Alexandr's Cherished Submissive (14 page)

Life had given him enough experience to appreciate Jessica, to savor her as he taught her about all the pleasures the world had to offer. He liked taking care of her like this—a lot. It satisfied some urge he’d never had before, some basic need to protect and provide for this young woman. He kept far enough away that they had space between them, but he couldn’t resist repeatedly running his fingers through her hair. Satisfaction filled him along with a faint sense of foreboding as he thought about the dangerous world into which he was going to bring her.


He must have fallen asleep, because he was slowly awakened by the feeling of a woman’s lips brushing against his own and a warm, soft body wrapped around his tall frame. His mind drifted as his lips parted, and he returned her kiss, the taste of her sizzling along his nerves, lighting him up from within. Plush and full, her lips pillowed his, and he groaned softly, the sensation of her legs rubbing over his making his dick harden. She was practically panting with desire, so aroused that he wondered how long she’d been seducing him awake.

Whoever this woman was, she
knew how to kiss.

He cupped her tight ass and pulled her groin against his, gasping into her mouth when she threw her leg over his hip, opening her core to him. The moment her pussy rubbed against his cloth-covered cock, he growled again, the desire to be inside of this woman driving him mad. She moaned deeply when he flexed his hips against her, rubbing his long shaft over her mound.

“Alex,” she whispered against his mouth. “You feel so good.”

Her voice triggered the memory of an exquisitely beautiful face, and he broke their kiss, his body trembling with the need to take her, to fuck her, to pound her so hard she would never be the same.

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“Oh shit,” she shuddered and ground harder over his dick, the scent of her need filling his nostrils. “I swear you could make me come just by talking.”

“We should not be doing. Is not right.”

All of his good intentions went right out the window when she grabbed his hand then shoved it down the front of her panties. “Feel how wet I am for you?”

As if he had no control over his own body, his fingers stroked down over the soft curls covering her mound, to her shaved pussy lips, which were glazed with her need. And puffy. Shit, she had one of his favorite kinds of pussy. Thick outer lips that begged to hug his cock as he fucked her. He could just imagine sliding his dick into her like he was sliding his finger in. Tight, blissfully tight. It didn’t help that he could now smell her arousal, the musk calling to him and inviting him to take a taste of her need.

To lick her where she was sweet and wet.

Her sheath squeezed his finger while she moaned, and he swore he ejaculated a little bit. She had a very strong cunt. The kind that would wring his come out in bone-wrenching sucks. A deep shudder wracked his spine, making his balls tingle before his cock throbbed even harder. Just the friction of her body against his made him crazy with the need to fuck her.

Sliding his finger in and out, he let her pull him down to kiss him again, her tongue stroking against his as the bed sheets rustled with their movements. He couldn’t believe he was actually touching Jessica, had his finger inside of the slickest, tightest pussy he’d ever had the pleasure of playing with. With his thumb, he quickly found her clit, erect and poking out, easy to caress and manipulate. She must have been sensitive because he had to use a light touch to keep her from flinching away.

It took skill to get a woman like Jessica off, and he loved how she responded to his delicate strokes. She kissed her way over his jaw to his ear, lightly sucking on the lobe while she whispered, “Why won’t you touch me like this when I’m awake? I need you. Please fuck me.”

He froze, a little mewl of need coming from her as she rocked her hips against his hand, obviously close to orgasm. “I will not have sex with you tonight.”

She sighed in obvious disappointment, but didn’t stop riding his fingers. “You never do. Not even in my dreams.”

He couldn’t leave her like this, couldn’t let her return to her dreams filled with frustration. “I will take care of you,
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. Take off your panties and spread your legs for your Master.”

She responded instantly and stripped then leaned back, her legs going wide and her hips going up, moving against his hand when he resumed touching her. There was something about her that was shameless, unapologetic as she rode his fingers, grasping at him with her tight cunt. She was confident about her desires, and he wondered how far he could push her boundaries, how far she’d want him to push.

Who knew that beneath her sweet exterior lay a dirty little sex vixen.

The things he could show her…sins so sweet they were worth going to hell over.

Her voice was rough when she spoke. “I’m getting close. Can you feel it?”

He could feel it, could even see it by the tremble in her thighs. Knowing he was going to make her orgasm, hard, sent a surge of strong male pride through him. It made him feel powerful and in control, two things he craved.

He leaned down and gently licked her clit, groaning deep in his throat, “
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The bed creaked as he sucked her swollen bud gently, softly, and her back arched when she screamed his name. “Alex!”

He nearly ripped down his sleep pants as he began to stroke his cock. His spine tingled as a hard and fast orgasm rushed through him. Holy Mother of God, she turned him on so much that feeling her come apart beneath him was enough to get him off. Coming into his fist, he groaned and plunged his tongue into her along with the fingers of his other hand. The taste of her filled him as he eased her down from her orgasm, eventually removing his fingers while she moaned low and deep. After rolling away from her, he staggered out of bed on weak legs and got a towel, then washed up, his whole body humming with pleasure. He returned to the bed with a clean washcloth and a towel then cleaned her gently while she sighed. He studied her face in the faint light coming through the windows, loving the mysterious smile that curved her lips while she relaxed into his touch. He laid a towel over the damp spot on the sheets, then retrieved her panties, and helped her slip them back on. Her sleepy smile was adorable, and he stole another kiss from her delicious lips. When she reached up to gently caress his cheek, an unfamiliar pain raced through him.

He laid back and pulled her onto his chest again, their combined musk filling the room. His whole body rioted with sensations he’d never experienced before, an intense emotion growing in him that threatened to overwhelm him. It took him a moment to realize that among other things, he was happy, truly content in a way he’d never experienced before.

She shifted until her head was beside his, then settled and became an enjoyable weight on him. He pressed his face into her hair, inhaling the mingled scents of apples and Jessica mixed with him. A warm buzz filled his body, and a bliss he’d never experienced before lightened his heart until he was grinning to himself in the darkness.

This night had changed everything, but he couldn’t bring himself to care. Whatever he had to go through to keep Jessica at his side was worth it a thousand times over if he could have the pleasure of falling asleep with her in his arms, curled trustingly into his body while her taste lingered on his tongue.


Chapter Eight



Jessica was so warm and comfortable, even if her mouth was as dry as a desert. Floating, her mind drifted in serenity, a deep relaxation tempting her to go back to sleep, but there was something odd teasing at the edges of her mind. She lay there for a few moments, her brain slowly waking up as she realized someone was spooning her, someone with a strong body that smelled wonderful, a heady mixture of citrus and sandalwood that made her feel safe. His breath warmed the top of her head as he slept deeply behind her, his body completely relaxed against hers. Whoever he was, he must be massive because he dwarfed her, and she was tall for a girl. Crisp chest hair brushed her back. Then facial hair tickled the side of her neck as he nuzzled closer in his sleep. The pieces of the puzzle all clicked together, and when she realized who the man holding her so tenderly was, she tensed, and panic made her heart thump hard as she opened her eyes.

Sure enough, she was in Alex’s bedroom.


What was she doing in Alex’s room?

And where were her pants?

A quick scan of her body reassured her that she still wore her panties and shirt, but her pants and bra were definitely missing. When she shifted her legs slightly, trying desperately not to wake Alex, she was relieved to feel that he wore what felt like soft sleep pants, but the hairy arm around her was bare as was the warm, furry chest behind her. One of her favorite daydreams lately was to imagine Alex nude, or at least shirtless, but now that he actually was, she was afraid to move, let alone breathe. That didn’t stop a tingle of excitement tightening her belly at the thought of a half-naked Alex holding her, but she forced her hormones to calm the hell down as she tried to think.

How did she get here?

Concentrating, she tried to remember everything she could about the previous night. In spite of the evening’s somber nature, Dimitri broke out the vodka after dinner and proceeded to teach her how to drink it ‘properly’. That was when her recollections became blurry before fading completely. She knew they’d laughed, a lot. She remembered at one point Dimitri and Alex had thrown their arms around each other while they bellowed out some songs in Russian, and she could remember sitting between them, almost cuddling them, as they told her amusing stories about each other. Then another memory came clear as day, and she fervently wished she could die of embarrassment to save herself the future humiliation of having to look Alex and Dimitri in the eye.

At some point, they’d started talking about sex and Jessica, being completely wasted, was pretty sure she’d let it all hang out. And there was
a lot
to hang out.

Kisha, Jessica’s best friend back home, had a cool mom who had hundreds of romance novels lining the bookshelves of her house. When she and Kisha were teenagers, they would ‘borrow’ from her mom’s library. They read all about the steamy adventures of amazing men and women doing some rather kinky things and giggled over the sex parts. She’d only had one serious boyfriend in high school, but she’d given him her virginity, and afterward, they’d gone at it like rabbits. Then there were her sexual escapades in college and on spring break. Oh, God, had she told them about having sex in the ocean off of Cancun with that hot Brazilian guy?

An image of Dimitri staring at her in shock flitted through her aching brain, and she stifled a groan.

Double crap. If she’d shocked Dimitri, then whatever she said must have been bad. They probably thought she was some kind of mega skank now. The kind of woman that would sleep with men while not wearing pants. Or a bra.

The soft flesh between her legs felt sensitive, and she bit her lip, trying to remember if she’d done anything with Alex. Her fragmented dream came to mind, but she had dirty dreams about Alex almost every night. In this dream, as in the others, he wouldn’t fuck her, but he did make her orgasm—hard. Her nipples tightened almost uncomfortably fast, and she shifted against Alex. God, he was so strong, so warm. He moved and pressed his groin into her bottom, cuddling her so close that she felt enveloped by him.

If only he would hold her like this when they were awake.

The sheets were warmed by their bodies, and the wonderful heat had seeped into her bones on this chilly December morning. The sun was already up, and she closed her eyes, taking in a deep breath and trying to commit the memory of being in Alex’s bed to mind since it was probably never going to happen again. The urgent need to use the bathroom battled with her desire to stay still and not wake Alex, but her bladder won out eventually.

Moving as carefully as possible, she tried to ease out of Alex’s arms, but he tugged her back against him.

,” he murmured against the top of her head.

She pushed against his steely arm, trying to ignore how silky his skin felt stretched tight over his impressive muscles. “I have to use the bathroom.”

He grumbled, but released her. The moment she was out of his arms, she gathered up her pants from the floor next to the bed, but she couldn’t find her bra. Not daring to stay any longer, and certainly not daring to look at Alex, she darted out into the hallway then shoved her legs into her pants. Her shoes were around here somewhere, but thankfully, the key to her apartment was still in the pocket of her khakis.

Moving as quietly as possible, she crept across the bare wood floors of the apartment, squinting at the glare of the bright sunlight streaming through the windows and burning her eyes.

When a man’s deep voice came from somewhere to her left, she let out a little squeak of surprise and flinched. “You have no goodbye for me, sweet Jessica?”

She turned to find a shirtless Dimitri lounging on the couch with his laptop and a cup of tea steaming on the coffee table. Both Gorev brothers had lucked out in the genetic lottery because his wide chest was almost as impressive as Alex’s, and probably would be once Dimitri had fully grown into the man he would someday be. His knowing grin heated her face, and she hated how easily she blushed. He was dressed in a pair of deep brown trousers and scratched leisurely at his chest. That movement drew her gaze to the eight pointed star tattoos on either of his shoulders. Dimitri still held traces of the teenage boy he’d been not too long ago, his body not as bulky as his brother’s, but Dimitri was quicker to smile. She met his smirking gaze then quickly looked away.

Keeping her voice low, she moved closer to the couch with her eyes focused on the table. “That’s right. You’re leaving today for Paris.”

“I will be back next week, and we spend time together, yes?”

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