Read A Rebel Captive Online

Authors: J.D. Thompson

A Rebel Captive (16 page)

She wrapped her arms around him and kissed him back.  He tasted of wine and chocolate.  His hands roamed down her body, stopping at her waist.  He lifted her up, seating her on the counter. 

“Cole,” she gasped as he pushed her legs apart and moved to press his hardness against her center.

Hearing her say his named caused him to pause, pulling away from her.  They stared at each other; some sort of understanding seemed to transpire even if neither could say what that understanding was.  She reached for the hem of her shirt, pulling it up over her head and threw it to the floor.  With that, he returned his lips to hers, his tongue playing across hers and thrust into her mouth.  He pressed his body firmly against hers and she thought she’d die from the heat he was causing.  He moved to nuzzle her neck like he wanted to earlier and she stroked her hands down his back.  She moved her hand to his pants, biting her lip as she boldly reached for his belt buckle.  He grabbed her hand, stopping her.

“No,” he commanded.  “Not until I tell you.”

She flushed, embarrassed by his response, but he didn’t give her much time to dwell on it. Cole unhooked her bra and threw it to the floor.  His fingers teased her breasts and nipples, causing her to moan.

“Take off my shirt.” He told her and she did as he said.

She ran her fingers down his toned chest and stomach, but waited for further instruction before doing anything else.  Cole nibbled on her earlobe and ran his tongue down the contours of her neck.  His hands went to her shorts, unbuttoning them.

“Up, Livie,” he said and she raised herself enough for him to pull her shorts off. 

He tried to pry her legs apart again, but she resisted, suddenly very aware of her surroundings and actions. 

“Open for me, little wild thing,” Cole cooed, stroking her thighs and running his teeth down her throat. 

She slowly did as he asked, closing her eyes to her embarrassment and exposure. 

“So beautiful,” he whispered against her ear as his fingers brushed against her now exposed lips.

Her entire body quaked at the slight touch and he let out a feral, deep, laugh.

“Do you want more?” he asked and she nodded her head.

His fingers pressed against her entrance, finding her slick and ready for him.  Two fingers easily slid into her and she let out a soft moan as he pumped his fingers in and out of her.  Olivia’s hands went to his shoulders, pulling him closer.  She ran her hands down his body, pausing for a second, and then nervously ran them across his jeans where his erection strained against the material.  He growled in response.

“Unbutton them,” he instructed.

Olivia’s hands trembled as she went to unbutton his pants.  Her fingers were clumsy and it took her a few seconds just to undo his belt.  He kissed her, a strong, encouraging kiss.  She paused when she unzipped his pants, unsure what to do.

“Pull them down.” She did as he told, freeing his cock as she pushed his pants down.

Her hand hovered over his member.  “Touch me, Olivia,” he growled against her lips.

She timidly ran a finger across his cock.  It sprang, growing impossibly hard at her touch. 

“More,” he ordered her, pushed her. 

She wrapped her hand around his dick and slowly stroked it.  A drop of precum built up at the tip and she dipped her fingers in it, spreading it down his cock, making it slippery.  He groaned against her lips as she started to stroke him with eagerness.

Cole had to restrain himself.  Her touch was making him ready to explode.  His fingers went to her pussy, mimicking her motions on his cock.  When she sped up so did he.  Her head dropped back as he pressed deeper into her, curling his fingers.  She made a soft mewing noise that drove him nuts.  He couldn’t take it anymore; he had to be inside her. 

“Wider, Livie.” Without a second thought, she spread her legs open more for him. 

He pressed his cock against her, just pushing the slightest bit into her.  He had to bite his lip against the strain of restraining himself. 

“Please,” she begged, asking him to continue rather than to stop.  

“Look at me,” he ordered, she did. 

He held her gaze as he slowly slid into her.  Her mouth fell open and her eyes seemed to go wild with desire.  She squirmed and panted and nearly looked away, the intensity of his stare while his thick cock slowly filled her was almost too much.

Cole groaned when he buried himself completely.  He cupped her buttocks and thrust into her, pulling away from her to watch her expressive face.  She lost herself to the feeling of his hard, smooth member fucking her.  Her lips went to his neck, collar bone, and chest, alternating between licking, biting, and kissing.  Cole pressed his body against hers, pushing her backwards, making her rest on her elbows on the counter.  His hands went to her thighs, pushing them almost painfully wide.  He bent his head, licking a path along her ribs, under her breast, and to her nipple.  Olivia’s hand went to his hair, encouraging him. 

His cock thrust in and out of her faster and faster, harder and harder.  She glanced down and realized she had a perfect view of him slamming into her.  She blushed at the sight and turned her head away.

“No, Livie,” he said, his lips moved to her ear, “watch me fuck you.” 

He moved her head back so she could look at his cock drive into her pussy.  She shuddered with every blow and the spectacle she made was pushing Cole dangerously close to the edge.  He quickened his pace.  She felt her body coiling up under the onslaught, her pleasure building to the point of driving her mad.  She pulled him close, her hands on either side of his face and kissed him hungrily. 

“Do you want to cum, Livie?” He smiled, his tongue darting out to outline her lips.

“Oh god, yes,” she panted, her hands becoming fists in his hair.

“How many people have made you cum?” he asked, pressing his thumb to her clit.

Her entire body thrummed with need and she pulled him down to her, trying to press her lips to his again.  He moved his face away from her, pressing hard against her clit. 

“Remind me. How many people have made you cum?”

“You.  Only you,” she cried as his lips crashed down against hers and his fingers strummed her clit. 

She pulled him tight against her body as she was rocked by an orgasm.  He thrust into her even faster, feeding off of her pulsing pussy.  Cole came hard, growling against her lips.  It took a few moments for the two of them to catch their breath.  The oven timer dinged and they both started to laugh.  Cole stood, pulling his clothes back on and helped her up.  She threw on her clothes and ran to the oven, checking on her vegetables.

“Nothing burnt,” she said in relief. 

She quickly finished making dinner, every now and then stealing a glance at Cole.  Her body still buzzed with a post orgasm glow and she was only mildly mortified by their actions.  Cole sat back down and watched her, amazed by her ability to focus on grilling and prepping. 

They sat down for dinner at the same table they fucked on.  Cole opened a new bottle of wine and shoved a fork full of food in his mouth.  His eyes rolled back and he groaned in enjoyment. 

“Okay, maybe you can cook.”

She smiled, but then her face grew serious thinking of what happened in the last hour.  “Mrs. Wellings is most definitely going to kill us if she ever finds out.”

Cole barked out a laugh and pulled her to him, she didn’t resist as he brushed a kiss across her lips.  For the rest of the meal his leg pressed against hers in an intimate touch and he tried not to think of tomorrow, when her brother would arrive. 





Throughout the meal, Olivia was distracted; she was caught up in what she just did.  She was unbelievably attracted to Cole, his touch seared her skin and sent every nerve ending into overdrive, but what did that mean?  She wanted him, even after just being taken, the slight contact of his knee on hers was making her insides twist with desire.  She pulled on the hem of her shorts, thinking about Cole and the feel of him inside her.  But what was that?  Desire, attraction, or the sparks of something more?  How could she be thinking this way, about the man who kidnapped and beat her?

“So, short bread?” Cole asked, pushing his empty plate away from him and eyeing the tray of chocolate dipped cookies.

She nodded, his voice snapping her out of her thoughts.  She got up to take their dinner plates away, but he gently pushed her back down. 

“I’ll get them.”

Cole put their plates in the sink and brought over the tray of cookies.  She nibbled on one, but mainly watched him as he ate one after the other. 

“These are good,” he said with a mouth full of cookie. 

She had to smile; he looked like a little boy.

“I better get to cleaning up,” Olivia said, needing a little space, a little time to think without him touching her.

“No.  I’ll do it,” he said, taking a final bite of cookie and getting up.

“You?!” She gawked.

He raised an eyebrow. “Yes. Me.  Is that a problem?”

“No, I just didn’t expect—“

“That I knew how to clean up after myself? Come on, Olivia.” He laughed, pouring her another glass of wine.  “You just sit back and relax.”

She watched him scrub dishes; it was an odd feeling, watching him.  A thousand thoughts raced through her mind, but she kept coming back to one. 

“Tell me about your mom.”

“She died when I was very young,” he said and his face turned serious and sad. 

“Oh,” Olivia said, staring down into her wine glass.

“She came from the Highlands, one of the last tribes to come under Republic rule.  She was very close to Mrs. Wellings.  The old woman used to tell me stories of her when I was a child.” 

“Do you remember her?” she asked, suddenly very curious what he was like as a child.

“Barely.” He stopped scrubbing dishes and went to her, pulling her to her feet and handed her a towel.  She picked up a plate and started to wipe it dry.  “She used to take me on walks in the woods and tell me about the wild highlands.  She was a princess amongst her people; my father took her, bartering her for control of the Highlands.  When he had the lands he set her free, but she didn’t want to go, she stayed with him.”

He fell silent, watching her face.  She busied herself, putting away dishes.  She turned away from him, wondering if she’d ever be set free.  Would her father give in to the Republic to save her?  Cole moved to stand behind her.  His hands tickled down her arms. 

“Thank you, Olivia,” he whispered against her ear. 

She wanted to ask ‘for what,’ but was afraid of his response.  Instead, she nodded and let her body press against his.  He wrapped his arms around her and softly nuzzled her neck.  He wanted to tell her, tell her about tomorrow, but he couldn’t bring himself to do it.  After all, it was part of his agreement with her brother.  She yawned and he took her hand, walking her back to his room.  The two of them slipped into bed, Cole wrapping his body around hers.  Both had trouble sleeping, both caught up in their own thoughts. 

.     .     .

Olivia woke up early in the morning.  It was still very much night.  She looked over at the slumbering man next to her and all of a sudden couldn’t breathe.  Slowly, she pulled away from him, slinking out of the bed.  Grabbing the throw off the couch, she wrapped herself in it, warming up and covering her nakedness. 

She sat on the windowsill and pressed her head against the window.  Her head was a cacophony of thoughts, each trying to yell over the other.  The loudest of them all kept repeating over and over. 
What’s happening to me?  What’s going to happen? 
She always found a way to be in charge of her own life and now, to not be, it was overwhelming.  She reached up to toy with the lock on the window.

“It’s still locked, Livie.” His voice was soft, not chastising.  “Couldn’t sleep?”


She stayed looking out the window.  He moved to sit on the sill next to her, but didn’t touch her.  She kept her head pressed against the window, not looking at him.

“My father built this fort - he was only a little bit older than me at the time.  When he retired he built a house in the Highlands.  He hasn’t come back since.”

“What’s the point of telling me this?” she asked, turning her head to look at him.

What does he want from me?
He looked down at his hands then back up at her. 
What’s the point? 
He asked himself.
How do I tell her how much I want her? 
He reached out, gently stroking her cheek.  Tears started to well up in her eyes and her lips trembled.  She turned away from him, turned back to the outside world. 


His voice was soft and full of yearning, but she didn’t look at him.  He tugged on a strand of hair, but she didn’t move. 


Hearing him say her full name always made a little part of her twitch with something.  Was it want or something more?  She looked at him and those eyes nearly crushed his heart, she took the breath from his chest. 

“Oh, my little wild thing.” 

He pulled her to him and she went, straddling him, letting him hold her.  A tear fell down her cheek, her lips still quivered.  His hand went to her cheek and guided her to him, his lips pressed against hers.  His kiss was soft and tender, like the kiss of a heartbroken man.  It pulled something from the pit of her, a need, a need to be held, protected, made somebody’s, made his.  He broke away from her and pressed his forehead against hers. 

“I have to tell you something.  Tomorrow, I’m… you’re.” He stopped, taking a deep breath.  He opened and closed his mouth a few times, but he couldn’t finish. “I’m sorry, Olivia.”

She pressed her lips back to his, needing him.  His kiss was frantic and urgent.  His hands cupped her face, holding her so close to him; he seemed to be taking her very breath.  Her hands went to his chest, letting the blanket fall from her shoulders.  She started to move, rubbing against his growing erection.  He groaned, grabbing her around the waist and carrying her to the bedroom.  Resting his back against the headboard, he watched her as her fingers curled under the band of his boxers and pulled them down.

She looked at his cock for a moment and bit her lip.  He groaned, trying to pull her tight against his body.  She pressed her hands to his chest, keeping some space between them.  Olivia moved while still watching his cock.  Slowly she lowered herself onto him, talking him inside her.  She winced, her pussy already tender from their last coupling.  Cole wanted to grab her hips and thrash into her, but held off, letting her take control.  When his cock filled her she stopped, lifting her head to look at him.  She moved, rocking against him.  His hands went to her hips, but she slapped them away.  He smiled, a dangerous smile, intrigued by her bold movements.  She started to ride him in earnest, controlling the depth and speed. 

Her hand went to his shoulder to help balance herself as she picked up her pace.  He turned his head, running his tongue along her wrist, but still watched her.  Her eyes were closed, her head tipped back as she took her pleasure from him.  Cole was in awe of her, his wild creature bucking her hips, stroking his cock.  His fingers dug into the sheets and he pressed his back against the headboard, trying his best to restrain himself, to let her have control. 

She moaned and her eyes opened, watching him as she made the slightest correction to her movements, taking him in deeper.  She dipped her head, kissing him.  Her tongue was demanding, her kiss assertive.  It was too much; he flipped her over, pressing her back into the mattress.  He thrust into her, enjoying the startled look on her face.  He drove into her with hard, powerful, strokes.  She cried out for him.  His hand went to her hair, holding her in place as his lips brushed against hers. 

“I want you, Olivia. Every moment of every day, I want you.”

She tried to move to kiss him, but his hand in her hair kept her in place.  She whimpered, frustrated.  He moved so that his lips were so very close to hers, his hand went to her clit, toying with her as only he could. 

“I need you,” he whispered.  

Her orgasm ripped through her body.  Cole pressed his lips against hers, taking her cries of pleasure.  She wrapped her legs and arms around him, riding the waves of her orgasm until she thought it would rip her in half.  Her movement pushed him over the edge and he came with a fierceness that surprised him.  He roared against her lips as he emptied himself inside her.  They stayed there, connected for some time after, each slowly coming down from their intoxicating climaxes.  His cock twitched inside her, little aftershocks of his pulsing release.  She moaned and squirmed with each one, pleasure licking through her sensitive body.  He smiled and moved to kiss her while slowly pulling out.  She let out a soft disappointed sound as he rolled off of her and he laughed, pulling her into his arms. 

“What am I going to do with you?” he said, his hand gently stroking her body.  “I’ll never get enough.” 

She curled against him, reveling in his roaming hand.  Inwardly, she cursed herself for having the same problem.  How could she want him so much after all he did to her? 

.     .     .

They were still curled up together in the morning.  He was awake for a while before her, watching her sleep, slowly stroking her body.  She stirred, stretching out, and opened her eyes.  His face was serious and despondent. 

“I have to leave for a little bit,” he said stroking her cheek, “and when I return, I have to tell you something very serious.”

He kissed her on the forehead and climbed out of bed before she could respond.  She watched him get dressed; somehow disappointed to see him put his clothes back on.  Cole leaned over her and smiled.

“Do you like that?” he asked, darting out his tongue to lick her lips. “Watching me?”

She blushed.  “I like… breakfast,” she said tartly. 

He smiled and walked towards the door.  “There are clothes for you in the bathroom and your breakfast is on its way.”

As soon as he left the room his smile faded.  Carlson was waiting for him not to far down the hallway. 

“Her brother is in your office,” Carlson said, Cole nodded, walking past the man without a word.

Cole flung open the door to his office and found a tall, waiflike, man sitting at his desk.  Three armed guards stood around the room. 

“You must be Lord Landon,” the man said, smugly. 

“Yes, you must be Alistair.  Would you please remove yourself from my chair?” Cole growled. 

The man threw up his hands, getting up and moving to the front of the desk. 

“Let’s get down to business, shall we?” Alistair smiled.

  Cole knew he’d hate the man, he just didn’t expect to hate him this much.

“Have you told her I was coming?”  Cole shook his head ‘no.’ “Good, good.  Anything about our father?” Cole’s eyes narrowed, but he stayed silent, shaking his head again. “Fantastic.  May I see her?”

“No,” Cole spat. 

“What Lord Landon means to say is not until we discuss our trade.  You’ve made some bold offers; we need to know you’re serious,” Carlson said.

“Right, right.”  Alistair started to pace back and forth. “In exchange for Olivia I can guarantee that the rebellion will leave this District, honoring you at its leader.” 

The man pulled a folded up piece of paper out of his suit jacket and slammed it down on the desk.

“All you have to do is sign,” Alistair smirked.

“You’ll take care of her?” Cole asked.

The man smiled. “Of course, she’s family, after all.”

Cole grimaced, thinking about how the man brutally murdered his only other family member.

“Well, I think the man’s offer is suitable, don’t you Cole?  I mean he is her brother after all and isn’t it best to be with family,” Carlson said, leaning back on his heels.

Cole wanted to throw Alistair out of his office, to beat him senseless. The last thing he wanted to do was hand Olivia over to him, but if it meant giving his people a chance for peace, to rebuild the towns and farmlands destroyed by the rebellion, Cole saw no other way.

“On one condition,” Cole said.

“By all means.” The man seemed amused.

“I want to tell her.” 

Alistair nodded, flipping his hand as though it were a trivial request.  Cole snatched up a pen; he could feel Carlson’s eyes bore into his back.  He signed his name to the paper.

“One more thing, why’d you do it?” Cole asked the man.

Again the man seemed amused. “Kill my father?  Because he was weak.  The man couldn’t see the power he could have had; he was so caught up in protecting the people.  It blinded him.  I’ll be twice the leader he ever was.”

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