A Very Corporate Affair book 3 (The Corporate series) (15 page)


"It looks like Vlad was my father, which means Dascha was my half sister, and he wanted us to marry."

"That's sick. Imagine if you'd had kids?"

Ivan shuddered, "I feel sick knowing I had a relationship with my own half sister, that's bad enough, but having a psychopath like Vlad as a father is horrific. I just hope it's not hereditary."

"No wonder he helped you so much, setting up."

"Yeah, he covered that by telling me it was for Dascha. A hospital in Moscow gave Natalya a sample of his DNA from a biopsy they did for him. In a few days, I'll know the truth." He scrubbed his hands over his face. "I was friendly with the man who killed my mother."

"Why were they killed?"

"Vlad basically stole the factory where my father worked. I didn't know until recently who 'the businessman' was. My parents were activists in the protest movement, as all the workers were thrown into even more poverty than under the communist regime. We could barely afford to eat, and it was getting worse. Vlad's men stamped out all dissent quickly and mercilessly. I gave the workers a pay rise, and better working conditions when I was in Moscow the other week, and discovered that the factory was part of Vlad's estate. They were so grateful, it was pitiful."

"Why didn't you tell me all this before?" I asked softly.

He stared out of the window for a while. "You don't like me seeing where you're from, I'm the same. I'm from peasant stock, from the grottiest slums of Moscow. Those people are still there, dying young from the conditions they work in, and the poverty they endure. It so easily could have been me, and if my parents hadn't been murdered, it probably would've been."

"You don't know that, all this could have happened regardless."

He shook his head. "No, I know I would have stayed. I was a bit of a mummy's boy. I watched them dragged out of our tenement, and saw my father executed in the street in front of everyone." Tears were streaming down his face as he relived the horror. He swiped them away. "I prayed so hard that they'd let my mum go, but they took her and some other woman to the gates of the factory, and killed them there. I heard the shots, and I knew it was her. They left her body there as a warning to the other workers not to get above their position, or cause trouble. I didn't know what to do. I had no other family, or money for a burial. I couldn't even arrange a grave. All the other neighbours were too scared to help me, so I had to dig two paupers graves on some scrubland to bury them. Then I ran away."

"So he killed the woman he had a relationship with?"

Ivan nodded. "I don't know if my father ever knew there was a chance I wasn't his. Bear in mind, I was born long before Vlad became successful. I don't know if it was an affair, rape, or anything."

"Baby I'm sorry, this must be so hard for you." I hugged him, holding him tight. "Regardless of who your father is, you're still the same person, that won't change. Neither us are the product of our parents."

"There's only one bright spot. If Vlad was my father, proven by DNA, I'll get my 13% inheritance tax back."

"True, but you still won't have any living family. I wish I had siblings or cousins. I wouldn't feel so alone."

"I don't care about having any family. I've been on my own since I was fifteen. I hate to think you feel alone. You have me."

"Do I? I bought a flat today. You don't know where, what it's like, anything. You don't know my favourite colour, the music I like, the books I read. I don't 'have' you Ivan. I have the tiny bit of you that you choose to share with me. Is it any wonder we fall out so much when you're so secretive?"

"I wish I was a good boyfriend, and knew how to make you feel loved and cherished. It's like there's a secret that I'm not privy to, you know, how to make a woman happy."

"You are pretty rubbish at it," I teased, "unbelievably stingy with the flowers too." I paused, "I need to tell you, I'm not going away with James and Janine now. I'm going to Tuscany with Oscar. He invited me, and I need a break. I did ask you to come on holiday first though," I added hastily. I cringed, expecting an eruption.

"And I said no, that I booked August, and didn't invite you..." Ivan trailed off. I nodded. "I meant to ask you, but you were so intent on not sleeping with me, I just..." I looked at him expectantly. "Ok, I'm a tosser."

I made us both coffee, and Ivan sat on my bed while I carried on sorting through the clothes. I told him about my new flat, and my ideas for the furniture. He offered to hire an interior designer to help me, which I accepted gracefully. He yes or no'd each outfit I tried on, showing a surprisingly good sense of style. The pile to be taken into work grew quite a bit. "Which dress are you wearing on Saturday night? He asked.

"The tickets said it was white tie, so I thought I'd wear the strapless champagne one that you bought me. I've been waiting for an event to wear it to."

"I'm going to make it my mission to take you out more. Show you off to the world. You're too young and lovely to stay home as much as we do."

"Smooth, Ivan. You're turning into a bit of a charmer."

"It's a shame I'm not taking you Saturday. Your friend's going isn't she?"

"Yes, you've met Lucy. I need to speak to her about timings. We have to be in the city by seven at the latest."

"I'll lend you the Bentley, and Roger. The two of you can arrive in style, and be seen safely home afterwards."


He pulled me onto his lap, and wrapped his arms around me. "When can I make love to you? I've been so patient, and I can see your nipples through your bra. It's been driving me crazy all evening." He nuzzled my neck, pressing little kisses over my shoulder. I could feel him hardening underneath me, which seemed to ignite my slumbering libido. "Can I at least take your bra off, and feel your tits?" he murmured against my shoulder. He reached round, and unclipped my bra, before pulling it off, and letting it drop to the floor. "I've missed your breasts. You have the best nipples I've ever seen." He was using his 'phone sex' voice. I melted into a hormonal mush.

He captured a nipple in his lips, and sucked hard, causing me to arch into him, while he rolled and pinched the other with his fingers. "Please tell me when I can make love to you. I can barely control myself," he murmured against my breast. I stroked his erection through his shorts, causing him to groan. "Please let me make love to you. I'll beg if you want." He sounded needy and desperate. He lifted his face to mine, and kissed me, pressing his tongue into my mouth, in a show of barely restrained animal passion.

"Yes, make love to me now." No sooner were the words out of my mouth, than Ivan had my knickers yanked down, his shorts kicked off, and I was laying on my back on the bed. He crawled up my body, kissing and licking my heated skin.

"I need to fuck you hard first. I won't last long, I'm too turned on." He pressed inside me, stretching and filling me with his thick, solid erection. He fucked me at a hard, primal pace, completely dominating my body. I could barely move as he pinned me to the bed, taking me as he wanted. Just the sheer sexual power of the man, and his desperation for me, turned me on beyond belief. As he pounded me, I felt the familiar quickening of an impending orgasm. He kissed me as I called out, swallowing my cries of passion. As I pulsed around him, he stilled, and let go, resting his forehead against mine. "I've missed you so much baby, please don't let's fall out again."

I stretched like a cat underneath him, boneless and languid after my orgasm. "Don't fall asleep, please, I'm looking forward to round two," Ivan said, looking a little alarmed.

"I'm not going to sleep, not when I've got your big dick to play with," I purred. He rolled off, and lay on his back. I licked and sucked his nipples, each in turn, and stroked the silky skin of his torso. I loved how sensitive his nipples were. He practically arched off the bed in pleasure as I rolled them between my fingers. I kissed my way down to the tip of his cock, which was back to a full strength erection, and leaking pre-cum. Settling myself between his legs, I massaged his anus as I licked his balls, and pressed tiny kisses up his inner thighs. He sighed loudly, giving in to the sensual pleasure I was inflicting on him.
Boring in bed? I don't think so..

I slowly licked my way up the shaft of his cock, avoiding the sensitive tip, until I had nudged my finger into his anus. He gasped as I massaged his prostrate at the same time as I sucked his cock, swirling my tongue repeatedly over the crest. "Oh god, oh god, don't stop, oh god that feels good," he garbled as I teased and played with him. "Oh no, no, I'm gonna come, stop, stop." I ignored him, and continued my sensual torture until he spurted hotly into my mouth.

"You proved your point, sexy girl. Your turn now, and I'm not gonna show you any mercy." He flipped me onto my back, and lifted my hips, pulling my knees up to my tummy, and pinning my legs open with his arms, so that I was totally open and exposed to him. He began with long, lush licks, before sucking my swollen clit. I groaned with the pleasure, feeling wanton and horny, as he lapped and sucked at the most intimate parts of me.

He changed position to slide two fingers into me, and began pumping them in and out. He pressed down on my tummy, just above my pubis, which felt astonishing. He kept his fingers pumping and rubbing my g spot as he slapped my clit several times, then pressed down again.

"Let go baby," he commanded, as my legs stiffened. I came with a muffled cry, and to my total horror, saw liquid squirt out of me.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry, I don't know what happened." I was mortified. He grinned, looking very pleased with himself.

"I gave you what's called a 'squirting orgasm'," he said, "it's supposed to be the most intense a woman can have."

"It looks like I wet the bed," I muttered, still embarrassed. He scooped me into his arms, and gave me a deep, lush, kiss.

"No, it looks like you had a giant orgasm. I'll sleep on the damp patch, I don't mind. Now, I think my cock's recovered since your earlier fun. Can we have a slow one?"
Jesus, is the man insatiable?
"You, on top, so I can see you, and touch those beautiful breasts." He rolled me onto him. I straddled him, and sank down onto his cock, holding still for a moment to get used to the sensation. He watched my face intently as he stroked his hands over my waist and ribs, in a sensual gesture.

I began to move slowly, closing my eyes, as he kneaded and fondled my breasts. I tilted my head back to push them into his hands, revelling in the sheer sensuality of our connection. "Open your eyes, let me see you....please." He murmured. I bent over him, and gazed into his eyes, light blue into sapphire, seeing his face relaxed with pleasure. "You are so beautiful, so sexy," he whispered, "I could never get enough of you." He cupped my face, and drew me to him for a kiss.

We made it last, moving slowly, just enjoying each other's bodies, with neither of us chasing an orgasm. When I eventually came, it rolled through me in waves, massaging his cock deep inside me, causing him to find his own release. Afterwards, I lay in his arms, neither of us speaking for a while. Eventually I broke the silence, "Would you like a drink?"

"Can I have something cold? Water or juice, something like that please." I threw on a robe, washed my hands, and padded out to the kitchen. James and Janine were cuddled up on the sofa.

"Hi Elle, not seen you all evening." Janine said.

"My boyfriend's here," I said by way of explanation, "is there any juice left?" She nodded, and I went over to the fridge and poured out two glasses. I grabbed some breadsticks and soft cheese, and carried it all back to the bedroom. James raised his eyebrow as I walked past.

"Brought us some sustenance."I announced as I returned. Ivan sat up and took the glasses of juice off me, placing them on the bedside table. I dumped the rest on the bed beside him.

"Great, I'm starving. Sex always makes me hungry," he said, pulling out a breadstick, and scooping up some cheese, taking a bite, before offering it to me. We ended up feeding each other, with Ivan groaning as I licked Philadelphia off his fingers. "Careful, I'll end up hard again. You'll break my cock if you don't let it rest."

"I wouldn't want to do that," I smirked as I bent down to give it a little kiss. It twitched, despite being soft. "I agree, no more tonight, anyway, I'm a little sore, and I want to change the sheet before we sleep. It's full of crumbs as well as whatever it was that came out of me."

Ivan helped me change the sheet, before throwing the duvet back over, and sliding in, his arms outstretched. I snuggled into him, breathing his gorgeous scent, and feeling his heart beat steadily as he wrapped himself around me. "I will be the man you fall in love with, I'm determined," he whispered.

"You already are," I replied, my eyes closed as sleep beckoned.


























Chapter 10






I wafted the fresh coffee under his nose, hoping that the aroma would wake him up. When that failed, I poked him. "Come on sleeping beauty, time to wake up." He opened one eye, and turned his head to look at the clock.

"It's half five. Why're you getting me up so early?"

"I need to be at the gym by six." I was already wearing my gym kit, and had my bag ready with my work clothes and heels. I sipped my coffee as he struggled up onto his elbows, his face all creased from the pillow, and his messy, dark, curls resembling a birds nest. He took a long slurp of coffee, before swinging his legs out of bed, and padding over to my bathroom. A few minutes later he came out. "Can I borrow your toothbrush?" I nodded, hoping he wouldn't take too long. "Don't worry, I'll just brush my teeth, and I'll be out of your way," he called out as he went back into the bathroom. I made the bed, and gathered up my keys, handbag, and the bag full of clothes to take to work, and waited.

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