| Metraux, Alfred. Voodoo in Haiti . 1959, reprinted 1972, Schocken Books, New York.
| Mintz, Sidney and Richard Price. The Birth of African American Culture . 1976, reprinted 1992, Beacon Press, Boston.
| Mitchell, B. R., ed. International Historical Statistics of the Americas and Australasia . 1983, Gale Research Co.
| Morrow, R.C. "On Obeah, Myalism and Magical Death in Jamaica." West Indies Medical Journal 32:4 (1983): 46.
| Murphy, Joseph M. Santeria: An African Religion in America . 1988, Beacon Press, Boston.
| . Working the Spirit: Ceremonies of the African Diaspora . 1994, Beacon Press, Boston.
| Myrdal, Gunnar. An American Dilemma: The Negro Problem and Modern Democracy . 1974, Harper & Row, New York.
| Navard, Andrew Jackson. Louisiana Voodoo . Pamphlet available in Tulane Louisiana Collection.
| Olmstead, Frederick Law. Journey in the Seaboard Slave States . 1856, New York.
| . Journey in the Back Country . 1860, New York.
| Owen, Mary Alice. Voodoo Tales, As Told Among the Negroes of the Southwest . 1893, reprinted 1969, Negro University Press.
| Parkinson, Wenda. "This Gilded African". Toussaint L'Ouverture . 1978, Quartet Books Ltd., London.
| Plekhanov, George V. Fundamental Problems of Marxism . 1969, fourth printing, 1980, International Publishers, New York.