Animal Attraction (13 page)

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Authors: Charlene Teglia

Tags: #Romance, #Fiction

“Tried.” Zach’s eyes burned with an amber flame.

“That’s right. Tried.” I didn’t blink under the force of his gaze. “I might have done it anyway.” Admitting out loud that even if I knew David hated me, I’d still want him.

Zach brought his mouth down to mine and kissed me with bruising force, leaving my lips swollen and stinging. That didn’t help my body’s rising need for more. My breathing grew ragged, a sweet tension building low in my body. My skin hungered for touch, and my sex clenched in protest at the emptiness that would have to be filled again.

“Zach.” I shuddered into him. “I think time’s up.”

“Not yet.” He turned me around so that he held me with my back supported by his chest, the round swell of my naked ass cushioning his groin. He cupped one hand over my breast and ran the other down to cover my sex. His palm massaged my clit, fingertips pressing against my folds. The intimate caress made me groan and shift my feet apart, making just enough space between my thighs to invite more of his touch.

Zach answered the silent invitation, sliding his hand down farther, pushing his fingers into my slick, ready flesh. He squeezed my breast, kissed the side of my neck, stroked in and out of me in a shallow penetration. “You’re going to have his cock here.”

“Yes.” I closed my eyes and rocked into his hand. “Do you want to watch that?”

“I want you to take me in your mouth while he does it. I want you to wrap your lips around me while you wrap your legs around him.” His voice was low and rough, his hand working me with deliberate skill.

“Not sure I can,” I said as my breath hitched in reaction to both his words and his manipulation of my body. “Limited attention span. Hot idea, though.”

“If you can, I want you to.”

“Zach.” Emotion welled, clogged my throat.

“I’m not trying to make it harder for you.” He rubbed his chin against the top of my head as he spoke. “I want you to know I’ll still want you when he has you. You didn’t ask, but I thought I could show you.”

“Oh.” He was still willing to share me. I swallowed hard, not sure if knowing that made it better or worse.










BY THE TIME ZACH CARRIED ME BACK OUT, I FELT FLUSHED AND URGENT. My body thrummed with need. Sex had sated me for a little while, but not for long.

The room had undergone a subtle change during our brief absence. A cart with snacks and drinks stood in a corner. Convenient. All items of clothing had been discarded, and I felt for a dizzy minute like I was peeking into the men’s locker room. All those beautiful, bare, athletic male bodies, comfortable in their group nudity as if the setting made it appropriate.

The locker-room analogy made me tense a little, and Zach noticed. “What?”

“Locker-room talk,” I said, my voice pitched for him alone. “I can hear it now. You guys comparing me.”

“If anybody says a less than complimentary word about you, it had better not be in my hearing.” Zach sounded grim. “That would be grounds for a challenge.”

Challenge? I blinked, startled. Seemed like overkill, but if it was that serious, then I didn’t have to worry about the guys swapping comments about my performance after the fact.

It still felt kind of odd to face them all again after they’d all taken turns giving me foreplay, watched me come when David went down on me, and then come again underneath Zach.

I felt the blush burning my cheeks just thinking about that. It had felt right and good in the moment, but now I felt self-conscious and awkward.

“You belong to us,” Zach whispered, setting me on my feet. He kissed my forehead and put a bracing arm around my waist. “Go let them show you what that means.” He urged me forward. I went with reluctant steps, but to my surprise they came to meet me.

“Missed you,” Jack said, spanning my waist and pulling me to him for a quick kiss that still managed to pack a wallop. My libido leaped in response. He handed me off to Matt, who nuzzled my neck and caressed my bare ass with obvious enjoyment.

Nathan took me from him and frenched me while he ran his hands over my breasts. His touch made my nipples tighten as if pouting for more. From behind me, another pair of hands cupped and squeezed my butt, and then I was turning into Will, who bumped his erection into my belly with cheerful lust and rubbed his nose against mine, surprising a laugh from me.

Daniel. Sean. Cam. Aidan. Roman. Not just a list of names I’d worked to match to faces last night at dinner. Now they were real to me, touching me with affection and acceptance. Words could be false, but bodies didn’t lie. One by one, they showed me I was theirs and all of them were mine, giving me heated kisses and setting me on fire as my naked body slid against each of theirs in turn.

Sean and I were the same height, and that gave him the right angle to dare the greatest intimacy. When our lips met and our tongues touched, he guided his engorged penis between my thighs and rocked forward so that his shaft glided along my labia.

I shuddered at the contact, wanting more, aroused by the realization that I could let them all push between my thighs without danger of real penetration locking us together.

“My turn,” David said behind me, and Sean pulled back, the reverse movement dragging the ridge of his head against the slick folds of my sex that parted from the pressure. He groaned into my mouth, and I echoed the feeling. So close, so good, not enough.

Then David was holding me, and my knees went weak with relief because it felt like coming home. The fear that sex with Zach had changed the fragile bond between me and David evaporated. He’d promised not to hate me, given me permission by stripping me naked for all of them, and prepared me to give myself to another man with oral sex. And still some deep part of me had been afraid that David wouldn’t want me now.

A twin fear that I couldn’t respond to him after Zach had claimed me melted away, too. I clung to David, glad to the depths of my heart that I hadn’t robbed either of us of this opportunity to satiate our mutual hunger.

Maybe tomorrow it would be different. When the heat ended and my choice was made, I might find that I looked at David and didn’t feel compelled to touch him, didn’t yearn for him to touch me. The intense chemistry between us might burn out from surrendering to it, or simply go away when I formally accepted Zach as my mate.

For now, though, David and I had this. I wanted to savor every stolen moment. We stood together, not touching except for the press of our bodies, arms tight around each other. He rested his face against the silky cap of my hair. He breathed me in, and I did the same with my face tucked into the hollow of his throat, luxuriating in the unbroken expanse of his skin against mine.

My hands explored the planes of his back, enthralled with the harnessed male strength evident in his body, knowing magic lay under the skin in his blood and bones that the full moon would reveal. I’d seen the transformation with my own eyes, touched the fur. I knew what he was. I could feel what I was. The same. An animal in human form waiting for the moment of release.

“How do you want me?” I asked the question in a soft voice. I figured it went without saying that I wanted him next.

“On your knees,” David answered. The muscles under my hands bunched as his hold on me tightened. “I want to mount you from behind and take you on your knees.”

I closed my eyes, picturing it. My bare ass upturned, thighs apart, glistening sex exposed. Submissive. Receptive. David behind me, thick cock jutting forward. His hands on my hips, holding me in position. The long slide of that male flesh into mine, and the forming of the knot inside me that would lock us together, making me his until it released.

I realized I was breathing fast and my head felt light.

“I don’t want your arms to get tired.” He bent his head to kiss the curve of my neck, moving his lips along the sensitive cord that ran up the side in a slow caress that made me shiver with need. “I’ll bend you over an ottoman to give you support while you kneel for me. That’s how I want you.”

“Okay.” I felt dazed with lust, crazed with need. “Now?”

“Not now.” David nipped at my earlobe with the sharp edge of his teeth and gave it a tiny tug. “Foreplay first. Give the others a chance to pleasure you, make you soft and swollen and slick for me so I don’t have to hold back when I’m fucking you.”

I gulped, stricken with heat from his proximity, his graphic words, the image of other hands and tongues readying me to be taken with urgent force.

“I can’t stand up anymore,” I whispered, feeling my bones turn to water.

“You don’t have to.”

David lifted me up and carried me over to one of the ottoman and chair pairs. With the two parts pushed together, the chair made a half bed for him to lay me on. It’d be easy to turn me over and slide me down until I knelt on the floor, supported by the cushion, when the time came. My nipples ached in anticipation of the way the fabric would rasp on them as my body rocked back and forth from the strength of his thrusts.

He pulled me down until my hips rested on the edge of the ottoman, and gripped my inner thighs to pull them apart. That left me perfectly positioned for oral pleasure. Delicious expectation pulsed between my legs.

“Who do you want to go down on you?” David ran his hand over my sex, petting and stroking but not opening me. “Who do you want to make you come?”

I knew who I wanted without thinking. My body shivered with the memory of Matt and that wicked tango. He’d seduced me with a dance. Now I wanted his tongue to dance between the soft folds of my flesh.

“Matt.” I said it out loud, and the throaty sound of my voice made that one word speak volumes.

“Really?” His blond head appeared over mine, looking down into my face from behind the chair. His eyes danced with devilment and I grinned up at him.


He gave me a slow, sexy smile. “It was the tango, wasn’t it?”


Matt leaned closer until his lips brushed my forehead. “Do you need anything first? Drink, snack?”

I gave a tiny shake of my head. “Not hungry for food.”

“Sure?” He reached over the chair’s back to tease my nipples, just barely brushing the palms of his hands over them. I arched up into him, eager for more.


His hands vanished, leaving me bereft of touch until he came around to kneel between my open thighs. “Well, I want a snack.”

His meaning wasn’t lost on me. My toes curled and my pelvis tilted up. “Do you, now?” My voice sounded breathy.

“I do. Now.” Matt’s hands stroked up the outside of my legs from ankles to hips, an unhurried caress. I liked the implication that he intended to take his time. His head dipped down, but he surprised me by settling his cheek against my belly while his hands explored the hollows of my hips, the curve of my waist. “You feel like hot silk,” he said.

A smile curved my lips. “Flatterer.”

“Careful.” He shifted forward and raked his teeth over the tender skin of my breast, drawing a gasp from me. “If you call me a liar, I’ll have to punish you.”

“Mmm.” The sound came out as a purring laugh. “How will you do that?”

“Many ways.” He ran his hands up my ribs, cupped them over my breasts, squeezed, then released them to capture my nipples in a pinching hold. “Like this, to start.”

Matt tugged at first one nipple, then the other, not letting up the constant pressure he kept on them. The combination made my inner muscles convulse, and I wondered if he could bring me to orgasm from stimulating my breasts alone in my present state.

“Oh.” I licked my lips and stared at him from under heavy-lidded eyes. “What would you do next?”

He released my breast and placed a hand over my mound. “Next, I might have to do this.” He squeezed my mound, and then caught my clit between his thumb and forefinger, pinching until it reached that point where pleasure and pain blurred. He took one of my nipples into his mouth and sucked hard, let it slide free, then gave the same treatment to its twin.

My breath came in pants and I made a low sound of need. He repeated the erotic torture, the pressure on my clit making my sex throb, the hard suction on my nipples stimulating hidden nerves inside me, and it was too much. “Matt.”

He eased the pinch hold by degrees, a gradual lessening, then rested his hand on my sex, cupping, squeezing, giving me less direct stimulation. He kept his mouth on my breast but lightened that, too, until it was just a hot, wet caress. He licked and laved his way over each rounded swell, then ended with a kiss in the cleft between.

“Be good, and I won’t have to punish you,” he said, raising his head. He leaned forward to give me a nip on my lower lip.

I had the worst urge to be bad I’d ever felt in my life. And he knew it. He pushed a finger into me and slid his tongue inside my mouth at the same time.

I opened my lips wider for him, welcoming the deep kiss and the tantalizing tease of that finger moving in and out between my legs. It felt so good, it almost hurt. I ached to be filled. I shuddered, and he raised his head to look into my flushed face.

“That close?” Matt sounded surprised.

“Hurts.” My eyes stared into his, my whole body pleading for relief.

“I’ll kiss you and make it all better,” he promised. He shifted position, and then his mouth replaced his hand. The first touch of his tongue to my swollen sex made me groan. He licked my labia, a soothing caress, then thrust between the folds to taste me deeply. He settled the palm of one hand over the curve of my belly and cupped it there, warm and reassuring, moving in a circle to gently massage.

I closed my eyes against the sweetness of the moment. There was so much more here than lust. There was tenderness and caring and consideration. There was desire, a deep well of it, and heat and need and something else. A sense of belonging, of connection.

Rejecting their touch meant rejecting them from the pack, Jack had said. Was that a two-way street? The way Matt made love to me with his mouth said yes. All of them showing me they were willing to accept me as a mate, or as their alpha female.

My legs curled around him, my feet sliding along his torso. My hands buried themselves in his hair, learning the texture of it as he learned the taste and texture of me. He drew his tongue out, dragged it along my labia until he licked at my clit, closed his mouth over that nerve center, and gave me gentle suction. His free hand probed between my thighs. Two fingers, then three, pushed inside me and established a rhythm.

“Matt.” I said his name on a low moan, my hips moving in time with the thrusts of his fingers into my sheath. He varied the suction on my clit, harder, softer, and gradually increased the force of his hand moving in me. And it still wasn’t enough. I arched my back in an agony of frustration, thrusting my breasts up and my head back in the process. “Matt.”

He lifted his head, his blue eyes stricken. “I pushed you too far.” He kept his hand between my legs but eased his fingers out. “You can’t come for me like this now.”

What did he mean, I couldn’t come now? I wanted to scream. Instead, I only repeated the litany that thrummed in my blood. “I need to. I need to.”

“Chandra.” He pressed his hand against my sex. “You need to fuck. You didn’t ask me for that, so I have to stop.”

I stared at him, struggling to process the words.

“It’s all right.” David was there beside me, his hand stroking my upper arm in reassurance. “If you need him, it’s all right.”

I felt tears sting the back of my eyes. “David.”

“I’m here.”

“Help me.”

“Always.” He kissed the corner of my mouth. I turned my face toward him until our lips met and clung.







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