Alexandr's Cherished Submissive (12 page)

See, just when she thought she had Oleg figured out, he’d do something that would totally change her view on him. “Okay, and thanks for letting me know. Are you sure they won’t mind company? I mean I can just give them the food at the door. That might be better. I don’t want to interrupt their private time.”

Gripping her shoulders lightly, he turned her in the direction of her door and gave her a little push. “Go.”

At the authoritative tone in his voice, she began moving before her mind caught up with her body. “Thanks again, my friend.”

“You are welcome,


Chapter Seven


Rage exploded from Alex as he listened to Oleg tell him someone had been filling Jessica’s head with shit about him.

“What fucking bitch’s tongue do I have to cut out for this? I haven’t been with a woman in months. Not since the night Jessica and I first played chess.”

“Trust me, I’m aware of your unusual restraint. It’s made you irritable.” Oleg frowned. “Jessica would not say who was spreading rumors about you, but I have my theories and will find out.”

Dimitri gave a dry laugh, drawing Alex’s gaze to his little brother who was not so little anymore. They may have had different mothers, but they shared the black-ringed, gray Novikov eyes, and both had Jorg’s dark hair, though Dimitri’s had more red in it from his mother. His hair was longer than Alex remembered seeing it, the tips now reaching almost to his collar. Dressed in black pants and a deep burgundy dress shirt opened at the throat to expose a thick gold chain, he looked tired.

The past few months had been busy for both of them. Their father had been on a tear lately, making some irrational decisions that were having a widespread impact on the Novikov
. Alex had done what he could from Ireland and had gone home as much as possible to smooth things over with various allies, but Dimitri had to bear the brunt of damage control. His brother seemed to have hardened in their time apart and Alex wondered if that was a good or bad thing.

Giving him a considering look, Dimitri leaned back and extended his arms over the back of the sleek leather couch. “Is this the Jessica you’ve been talking about? I was hoping to meet her while I was here.”

Torn between the need to protect Jessica from his world and the desire for his brother to meet her, he shrugged. “It sounds like she is angry with me. Perhaps another time.”

Oleg cleared his throat. “She will be coming over in a little bit with what she calls comfort food that she is making for you both.”

At the mention of food, Dimitri sat all the way up. “Home cooked?”

“Yes. It is something called biscuits and gravy. She said her mother taught her how to make it. An old American family recipe.”

Dimitri grinned at Alex. “This girl sounds wonderful, Alex. Marry her.”

Shaking his head, he smiled at his brother. Dimitri had just turned twenty-two a few months ago but still had the appetite of a teenager. Then again, Dimitri never seemed to stop growing, so his endless hunger was justifiable.

Oleg cracked his neck. “I need to check with some contacts about the Sokolov and Gilyov situations. I will leave you for the evening. Dimitri, it is good to see you again.”

Dimitri stood and came over to Oleg, giving the older man a brief, back smacking hug. “Keep safe, my friend.”

The door clicked shut behind Oleg, and Alex watched Dimitri wander over to the dark window with his drink then look down at the busy street below. “Your women are asking about you back home. They miss your cock. This celibacy thing you are doing is foolish. I’ve never known you to go this long without a woman. Are you ill? Your dick no longer work? Nico has pills for that.”

Shaking his head, not ready to tell his brother how serious he was about his future with Jessica, Alex gladly took the distraction of talking about their mutual friend. “How are Nico and his exquisite sub?”

“In love, disgustingly so. Catrin asked me to remind you she expects to see you in Rome at Laz Stefano’s manor.” He gave a soft laugh filled with sexual undertones. “Are you going to take one of your girls or will you be inviting this Jessica to one of the Stefano’s hedonistic parties?”

His gut clenched, but he forced his voice to remain steady. “I do not know if Jessica is into the BDSM scene.”

Dimitri merely nodded, still looking down to the street below. “Nico has been talking lately about proposing to Catrin.”

That surprised a smile out of him. “Good. She will make a wonderful wife.”

“They are very happy together.” He turned and made his way back to the couch where Alex sat. “Do you think she will say yes?

“Why wouldn’t she?”

“You know Catrin. She is not one for commitment.”

“Nico lets her play with anyone she wants.”

“Yes, he lets his girlfriend play with whoever she wants, but his wife? He may not be so willing to share.” Outside, a car horn beeped loud enough to penetrate the thick glass of the bulletproof windows. “This Jessica, are you willing to share her?”

“Keep your hands off of her.”

Raising his eyebrows, Dimitri gave him a mock-surprised look. “So defensive. Don’t tell me this girl means something to you.”

It didn’t take Alex long to realize Dimitri was baiting him and fishing for information. Obviously, he’d been more transparent about his feelings than he thought. Eventually he would tell his brother, but the time wasn’t right yet. “She is just a girl.”

“Hmm. A girl that you talk about every time we speak. A girl that has you suddenly celibate.” Dimitri grunted then carefully set his glass on the coaster on the small, dark wood coffee table. “Maks tells me this Jessica of yours is very sweet, very innocent. That when she looks at you, it is like the sun and moon rise and set on your command. He says he would have been in her bed long ago, but you forbid it.”

“She is Peter’s niece. I am merely strengthening the ties between our families by watching out for her.” It took all his self-control to keep from going and hunting down Maks. “It would not help for Maks to bed her and break her heart.”

“Do not bullshit me, Alex. You never get possessive over a woman, yet the mere mention of Maks fucking her has you enraged. While you may be able to hide it from others, I know you so do not lie to me.”

Knowing Dimitri was right, he said nothing.

“And when I say your women miss you, I mean your women are complaining that you are ignoring them. Last time you were in Moscow, you didn’t visit a single one or the Club. You know people will notice these things, and before long, someone will become curious about what, or who, has drawn your attention.”

He forced himself to remain calm, knowing his brother was only speaking the truth, but hating that he was right. “I was busy last time I was in Moscow, trying to soothe tempers after our father decided to intercept a shipment of heroin meant for the Kumarin
. Stopping a war between the families was more important than pussy.”

Dimitri gave a dry laugh. “I’ve seen you get a blow job while performing a hit. Again, do not lie to me, Alex. Lie to everyone else, but not to me.”

His brother’s words stung, but he was right. No matter what, they were always honest with each other. Dimitri was the one person in this fucked up world he trusted completely. Even so, he struggled to open up. “She is different.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean, I can feel her when she walks into a room without even seeing her. It is like my body is attuned to her in a way I’ve never experienced. And she is so full of life. Her spirit shines in her eyes, and it is a beautiful thing. Life is an adventure to Jessica.” He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. “And she’s smart, funny, and so very kind. If she sees someone who needs help, anyone, she will stop and assist them with no thought to her own self or safety.”

“Maks told me she has helped ease tensions with the O’Doyle gang’s blood feud with Peter.”

He couldn’t help the small smile of remembrance curving his lips. “They own her favorite bakery.”


“One day, while Maks was with her, Jessica saw an old woman stuck on the side of the road in a delivery van with a flat tire. Maks saw the name on the van and knew who it was, but before he could stop her, Jessica was changing the woman’s tire, regardless of Margo O’Doyle’s protests.”

Dimitri gave a low whistle. “The matriarch of the O’Doyle clan?”

“The very same. Maks said Margo seemed taken aback, and Maks tried to get Jessica to leave, but she refused to budge until they’d changed the tire for the helpless old woman.”

“Helpless? That ‘helpless’ old woman single-handedly took out six armed men back in the fifties during the Green Street massacre. The story is still legend.” Dimitri frowned. “Did Margo know who Jessica was?”

knows who Jessica is. Peter made sure to spread the word far and wide that if anyone harmed her there would be hell to pay. And even if they didn’t know, all you have to do is take one look at Jessica to know who she is. Her mother was well-known by the O’Doyle gang—she went to a private school with some of their girls—and only a blind man could miss the resemblance.”

“Hmm, would have been the perfect opportunity to kidnap her.”

“Yes, it would have, but evidently, Jessica made such an impression on Margo that she declared Jessica off limits. Now Jessica goes to the bakery often and stays for tea with Margo. This forced Peter to thank Margo personally for protecting his niece and opened a line of communication between the gangs. They are by no means allies, but at least they’ve stopped killing and sabotaging each other.”

“Maybe she can work the same magic with the Boldin
, eh?”

Before Alex could respond, there was a knock on the door. Dimitri gave him a shit-eating grin, leaped from the couch, and ran to the small foyer of the apartment. Alex cursed inwardly, knowing his brother could be a little…overwhelming when he was in the mood and that Dimitri loved to fuck with him. Then again, it was nice to give Dimitri something to think about other than the morbid anniversary they had gathered together for.

Jessica’s nervous voice came from beyond Dimitri’s broad shoulders. “Uh...hi. Is Alex home?”

The purr in Dimitri’s voice alerted Alex to the fact that his brother was in full-on charming mode. “You must be Jessica. I am Dimitri, Alex’s brother.”

“I can tell. You both have the same amazing eyes.” She let out a nervous giggle, and Alex glared in the direction of the foyer.

“Here, beautiful lady, let me carry for you.”


A moment later, Jessica stepped into the living room. His heart gave the solid thud it always did when he saw her, and his nervous system lit up. Tonight, her gorgeous red hair was pulled back into a thick braid and small gold hoops glittered in her ears. She wore a dark green tank top with a cream cardigan along with a pair of khaki pants that fit her long legs perfectly. Her gaze darted to him, and she gave him an unsure smile. A blush put some pink in her cheeks, only adding to her appeal. Without a second thought, he stood and moved to her side, taking in a deep breath of her apples and spice scent.

He’d missed her.

“Oleg told me your brother was visiting so I...uh...made this for you guys. If you’ve already had dinner, I can put it in the fridge, and you can warm it up for breakfast or whatever.”

Dimitri was already on his way into the kitchen with the large blue pot. “We eat now.”

She nervously shifted and began to edge back toward the foyer. “Well, have a good night.”

Alex tilted his head. “You are leaving?”

“I don’t want to interrupt your time with your brother.” She lowered her voice, and her gaze darted to Dimitri in the kitchen. “Oleg told me what today is. I totally understand if you want to be alone.”

“Stay.” The soft word came out more like a command than a request. She still looked ready to bolt so he gently took her small hand in his, a shock moving through his system at that simple touch. Her lips parted, and she stared up at him, allowing him to draw her closer until they were separated by less than a foot.

“Are…are you sure?”

prinsessa moya
, I am sure. We could use your light tonight.”

“My light?”

“Your soul shines so bright it…what is right word…pushes away shadows.”

A pink flush flooded her cheeks, and her grip tightened on his hand. Then she gave him a shy look from beneath her strawberry-blonde lashes always made him smile. He wasn’t lying. The warmth she gave off while she was happy affected everyone around her, lifting their spirits as well. It wasn’t magic or any mystical bullshit. It was simply the natural reaction of being around a genuinely good, sweet person. A rare commodity in his evil world.

She looked away, but not before he saw a pleased smile curve her pink lips. “Thank you. Are you sure Dimitri won’t mind?”

“Stay,” came Dimitri’s muffled shout, and Alex looked over to see Dimitri eating right from the pot. “Food is good.”

He sighed and led Jessica into the living room, not releasing her hand even as Dimitri gave him a pointed look then grinned when Alex sat on the couch with Jessica at his side. She fidgeted for a moment, gently trying to extract her hand, but he wasn’t letting her go. With his thumb stroking her palm, he shook his head at his brother.

Speaking quickly in Russian, Alex said, “Jessica knows nothing about the
or Peter’s gang. She thinks he is a politician and that I’m a professional bodyguard from Belarus.”

Dimitri’s words came out garbled as he continued to shove the food into his mouth. “Understood. Are you sure she hasn’t figured out Peter? She works at his headquarters, right?”

“Jessica was raised in a small town in America, an idyllic place where people do not lock their doors at night and everyone knows everyone. It would never occur to her to even suspect something like that, and Peter has made it well-known what will happen if someone were to tell her.”

“How long do you plan on hiding this?”

His gut churned. He knew about the hard decisions he would eventually have to make. He was sure Jessica would feel betrayed by his keeping it from her, but the less she knew the safer she would be. Someday, he would tell her the whole truth, but he hoped to have her so in love and happy with him by then that she wouldn’t leave him.

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