Angel (NSC Industries) (15 page)

Read Angel (NSC Industries) Online

Authors: D H Sidebottom

I scoffed.


the thought of a big, burly Bert in a bingo hall made me release the giggle I
had been holding in. “Don’t” she chastised, a snicker escaping her own lips.

turned to Josh smiling. “Good evening, Mr Bell” I smiled, as he leant over and
kissed my cheek, flinging his arms around me.

he exclaimed with a wide smile, “You’re late, we’ve nearly drank all the wine”
he winked at my glare. “Heads up though, Pervertsons already pissed and prowling
the women” he warned me gravely.

what I need” I said rolling my eyes.


large glass of wine appeared in front of me as Nate slipped into the chair
beside me and took my hand. “Evening everyone” he grinned to their stunned
expressions, every single pair of eyes on our joined hands.

squeezed my hand in humour or support, I wasn’t sure which. “Hi, Mr Carter”
Leah stammered, her eyes still on our hands.

when were not at work, please” he requested. “Sure Nate” she grinned, obviously
happy at being on first name terms with the Boss.

smiled gently at him. “Hello Nate. I’m pleased to see you looking after our
wonderful Olivia” she said openly.

lifted our hands to his mouth and kissed my knuckles. “Only took me twenty
years to get her back” he grinned, looking in my eyes.

you had a relationship at university then?” Leah probed.

did” he responded, “For three years we never left each other’s side or our
crappy student digs bed” he finished with a sardonic grin.


him on the arm but grinning at him I picked up my glass and as I put it to my
lips my phone rang in my bag. As I tensed Nate gave me a questioning look but I
ignored him and retrieved the bloody annoying item from my bag.

already knew it was the unknown caller again before I even had to look. I
declined it as I tried to hide it under the table prompting Nate to glare at
me, a suspicious expression on his face.


still getting those prank calls, Olivia?” Grace blurted out as I tried to
quickly stuff it back in my bag. Nate snatched it from me and analysed my call
log, hissing through his teeth when he saw the amount of calls.

hell, Liv! There are 49 bloody calls since yesterday” he fumed “Why the hell
didn’t you tell me?”

glared at Grace and she gave me an apologetic look and mouthed ‘sorry’. “It’s nothing
to worry about Nate,” I shrugged trying to play it down “I’m going to ring my
service provider Monday and get my number changed.”

narrowed his eyes on me. “What do they say when you answer?” he grilled,
concern evident on his face.

I said, shaking my head “although once someone tutted when I told them to fuck
off” I finished with a small nervous laugh.

lips pursed in anger as the phone rang in his hand. “Who is this?” he fumed
when he answered it for me.


it from his ear and glaring at the screen it was obvious ‘unknown caller’ had
hung up on him. He gave me a penetrating stare “Make sure you change your
number Monday Liv, and tell them about the caller, they might be able to trace
it” he demanded.

Mr Carter” I agreed with a formal nod of my head.

be facetious Liv. I mean it!” he said sternly.


my eyes I downed my wine and rose from the chair. “Another?” I asked everyone.
Nate took the glass off me and stood.

get them” he ordered “Anybody else?” They all pushed their glasses at him in
one synchronised movement.

laughed as he picked them up and went to the bar.


Olivia! Well done girl! He’s so hot!” Leah commended me, an excited gleam on
her face “I can’t believe you saw each other at uni and then found each other
twenty years later. How romantic” she said dreamily. I rolled my eyes at her,
thinking it was going to be a long night.


hours later, the wine had worked its magic and I was a little tipsy. Nate had
wandered off to ‘mingle with the employees’ as he had put it.

and dance, Leah” I pleaded, pulling on her hand and dragging her to her feet.

we got to the dance floor;
Loreen’s ‘Euphoria’
pumped from the speakers.
I loved this song and felt my body start to rock in time to the beat.

wine had loosened my inhibitions and I moved to the music; my body swayed, my
hips swung and my arms rose in the air as I danced opposite Leah.

closed my eyes and got lost in the rhythm, the pulse in my body taking over


sited on my hips and I felt a body press into me from behind, swaying with me.
“Do you know how fucking hot you look when you dance, baby?” Nate’s voice
rumbled in my ear.

pushed his erection into my back as he moved his hips to and fro with mine.

hands slowly slipped up my raised arms, grasping mine and pulling them behind
his body to place them on his arse as we continued to throb to the beat.

can’t wait to hear you scream my name when I fuck you raw later, Liv” he
breathed in my ear.

insides throbbed and I gulped when he nibbled on my ear lobe. Taking my hands
in his again he spun me round and threw his mouth over mine in a hot, sensual
kiss as he placed his hands on my bottom and caressed it firmly.

moan escaped my throat and he caught it in his mouth as he continued his
onslaught, pulling me tighter to him. We were in our own isolated bubble as we
continued to kiss and sway to the music.


track finished but we were still jammed together in our own erotic dance.
Pulling away before we embarrassed ourselves, I grinned up at him “You are a
very naughty man, Mr Carter.”

kissed me on the nose. “You’re a bad influence Miss Adams. I couldn’t watch you
dance anymore without touching you” he laughed, “I’ve gotta go and talk to Bob
before he goes baby, Sorry” he pouted.

fine Nate. I need the bathroom anyway” I smiled.


on another sneaky wine before a wee, I fetched my bag from the table and made
my way over to the bar and ordered a large.

over to shout my order to the barman a hand snaked round my waist; thinking
Nate had spotted my sly alcohol top up, I plastered a ‘but you love me’
expression on my face and turned to him; it was Peterson.



smile dropped from my face and I removed his hand. “Mr Peterson” I nodded.

he slurred, obviously intoxicated past his limit. “You look very
tonight” he leered.

shifted my attention back to the barman as he handed me my glass, noticing it
was the same server as when Peterson tried it on before. He rolled his eyes at
me “You alright, love?” he asked, giving Peterson a scowl.

my wine in one I nodded back to him “Yeah, thank you.”

my glass on the bar, I turned and made my way to the restrooms, leaving
Peterson propping himself up on the bar.


toilets for the function room were situated at the back of the room and down a
long corridor and I had to hurry down the passageway, my urgency in relieving
my overfull bladder was stronger now I’d had the extra glass of wine.

bounded into the toilets, catching a quick glimpse of someone in green stood in
front of the mirrors and flung myself into a cubicle.

was thankful that I didn’t need to yank my knickers down and I silently thanked
Nate as I managed to sit on the toilet seat in time.

I sighed as my bladder emptied and I heard someone scoff. In my
eagerness to get to the toilet I had forgot someone was in the room and I
rolled my eyes at their obvious disgust in my voiced relief.



the toilet, I exited the cubicle and came face to face with Eleanor, what the
hell was she doing here? It was a NSC party.

hello again, Olivia” she droned, her lip curled up in repulsion of me.

I grated, turning the tap at the sink to wash my hands.

see you’re here with Nate
” she sneered “You have got him wrapped
around your finger, haven’t you?”

my hands, I smiled satisfactorily to myself. “Anybody would think you’re jealous,
Eleanor” I mocked.

narrowed her eyes on me and I could sense her rage rising. “You think you’re
clever don’t you, love? Don’t say I didn’t warn you when he’s had his fill with
you and comes running back to me” she said, a self-satisfied grin on her lips.

to her, I placed my face close to hers with a warning look “Oh, he likes to
Eleanor! In fact he can’t seem to get enough of
filling me,
you know what I mean,


hand rose to slap my face but after all my years of self-defence, my instincts
kicked in and I grabbed her wrist before it hit its target.

her wrist painfully, I pushed my face closer to hers. “Try that again Eleanor
and I’ll rip that fucking smug look off your pretty little face and shove it up
your fat arse” I spat, now infuriated.

turned a little green and pulled her wrist out of my grip. “Just don’t say I
didn’t warn you!” she hissed and stormed out, slamming the door behind her.

Could this night get any worse? Taking a deep breath, I fixed my make-up and
hair and left the bathroom.


I walked down the corridor I saw Peterson, wobbling towards me; what was I just
thinking about the night not getting any worse?

just did!


my head down I sped up, trying to get back to the bar without him noticing me
but just as I was passing him he grabbed the top of my arm, pulled it behind me
and pushed me up against the wall, my face squashed sideways in the direction
of the bathroom. 

wasn’t quite sure how he managed to do it in his highly inebriated state but he
was bloody strong.

me go Simon” I seethed trying to wriggle out of his grip.

Olivia” he chuckled, his face pressed to my cheek “You know you want this.
You’ve been giving me the come on for months now” he whispered harshly.

Simon, I haven’t. I’ve been trying to tell you to back off for months!” I said,
my heart was pounding and I was desperately trying to keep calm.

nudged his knee between my thighs and pushed them open “Open up, Olivia” he


to free myself, I was trying to think how I could get out of this situation
when his hand came up the inside of my thigh and was slowly making its way up
towards my knicker-less crotch.


please don’t do this” I begged, panic now building in me.

now, Olivia. Just relax and we can both enjoy this! I’ve wanted to fuck your
pretty little arse for so long” he rasped pushing his groin into me.

was panting and sweating, tears were rising and I was shaking so hard that I
was vibrating. I was so mad that after years of training in self-defence I
still couldn’t protect myself.


closed my eyes, silently praying for somebody to enter the passageway and help
me when I felt Peterson’s pressure disappear and some shuffling and grunting
from behind me.

turned in time to see Nate’s fist smash into Petersons face, splitting his nose
instantly; the blood splattering.

him up, Nate landed another punch and I heard Peterson’s cheekbone crack as his
body hit the wall. “
” Nate roared. 

Peterson’s hair and pulling him back up Nate slammed his fist into Peterson’s
stomach and his body fell to the floor. Peterson curled into a ball as Nate
kicked him over and over.

Stop!” I yelled, grabbing hold of his arm and trying to pull him back as he
lost control. “You’ll kill him!” I panicked and look round to see Bert and the
barman stood watching “Will you fucking help me?” I shouted at them.

moved towards Nate and each took a hold of Nate’s arms, pulling him away from
Peterson’s battered body.


” he snarled at Peterson, struggling to free
himself from the hold he was in.

on, Mr Carter” Bert pleaded quietly, struggling to hold Nate “he’s not fucking
worth it!”

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