base will be open I’m sure,” he said, his voice deep.  He frowned as he opened the cupboards.  In a way it felt like
just like that
he was back to business—back to the stoic, serious Marine he’d been before.

Her cell phone beeped from the other room, and she went to retrieve her purse from where she’d left it
yesterday afternoon.

As she glanced down at her phone, she saw a text from Beth.


Power’s still out!


You guys want to come over? 
Amy typed back.


Maybe later on.  Heading out to breakfast now.


Amy thought for a moment and then quickly sent her friend another message.

Is it okay if I bring a guy to Thanksgiving?




Amy laughed as she walked back into the kitchen.
  A little over-eager, perhaps?  She knew Beth just wanted her to be happy though.

Jason was setting two coffee mugs on the counter.  “Everything okay?” he asked
, glancing back at her.

“Yeah, that was just a friend of mine.  She lost power in her condo yesterday, and they still haven’t gotten it back.”

“That’s crazy.  It’s not even snowing anymore.  Is she okay?”

Oh yeah, she’s fine.  And as for the delay in restoring her power—well, that’s life in Virginia for you.”

“I hope everything gets back in order soon. 
Both for your friend’s sake and everyone else around here.  I need to get to work tomorrow and finish up a few things because I’ve got a plane to catch Tuesday afternoon.”

“You’re leaving
?” Amy asked, her heart sinking.

“Yeah, I’m going to California for Thanksgiving.  I’ll be staying
there a week.”

“Oh,” she said quietly,
feeling slightly stunned and more than a little bit foolish.  Why had she assumed he’d want to spend the holiday with her and her friends?  Because she’d spent one night with him?  It’s not like they were dating.  I mean hell, technically that hadn’t even been on one single date.  The night he drove her home from the restaurant was accidental, the evening at the art gallery was a bust.  Did she really think that just because she’d slept with him he’d forgo seeing his family in California and spend the time with her instead?

“So, do you take cream or sugar? 
Or just black?” Jason asked, turning toward her with a steaming cup.

“Just black is fine
,” she muttered, reaching for the mug he offered without meeting his gaze.

“Everything okay?”

“Yeah, sure,” she said, hoping he couldn’t detect the hint of sadness in her eyes.  A moment ago life had felt perfect, and now suddenly she just wanted to get out of there as quickly as possible.  “You know, I should probably get going,” she said, setting the mug down on the table without even taking a sip.

“Go?” Jason asked, looking surprised
as she turned back around.  “But we didn’t even have breakfast yet.”

The uneasy feeling in her stomach was
growing.  If she didn’t leave soon, she was afraid she’d start to tear up right in front of him.  It was ridiculous, really.  Why had she assumed anything at all?  Swallowing as she walked across the room, she refused to meet his gaze.  “Yeah, I think it would be better if I just left.”

Look, Amy, if I did or said anything to upset you, let me know,” he said, catching her arm.

“No, it’s nothing,” she said, shaking him off
as she walked down the hall and grabbed her coat from the chair.  “Where are my boots?” she asked, frantically looking around.

“Amy, please,” he said
.  “Tell me what’s going on.”

“I told you; it’s nothing.”

Jason sighed as she sat down and pulled her boots on.  “Did something happen when your friend called?”

“Beth?  No, she just texted me to see how I was. 
Well, I did ask her if I could bring a date to Thanksgiving dinner.  But apparently you’ll be gone all week, so I guess there’s no sense in inviting you.  I shouldn’t have assumed you’d be around—that was my own fault.”

A flash of u
nderstanding crossed Jason’s face.  “Amy, I’m sorry.  I made these plans months ago.  Of course I’d love to spend the holiday with you, but I have to go to California.  I promised my son I’d be there.”

“You have a son?” she asked, staring at him disbelievingly.  I mean
she didn’t know much about Jason.  He’d lived across the street from her for months and all she’d known was that he was in the military, polite, kept his yard neat, and drove a black sports car.  But during the past few weeks she’d learned a few other things: he grew up all over the world, his parents retired to California, he liked to run, he drank his coffee black—he was amazing in bed.  But certainly
of the times they’d been talking and she’d slowly learned more about him he would have mentioned, at least in passing, that he had a
Why would he keep that from her?

“Yes,” he said, looking flustered.  “I should have told you, but there just wasn’t a great time to bring it up
yet.  I’m in this custody battle with my ex-wife—”

“You were married?”
  Really, the kicks just kept right on coming.

”  He looked directly at her, his blue eyes intense.  “When Kristin got pregnant, we decided to get married.  We were never right for each other, and the marriage was over before it ever really began.  But Brian, my son, has been living out in California with her.  Now that I’m stationed in Virginia and not overseas, I’m hoping to get partial custody.  It’s all up-in-the-air right now.  There’s all this legal jargon that’s extremely confusing, and it’s frustrating for me to have Brian living on the other side of the country.”

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