Read Angels In Red Online

Authors: Adelle Laudan

Angels In Red (23 page)

“It was more like scared shitless.” She shook her head. “I truly thought I’d lost her, after just finding her…” She coughed out the side of her mouth to mask the crack in her voice.

“I wish I was there for you, Jenna. I’m sorry.”

Jack was making it very difficult to keep her emotions in check. She’d never met a man so in sync with her needs. He wasn’t saying sorry, just for the sake of it. He was genuinely sorry he wasn’t there for her.

“You have nothing to be sorry for. Nobody could’ve foreseen it happening. You can rest easy, Charles and Daniel took good care of me.”

“I’m happy to hear that.” He cleared his throat. “I guess you need to be going then?”

She sighed. “The doc agreed to discharge her today, and I kind of promised I’d be there to help her.”

“Don’t worry about having to cut this short. I’m the one who called late.”

Her heart ached with longing. It was like someone shoved a hand in her chest and squeezed mercilessly. “If it was for any
reason, I’d make an excuse to get out of it, but...”

“Don’t worry, babe, I get it.” He failed to hide the edge of disappointment in his voice.

“When will you call again? I’ve got so much to tell you.”
I will not cry...I will not cry…I will not cry...

“How about I try for tomorrow evening?”

She sniffled. “Oh Jack, I love you. I’ll be waiting by the phone for your call. I hate that I have to go.”

“I love you, Jenna. Go be with your sister while you can.”

Jenna held the phone to her chest and closed her eyes. “He’s calling tomorrow night. That’s not so far way.” She set down the phone and ran to the bathroom where she washed her face in cold water and repaired her mascara. “Twenty four hours,” she repeated, giving her reflection a nod before running out of her room and taking the stairs two at a time to the foyer.

Outside, John waited with the door open. “Good day, Ms. Jenna.”

“Good morning, John.” Every inch of the limo sparkled in the sun. He’d obviously made an extra effort. “The car looks like brand new! Angel is so excited to be going for a ride in a limousine.”

The chauffeur tipped his hat and smiled graciously. 

Jenna settled in the back and closed her eyes.

Go be with your sister while you can.”

She’d been so focused in forming a bond with her sister she hadn’t given much thought to leaving her at some point. The backs of her eyelids prickled.

How am I going to pull this off without hurting someone?

After a lengthy discussion with Daniel, they mutually agreed now wasn’t the time to reveal Jenna as her sister; it was too soon after the accident. Surely she didn’t have to choose between Jack and Angel; there had to be a way to make it work so all parties involved got what they wanted.

Before long, John pulled up to the hospital entrance where Daniel stood behind Angel’s wheelchair. Her sister gaped up and down the length of the limo. Her expression turned from awe to genuine excitement as John rounded the front of the car and opened the door.

Jenna climbed out and smiled. “Hello you two. Angel, you’re looking so much better.”

“I’m happy to see you, and happy to be going home today.” She directed her gaze at John shyly. “Thank you for driving me home in your limousine.”

He tipped his hat. “You can call me John. It’s my pleasure, Miss Angelina.”

Angel giggled behind her hand, and color flooded her cheeks.

Daniel stepped out from behind the wheelchair and hugged Jenna. “It’s good to see you.”

He kissed her cheek, his lips lingering longer than warranted. Jenna caught the fleeting look of disapproval from John, validating Daniel’s tendency to be a little too familiar wasn’t all in her head.

He stepped back and turned his attention to the chauffeur. “It’s nice to meet you.” He offered his hand.

John eyed him warily while clasping his hand firmly.

Jenna wasn’t sure why Daniel’s hug left her so unsettled. It was just a simple hug after all, wasn’t it? Her fingers lightly feathered the cheek he’d kissed.

“Let’s get you settled in the car, Angel.” He offered his arm to help her to stand. Her broken arm, encased in a hard shell, rested in a sling knotted over her shoulder.

“Does it hurt very much?” asked Jenna

“Not too much.” Her grimace as she got into the car belied her words.

Thankfully, John had the foresight to bring a couple of pillows for Angel’s ride home. Daniel opted to sit in the front and talked cars with him. Oddly relieved, Jenna settled in next to her sister as she chattered on about the limo, and how excited she was to see her friends at the ranch.

Daniel ushered his ward inside to a thunderous cheer from the residents. A banner stretched across the width of the room, reading: WELCOME HOME, ANGEL. Her friends swarmed over to where he seated her, the younger ones being quickly reminded to be careful of her arm.

Jenna watched a young woman, who had the tell-tale characteristics of Down syndrome, run to Daniel, link her hands behind his neck and rise up on tip-toes to plant a kiss squarely on his lips. He jerked back and pried the girl’s arms away, whispering something in her ear that instantly brought color to her cheeks before she ran off to join the others.

Jenna was careful not to make eye contact as his gaze darted around the room, and he swiped his mouth with the back of his hand.

What did he say to make the girl blush?
The brief exchange left her confused and a little unsettled to say the least.

The excitement in the room quickly diverted her attention, and before long, she conceded to maybe misreading Daniel’s intentions toward the young lady. It became abundantly clear they were one big, happy family here at the ranch. She could only hope one day Angel felt the same way about her.

Do I have the right to disrupt her life here? Maybe it would be better for everyone concerned if I simply went home to Jack.

“Jenna?” Angel waved her over. “Can you come with me to my room?”

“Of course.” She threaded her arm through her sister’s good one. “Are you sure you don’t want one of your friends to take you?”

Angel cocked an eyebrow. “I thought
were my friend?”

She tittered. “I am. I am your friend.” Jenna smiled, inwardly thrilled by the timely affirmation she hadn’t been aware she so desperately needed. “I just thought you’d be more comfortable with someone you’ve known longer than me.”

Her sister shook her head and led her down a hallway of polished tile floors. A series of Rockwell paintings lined the warm, mocha walls.

From the corner of her eye, she spotted Daniel with the same girl in tow. The two disappeared into what she assumed to be her room, and closed the door behind them. She almost walked right into Angel, who had stopped and opened a door.

“This is my room.” She stood to one side for her to enter.

Angel’s quarters complimented her personality. The butter-yellow walls lent the room a cheery atmosphere, and delicate, white sheers billowed at the open window.

“Your room is lovely.”

“I don’t know why I’m so tired.”  She yawned.

Angel sat in an armchair by the window, and Jenna took the matching chair next to her. “You just got out of the hospital. It’ll take you a few days to settle in.” Her breath hitched as her gaze settled on a photo of their mother on the bedside table.

Angel followed the direction of her gaze. “That’s my mother. Everyone says I look like her.”

“I can see why. She’s beautiful.” Jenna snatched a tissue off the table and quickly turned her head. She faked a sneeze, using the tissue to dab the moisture from her eyes, before addressing her sister again.

“You look like her, too.” Angel eyed her curiously. “I think you must know my mother.”

Oh God, give me strength

She cleared her throat. “I’m going to get some water.” Her purse fell as she stood.

Angel’s jaw dropped as she took in the contents of her purse on the floor.

Jenna was rendered frozen in place as the sight unfolded before her.

Oh no.

Laying there for all to see was an old family snapshot. All she could do was watch her sister pick up the photo with trembling hands. She looked at Jenna and then back at the image of her standing with her parents when she was about fifteen years old.

Her beautiful eyes misted with confusion. “Is that you, Jenna?”

Bumps rose on her flesh with the sudden shift of emotions.
What should I do? If I lie, and Angel finds out, she’ll never trust me again. Is she strong enough to learn the truth?

She heaved a sigh and wiped her sweaty palms on her jeans.

“I don’t understand. Why is my mother with you?”

Jenna summoned all the courage she could muster. “I’m just going to tell you the truth, okay?”

Angel nodded.

“The man in the picture is my father. He passed away a few weeks ago.”

“I’m sorry. Are you okay?” Angel squeezed her hand.

Her sister’s heartfelt compassion threatened her already fragile composure. “Yes, I’m okay. After he died, I found a box of old letters.” She took a deep breath and blew it out shakily. “One of those letters told me I had a sister I knew nothing about.” Jenna focused on gauging her reaction. “Her name is Angelina.”

Her vibrant green eyes widened. “Your sister has the same name as me?”

are my sister, Angelina.” Tears spilled over her lashes, no longer able to restrain.

sister?” Angel grew rigid and began rocking back and forth. She pulled her hand away and covered her mouth. Her gazed darted in every direction erratically.

“Angel? Are you okay?” Jenna reached out only to have her sister pull away.

“I want Daniel. Daniel!
,” she shouted over and over again.

Jenna didn’t know what to do and feared leaving her alone. Footsteps rushed across the tile floor outside her room. The door burst open, followed by a woman in nurse’s uniform.

“Angel?” The nurse glared at Jenna. “What is going on here?” She made her way to kneel at her patient’s side.

“My purse fell and she saw the picture….so I told her I’m her sister and she started calling out for Daniel.”
What have I done?

Her sister continued to rock as she grabbed a fistful of the nurse’s uniform.

“I think you should leave.”

“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” She backed up to the door. “I’ll find Daniel.” She ran from the room and stopped a short distance away to press her back against the wall, gasping for air.

“Why didn’t I listen? Look what I’ve done...”

Chapter Twenty-Four


Once again, Jenna sat in Daniel’s office after upsetting her sister. It wasn’t like she had any intention of telling Angel they were siblings today, but when she put her on the spot about the photograph, it felt like the right thing to do.

Jenna paced the office. “Idiot, idiot, idiot.”
Why didn’t I go to him first?
A flashback of Daniel and the young woman going into the room down the hall from Angel came to mind.

The office door opened and Daniel entered, only this time there was nobody in tow. She couldn’t read his expression as he kept his head downcast until he reached his desk. He flopped into his chair and raked his fingers through his hair.

She sat at the edge of a chair across from him. “Well, is she okay?”

Daniel huffed. “Nurse gave her something to calm her down. She’s resting now.” He shook his head at her. “Honestly, what were you thinking? Didn’t we just agree now wasn’t the time?”

She let out an unsteady breath. “Yes we did. But one minute she said I looked like my mother, and then my purse fell and she saw the photograph of me with my parents.” She threw her hands in the air. “What was I supposed to do? Should I have lied to her?”

“Listen, it’s not going to do your sister any good playing the blame game. The truth is out, and we’ll just have to wait and see how she handles things over the next few days.”

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