Read Angels In Red Online

Authors: Adelle Laudan

Angels In Red (21 page)

“Yes, Wednesday is perfect. Thank you for inviting me, Angel. I think we’re going to be great friends.”

Jack set the last puppy back with his mother. They’d doubled in size and were more and more active every day since their eyes opened. In another week or so, he’d introduce solid food to their diet. Hopefully, they’d be fully weaned by the time they reached six weeks old. Then he could begin their training for the harness in preparation for the sled.

The pups kept him super busy during the daylight hours, but at night, when all was calm, he missed Jenna so bad he couldn’t even sleep in their bed alone.

Jack slipped on his gloves and climbed on his quad. There was no way in hell he’d last another four days without hearing her voice. He twisted the throttle and flew across the fields toward town.

The firehouse was quiet when he stepped inside. He made it to the chief’s office without notice and rapped on the door.

“Hey, Jack. Come on in.” Chief Dawson closed the book he’d been reading and set it on his desk. “I didn’t think I’d see you until the weekend.”

He shrugged. “What can I say? I’ve never been any good at waiting.”

The fire chief smiled knowingly. “I suppose if I had a pretty lady like Jenna across the border, I’d be a little low on patience myself.”

Chief definitely had a sweet spot for Jenna. It began the first time he came out on one of his random visits to check up on him. She had him under her spell the moment she flashed one of her winning smiles, just like me.

“I’d appreciate the use of your phone.”

Chief stood and rounded the corner of his desk. “Any word on how long it’s going to take to get service out to your place?”

“Probably not for at least a week or two.” Jack took the chief’s place in his chair.

“I’m going to head for the kitchen and see what I can scrounge up to eat. Be sure to tell the little lady I said hello.”

Jack took a couple steadying breaths before keying in the numbers. He was a little nervous about talking to Jenna
.  I miss her like crazy, but I have to convince her I’m doing okay on my own.  She needs to bond with Angel, I totally get that.
If she suspects for one moment he wasn’t faring well without her, she’d come home...and one day resent him for it.


“Hey, Charles. It’s Jack calling.”

“Well, hello there. How are things out there in the middle of nowhere?”

He chuckled. “I’m keeping busy. Is Jenna around?”

“No, I’m sorry. You just missed her. She’s gone shopping.”

“Oh.” He tried hard not to show his disappointment. “How is she doing?”

“From what I can see, she’s doing okay. To be quite honest, I haven’t seen much of her the past few days.”

“How are things going with Angel?” He found himself hoping it was her sister who’d kept her so busy
Funny, he wasn’t normally the jealous type, but not knowing what she was doing, or who she was with, drove him a little crazy.

“I guess they had a bit of a rough go of it earlier today, but they managed to work things out. In fact, Angel invited Jenna to go horseback riding on Wednesday. That’s where she went, to buy riding boots.”

That’s great!

His taut muscles relaxed for the first time since being separated from Jenna. “I’m happy to hear it. Can you tell her I called, and I’ll phone again Saturday morning?” He made a concerted effort to appear unscathed at having missed Jenna. Not wanting to chance her catching wind that he wasn’t happy.

“She’s not going to be very happy about missing this call.”

“Okay, well, I best be getting back to the dogs.” The line grew quiet. “Can you tell her I love her for me?”

“Er, um, will do. Take care.”

Jack set the phone down and leaned back in the chair. He pushed his fingers through his hair and let out a heavy sigh.

Oh Jenna, I wish I could’ve talked to you.

She went shopping…sounded like she was settling back into her old way of life.
Not sure if that’s a good thing, or bad?
Of course he wanted her to have fun, but he wondered how she’d fare coming back here after being reminded of all the luxuries she’d be leaving behind?

And then there was building a relationship with her sister. Could she really leave her behind to come home to him?

Jack shook his head and got up from behind the chief’s desk.

Why do I doubt the strength of our commitment to each other? Jenna loves me, and no person, or amount of money can keep us apart.

He left the office and made his way out of the firehouse, purposely avoiding any contact with the chief or other men. Once outside, he looked up at the star-filled sky and swallowed hard in an effort to squelch the rising insecurities within him.

“You will come home to me Jenna…won’t you?”



Chapter Twenty-One


Jenna cut the engine of Charles’ Mustang.  She hadn’t planned on taking his car, but John was delayed taking Grace grocery shopping, and she didn’t want to risk being late for her riding lesson with Angelina, especially after the fiasco of the last time at the ranch. Though the officers strongly suggested for her not to go anywhere alone, she’d be damned to allow the incorrigible Howard Meed dictate where she could or couldn’t go.

She swung her legs out of the car and adjusted her new riding boots. In her closet filled with shoes, sandals and boots in every style and color, not one pair deemed suitable for horseback riding. Hopefully, she chose appropriate clothes, opting for jeans and a white, button-down shirt, wearing a T-shirt under it in case the weather turned hot.

Please let today go well, and make it so I don’t stick my foot in my mouth.

She had to remember how sensitive Angel was, how sensitive all of the residents were. Sweet Pea…maybe she could steal a moment with the precious little girl to smooth things over.

Oh how I wish you were here Jack.
  Jenna looked up at the blue sky and fluffy, white clouds. A wave of sadness came over her at having missed his call.

The front door of the ranch opened, and Daniel stepped out. He welcomed her with a warm smile that lifted her spirits.

“Good morning, Jenna.” He waited for her to close the car door before clasping her hand in his. “It looks like you’re all ready for your riding lessons.”

“Ready? Well, that’s debatable.” She grinned. “Is Angel ready for
might be the question to ask.”

“Your sister has talked about nothing else. She was up at the crack of dawn making sure your horse was brushed and the saddle oiled.”

Jenna smiled. “I can’t tell you how grateful I am to you for intervening the other day. I had no idea how sensitive she is.”

“You’ll find all of the residents are sensitive when it comes to their
—even more so with the older ones who’ve had a taste of how the outside world reacts to them.”

“I’m scared I’ll do or say something to upset her again.” It was like being on an emotional rollercoaster, up one hill to happiness, down the next filled with fear.

“The best advice I can give you is to treat Angel, and the others, with the same compassion and kindness you would a struggling friend. They just want to be treated like they’re

“Thank you. So, where is my sister now?”

He held up a finger and arched a white brow. “Rule number one of Angel’s riding lesson routine.  All riders must have a good breakfast.” He offered his arm. “Please, allow me to accompany you to the dining room.”

She giggled and placed her hand on his forearm. “Lead on. We mustn’t keep the teacher waiting.”

Happiness encompassed her as she stepped into the dining room to find Angel flashing a huge smile in her direction.

“Good morning, Jenna. Please sit down.”

“Thank you, Angel. I’m very happy to see you again.” She sat next to her sister at a table filled with enough food to feed the entire ranch. “This looks delicious.”

Angel beamed. “I wasn’t sure what you like to eat.”

Jenna smoothed a napkin across her lap and rubbed her hands together. “Where should I start?”

“I helped squeeze the orange juice myself.” Her sister poured a glass and set it in front of her.

She raised the juice in a toast. “Here’s to a great day together.” The sweet nectar titillated her taste buds, and she drank down the entire glass, smacking her lips. “Mmm, now that was good!”

Angel made it her job to see that Jenna tried a little bit of every dish on the table. Quite some time later, she waved a white cloth napkin in surrender.

“I can’t eat another thing.” She rubbed her belly. “I hope my horse has a strong back, I think I just gained ten pounds.”

Her sister tilted back her head and laughed whole-heartedly
—a melody Jenna would remember for the rest of her life. Her laughter exuded genuine happiness and joy. If it could be bottled, what an amazing world it would be.

The hostess began clearing the table.

“You don’t have to do that, Angel. Cook will be more than happy to.” Daniel put his hand on hers.

She frowned and continued stacking dishes. “Cook works too hard. She’s not getting any younger you know.”

Jenna suppressed the urge to burst out laughing. Angel’s expression was completely serious, so instead, she stood and followed suit. “I’ll help you.”

“I’ll help you, too.” A petite woman with beautiful olive skin and Italian accent came out of the kitchen. She held out her hand to Jenna. “My name is Twyla. It’s nice to meet you.”

She shook the woman’s hand. “I’m Jenna. Nice to meet you as well.”

Angel put her hands on her hips and scowled at Daniel. “See, they know what I mean. You’re a man, no wonder you don’t
get it
.” She used finger quotes around the last two words.

“She’s right. Why don’t you go and do whatever it is that men do?” Jenna winked.

Her sister held up a hand to high five her. “Amen, Sista.”

Jenna’s breath caught at her choice of words, but noticed Twyla kept her eyes downcast, not once looking directly at Daniel as she helped clear the table.

I wonder why?

“Okay, okay,” he replied. “I can take a hint. I’ll meet the two of you at the stables.”

Jenna loved seeing the feisty side of Angelina. It made her feel better knowing she could stand up for herself
She’d seriously underestimated her sweet sister. Angel was definitely stronger than she’d first thought.

What goes on behind those enchanting green eyes of yours?

Jenna smoothed her hand down the side of the jet-black mare she’d be riding. A twinge of sadness returned
when she realized it was the same horse Jack had been drawn to on the first visit to the ranch.

“Don’t you like her?” Angel searched her eyes.

She startled. “Oh yes, yes I do. She’s beautiful. I’m sorry, I must’ve been daydreaming.”

Angel visibly relaxed and smiled. “She’s very gentle. My mother used to ride her whenever she came to visit.”

Mention of their mother sent her already fragile emotions into a tailspin. Jenna struggled to maintain the façade of a calm exterior. “I promise to be extra careful with her.”

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