Awake in the Dark: The Best of Roger Ebert (81 page)

i. The Battle of Algiers

2.2001: A Space Odyssey

3. Falstaff

4. Faces

5. The Two of Us

6. The Producers

7. Oliver!

8. The Fifth Horseman Is Fear

9. Rachel, Rachel

ro. Romeo and Juliet

I. Z

2. Medium Cool

3. Weekend


5. Last Summer

6. The Wild Bunch

7. Easy Rider

8. True Grit

9. Downhill Racer

io. War and Peace

I. Five Easy Pieces

2. M*A*S*H

3. The Revolutionary

4. Patton

5. Woodstock

6. My Night at Maud's

7. Adalen '31

8. The Passion of Anna

9. The Wild Child

io. Fellini Satyricon

I. The Last Picture Show

2. McCabe and Mrs. Miller

3. Claire's Knee

4. The French Connection

5. Sunday, Bloody Sunday

6. Taking Off

7. Carnal Knowledge

8. Tristana

9. Goin' Down the Road

io. Bed and Board

I. The Godfather

2. Chloe in the Afternoon

3. Le Boucher

4. Murmur of the Heart

5. The Green Wall

6. The Sorrow and the Pity

7. The Garden of the Finzi-Continis

8. Minnie and Moskowitz

9. Sounder

io. The Great Northfield, Minnesota, Raid

1. Cries and Whispers

2. Last Tango in Paris

3. The Emigrants/The New Land

4. Blume in Love

5. The Iceman Cometh

6. The Exorcist

7. The Day of the Jackal

8. American Graffiti

9. Fellini's Roma

io. The Friends of Eddie Coyle

1. Scenes from a Marriage

2. Chinatown

3. The Mother and the Whore

4. Amarcord

5. The Last Detail

6. The Mirages

7. Day for Night

8. Mean Streets

9. My Uncle Antoine

io. The Conversation

1. Nashville

2. Night Moves

3. Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore

4. Farewell, My Lovely

5. The Phantom of Liberty

6. A Brief Vacation

7. And Now My Love

8. A Woman under the influence

9. In Celebration

io. Dog Day Afternoon

I. Small Change

2. Taxi Driver

3. The Magic Flute

4. The Clockmaker

5. Network

6. Swept Away . . . by an Unusual Destiny in the Blue Sea of August

7. Rocky

8. All the President's Men

9. Silent Movie

io. The Shootist

I.3 Women

2. Providence

3. The Late Show

4. A Woman's Decision

5. jail Bait

6. Close Encounters of the Third Kind

7. Aguirre: The Wrath of God

8. Annie Hall

9. Sorcerer

io. Star Wars

I. An Unmarried Woman

2. Days of Heaven

3. Heart of Glass

4. Stroszek

5. Autumn Sonata

6. Interiors

7. Halloween

8. National Lampoon's Animal House

9. Kings of the Road

io. Superman

I. Apocalypse Now

2. Breaking Away

3. The Deer Hunter

4. The Marriage of Maria Braun

5. Hair

6. Saint Jack

7. Kramer vs. Kramer

8. The China Syndrome

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