Read Animal Attraction Online

Authors: Charlene Teglia

Tags: #Romance, #Fiction

Animal Attraction (16 page)


The bathroom off the library had a tub big enough for two, which was a good thing because left to my own devices I might have drowned. David climbed in with me, and I sat between his legs so I could recline against him and let him support me while he washed me. The protein shake he’d pressed on me had already vanished in thirsty gulps.

“So,” I said, watching his hands slick soap over my breasts. “This has been an eventful day. I’ve had five cocks that weren’t yours between my legs. That’s past the point where most boyfriends would stomp off, never to return.”

David continued to wash me with thorough attention to detail. “Am I your boyfriend?”

I shrugged. “Just saying.”

He cupped water in his hands, let it run over my breasts, rinsing away the soap and leaving droplets of water clinging to my pouting nipples. “Most girlfriends don’t have your special needs. I care more about your sanity than your sex life.”

I sighed. “Until I met you guys, I didn’t have a sex life. Now I’m a nympho.” Then I perked a little. “Am I

“You’re my lover.” He kissed the side of my neck.

“We haven’t actually had sex,” I pointed out.

“We’ve slept together.” His hands ran down the sides of my body. “I’ve had my hands on every part of you, kissed you until you would have done anything I asked, stripped you naked, spread your thighs, and made you come with my mouth between your legs.”

I had to admit, it added up to an impressive argument when he put it all together. Still . . . “Zach,” I said, feeling pensive.

“I know.” David wrapped his arms around me and squeezed. “I won’t take what’s his. I owe him too much. But I’ll take what’s mine now. You’re my lover today. Let tomorrow take care of itself.”

I squeezed my eyes closed. “Maybe tomorrow can take care of itself, but I want to have you as many times in as many ways as possible today.” I wanted to store up a lifetime of memories, because no matter how I felt about David, no matter how much I wanted him, Zach owned me.

“I’ll give you as much as you want. You deserve that.”

I let my muscles relax a stage further, melting in him. “I really don’t know what makes me deserving.”

“For starters, you’re handling this pretty well.” David ran his hand down my belly, over my mound.

“Well.” I snorted and turned my head to rub my cheek against his chest. “I decided group sex is not a fate worse than death. Or insanity. Or turning into something out of a horror story. Also, let’s face it, none of you are exactly ugly.”

“And?” he prompted me to go on as he washed me between my legs.

“And if I’m going to be married to a virtual stranger, I’ve decided I might as well consider this one hell of a bachelorette party.”

“So you’re okay with what you have to do now.” He moved his hand around to nudge my shoulder. “Lean forward so I can scrub your back.”

“It’s funny.” I bent obediently and then nearly purred as his soap-slick hands covered every inch of my back, stirring nerve endings I didn’t know I had. “It isn’t at all how I thought it would be. You’re all comfortable with what you are and what I am. That helps. Also, it’s hard to pretend human norms apply when the penis inside you has a knot.”

“You looked very comfortable with Jack and Matt.” David’s fingers dug into the muscles that ran along my spine. The soap acted like a lubricant, intensifying the massage. Bliss.

“Because I didn’t want to push them away as soon as I had an orgasm? They deserve better than that.” I sobered, remembering the tension in Matt when he thought he’d accidentally forced me into a situation that wasn’t my choosing. The lust and the tenderness he’d shown me. “They’re people, not body parts.”

“Not just playing hide the salami?”

David returned my earlier words as his strong fingers worked away aches I hadn’t been aware of until he soothed and released them.

“I was freaking out when I said that.” I felt a blush stain my cheeks. “And I didn’t get it. I thought I was going to be like some kind of piñata everybody wanted a piece of. But that’s not how it is.”

I flashed to Matt straining to bring me off, knowing what the price of failure would be. Jack healing me with a touch, then seducing me with gentle insistence because he knew what I needed better than I did. “If I get broken, it’ll hurt all of you.”

David abandoned washing my back to wrap his arms around me and pull me into his chest again, crushing me in a fierce embrace. “I won’t let you get broken.”

I turned my head to the side and up to make my mouth accessible to him, inviting a kiss. “I know.”

His mouth covered mine. I turned into the pressure, sliding over to face him. He scooted forward so my legs could go around his waist. I rocked into him, loving the way the rough hairs on his chest tantalized my nipples, feeling his engorged shaft press against the cleft of my sex. His hands were hard and bruising on my body, and I found myself hoping he’d leave marks. I wanted to be marked by him in some way.

He broke off the kiss and buried his face in the curve of my neck. “I want you.” His voice was low and harsh, his body taut with tension. “I want to be inside you. I want to know you’re safe because I’m in you, giving you what you need.”

“David.” I wasn’t burning in the grip of heat just yet, but I’d wanted him before it started, and that hadn’t changed. “I want you, too. I wanted you in my apartment. I wanted you upstairs on the couch. I wanted you when you kissed my hand last night.”

“You want a mate.” His lips explored the hollows of my throat, and my head tipped back to let him.

“The wolf does,” I muttered in a thick voice.

“You are the wolf.” David nipped at my ear, the edge of his teeth sending a thrill through me. He worked his way back to my mouth. His tongue pushed between my lips, and we stopped talking.























I pushed up to align our bodies, bring myself to the right angle. He helped, lifting me, rocking back to guide himself to my opening. I gave a wordless cry that his mouth swallowed. A hot shiver ran over my body at the first intimate probing as my flesh gave for the head of his cock.

I broke the kiss to pant out, “Slow. Slow.”

His hands flexed on my hips. His breathing sounded ragged. “Sorry. Sore?”

“No.” I trembled as I arched closer, struggling to gain a little more of him. “I just want to make it last.”

David let out a short, hard laugh. “We’re in the tub. If you want slow and lasting, we need to get out.”

“Right.” My mouth agreed, but my sex gripped his flesh, unwilling to release him. He groaned.

“Sorry.” I was breathing faster, harder. “Can’t help it. I want you.”

David pulled back to break the contact and pulled me back down into his lap so that we pressed together without risk of penetration. “Let me finish washing you. Then we’ll take it as slow as you can stand it.”

“Okay.” I let him rinse me clean, but I didn’t want to let go of him, not even to get out of the tub.

He didn’t want me to choose him. I had to remember that, had to keep it straight in my head. He didn’t want to displace Zach, didn’t want to be the leader. But as long as David wanted me, I wanted to have this much of him at least.

In the end, David climbed out first, then helped me stand dripping on the mat while he patted me dry.

“How’d you know to be so careful with the cloth?” I asked, watching his hands blot the excess moisture from my skin.

“You’ll be sensitive until after you change.” David moved down my body and paused to circle my belly button with the tip of his tongue. My knees weakened and a pulse of desire hit hard.

“David.” I said his name on a breath of heat. My hands found his hair, held him, urged him to move lower.

“Want me to lick you dry?” His mouth explored the curve of my belly and I shuddered in reaction.


He dropped the towel and stood up. I started to protest, but he cut off the sound when he covered my mouth with his. He turned me, backed me up to the counter, and lifted.

Oh. I caught his intent and settled onto the cool surface, sliding my legs apart while my hands clung to him and my lips opened for his. He licked into my mouth once, then began to move down, trailing fire over my skin everywhere his lips grazed. The curve of my neck, the slope of my breast, the soft skin of my stomach.

“David.” I closed my eyes and waited for him to kiss me lower.

He raked my inner thighs with his teeth instead. I gasped and arched my back in an involuntary movement that opened me further and thrust my breasts up.

A soft knock sounded at the door. David shifted to look up at me. I knew my face was flushed and I was breathing in ragged gulps, nipples swollen, my sex pink and pouting for his attention. “Want me to tell whoever that is to go away?”

I shook my head, certainty gripping me. “It’s Zach. Let him in.”

“I won’t stand aside this time.” David’s gray eyes darkened to the color of a stormy sky.

“I don’t want you to.” I reached out to lightly trace the shape of his mouth with a fingertip. “If things get out of hand like they did with Matt, I’ll take Zach somewhere else. In my mouth, in my ass. If I need him too much to be satisfied with that, you can take turns with me, but it’s you I want first.”

David’s eyes darkened even further until they were nearly black. He put his hands on my hips, flexed his fingers so they dug into me. “Tell him to come in, then.” His head lowered. His mouth touched me. And the room tilted.

He kissed me with fierce hunger, lapped at me like a coveted dessert, suckled at my folds, circled my clit with his tongue, thrust his tongue into the flesh I wanted him to claim with another part of himself.

“David.” My head fell back as I moved with restless need. “David.”

The knock came again. His tongue delved deeper. I struggled for the words I’d meant to say. “Come in.”

Zach opened the door and took in the tableau. Me, seated on the counter, legs wide apart. David kneeling between them, his hands on me in a possessive hold, his mouth on my sex.

Zach looked at the whole picture, then focused on my face for a long moment before his gaze slid down to my breasts. He crossed the small distance between us and bent to circle first one aching nipple with his tongue, then the other.

“Zach.” I felt a swell of yearning, wanted him closer. “More, please.”

He lifted his head and let his lips touch my temple. “That’s what I’m here for. More.”

I leaned my head against him. “What time is it?”

He stroked my hair, then the curve of my cheek, his thumb tracing the hollow of my cheekbone. “Late afternoon. Almost evening.”

So soon? This morning the day had seemed stretched out before me to eternity. I’d wondered how I’d endure it. Now it was slipping away too fast, and I hadn’t touched David the way I wanted to, hadn’t told him with my lips and hands and all of my being that I craved him, adored him, wanted him.

I hadn’t sated my need for Zach, either. Through every erotic encounter, I’d felt an invisible tug and known he was at the other end of it. Our bodies had separated, but something else hadn’t. My heart? My soul? I didn’t know. I didn’t have words for it. But some part of me was tangled up in him now, and I thought it always would be.

“Both of you,” I whispered. I reached up to lay my palm over Zach’s heart as if I could claim it. “I want to be with both of you, just the two of you, for as long as it lasts. Until it’s over.”

David lifted his head, and I thought it was rejection. I clutched at him. “Don’t leave me.”

The desperate plea in my voice would’ve humiliated me any other time. Maybe tomorrow it would, but now I would say or do anything to keep him here. “David, don’t leave me. Please. I need you.” Tears slid down my cheeks, unheeded. I was blind with them and too blind with need to care.

“I’m not leaving.” David stood, positioned himself between my thighs, and began to fill me in long, slow, steady strokes.

“Oh.” The pleasure was so intense it was almost a shock. Our bodies joined, a merging of flesh and something more. A completion. I wound myself around him, pressed my hands against him, buried my face in his neck. I held him to me and breathed his scent. 
. “David.”

His hands gripped my hips and he pulled my body into his, deepening the penetration. “Not. Leaving.” He growled out the words, drove into me to punctuate them.

I lost all sense of time, all awareness of anything but David inside me, Zach beside me. I knew Zach would take me again when David finished. I wanted him to. I was beyond caring what that made me.

Wild cries echoed in the small room. I didn’t know they were mine until David silenced me with a kiss that tasted of salt and musk. I rocked my hips into his, raked him with my nails, urged him to give me more. And he did.

He took me endlessly, and every stroke he ended buried in the depths of my body was another shock of ecstasy that made me crave more. My nerve endings sang; my blood ran hot, every cell in my being aware that David possessed me.

Something began to grow in me, beating in time to the rhythm of David’s flesh driving into mine. It seemed familiar, like the unfinished urge to give my body over to some unknown need when David changed forms. Some deep change was taking place below the surface, some alignment, and then it rose up in me with a sudden surge of power that made me gasp and arch my back.

David pulsed deep inside me, and I convulsed around him, bursting with pleasure and exultation. He poured himself into me, giving, taking, demanding more of me. It went on and on, and the need built with each wave of release, until he pushed me to the final peak and we rushed into oblivion together.

Heartbeat. Mine? His? I couldn’t distinguish. Skin to skin, a press of heat and need. Connection. Bodies fused, melded, the link unbroken.

“Can you hear me?”

The voice came from far away. Then my awareness shifted focus and it was Zach, his mouth close to my ear.

I licked dry lips, tried to remember what words were and how to give voice to them. Pieced together fragments. Zach, worried. David, still locked inside me. I needed to touch Zach, reassure us both. Him, that I was unhurt. Me, that the invisible thing joining us still held.

I found the strength to release one hand clamped to David, fighting the instinct that said to hold, cling, keep every part of me possible in contact with every part of him. I reached out, shaky on every level, and put my palm over Zach’s heart again. It beat under my hand, harder and faster than I expected.

“Zach,” I whispered his name, turned my face toward him, keeping my cheek against David’s bare shoulder.

“All right?” Amber eyes searched mine.

“Yes.” I smiled, a tiny movement, but the effort was enormous. “The energy rose up. I feel it just under my skin.”

“How do you feel?” He cupped one of his hands over mine, trapping it against his chest as if he wanted to hold some part of me close to his heart.

“Like I’m turning into a werewolf.” I laughed, a low, soft sound that rippled like liquid. “Does it feel like this all the time? I feel so strong.”

“Yes.” Zach’s hand caressed the back of mine. “Stronger as the full moon approaches.”

“I think I could bench-press a Buick,” I said. I let my eyelashes flutter down to lie against my cheek. “If I could move,” I added. “That was so intense.”

“I can’t move yet, either,” David said. I felt him rest his forehead against my hair.

“That’s okay.” I luxuriated in the sensation of David against me, in me, the rightness and wonder of it. I didn’t want to lose this. I wondered how I’d survive never having this again. Even now, I knew the shock of his body withdrawing from mine would leave me bereft. “Stay.”

He gave a low laugh. “Told you I wasn’t leaving.”

“Mmm.” I kissed his shoulder. “Sorry I lost it. Emotions all over the place. I can’t remember the last time I cried before today.”

“Hormones. Full moon. Heavy combination.”

“We have to move somehow,” I said. “This counter is hard, and I can’t touch Zach the way I want to.”

“Want the pile of cushions again?”

I thought about that for a lascivious minute. It seemed like the best option.

“Yes.” I grinned, feeling sensual and wicked and desirable. “I want both of you at once. I want Zach inside me and I want you to fill me from behind.”

“Sure?” Zach asked the question.

“Sure.” My hand on his chest stroked him, loving the texture of his skin, unable to resist exploring it.

“Can you move yet?” That was David.

I unlocked my legs from around his waist and let them slide down. “As long as I don’t have to walk.”

“I’ll carry you,” Zach offered.

“We’ll support her between us,” David returned.

A good plan. I warmed to it. I didn’t want David to stop touching me, but I hungered for more contact with Zach. Standing between both of them would feed that dual need for their touch.

David rocked his hips back, pulling out of me in the process. I told the empty ache he left behind that it would be filled. Soon. Zach produced a cloth and proceeded to gently clean the evidence of David’s possession from my inner thighs.

The two of them helped me down and helped me stand. Almost instantly I felt more balanced. Grounded. “Better. I think I can make it if you both help me.”

They did, although getting through the doorway was awkward, and I started to laugh halfway through.

“Guess you’re doing fine,” Jack said as we stumbled out, sex drunk and under the influence of the approaching lunar change. His bright blue eyes met mine and I read the deeper question there.

“Yes.” I laughed again. “I’m fine. Never better. Kiss me, Jack.”

I felt a twin tension from the men bracketing me and ignored it. I was theirs, but Jack was special. I wanted one last kiss.

Jack came toward me and touched his lips to mine in a salute that felt formal, ceremonial.

“Jack,” I scolded. “A real kiss.”

“I’m not making a challenge.”

“Nobody will take it as one,” I said.

“I would.” Jack’s voice deepened and the sound of it sent a thrill of anticipation down my spine. Then his hands were on my waist as he pulled my nude body against his and his mouth took mine. I parted my lips under the pressure of his, touched my tongue to his. My nipples rubbed against his chest and the contact made them tighten. He made a sound in the back of his throat, drew me a fraction closer, kissed me harder. And then it was over and he moved back to put a little space between us. He kept his hands on my waist for a moment before he let them fall away.

“Thank you.” I smiled at him, feeling light and happy and pleasantly flushed.

“My pleasure.”

“That was obvious,” David growled, and I laughed out loud again.

I bumped my hip into him. “He deserved that.”

“What about me?”

“You deserve more.” I let him see my hunger for his touch, the way I ached for him to take me all over again.

“And me?”

I turned my face to Zach, drawn by the sound of his voice. “You, too.” Urgent need flared and laughter vanished. “Hurry.”







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