A Very Corporate Affair book 3 (The Corporate series) (26 page)

I was surprised at just how much was there. I don't know what I was expecting, but it seemed like a hell of a lot. The man produced a little shovel, and dug a small hole, before pouring in her ashes. I said goodbye in my head, and handed him the little plaque to stick in the ground, and mark her resting place.

We walked back to the car in silence, Ivan's arm around my shoulder, holding me close to him. No sooner had we got in, than I let out a sob. He slid up the privacy screen, and held me close, letting me cry into his chest.

"Malyshka, let it out, let the tears fall," he murmured, "you'll feel better if you cry for her." I sobbed all the way to the M25, soaking his T-shirt. He didn't seem to mind, and just sat stroking my hair gently, whispering soothing words.

By the time we got to Windsor, I'd stopped crying, and composed myself. We stopped at a Starbucks for some coffee to take with us, and I was grateful for the hot drink to soothe my dry, constricted throat.

At the house, it was all systems go. The house was being rented fully furnished, so all personal items had to be removed before the company doing the inventory could go in. We worked quickly, and methodically, through the house. Boxes were packed, and marked to go to either Ivan's, mine, charity or rubbish. He slung out every item in her sex room, although I was convinced that I saw Nico gaze at it all rather longingly. I found loads more stuff for the girls at work, and only slung out Dascha's underwear. I noticed that a couple of the dodgy paintings had gone from Vlad's bedroom. Ivan explained that he'd had an expert round from the stolen art register while I'd been in Spain, and they were indeed stolen works. The funny thing was that he stood to get a reward for 'finding' them, which was quite ironic.

The last things we tackled were the safes. We piled the cash into boxes, which were loaded into the boot of the Bentley. With everything sorted, the house was locked up, and we headed back to London. We stopped off at my new flat to stack some of the cash in my safe, as it wouldn't fit in Ivan's. I watched as he stuffed it in, and calculated that I must have had at least a few million in there. I locked up again, and we went back to his apartment. I mused about how blasé I'd become about having access to millions. Only six months before, I'd been circumspect about which sandwich I'd buy for lunch, only choosing the cheapest options.

It was still early, so we decided to eat out. We went south of the river to St Katherine's dock, and found a great little Indian restaurant. 

"So are you relieved that your mother's ashes have been interred now?" Ivan asked, before shovelling a popadom into his mouth.

"Yeah, glad it's all over. Did you go to Vlad and Dascha's funerals?" They'd been held the week we'd split up.

He nodded, "yes, paid my respects, as it were, said goodbye, although it was more good riddance. There wasn't many people there, even their staff didn't bother." I thought back to my mum's funeral, with the packed chapel, and the neighbours lining Lovell Avenue. At least she'd been  well liked, as well as loved. It was a crumb of comfort. He changed the subject, "so when are you planning to move out of James'?"

"Next week. He comes back on Sunday, so I'll probably spend either Sunday or Monday evening there. I'll pretty much have my things moved tomorrow. My new sofas arrive tomorrow, and the curtains and blinds will take a few weeks. I can live there with what I've got though. I have a bed and a telly, so that's fine."

He laughed, "You and your TV, have you ordered sky as well?"

"Not yet, but John downstairs told me I can get cable, which is better, and it's all wired for it already. I need Internet really, for work. I'll give them a call tomorrow."

"Whatever you need, just use the cash in your safe."

"Ivan, I get paid well, I can use my own money, but thanks for the offer."

He sighed, "Elle, that dodgy money can only be used for certain things. Your salary is legit, so you should save or invest it, and use the cash for food, furniture, and fripperies. I can't use it for much, so you might as well help."

"Don't you worry that I'll spend it all?"

"Baby, I'd be delighted. It'd mean you had a good time, which would please me."

"You're very trusting."

He smiled, "I think you're the only person on the planet I truly trust, and that's the truth. You've proved yourself again and again. Ya lublu tebia ee hotchu zhenitsia na tebe."

"You keep saying that, come on, what does it mean?"

He smiled, and blushed, then took a deep breath, "Ok, it means 'I love you, and want you to be my wife."

I stared at him. "Is that a proposal? Or a statement of intent?"

He laughed, "a statement of intent I suppose. I know that you're young and ambitious, so I won't ask you to give that up just yet, I just want you to know how I feel about you, let you know that you're secure."

"Ok, how do I say the same back to you?" He smiled, and patiently tutored me in the Russian for 'I love you too, and want you to be my husband," (at least I hoped that was what I was saying).

We lay in bed that night, after making love, and he whispered, "I have a confession."

I groaned, "go on."

"I bought the apartment below yours, for the guards. I plan to stay over."

"I see."

"I really like your apartment."


"You're not angry?"

"No. Should I be?"

"No, it was just a bit presumptuous of me. Expecting to stay over, the girls too."

"I'd be more worried if you didn't. Now go to sleep."

"Yes ma'am."

Next morning, I was at my apartment by eight, as Ivan had an early meeting, and was dropping me off on the way. I had a day of deliveries and workmen ahead, so nipped across to the shop to buy extra milk, knowing I'd be making copious amounts of tea.

I began to unpack, and sort out my clothes, when the designer arrived, she'd done a design for some shelves and rails in the spare bedroom to hold my shoe and bag collections, and needed it me to ok it, before it was ordered.

She was still there when the sofas arrived. I was delighted with them, and proportionally, they were perfect. The delivery men unwrapped and arranged them for me. I clapped my hands in excitement. I'd ordered a large, glass coffee table, which was next to arrive, and be carried in rather gingerly.

A bunch of workmen arrived, brought by Nico, to install double height bulletproof railing around my terrace. I made everyone cups of tea, while they got on. Some bar stools arrived for the kitchen, and outdoor sofas for the terrace. The last delivery of the day was my dining table and chairs. I gave everything a dust over, and stood back to survey my purchases. The flat still looked a little bare, so I decided it needed some plants and pictures. I didn't want to leave the workmen alone in there, so got on with my clothes until they'd gone.

I was still hanging up my work clothes when Ivan arrived to tell me it was nearly six, and time to head down to Sussex. He wandered around the flat, looking at all the new things, and declaring that he loved my taste in furnishings. "I need to get some pictures and plants, that sort of thing. It still looks a little empty," I declared.

"Have you moved everything out of James'?" Ivan asked.

"Yep, all here now, apart from a few work clothes for Monday."

"Besides clothes, you don't have much do you?" He said, eyeing my elderly laptop.

"Not really. When I moved into James' place, I had a couple of bags of clothes, and that was about it. I've never had the money for lots of 'stuff' before. My legal books are at the office, and I've never been one for knickknacks."

He pulled me into a hug. "I want to give you the world baby, surround you with beautiful things, make you happy."

"You make me happy, this...love, makes me happy. I don't need ornaments to do that. Just you, when you're not being a tosser."

He laughed, "I'm improving though? I've not been a tosser for nearly two weeks now."

"Very true, you've done very well. If this carries on, I might even marry you one day."

He kissed me. "You
marry me one day. I promised you I'd be the man you fall in love with. I never renege on a promise."

We had a lovely weekend in Sussex. The sun shone, the dogs played, and we cooked together, in between mad sex sessions. A perfect weekend.

I went back to London on Sunday evening to see James. We got a takeaway, and he told me all about his remaining week. He'd made arrangements to see Lynzi the following night, as it had all gone from strength to strength. The big test would be if they could keep it going back home.

I watched his eyes shine as he talked about her, and deduced that he was in love. He hadn't been as happy or loved up with Janine, so I hoped for his sake that this time, it would be the real thing. Becca had had a fling with the German, which had fizzled out the day before they'd gone home, but it had made her happy to at least have a holiday romance, and some decent shags.

"So when do I get an invite round for dinner at your new place?" He asked, knowing I wasn't a great cook.

"Tuesday evening?" I said, hoping I wouldn't be too late home from work that day.

"Done. You're on. Can I bring Lynzi?"

"Of course.It'd be great to see her again. Invite Becca too if you like.”

"Now are you planning to serve cheese on toast? Or would you like me to rustle up a lasagne to pop into the oven?"

I punched his arm. "Cheeky bugger....yes please, if you don't mind." We both laughed.


















So life moves on apace, and the story unfolded. Fast forward a couple of months, and my not so new flat is looking a lot more homely. Ivan has almost moved in, the girls have a 'dog loo' planted at one end of my terrace, and squeaky toys in their toy box in the lounge. Ivan has grown into his role as a 'good boyfriend', I'm pleased to say, and I've not had to call him a tosser for weeks now.

My work is still manic busy. We gained three banks as new clients after the LIBOR scandal, so I now head up a small team of four lawyers. My work on the board of Beltan also keeps me occupied, ensuring that Ivan stays on the right side of the law, while he's aggressively trying to own the world. The new board is working well, and he's even grudgingly admitted to liking our female finance director, Gail Hayward. I also managed to sign up Conde Nast. Pearson Hardwick is now officially the biggest of the big four law firms in London. Ms Pearson's delighted.

Lewis and I got over our spat regarding the sale of Paul's company. I found out from Lucy that his sister not only got the money from the company tax free, she also got tens of millions he had stashed away in offshore savings accounts. He was indeed, a very strange man. I still read the books he recommended, and to be truthful, I learnt a lot from him.

Talking of Lucy, her and Oscar are going great guns. Lady Golding herself called to thank me for introducing them, and not only has Lucy taken over the typing of the church newsletter, she's also accompanied Lady Golding on several days out in London. Oscar looks permanently happy, and I think it won't be too long before he makes her the next 'Lady Golding'. I know from conversations with Luce that she truly loves him, and I couldn't have wished for more for him. He remains a great friend. His secret will stay safe with me.

James and Lynzi are still stuck like glue to each other, which is really cute to see. She's given up her rental in Rotherhithe, and moved into his apartment. He fusses over her, looking after her when she does the outrageously long hours that junior doctors have to work.

He loved my new apartment, really liked my new, extra large telly, and pops by every now and then to drink coffee, and berate me for my thinness. He's been getting into baking lately, so occasionally drops by with cakes for me to try. I noticed that Lynzi's not looking so skinny these days.

At the moment, I'm planning our first Christmas together, which we'll be spending in Sussex. I'll never forget Ivan's revelation that he'd never really been bought presents before, so I've got a pile of gifts planned, plus some for the girls as well. He knows something's up, as everything still shows on my face, and he doesn't miss a trick. I've promised him a traditional English Christmas this year, and he'll do a Russian one next year.

I'm sure you all expected me to end up with one of the others, but sometimes it's better to travel the more treacherous route. The rewards at the end are often better, and in my case, the best man won.



















D A Latham is a salon owner, mother of Persian cats, a dog called Ted, and devoted partner to the wonderful Allan.





























Other Books by D A Latham


The Beauty and the Blonde

A Very Corporate Affair Book 1

A very Corporate Affair Book 2

















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