A to Zane (6 page)

Read A to Zane Online

Authors: Cherie Nicholls

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Paranormal

His frown was intimidating, but she wasn’t scared. “Stop being a freaking stalker. I’m here to have fun. I suggest you do the same. Go find some woman who’ll suck you off because you have a pretty face.” Abby didn’t wait for a reply. She spotted her cousin, Heath and their pack, and headed over to them.

“Suck you off because you’re pretty? Did you really just say that?” Laney asked.

“I really did.” Where the hell had that come from?

“I want to be you when I grow up.” Clara spoke from her seat on Wall’s lap.

“He’s still standing there undressing you with his eyes.” Laney spoke from behind the glass she held.

“Well he can look all he wants, I’m not apologizing.” Abby just stopped herself from crossing her arms over her chest. She wasn’t convinced her boobs wouldn’t pop out of the top of the damn corset.

“Ah, here we go. Jones is going to get him.” Laney continued her commentary. “He’s pulling Zane away, who, by the way, still looks all sorts of confused.”

“Are you okay? Do I need to have a quiet conversation with the cat?” Heath asked. As ever, the alpha wanted to protect. Abby loved him like the big brother she was grateful she never had. She was stuck with Laney’s three older brothers, and that was more than enough torture, thank you.

“I’m fine. He’s just bored and looking for some entertainment.” She gave him a reassuring smile.

“I told her she should grab him with both hands for a little
bow chicka wow wow
,” Laney declared. “But she won’t listen to me.”

“I’m glad she didn’t. Our little Abby doll isn’t that type of girl. Are you, Abby?” Heath dropped an arm around Abby’s shoulders and pulled her close.

Yes I really am. I’d jump his bones in seconds if I thought he was serious.

“No, I’m not. But that’s okay; not everyone can be as great as you, Heath.” Abby batted her eyelashes, and Laney choked on her drink in her laughter.

Heath kissed Abby’s forehead and walked off.

“I missed you so much, cuz,” Laney said.

Abby gave her a grin.
, her family made her smile.

Chapter 6

She spent her evening dancing, laughing, and watching Wall dance, or sort of dance, because she wasn’t sure jumping up and down in the same spot counted.

“You know what I find interesting?”

Abby turned to Karina who sat between her and Clara, her long-time best friend.

“No, but I’m sure you’re going to share your insight,” Abby returned.

“I find it interesting that you’ve danced with every male from the pack, even managed to drag a few of the team up, but you’ve not asked Zane to dance, not once.”

“And you find that interesting? We need to find you a more exciting life if that’s what you do for fun.”

Karina didn’t say anything. Both she and Clara sat there, not saying anything, just staring at Abby who was doing her best to ignore them.

Of course she hadn’t asked Zane to dance. One second in his arms, and her stupid body would get ideas well above its station. Talk about punching above her weight. Yeah, sure he’d made a few suggestive remarks earlier. But Abby was an old hand at this. She was a friend, and didn’t she just hate that term. By now he probably didn’t remember what he’d said, or if he did, he was probably praying she realized he wasn’t serious. He’d just been helping to calm her down, talking her back from the darkness she fought with daily.

“Abby and Zane sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G.” The softly spoken song came from Laney.

“Shut up. There are shifters here, and they’ll hear you. Dammit, Zane will hear you. Do you really think he wants to be embarrassed like that?” Abby whispered.

“First comes love.” Karina joined in the song. Abby flicked an angry glance at her employee.

“Then comes marriage,” Clara continued.

“Then comes Abby with a baby carriage.”

“I will kill you all,” Abby warned.

“Ask him to dance, and then we’ll stop. We can keep this up all night,” Laney taunted when Abby was about to argue.

“One dance, Abby. He’s been watching you dance with other men all night. I feel bad for the dude,” Clara added.

“Yeah, right.”

“No seriously, he has. A couple of times I thought we’d have to jump in to save the guy you were with.”

Abby looked up at the ceiling, hands on her hips, and sighed.
Dear gosh, these girls just didn’t let go. Like dogs with bones, that’s for sure.
The analogy made Abby snort.

“Okay, fine. I’ll ask, and when he says thanks but no thanks, you dime store hookers leave it alone, clear?”

“Dime store? I’ve always thought of myself more of a high class call girl,” Karina said.

“Am I clear?” Abby spoke through gritted teeth. She’d ask him, and when Zane said no, she’d come back here and make these evil females apologize for making her do something to embarrass the hell out of both him and her.

“Deal,” Laney said with a nod.

Abby took a deep breath and turned to find Zane. She scanned the room, and for a second she thought he’d left, but then she spotted him standing in one of the corners talking to Jones.

Abby drew up her courage and started to walk toward him. In her head, she already had the apology for bothering him waiting, along with the reassurance she wasn’t about to turn into a lovesick puppy and follow him around. One dance was all she was going to ask for. When he turned her down, because he would, she was sure of it, she’d tell him with a smile on her face to enjoy his evening and walk away.

The trip to the other side of the room was quicker than she was prepared for. Before she knew it, she was standing beside Zane.

She cleared her throat, catching their attention.

“Hey, Abby doll, need something?” Jones asked.

“No I’m fine.” She swallowed hard, deciding the Band-Aid treatment was best—rip it off quick to get the pain over with fast. “I just wanted to ask Zane if he wanted to dance, but I can see you’re busy, so that's okay. Well, have a good night, and you take care now,” Abby said in one long breath. She spun on her heel and took only two steps, ready to die of embarrassment, before a large arm snaked around her waist, pulling her back against a solid chest.

“It’s customary to wait for a response when asking a person to dance.” Zane spoke directly into her ear.

Abby’s breath caught as he started to sway to the beat of the music. A song with a heavy beat and slow tune started to play. She caught a glimpse of Laney walking away from the DJ booth.
Damn her interfering ass.

“You know, from here I can see right down your top.” Zane said it so matter of fact, it surprised a laugh from her.

“A gentleman wouldn’t look.”

“Baby, I’m an animal. You should remember that.”

They moved together, her pressed so tight against his chest, she could feel the straps of his leather top outlined on her back.

They found a natural rhythm together, something Abby refused to analyze. It didn’t mean anything. Just two people who could move to the music, is all.

With one arm wrapped around her waist, his hand resting on her hip, Zane used the other hand to stroke down her arm, stopping to link their fingers together.

It all felt so right, as if they’d been doing it for years…for their entire lives. Abby let her head drop back against his chest. She was half aware of her family watching them, and she knew she should care, but in Zane’s arms, she really didn’t give two flying hoots.

Zane bent lower, kissing his way along the exposed length of her shoulder, along her neck and to her ear. He sucked in the lobe. When he grazed the soft flesh with his fangs she was sure she’d melt into a giant, Abby-sized puddle right there at his feet.

“Baby, you smell so good.” He purred. “I wonder if you taste as good as you smell?”

Before she could say anything, Zane licked the column of her throat.

“Mm, much better.”

Abby tipped her head to the side, letting him have free reign. She spent the rest of the song in the most sensual haze she’d ever experienced. Zane grabbed the back of her head, pulling and twisting it to give him complete access to her lips. He plundered her mouth, not asking for access but taking it. His tongue took over, tasting her, claiming her mouth for his own.

She was breathing hard when he finally pulled away.

“You can dance with who you want, but they all know whose bed you’ll be in tonight. You remember that when you let other men put their hands on you.” He gave her one last hard kiss before setting her firmly on her feet and walking away.

Abby hadn’t realized the song had finished. A more up tempo song came on, but Abby still didn’t move.

What the hell just happened?


The night was drawing to a close. Zane watched as Abby walked off of the dance floor on the arm of one of Heath’s pack. She’d been trying to find an escape route for the last hour. But she’d been blocked at every turn. What Zane found most amusing was he’d done nothing. He’d not stopped her from leaving. He hadn’t even spoken to her. No, the ones making her stay were her own people, her family, and friends.

“You know this isn’t about you, right?”

He looked down at Laney, a tiny fragile-looking lady with what he’d heard was a crazy gene.

“I never thought it was.”

“Just making sure you understand this is all about my cousin. She’s had some…”

He watched the sneer on Laney’s mouth turn into a growl.

“…men treat her without real respect before. She’s been hurt, and now she’s gun-shy. You saw the way she reacted when she first came down tonight. It’s taken a long time for her to start being comfortable with who she is.” Laney looked up at him with the unspoken threat clear in her eyes. “I’m trusting you’ll treat her right.”

“I have no intention of hurting her.” Zane leaned down so Laney could see him clearly. “Unless she asks me real nice.”

For a second he thought she’d go for his throat. Instead she smiled, patted him on the chest, and walked away offering a “nice” over her shoulder.

Abby was trying to get to the door again. He’d be offended if her lust didn’t punch him in the gut every time he got within touching distance.

This time it would be him stopping her from leaving. Zane moved, and cutting through the crowds, he came up behind her matching her step for step. It took a second for her to realize he was there.

When she did, he saw her shoulders stiffen a second before she tried to run. Zane didn’t give her the chance. He swooped, wrapping his arm around her waist and lifting her off of her feet.

“Put me down!”

She tried to pry him loose, but he was having none of it. He held her high on his chest and headed toward the elevator.

“Zane, put me down. I’m too heavy. You’ll hurt yourself.”

Too heavy? Who was she kidding? She felt perfect in his arms.

“I’ll scream.”

“You’ll be screaming soon enough, baby.”

“When my family finds out you kidnapped me…”

“You mean that family?” he asked, turning her slightly to see Laney and Clara waving her away.

He heard her mutter, “I am so adopted.”

The elevator doors opened, and Zane stepped in. When the doors closed behind them, he let her slide down his body. As her feet touched the floor, Zane stepped back, giving her room.

She was going to be his tonight, but she was going to make the first move, even if it killed him.
Dear God
, it was killing him.

Abby moved away, turned and pressed back against the wall, watching him with weary eyes.

“How drunk are you?” she asked.

“Only had two beers, and trust me when I say, wearing this getup I wanted many, many more.”

He watched her gaze glide down his body. The tiger preened under the heated look in her eyes.

Her perusal got to his cock and stopped. The appendage grew under her stare. Zane was pretty sure he’d died the second the pink tip of her tongue came out to wet her lips.

The doors slid open, and Zane stepped out.


He could see the desire in her eyes, but behind it there was an uncertainty.

“Abby.” He pulled her attention away from whatever was causing the doubt. “I want you, badly. But I won’t drag you to my room, so later you can say I forced you to do anything you didn’t want to do. Come with me now, and I swear I’ll make it a night you’ll remember with a smile. Or…” He stepped back from the door, leaving it clear to close if she wanted it to. “…leave. No hard feelings.”

He could see the war was raging inside in her every move. From the hands that clenched and unclenched, to the teeth that worried her bottom lip. Zane knew they could stand there for the rest of the night with her going back and forth. It wasn’t something he wanted to do, so he made his move.

“It’s okay, Abby. I’m not offended.”

“What?” Her brow dropped into a frown.

“I understand being with someone like me, part animal, it’s not for everyone. Don’t worry. You won’t be the first to be disgusted by the idea.” Which he was sure was true, not that it had ever been a problem he’d experienced.


“The beast, my tiger. I get it…turns people off. If that doesn’t, the scars do.” He looked down, trying his best to look despondent. “Have a good night, Abby. I won’t bother you anymore.” He gave her a smile and started to walk away.

Chapter 7

Zane made it to his door, but before he could grab the handle, Abby was there slipping in front of him.

“Look at my face.”

He looked down at her beautiful face. Lips made for kissing, eyes that could turn you inside out, and skin so soft he wanted to purr.

“Does it look like a face of a person who’d believe that crap for a second? Nice try though. I’m sure some women would already have their panties down around their ankles, but let’s be honest here. Every con, line, and trick you know are what I use every day in my business. So if you want me to drop my panties, you’re going to have to do a little better than that.”

Zane knew the smile that spread across his face was more tiger than man, but he didn’t care. He’d wanted her before, but that was nothing compared to the desire shooting through his body now. The soft leather shorts he wore did nothing to hide her effect on his body.

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