A Very Corporate Affair book 3 (The Corporate series) (21 page)

"She looks interesting. Killer body too," he whispered. I looked over, and saw the woman he was talking about. She had long, dark hair, big boobs, a tiny waist, and a pretty and animated, smiling face.

"If I was a lesbian, she'd probably be my type too. As I'm not a lesbian, I'll let you have first dibs," I teased, "have you seen if she's here with a boyfriend?"

"I don't think so. She walked in with that tall girl over there."

"Might be gay."

"Nah. Doesn't look like either ones a lesbo. Neither of them are manly." We both watched as she chose her breakfast, and went to sit outside.

"So she's your type then?" I asked.

"Not really, but I think I'm cured of the fascination with blondes. I want someone totally different from Janine in every way." A touch of sadness clouded his handsome face.

"So what other girlfriends have you had? I've only ever heard about her?"

"Oh, I was a bit of a tart before I met her. Different girl every week, you know. I never really met anyone I wanted to settle with, although there were some nice girls. I liked a lot of variety. I couldn't even tell you what it was about her that was so different, but I fell in love, and the rest is history."

"Maybe a bit of tarting around will do you good. Get you back into the swing of things," I said. James just smiled. "Anyway, shall we go and get some lotion on? I need to start work on my tan." We wandered back to the pool, and James showed me which sunbeds he'd picked. I unpacked the beach bag, and carefully coated myself in cream. "Can you do my back please?" I asked, handing the bottle to James. He squirted a blob on my back, and quickly rubbed it in. "You need to go under the straps please, otherwise I'll burn," I pointed out. He lifted the straps rather gingerly, and swiped some cream around.

I did his back, taking care to coat him really well. He wasn't as muscular as Ivan, but considering he didn't work out, he was in quite good shape. I handed him a lipstick shaped tube. "Factor 60, for your nose." He rubbed a bit on, and satisfied we were both coated in sunscreen, I settled onto the sun lounger, and switched on my kindle. I was engrossed in my story when I heard James ask for a fresh orange, and ask me what I wanted. "I'll have the same please." Five minutes later, a glass of icy cold, freshly squeezed orange was placed in front of me by the waiter. James signed the chit, and tipped him a couple of euros. I sipped my drink and said, "this is the life eh?"

We spent the day swimming, reading, eating and people watching. That afternoon, the sports organiser set up a pool volleyball net, and asked for volunteers. I immediately said yes, and got in, as did the dark haired girl from breakfast. As luck would have it, we were on the same team. I'd played a bit at uni, mainly to break up the monotony of my relentless swimming, so I was fairly ok at it. She was also pretty good, plus we had a couple of German men on our team who were fairly competitive too. We trounced the other side, who were all British men, and hopelessly unfit, having swum down from the bar for the game. They were probably a bit pissed too.

When we were declared the victors, we all high fived each other. "That sounds like a London accent," said dark haired girl.

"It is indeed. I live in London. You sound like a Londoner too."

"Certainly am. I live in Rotherhithe. Which part are you from?"

"Canary Wharf, just the other side of the river from you. Want a drink?" We swam down to the bar at the end, and perched on the submerged seats. Over cold beers, I discovered that her name was Lynzi, she was holidaying with her friend, Becca, and was a junior doctor at Guys hospital. They'd arrived Saturday, and were there for two weeks.

"I think your boyfriend's asleep," she said, looking over at James, who was indeed asleep.

"Oh, he's not my boyfriend, he's my flatmate. I left my boyfriend at home. We booked this holiday before I met Ivan," I explained.

"Really? So is he single?" she asked.
You're interested.

"Who James? Yeah. Split up with someone before we came away. He's a bit upset about it," I confided, "says he'll never go out with a blonde again. I didn't like her much from the start though, James is a nice guy, and she was a bit of a cow. Plus she used to eat all my food."

"I'd be livid if someone did that to me. I used to hate it when I was a student, in shared digs, and people would say 'it’s only a bit of milk' as if you're being petty at them using the last bit and leaving nothing for the morning."

"I'll introduce you when he wakes up, if you like."

"Ok, but you're sure you're not together?"

"Totally sure. My boyfriend wouldn't have been happy about me coming away with him if he wasn't sure we really are just friends. James behaves as if I'm his kid sister most of the time. Ivan, my fella, thinks it's quite funny how James feeds me up, and ensures we have a full fridge. He worked away recently, and I got a bit thin and poorly looking."

"So let me get this straight, he's single, ridiculously good looking, and a good cook?" She looked incredulous, "I think this might turn out to be a very good holiday."

"I'll introduce you." We clinked beer bottles and drank. Becca, her friend, came and joined us, and we chatted for a while about the places we liked in London, music and clothes. We were interrupted by James swimming over to say hello. "Woken up then?" I teased.

"Yeah. I was having a lovely sleep. Sorry I didn't help in the volleyball match, but I was feeling too lazy to jump around." He smiled at Lynzi as I introduced them. I chatted to Becca for a while, and when I discovered that she was a gym bunny too, I suggested a workout. James and Lynzi both groaned.

"It's alright, I won't make you come with us, but can you bring the beach bag up with you when you're finished?" Becca and I went off to check out the gym.

After my workout, I walked by the pool, but James was nowhere to be seen. I went up to the room, and heard him singing in the shower. I swigged at a bottle of water, and sat out on the balcony until he'd finished. He came out with a towel wrapped round his waist. "Good workout?"

"Yeah, not bad. You and Lynzi seemed to hit it off ok."

"She's really nice. They're going to join us for dinner tonight, if that's ok with you?"

"Great. You look perkier. You've caught the sun too."

"Wanna see my white bit?" He undid the towel a little, and showed me the stark white line where his shorts had been. "I'm surprised you don't go topless. At least half the women here do."

"That'd go down well with the Ruskie Ratbag when I get home wouldn't it? He'll be making sure I've got white bits. I think he'd be a bit caveman about other men seeing my tits." James nodded in agreement. I went off to jump in the shower and get ready.

































Chapter 13





The rest of the week followed a similar pattern of sunbathing, eating, reading and hanging out with Lynzi and Becca. We checked out the local clubs, ate in some great restaurants and played in the pool like a bunch of teenagers. I watched as James and Lynzi grew closer, and more relaxed with each other. I didn't mind at all, as Becca was a blast, and shared my love of fitness. By Friday afternoon, I was tanned, relaxed, and hoping that Ivan would try and come over the next day with his plane.

"It's such a shame you're going tomorrow," said Becca, "those two barely look at anyone but each other," she added, nodding at James and Lynzi. We were all sitting at the swim up bar in the pool.

"I know, but I promised my friends that I'd visit, and I really hope my boyfriend makes it over tomorrow. I've missed him terribly."

"Why would he come if you're going to fly out to Tuscany?" She asked, confused.

James butted in, "it's his plane she's borrowing for the flight. He's got his own jet."

"Trouble is, he hates flying, so avoids it where he can. He did text to ask for the address of the hotel to send a car, so I think that means he's not coming." I was a little concerned that I'd not heard much from Ivan all week. He'd replied to my texts, but not volunteered any of his own.

"Wow, he must be loaded," said Becca.

"Hmm, yeah, a bit," I admitted, "but I guess I'm more used to it now, so I don't really think about it. He's just the man I'm in love with, rather than 'an oligarch'." I did little air quotes with my fingers.

"I'm very glad to hear it," said a deep, Russian voice, as a pair of arms wrapped around me from behind. "I missed you baby, and I just couldn't stay away a minute longer." I spun round and flung my arms around his neck.

"I missed you so much," I whispered in his ear, "I'm having a super time, but it's even better now you're here." We grinned at each other. I turned to the others, and introduced Ivan. I noticed that Becca looked a little overcome, the usual 'Ivan' effect. James looked pleased to see him, and ordered another round of beers for us all. I glanced up to see Nico and another guard standing nearby, in the shade, dressed in suits, and felt a little sorry for them. "Do they need a drink or anything?" We swam away from the bar.

"No baby, they'll be fine. I think Nico has everyone on six hour shifts, so they don't have to stand in the heat for too long. I spoke to Oscar yesterday, and we're flying out to him on Sunday morning. Is that ok?"

"Great. I've got a feeling that James will be just fine here on his own." We both looked over to see James and Lynzi sharing a secret smile.

"You, my darling, have been matchmaking again, haven't you?" He kissed the tip of my nose.

"Not really. They both fancied each other from the start. I just got talking to Lynzi and introduced them. I feel a bit sorry for Becca though, she'sgonna be a bit lonely next week I think.”

"Maybe she'll meet someone too. I've got some good news for you. I don't have to fly back to London until Monday evening, so we have the whole weekend together."

"That's brilliant news!" I exclaimed, throwing my arms around his neck again.

"Careful baby, I've not seen you all week, and your tits are rubbing up against me. You know what that does." I looked down, and could see the tent in his shorts. I stepped away from him so he could get it under control. We pootled about in the pool for a while, then re-joined the others at the bar for cold beers.

We all ate in the attached restaurant that night. It was sort of posh tapas, which worked well for a group of five. Ivan and James got on well, and I think James was secretly pleased to have a bit of male company for a change. Becca was eyeing up a German man who had arrived a few days before. I watched as they kept looking at each other flirtily. "I think she'll be just fine next week," Ivan whispered in my ear.

We enjoyed a relaxed meal, laughing at Lynzi's doctor jokes, and Becca's funny stories about hospital life. Ivan sat with his arm round my shoulder, stroking my arm. "Are you staying in my room tonight, or did you book a room?" I asked.

"I'm staying in yours. They only had one room available, which my guards are using. Are you ready for bed then?"

"We're gonna head off up to bed. See you all in the morning," I said to the others. I got up, and left, Ivan following behind. "Was that a bit obvious?" I asked him.

He smirked, "I'm sure they know what we'll be up to, but yeah, very obvious." He pulled me into a deep kiss underneath an archway of sweetly scented flowers. "Oh Elle, what have you done to me?" he gasped as he pulled away, "I've been useless all week, counting the hours till I could see you again." I gripped his hand, and practically dragged him up to the room.

The great thing about hot countries, is that you don't need to wear a lot of clothes. Within thirty seconds I was naked, and on the bed. Less than thirty seconds later, so was Ivan.

"Hard fuck first?" I gasped, knowing it would mean a longer, slower session afterwards.

"Standing up. Let me fuck you up against the wall." He quickly felt to see if I was ready. Satisfied that I was already wet and horny, he lifted me slightly, and held me as I wrapped my legs around him. He guided his cock into me, and began to pound me hard and fast. I stroked the silky skin of his shoulders, and reached down to caress one of his nipples, rolling the sensitive little nub in my fingers. I felt his movements speed slightly, I glanced down, and saw his cock sliding in and out. The sheer
of it pushed me into an orgasm. I dug my nails into his shoulder as I pulsed around him, unable to move or close my legs. I felt him jerk inside me as he came, and watched his face soften as he found his relief.

My legs were a bit wobbly when he put me down, so I immediately lay on the bed, pulling him down with me in a tangle of limbs. He immediately went for my breasts, sucking, licking and fondling them. "I've missed these so much. You have such beautiful breasts," he murmured. I stroked his beautiful skin, feeling his muscular arms and chest, running my fingers through his silky curls. He shifted lower, gently parting my lips to suck on my clit. I arched off the bed, lost in the sensual pleasure that he was inflicting.

I tugged at him to climb on top of me. He crawled up my body, licking and kissing as he went. I almost came the moment he entered me, and I tried desperately to control it. He pulled himself up on his knees, and carried on fucking me, while gazing at my body. He licked his thumb, and pressed it onto my clit, rubbing tiny circles as he pumped. I came with a scream, and tried to close my legs to control my clitoris, which was throbbing wildly. He pinned my legs open and carried on pounding me, swivelling his hips to make my orgasm go on and on.

He must have felt my orgasm begin to subside, as I felt him still and let go. I lowered a leg so that he could roll down beside me. "I missed you," he said.

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