Angels In Red (19 page)

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Authors: Adelle Laudan

Jenna sat up and took the steaming mug of coffee from Jack’s hands. She inhaled the delicious aroma. “Mm, if God made anything better than this, he kept it for himself.”

He sat on the bed, facing her. “I think we need to talk.”

The seriousness of his tone drew her full attention. “Is something wrong? Is it Angel? Has something happened?” She set her cup down on the bedside table and threw her covers to the side. Her pulse raced. His hand on her knee stopped her from getting out of bed.

“No, no it’s nothing like that. I’ve made a decision I don’t think you’ll be very happy about.”

She breathed a sigh of relief, and eyed him suspiciously. “Well?”

He shook his head at her. “I love you, Jenna. I know you feel like you’re being pulled in two different directions. So, I’m going to help you out. I’m going to tell you what you’re going to do?”

“Oh are you now? Just when did you become the boss in our relationship?” She smirked. Her attempt to lighten the mood failed miserably.

What could possibly have made him so humorless?

“I’m serious, Jenna. I have to get back to the dogs today…and I’m going on my own.”

She opened her mouth to speak, only to have him silence her with a finger to her lips.

“Hear me out. I think you need to stay here a little longer. You need to be close to your sister if you have any hope of forging a relationship with her.”

Her shoulders slumped, and she sighed resignedly. She knew he was right, but wasn’t crazy about being separated from him again. “Are you sure that’s what you want, Jack?”

He got up and slid in beside her, taking her hands in his. “It’s not that I
to leave without you, I just think you need to be here right now, close to your sister.”

Jenna closed her eyes and focused on keeping a calm exterior. She knew this wasn’t easy for him to do, and the last thing he needed was for her to dissolve into tears. Slowly she raised her head and looked him in the eyes. “You’re right.”

He pulled her close and pressed his warm lips to her cheek. “It’s not like we’ll be worlds apart. I’ll only be two and a half hours away.”

Jenna burrowed her face in his flannel shirt, inhaling deep, stamping his scent to her memory bank. “When do you have to go?” Her bottom lip quivered, and she tightened the grip on her emotions.
He’ll only be a couple of hours away.

He glanced at his watch and winced. “Um…about an hour ago.”

He’s sitting right here, and I already miss him like crazy.
She shifted to stare him in the eyes. “I love you so much, Jack. You know that, don’t you?”

He took her in his arms, answering her question in a slow, intense kiss that literally took her of breath away.

“You kiss me like that again, and I won’t let you go anywhere without me.” She loved that her response made him blush.

“Um…er, if I don’t leave now…” He coughed into his hand and got up from the bed.” Listen, I’ll talk to my friend at the firehouse. I’m pretty sure I can give you a phone call from there on the weekend. How does that sound?”

Jenna nodded her approval as she shimmied to the edge of her bed and got up. “It sounds wonderful. I guess we’ll just play it by ear and see how things go with Angelina.”

He stood in front of her and clasped his hands behind her, drawing her close. “I want you to promise me you’ll keep your guard up around Daniel Meed. If you feel anything is
about the guy, promise me you’ll go straight to Charles.” His hold on her tightened. “Promise me, Jenna.”

“Yes, yes of course I promise you. I don’t want you worrying about me, I’ve got lots of people looking out for me here.”

Jack gave her a quick kiss before making his way to the door.

“I love you, Jack. Drive safely.”

He tipped two fingers to his forehead. “I always do. Good luck with your sister, and I’ll try to call you on the weekend.”

Jenna forced a smile. “I’ll be waiting by the phone.”

“I love you, Jenna.”

His final words filled her heart as he walked out into the hallway. God only knew when she’d see him again. She briefly closed her eyes and drew in a shaky breath.

I have to stay focused on creating a bond with my sister. The sooner that happens the sooner I can go back where I belong…

Home to the cabin and in Jack’s arms.


Chapter Eighteen


Jenna squinted against the sunlight pouring in her bedroom windows.

“Ms. Jenna?”

Still half asleep, it took a moment to realize where she was. She was just dreaming of being back home with Jack, only to wake up and find him hundreds of miles away. “Edna?” She sat up in bed. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing is wrong. A man named Daniel Meed called from the Rolling Hills Ranch. I told him you were still sleeping and you’d call him back when you got up.”

She opened her eyes wide, completely awake now. “Did something happen to my sister?”

“No, Ms. Jenna. I thought so, too, but Daniel assured me it was nothing bad.”

Her rigid body relaxed on a sigh of relief. “Thank God. I don’t think I can handle any more bad news.”

A light rap on the door found Tara, one of the housekeepers, with a large arrangement of wildflowers.

“Sorry to interrupt, but these just came for you, Ms. Jenna. The delivery man had specific instructions these were to be given directly to you.”

Overwhelming homesickness consumed her. Jenna blinked back the threat of tears;
recognizing the bright gold flecks on the petals of ruby dianthus, accompanied by lavender snapdragons and vibrant yellow black-eyed Susans, the same wildflowers that littered the countryside back home.

Edna crossed the room and took the flowers from Tara. “Thank you.”

Jenna hugged herself, trying to reclaim the sensation of being in Jack’s arms.

“Aren’t these beautiful, Jenna? Where would you like me to put them?”

“How about right there in front of the window? Is there a card?”

Edna set the arrangement down on the small table and plucked out a small envelope. She handed her the card, and a small note with the number for Daniel scrawled across it. “How about I bring you some coffee?”

“That would be lovely. Thank you, Edna.”

Jenna’s chest tightened as she fumbled with the small envelope and finally removed the note.

My Snow Angel,

       Missing you.

            Love, Jack xoxo

She tossed her covers aside and swung her legs over the edge of the bed.
The sooner I get to know Angelina, the sooner I can go home where I belong.

She paused on her way to the bathroom. “Why did Daniel call?” Jenna went back and picked up her phone from the bedside table and keyed in the numbers. Someone answered after the first ring.

“Rolling Hills Ranch.”

“Hi, this is Jenna Blackburn. I’d like to speak to Daniel Meed, please.”

“Sure, hang on just a sec.”

Every possible scenario tangoed in her mind.
What will I do if Angel doesn’t want any part of getting to know me? I can’t force her…

“Jenna?” Daniel asked.

“Hi. I understand you phoned this morning?” she blurted in one short breath.

“Yes. I’m sorry things didn’t go as well as you hoped yesterday.”

“Thank you. I hope my sister wasn’t too upset. Is she okay now?” Jenna nibbled on the side of her fingernail, a nasty habit she’d never indulged in until that very moment.

“Angel wanted to know why you looked like her mother. She was very surprised.”

Her heart pounded. “What did you tell her?”

“We sat down with her and explained there are always going to be people who remind us of the ones we love. For now, she seems content with that explanation.”

Jenna blew out a breath she hadn’t been aware of holding. “I’m happy to hear that. Too bad you couldn’t tell her I’m her sister.”

“Baby steps, Jenna. Now, back to the reason I’ve called. Once a month we have a family day where our residents’ families and friends come out. We have a big barbeque and games for the kids.”

“Do you think I should come?”

“I was hoping you would. How do you feel about face painting?”

Jenna laughed. “Why, do you want me to wear a disguise?”

He chuckled. “Not exactly, but we thought it might be a good idea if Angel thinks you’re here for a reason, like face painting.”

“Me? I don’t know. I’ve never done anything like that...” Silence permeated the phone line. As hard as she tried, she couldn’t come up with one reason not to do it. “I guess I could give it a try. How hard can it be?” she chattered nervously.

“That’s great. We’ll have everything you need here. All you need to bring is yourself.”

His approval of her decision to try brought a smile to her lips. “When is this family day?”

“Oh, I guess you need to know that, don’t you? Tomorrow afternoon, I know its short notice, but—”

“No, of course I’ll be there! Thank you for the invitation. I’m looking forward to it.”

Jenna hung up and smiled to herself. Jack was right. She did need to be here if she wanted to establish any kind of relationship with Angelina. She padded over to the flowers and feathered the delicate yellow petals of a chocolate-scented daisy. “I love you.”

Her nose twitched at the sweet fragrance, and she rubbed her nose to chase away a sneeze. Behind her, Edna cleared her throat. Jenna looked up to find her entering the room with tray in hand. The rich aroma of coffee overpowered the floral ambrosia.

“Mmm, that smells heavenly. Thank you.”

“You are most welcome. Charles asked if you’d like to join him for breakfast this morning.”

Jenna smiled—the oppressive melancholy had been lifted away by the flowers and Daniel’s invite to the ranch “Please tell him if he can wait until I’ve had a chance to shower, I’d love to join him.”

Charles sat on the back deck, coffee in hand. He hoped her silence after Jack left meant she agreed it was the right decision for him to go on without her.  There was no doubt the two would miss each other like crazy.

As promised, he’d looked into Daniel Meed’s background for Jack, and as far as he could tell, the man was telling the truth. His recourses were limited in that he didn’t want Jenna to catch wind of anything amiss. Luckily, most birth records were accessible, and he managed to track down his birthplace as Austin, Texas. For good measure, he traced Howard’s birthplace. Ten years older than Daniel, he was born a Canadian, from Toronto, Ontario.

That didn’t mean he was satisfied there wasn’t a connection between the two men. He didn’t believe in coincidences like this one. Just in case, he’d beefed up security around the estate and even hired someone to keep an eye on the ranch. There was no such thing as being over-cautious when it came to Jenna’s well-being.

The fresh scent of shampoo wafted to him and he turned. Jenna, hair still damp from the shower, stepped outside.

“Good morning, kiddo. I hope you slept well.”

“Like a rock, and good morning to you, too.” She sat at the small table set for breakfast and took a drink of juice, then smacked her lips. “There’s nothing like fresh-squeezed orange juice to wake up the old taste buds.”

“I’m happy to see you’ve taken Jack’s decision to go home alone so well.” He smiled warmly.

“Even though it’s the right course of action, I’m not going to lie and say I’m happy about it.” She reached for a blueberry muffin from the basket, putting it under her nose and inhaling deeply. “Mm, I think I’ve gained ten pounds since I’ve been back.”

Charles chuckled, pleased to see the old Jenna back in true form. “So, tell me about your visit with Angelina? Does she look like you at all?”

Jenna shrugged. “Jack sees my mother’s eyes in her. She definitely has the trademark red hair. It’s darker than mine though.” She slathered her muffin with whipped butter and popped a piece in her mouth.

“What kind of ranch is it she lives on? Didn’t you say it was a home of some kind?” He made sure to appear in the dark about any of the details pertaining to Angel—careful not to slip up somehow and awaken any underlying suspicions she might have about Daniel Meed.

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