A Very Corporate Affair book 3 (The Corporate series) (17 page)

"Dunno, I just wish I was going with you. It'd be more exciting than just reading and eating." I winked at him, which made him smile. "Maybe I could do the first week with Oscar, then meet James in Spain for the second week."

"Just let me know, and I'll lend you my jet. I'm not going anywhere." He leaned forward, and softly kissed me. We were interrupted by the buzzer from the main door. I answered the video entry, and saw a military looking man.

"Delivery for Mr Porenski," he said. Ivan was immediately by my side.

"Code word?"

"Goddess" Ivan buzzed him in. A few minutes later, he took delivery of a carrier bag containing the cash.

"You'd better check how much is there," he said, handing it to me. I counted it all, and there was about£700 short, which I presumed, she'd spent on flights. I stuffed it all back in the bag, and was clearing up our cups when James returned looking ashen. He handed the phone back to Ivan.

"The fella wants to speak to you." Ivan spoke to whoever was on the other end in Russian, before ending the call, and shoving the phone in his pocket.

"So?" I looked at James expectantly.

"Oh god, where to start. Well, first off, she came to me thinking I'd be a good target. She left Oz because she was in trouble with the police. She wouldn't say exactly why, but I got the impression it was theft from her employer. Apparently her and Tryst split up ages ago, because she'd met some Italian bloke. They needed money fast, because she's pregnant, and knew she wouldn't be able to deceive me for long before it showed. I didn't even bank my cheque till today, so it wouldn't clear till next week. Apart from that, I didn't have enough cash for her to be bothered. When she knew about yours, I told her last night by the way, she changed plans. She met this Antonio earlier to tell him they'd be leaving tonight, and the rest you know."

"Oh James, how disappointing for you," I said. My heart went out to him.

"That's a bit of an understatement," he replied, "that woman has ripped me apart twice now, and I let her. I just feel like a total idiot."

"We all behave like idiots when we're in love, forgiving when we shouldn't," I said, shooting Ivan a pointed look. He had the grace to look a bit sheepish. "What's going to happen to her?" I asked him.

Ivan shifted on the stool. "She'll be on the next plane to Rome. They have their tickets. I gather my security scared the life out of the pair of them, and told her I'd taken a contract out, so she can never return to London again."

"Have you?" I asked.

He shook his head, "of course not, I don't do things like that, but she won't know any different. I gather she tried to blame it all on the boyfriend."

"She told me she was jealous of Elle, said it wasn't fair that Elle got everything so easily, had it all fall in her lap. That was how she tried to justify her actions." James interjected.

"Easily? Is that what the bitch thought?" I felt my fury rising. "Up until I moved here, I've had to work my arse off for everything. You saw what I walked into this flat with, I had fuck all to my name. My own mother died penniless so I could go to Cambridge. I came from total poverty, but I never stooped low enough to nick anything. Bitch."

"Do you know how sexy you are when you're angry?" Ivan said, trying to diffuse my anger. "She knew nothing. Don't let her twisted opinions affect you. She was just a lazy and envious person, and anyway, it's all been sorted. You can get your Euros as planned."

"What do you want to do about this holiday?" James asked.

"Let me talk to Oscar, maybe I'll do a week with you and a week with him. He changed his dates to accommodate me, so I can't just drop him. I'll speak to him. In the meantime, it's nearly one in the morning, and I'm almost dead on my feet. I have to be up in a few hours, so I'm going to get a bit of sleep." I took my bags and wandered over to my bedroom, with Ivan following. Within seconds we'd stripped off, and snuggled up under the covers. He felt solid and warm, his strong arms wrapped around me, making me feel safe.

"Are you too tired?" He whispered.

"Hmm? Yeah, sorry."

"Don't worry. I'll pencil in a session tomorrow. Go to sleep." He didn't have to tell me twice.

I still woke up at five,
the curse of the early bird,
I thought. Ivan was out for the count, so I padded out to the kitchen to fix myself a strong coffee. Even James wasn't awake. I opened my laptop, and flicked through my emails, spotting one from Claire Plant, sent the day before. Reading it, she informed me that contracts had been issued by the vendor of the flat, which I could sign before I went away, along with a few other land registry, and lease documents. If I could place the money in their client account before I went, she could aim to exchange and complete while I was away, as the documentation on the apartment appeared to be in good order. I emailed back that I would check my schedule, and email her a time as soon as I got into work. I made a mental note to put my chequebook in my handbag. A frisson of excitement ran down my spine. I'd never had my own home before, it had always seemed like an impossible dream. I couldn't wait for the moment of walking into that apartment, and knowing it was mine.

"What are you smiling about?" James said, interrupting my musings.

"Got an email asking me to sign contracts for my new flat today. I'm excited. It'll be the first time living somewhere not rented."

"Really? Not even your childhood home?"


"Well, I never would have guessed. I knew you didn't come from a rich family, but... Anyway, another coffee?"

"Yeah, go on, I'm not gonna go to the gym this morning. I doubt if I'll be able to peel sleeping beauty off my bed in time."

"He's a decent man. Very calm in a crisis. He was surprisingly kind too."

"You should see him with his spaniels, mind you, we were wrong about Osc, he was lovely with Ivan's dogs. They adore him too, he spent ages playing with them."

James raised an eyebrow, "I would never have expected that, would've thought he was more likely to have them between two slices of bread." We both giggled. "Now, what do you want to do about this holiday? I know this is my fault for messing you about, so if you can't come, I will understand."

"I thought I'd spend a week with each of you. Ivan offered me his jet, so I can fly over. Is that a good compromise?"

"Great. We both need some R and R, you especially. It's been a stressful time for you. New job, moving house, new boyfriend, plus your mum. Four life events in one year is enough to drain anyone."

"This week alone has been rather too exciting for my liking, although I'm pleased that Ivan and I seem to be back on track."

"The two of you look right together. He's a decent man, not what I expected an oligarch to be. I think he's definitely in love with you, he has this sort of softness when he looks at you."

"Yeah, he's a good man, despite being a Ruskie Ratbag at times. Now, what about you? Please don't tell me I'm gonna see the return of the heartbreak beard and scraggy hair?"

He shook his head, "I'm gonna find myself a nice brunette, I've had it with blondes. In some ways this episode laid a lot to rest. I blamed myself for her leaving me for Trystan, thought I was in some way lacking. She obviously has a world of issues of her own, I mean, she was sleeping with me for god’s sake, and she was pregnant with another man's child. How must he have felt?" James looked disgusted.

"At least you got a few shags out of it."

He smirked, "yeah, it's like riding a bike, you never forget."

We chatted for a while about the events of the previous night, until I glanced at the clock, it was nearly half six. I made all three of us more coffee, and took mine and Ivan's into my bedroom. He was still out cold, so I prodded him. "Coffees here." He opened his eyes, and looked at the clock.

"Not quite as ungodly an hour as normal. Did you get a lay in?"

"No, I've been chatting to James. Thought I'd give the gym a miss, and let you sleep in a bit. We did have quite a late night."

"Well, you're gonna have another one tonight, hopefully in my pleasure room."

My belly squeezed, "mmm, can't wait. I like your swing contraption."

"If you're not careful, I'll visit your office at lunchtime. Mines a bit too open for any fun. I happen to know that yours is lockable and soundproofed."

"Now I know why you insisted on it. Are you coming for a shower?" He slurped down his coffee, before following me into the bathroom. I set it to tropical flow from the large overhead fitting, and let the deluge flow over me. Ivan shampooed my hair, and lathered me all over with body wash. I did the same to him, ogling his naked body rather shamelessly.

"If you're not careful, I'll end up taking you up against the wall," he said, as I washed him, taking particular care to wash his dick extremely thoroughly. "You really are asking for trouble," he purred, before grasping my face for a deep, lush kiss. His hand slipped down between my legs, where he stroked my clit, making me as horny as hell. I groaned as he slipped a finger inside, then two, pumping me slowly, while pressing his thumb against my clitoris. I grasped his cock, which was rock hard, and swirled my thumb over the tip. I felt myself pressed against the cool, tiled wall of the shower. Ivan lifted me up, and I wrapped my legs around his waist, as he guided his cock into me.

He hammered into me hard, pounding me relentlessly, as the water flowed over us. I reached between us to rub my clit, desperate for an orgasm to relieve the tension building up inside.

"Come on, come for me baby, I need you to come all over my cock." He whispered in his phone sex voice. I rubbed a little faster, until I came gloriously hard, my insides contracting viciously, blocking out everything but the feeling of his cock, ploughing in and out. I felt him swell, and let go, his cock throbbing as he spurted into me. He kissed me again, a deep, grateful kiss, as we both got our breath back. "You, my darling, are exquisite, and I'll never get enough of you."

"Hmm, so are you. That was the nicest shower I've had in a long time," I purred. I re-washed myself quickly, and hopped out to dry myself. My legs were a little wobbly, so I went and sat at my dressing table to quickly dry my hair.

I stuffed some cash, and the cheque book in my handbag, and asked Ivan to put the rest in his safe, with the jewellery, as he was going home before he went into the office. After a cheery goodbye to James, we left to drop me at work.





















Chapter 11






I bounced into work, excited to be off for a fortnight, and knowing that I wouldn't have a terribly busy day. My time sheets, and other paperwork was all up to date, and none of my projects would require too much attention. I checked my schedule, and made an appointment to see Claire at ten, and arranged to pop up and see Lucy afterwards. I planned to nip out at lunchtime to get my Euros, and stock up on sun lotion. Laura organised a taxi, and I made my way over to head office.

I signed all the forms that Claire had prepared, checked the details of the management company for the apartment block, and wrote an eye watering cheque to cover all the costs to completion. Claire had seemed very thorough and knowledgeable as she explained the lease, and it's various clauses. I was relieved that there wasn't a 'no animals' clause, in case the girls came for a visit, and I was pleased to find out that there would be no problem exchanging and completing on the same day.

I looked around Claire's office as she fussed around with the file. It was one of the older ones in the building, with mahogany panelling, and a large, old fashioned desk, much like I'd expected when I'd dreamed of becoming a lawyer during my degree. It had that lovely, slightly musty smell of old papers, and even older books. She saw me looking around. "Bet this is a bit different to your place. Lucy told me its spectacular."

"Yeah, it's a great building. This office is gorgeous though, I was just thinking how it was what I expected mine to be when I qualified. I love the old panelling and stuff. My office is lovely, but it's a bit bare."

"With a view to die for, I expect. There has to be some perks to be had for the crazy hours you lot have to do over in corporate. Personally, I couldn't do it. I have to leave at five on the dot to pick my little one up from his childminder."

"I think in the four months I've been there, I've had one early finish. Most of the time I try and get away before seven, but I'm at my desk by half seven in the morning, and often have to entertain clients, so don't get home till after nine at night. It's not all posh offices and long lunches, I do loads of drudgey contract work too."

I popped up to see Lucy once I'd finished with Claire. We discussed outfits, and arranged that she should be at my place at six, so that we could be picked up by Roger at quarter past. She quizzed me about how I'd be wearing my hair, and said that she'd be wearing hers up, as her dress wasn't strapless. It turned out that she was on annual leave as well for the next two weeks, but had nothing really planned.

I got a taxi back to Canary Wharf, in time for lunch. My first stop was the bank, where I bought£5000 worth of Euros, grimacing at the exchange rate, then into Boots to buy sunscreen, insect spray, and toiletries. At one o'clock I trotted back to my office, ready to wrap up all my work.

"Glad you're back, I know you're in holiday mode, but would you sit in on a negotiation please?" Lewis had poked his head round my door.

"Sure." I grabbed a notebook and pen, and followed Lewis down the corridor to one of the meeting rooms. There were three men seated, our client was introduced to me as Graham Baxter, the owner of a music publishing company. The other party was the creator of a website that had shamelessly ripped off the copyrights that Graham legitimately owned. We had sued on Graham's behalf, and it was due to go to hearing on Monday. Today's negotiation was to see if an out of court settlement could be reached. I quickly text Laura to say that if I called, she was to leave the line open, and be silent. I had learnt a few tricks from Ivan.

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