A Rebel Captive (12 page)

Read A Rebel Captive Online

Authors: J.D. Thompson

“Olivia,” he said, his voice rough.

He crooked his finger, silently demanding she come to him.  Her lips curled, she did look wild, in need of taming. 

“Why so you can beat me again, you bastard?” he cringed at her words. 

She didn’t go to him, instead she ran into the bedroom.  He leapt over the couch, chasing after her.  She stopped on the other side of the bed, her breathing erratic, she bit her lip.  He couldn’t believe what a beautiful little fox he’d caught.  She continued to surprise and excite him, but he knew he couldn’t let her get away with this behavior.    

“Do you think this is a game?  This is your last warning, get over here, now.”

He saw her eye the distance to the bathroom.  At this point, even if she made it, he’d kick the door in and take her right there on the floor.  She ran for it, but he caught her and pushed her up against the wall.  She pushed back against him, screaming, striking out at him with one hand while holding the blanket tight against her with the other.  Cole grabbed hold of the blanket and threw her backward, the blanket ripping free as her body slammed against the wall.  Her breath came out in a growl as she pressed herself against the wall, wishing she could sink into it.  His hands went to either side of her head and he leaned into her.

“So, you want to fight, little wild thing?” he asked, right before dipping his head to kiss her. 

She continued to struggle against him.  She curled her fingers into his hair and yanked mercilessly.  He hissed in pain, but thrust his tongue into her mouth, deepening the kiss.  She pushed into him, but he couldn’t tell if she was trying to push him away or rub her naked body against him.  In the end it didn’t really matter.  He pressed her back against the wall and pushed his hand between her legs, cupping her and pushing a finger inside her. 

“Oh,” she cried a mix of desire and surprise. 

He pumped his finger in and out of her, stroking her clit with his thumb. 

“Not so tough now, are you?” he smirked, watching her start to pant with desire. 

Fuck you
!” She started to scratch him across the face; he whipped his head to the side, biting the palm of her hand.   

“Exactly,” he growled, unbuckling his belt. 

She pulled away from him, watching him unzip his pants.  He grabbed her by the thighs and lifted her up, pressing her back against the wall as his throbbing cock rubbed up and down the folds of her pussy.

She moaned, pulling his hair again.  “Asshole.”

“Bitch,” he hissed, before he drove into her. 

She screamed out as he impaled her.  For just a moment he paused, watching her face contort, her eyes blinded by pleasure and pain.  Then her eyes focused and she looked at him.  She bit her lip and wiggled, just slightly, on his cock.  That was all he needed, with a groan he slid all the way out of her and slammed back in.  He did it again and again until her hands squeezed his shoulders and her lips went to his.  She ripped open his shirt; a few buttons flew across the room.  He flung the shirt away and felt her hands go to his chest, exploring his exposed skin.

Cole slammed into her, making sure he ground himself against her clit.  She moaned into his mouth and he thought he’d cum just from the sounds she made.  He felt her start to move with him.  Her hands cupped his face as her tongue played across his and her hips danced on his dick.  Cole pulled away from the wall, walking them to the bed.  He climbed up, kneeling on it and slowed his thrusts.  She mewed against his lips and he chuckled his manly, arrogant laugh. 

“You want more?” he asked her.  “Then, you’ll have to ride me.”

She mewed again, but this time it was more desperate.  “I can’t.  Please, just…” she pleaded against his lips. 

“Just what?” his voice was a mix of amusement and desire.  “Just fuck you? Just make you cum?
, little pet, if you want it, take it.”

He grabbed her hips and rocked her against his thick member.  She wanted to tell him off, she wanted to pull away from him and kick him square in the groin, she wanted to be stronger than she was.  His touch made her weak, their coupling made her forget why she should fight so hard.  His deliberate rocking made her moan and she started to move against him on her own. 

“That’s my girl,” he whispered against her.

“Please, don’t make me,” she begged, but he was moving their bodies together just a little harder. 

He rocked them slowly, but deeply, until she started sliding up and down his cock on her own. 

“That’s right.  Fuck me, Livie.  Fuck me,” he growled against her ear. 

Her eyes were closed, she was somewhere else.  Desire and his past denials of her orgasm made her forget why she put up any sort of protest.  She could only see her own pleasure and only cared about fulfilling it.  He kept one hand on her hip, encouraging her thrusts, but let her control the speed and depth.  His other hand went to between their bodies and gently stroked her clit. 

“Oh fuck,” she gasped.

She rode him harder, grinding herself against his hand.  He dipped his head and caught one of her nipples in his mouth, biting her lightly.  She cried out again.  He couldn’t believe how sexy she was, bouncing on his cock, taking her pleasure from him.  It took all of his restraint to let her have control.  He desperately wanted to drive into her, to fuck her so hard she would forever on yearn for him and his cock alone.  He wanted to hear her cry out his name as she contracted around him.  Her pussy felt so perfect, she was so perfect, his wild little fox.

“Do you want to cum, Olivia?” he asked. 

She faltered in her strokes.  Cole flicked her clit a few more times and she slammed down against him, he nearly came himself. 

“Do you want to cum?” he asked in a voice so steady it surprised even him. 

She looked at him then, hands at his shoulders, riding him quicker, as if she could will him to forget their interplay on the terrace.  He moved his hand away from her clit and she nearly cried out. 

“Just fucking say it Olivia, we both know you want to.”

But she shook her head, she couldn’t let him win.  She couldn’t bring herself to beg him for release.  He snarled in frustration and flipped them so she was on her back, pressed into the bed.  She hissed in pain as her lashed back was pressed into the bed.  He fucked her vindictively, taking his time to let her arousal build again.  His hand went back to her clit.

“What are you doing?” she cried, her hands going to his chest, but he grabbed her by the wrists and pinned her to the bed. 

He worked her clit and pumped into her wildly.  She tried to move away, to relieve her growing need, knowing that whatever he planned, it wouldn’t end with her coming.  He threw one of her legs over his shoulder and with that arm holding her writs above her head, he held her trapped there.  Cole was able to drive deep into her, filling her so completely that he bumped against her cervix.  She cried out; shaking her head back and forth.  He was forcing her to the cusp and holding her there, so close. 

“Just tell me what you want and you’ll have it,” he said, grinding his fingers against her clit. 

“I can’t.” She was nearly in tears.

He removed his hand from her clit. “Stubborn brat.” 

It took less than a minute for him to cum; he spilled into her with an angry moan.  Cole rolled off of her and got dressed.  He was frustrated and disappointed.  Part of him wanted to keep her in the bed and fuck her into submission.  Even though he’d just cum it wasn’t at all satisfying and he knew he wouldn’t be satisfied until he got her to give in.  The other part of him wanted to slap her silly for making him feel so weak. 

Cole stalked out of the room without a word, slamming the door as he left.  Olivia stayed where she was, ignoring the discomfort of her back.  She was still so alive with desire that her body nearly shook with need.

For a few moments, she thought about finishing herself off, just a few strokes and a few thoughts of him hammering into her was all it would take.  But then, she felt his cum slowly start to drip out of her and opted for a shower instead.  It wouldn’t be as good anyway.  It wouldn’t be what she wanted.








The week passed in the same cloud of pent up, unsatisfied sexual tension.  True to his word, Cole took her when and how he wanted.  In the morning, tender and slow, still a little hazy from sleep.  In the afternoon, fast and rough, while in between meetings.  At night, attentive and deliberate, giving into curiosity, and exploring her body.  

She was never safe from his desires so she was on edge all day long.  He’d get her riled up, to the brink of orgasm, then demand she ask permission to cum.  She never did, she couldn’t bring herself to give in, and so she never came.  If she fought him he held her down, if she begged him to stop he’d smother her cries with a brutal kiss.  Regardless of her initial protests, he managed to get her moaning and quivering with want.  His denial was unbearable, he seemed to enjoy leaving her wound up and unfulfilled.  Olivia grew snippy and irritable, Cole found it amusing. 

During the time he was away from her, Olivia tried to distract herself.  She started reading a few books, but nothing held her interest.  She tried to watch TV, but couldn’t concentrate.  Mostly she paced around the room.  A few times, she tried to relieve her frustration herself, but every time she started touching herself a soldier or Cole would find a reason to come into his rooms.  She was beyond embarrassed when a solider knocked on the bedroom door and asked if she wanted a snack.  Finally, she gave up trying. 

One day, in the early evening, Cole came back to the rooms with a wide smile.  She was trying to read a murder mystery on the couch and was wrapped in a throw. 

“Hello, Livie.” He greeted her warmly; she looked up from her book with a sneer.

“Now is that any way to greet me?” he laughed, approaching her.

Cole leaned over the couch, his face so close to hers he could feel her breath on his lips.  She tried to wiggle away, but was trapped by his large body.

“Let’s try that again.  Hello, Livie.” He smiled.

She swallowed hard and then responded. “Hello, my lord.”

“How was your day, my little pet?” he stayed close, running a finger along her ear.

“Boring,” she responded, sitting up and moving away from his touch.

He chuckled and gave her hair a playful tug before standing upright and going to his briefcase.  He pulled something out of it.

“Well maybe tonight will be more interesting for you.  Here, get dressed.  We’re expecting company.”

He tossed her something lacy.  She held up the skimpy lace slip and scoffed. 

“This isn’t exactly considered dressed.”

He smiled.  “You can always stay as you are, I’m sure they wouldn’t mind.” 

She glowered at him.  She stood and slipped it on, tugging at the hem then pulling up the top, then glowered at him again.  The dress barely covered her butt and was cut so low her breasts nearly fell out of the top.  He moved to stand in front of her and ran a finger across the mound of her breast. 

“You don’t like what I’ve picked out for you?” he teased.

She opened her mouth to protest, but there was a knock at the door.  Cole looked at his watch and smiled again. 

“Right on time.  I’m going to need you to kneel on the floor.”

She gave him an angry look, but did as he asked.  He bent down and brushed her lips with his. 

“I’m sure I don’t need to remind you that I expect you to be on your best behavior.”

He went to the door and met the person behind it with a warm greeting.  She craned her neck, trying to see around him, curious about the first visitor to his suite.  Her eyes opened wide as she saw a well-dressed man and a naked woman enter the room.  The man was young and handsome, not as roguishly good looking as Cole, but still very attractive.  The woman walked behind him by a few paces with her head bowed.  The only time she looked up was when the man gave her permission to greet Cole.

“Daniel, it’s so good of you to come.  Have a seat.” 

Cole gestured to the couch opposite the one Olivia knelt before.  Daniel sat down on the couch.  The naked woman knelt at his feet, her hands were folded in her lap, her eyes were pointed to the floor.  She was like a living statue.  Olivia watched her, inquisitively.  Then she glanced at Daniel, he was inspecting her much the same way.  He cocked his head to the side and let his eyes slowly travel up her body.  He looked intrigued.  Cole pressed a panel in the wall and it slid back to reveal a well staked bar. 

“Drink?” he asked and Daniel nodded.

Olivia watched him pour two drinks, wondering what else was hidden behind those walls.  Cole handed Daniel a glass and sat down on the couch next to Olivia.  Daniel took a long sip of his drink, still eyeing Olivia over his glass.  Cole took a sip of his drink and leaned back into the couch, his fingers reaching out to stroke her neck. 

“Thank you so much for inviting me to the Council meeting.  I’m sure Tina will enjoy the dinner.” Daniel smiled down at the naked woman and brushed her cheek, Tina pressed into his touch. 

The two started to talk and Olivia tried to listen to the discussion, she wanted to know more about what Daniel was talking about, but they changed subjects, moving on to District politics and a few of the men coming to the Council meeting.  While she still listened to them, Olivia was more interested in the woman sitting across from her.  She was pretty, slim, and sat perfectly still.  Olivia wondered if her eyes were as dead as the woman in the library.   

Cole absently stroked Olivia’s hair, her neck, and shoulders.  He touched her often before, but over the last few days he seemed to always be stroking her body.  The constant contact kept her perpetually aware of her unfulfilled need and she hated him for it.  She knew better than to pull away from him, especially right now, and secretly she didn’t want to.  She was enjoying his touch.  She smirked to herself; if she were being honest she wanted nothing more than to climb up into his lap and satisfy the desire that made her pussy throb nearly all day and night.  Cole playfully tugged on her ear, wondering what thoughts were making her blush so furiously.

“I’ve brought my report along. I was wondering if you’d review a portion of it tonight.  I’d like your opinion, before I hand it over to the rest of the Council,” Daniel said, reaching into his suit jacket and pulling out a packet of papers.

“I’d be happy to, help yourself to another drink while I look it over.” 

Cole started reviewing the man’s report.  Daniel got up and mixed himself a drink then sat back down and openly stared at Olivia again.  She wished Cole gave her something more substantial to wear; her slip rode up high on her thighs and she was concerned it put her snatch on display to the man.  She tugged on the hem, but it was little help.  Instead, she pressed her legs together.  Cole noticed her squirming and tapped her on the head, she instantly stilled.

Daniel bent down and whispered something to Tina, she smiled and nodded.  As Daniel sat back, Tina got up on her knees and turned to face his lap.  Olivia let out a small gasp as she watched Tina unzip his pants and pull out his cock.  She licked her lips before bending down and taking his member into her mouth.  Olivia looked up at Cole, but he was absorbed in what he was reading.  Trying to find somewhere else to look, she focused on the floor, on Cole’s forgotten glass of scotch, on her hands, but she couldn’t help it.  She looked back at the man across from her.  Daniel’s eyes were on her.  He smirked at her and turned his attention to the woman in his lap, his hand going to her head, gently guiding her movements. 

Olivia pressed her back against the couch, catching Cole’s attention.  He tugged her hair, forcing her to turn her head away, but Olivia couldn’t help watching the girl’s head bob up and down as Daniel relaxed on the couch.  He leaned his head back, closed his eyes, and enjoyed his blow job.

Olivia pressed even harder against the couch, terribly relieved that she was dressed, even if barely so, and not forced to service Cole in front of people.  She didn’t think she could stomach the humiliation of it, but secretly got off on the sight too.  She pressed her thighs together as the constant ache of arousal turned into a deeper hum.  Cole rubbed her neck, messaging behind her ear and nearly, making her want to purr.  There was something so perverse about the way he touched her as she watched Daniel reach down and stroke one of Tina’s breasts.  With a grunt and a slight jerk, Daniel came.  Tina bobbed her head up and down just a few more times before wiping her lips and sitting back down at his feet. 

He zipped up his pants and bent over to nuzzle the side of Tina’s face.  He kissed her cheek and moved to whisper something in her ear.  Only then did the woman raise her head and look at Olivia.  Tina smiled softly at her before turning and whispering to Daniel.  He laughed and played with her hair.  Olivia didn’t know what to make of the couple.

“I think your suggestions are spot on, but I think you’re missing an important aspect of-” Cole started to speak, Olivia stopped listening.

She couldn’t believe they were having a normal conversation, did Cole not notice the oral sex happening on his couch?  She studied the other woman’s face, but Tina kept her eyes lowered. 

“Thank you, I appreciate your insight.  I’ll go make those additions.  Good night.  Come, Tina.” 

With that the naked woman stood and followed Daniel out of the room.  Cole reached for her, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. 

“What’s on your mind?” he asked her.

“How could he do that to her?”  Olivia asked. 

Cole smiled and leaned over to brush his lips across her ear.

“Because she belongs to him just like you belong to me.  Don’t tell me it didn’t turn you on.”

“Absolutely not,” she lied.

“Really?” His voice was liquid laughter. 

His hand moved down her body, but she pulled away from his touch. 

“Would you ever make me do that?” 

“Would you like to?” He smiled at her concerned expression. 

She scoffed and was about to say something, but he laughed and kissed her on the forehead.

“Let’s eat dinner and then off to bed with you.  We’ve got an important day tomorrow.”

.     .     .

Cole took her the next morning before breakfast and again at lunch.  Both times he riled her up, got her so close to release, but left her wanting.  By night fall she was a bundle of nerves.  She was going nuts, cooped up in his rooms all day long and then violated without fulfillment when not alone. 

When he returned she was about ready to jump on him.  But she paused at the sight of him.  He was dressed in a tux and holding a few boxes in his hand.  She stared at him, confused and taken aback by how utterly handsome he was.  He still looked rough and manly, but with his hair slicked back and in such finery he looked absolutely dignified. 

He placed the boxes down in front of her.  “Go get dressed.”

“Where are we going?” she asked, eyeing the boxes suspiciously. 

“Olivia, do not address me so casually.  You’ve not earned the right.”

“I… I apologize… My lord.” 

He was tense and irritable tonight.  While she didn’t know why, she certainly didn’t want to provoke him so she stood, taking the boxes and headed to the bedroom.

“There’s a makeup bag in there too.  Don’t overdo it,” he called after her.

She opened the biggest box to find a full length formal gown.  It was midnight blue, accented with dark crystals that made it look like her dress was made of the night sky.  It was cut low in the back, showing off the now faint, but still present marks from her beating.  It had a slit in the front higher than she’d have liked, but overall it made her feel absolutely stunning. 

She put her hair up in a messy bun and applied only a little makeup.  Eyeliner, mascara, a little blush, no lipstick.  She had a feeling he’d disapprove of lipstick. When she walked out into the living room he was bent over his computer.  She stood there waiting for him to finish, a little nervous and hoping for approval.  He typed out one last line before turning to look at her.  His eyes instantly darkened and the corner of his lips twitched into a smirk.  She took that as a good sign.

He stood upright and circled her, stopping in front of her and tracing the line of her collarbone with his fingers.  Then he reached for her hair tie and pulled it away, her locks fell down her back.  He nodded his approval and turned to leave, stopping at the door to turn back to her. 

“You will act accordingly or there will be serious consequences.” 

She nodded and he took her hand, leading her out into the hallway. 

“We’re going to a Council dinner.  I’m sure the discussion will be tedious for the both of us, but I’m required to attend.”  She only nodded, walking along behind him in silence.  “There will be others like you there.”

Olivia couldn’t help but be offended by the remark.  “What do you mean?  More women that are beaten and taken by brutes like you?” she snapped. 

He growled, grabbing her by the throat and shoved her against the wall. 

“No, I mean women that moan like whores desperate to be fucked,” he hissed, he couldn’t have her acting like this in front of the others.


“Wrong? A liar?” he cut her off.  “Well, let’s see.”

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