Ballers: His Game (Ballers Series Book 1) (7 page)

“Great, give me your phone,” Bethany beams holding out her hand to me.

I raise my brow at her in question and stare down at her hand. One of the players, Rodney, stifles a laugh and shakes his head at me. I know I just missed something important and my answer may have been wrong.

I look at her red finger nailed hand again then up at her green expectant eyes. I guess you could say Bethany is an attractive girl. Not too thin, nice curves, not that I believe them all to be real. She has big blonde hair that I am sure is assisted like her breasts. She has a false tan and too much make up on, which takes away from the appeal instead of adding to it for me.

“Hand me your phone silly, so I can program my number and send me yours. I’ll give you a call sometime to invite you to Daddy’s yacht,” she says like I am a child needing her overenthusiastic help.

I mentally kick myself as I pull the phone from my pocket and hand it over to her. I don’t want to be rude now and tell her no. With a smile on her face she programs her number in, then grabs my arm and pulls me close holding my phone out to snap a picture.

“Smile,” she sings before snapping a couple of pictures. “Great, we look good together in this one,” she coos. “I’ll just text it to my phone and then I’ll have your number and a pic to remember you by.”

“If you all would excuse me I see some friends I want to say hi to,” I grab my phone and make an exit while I still can.

I cross the room to the group I had been watching but sometime during the phone incident the woman disappeared from the group. The man she had been hugging is still here as is the little girl. As I get closer I realize I know the guys, Teddy, Eric and Ellerie.

I know Eric the best of the group. I played with him for half a season before he was traded here. I know Teddy through a mutual friend back in LA and Ellerie is the reason the team wants me here. I have been in meetings with him over the last few weeks as the team made their pitch.

Ellerie is a great wide receiver and from what I can tell a really cool guy. We hit it off right away, there is just something familiar and welcoming about him. I haven’t been able to put my finger on it yet but I feel like I know him from somewhere. It dawns on me as I stop to join their group that Ellerie was the one with his arm around the woman. He is now standing with the little girl in his arms as she is talking to the guys in her little voice.

“It was great. He pulled a rabbit out of his hat and a quarter from behind my ear,” she gushes.

“Speaking of quarters the man has arrived,” Eric announces grabbing my hand for a shake and pulling me in for a hug. “Good to see you.”

“Good to be seen,” I nod back and take Teddy’s hand as he mimics Eric’s gesture.

“You want to tell us something Monroe?” Teddy says looking at the little girl in Ellerie’s arms and then at me. She is looking up at Ellerie still talking away with her back to me. “Oh man, I think I just stepped into a fun house.”

“Do you ever shut up,” Eric snorts and shakes his head. He then leans back to get a view of the little girl, tilting his head and lifting a brow, “But you have a point.”

“You two need help,” Ellerie chuckles. “Ellie, this is one of my new friends Brad,” Ellerie says to the little girl who turns her attention to me.

“Hi Brad,” she says with a beaming smile.

The kid is gorgeous. Her big blue eyes sparkle as her cheeks dimple. Her large curls bounce around her cute face and her mocha complexion has a glow, like she recently spent a lot of time outdoors. She takes my breath away. Eric and Teddy are right she does look like she could be my kid.

I look from her to Ellerie and it is clear he is her father. She has his bow shaped mouth his high cheek bones and a hint of his smile. There are other things that link them here and there. I pull it together and reach out my hand to her.

“So nice to meet you Ellie,” I say with my first genuine smile in I don’t know how long.

“It’s actually Brielle,” she says with a shy smile, “but you can call me Ellie if you like.”

“Brielle, that’s a beautiful name for a beautiful girl.”

Just like that she reaches out to me like I’m a magnet and leaps into my arms. I catch her as she sails into my arms, shocked by her sudden move. Ellerie shakes his head and laughs.

“Monroe, we’re going to be needing those child support checks,” Teddy gives a booming laugh.

“I don’t think Ellerie’s wife would appreciate that,” I retort.

“Actually, Ellie’s my niece,” Ellerie laughs.

I narrow my eyes at him then look down at the little girl in my arms smiling at me. A million things run through my mind. There is no way. This little girl has to be at least five or six. I think back to six, seven years ago. I was dating Rebecca my last year in college off and on. Rebecca was paler than me with thin lips and a long nose.

I look at Ellerie examining his face. His eyes are a hazel color and are sort of almond shaped. I pinch my eyes closed trying to see the one face I know that could be similar to his…
no it couldn’t be
. I look at the little girl again. She’s too old I continue to tell myself.

“I wouldn’t mind becoming a part of your family,” Teddy chuckles.

Ellerie grimaces, “I wouldn’t mind another visit with your wife,” he bites out.

“That’s fine as long as your sister is bent over in front of me as I watch,” Teddy says casually and shrugs.

“Fellas,” Eric places a hand on both their shoulders and nods toward Brielle. “We have a little lady in our presence.”

Brielle is more focused on watching me. There is an innocent curiosity in her eyes. Ellerie shoots Teddy a warning glare and folds his arms across his chest.

“Ellie, I think I saw some cake and ice cream being served over there. Would you like to join me for some?” I ask.

She gives me the cutest little pout that reminds me of the one my oldest niece perfected. “Thank you, but no thank you, Mr. Brad. Mommy said I can’t have any, because I won’t eat the food,” she says sadly.

Ellerie runs a hand over her head and she turns to look at him. “How about we run an audible, you and Brad go that way,” Ellerie tips his head to the side. “I’ll intercept mommy so you have time to eat your ice cream and cake. Just don’t spill it on your dress.”

“Oh Uncle Eli, really, can I?”

“Sure baby, but remember it’s our secret,” Ellerie says and winks at her. “Brad, if Ellie gives you a hard time just scream for help.”

“Oh, I’ll be good. I promise,” Brielle says with wide eyes.

I don’t know what possessed me to offer to take her for cake and ice cream. The kid just drew me in. I tighten my hold on her and start for the refreshment table where I saw them serving cake. I think about what she said about her mama not wanting her to have it, because she wouldn’t eat and detour toward the food. She is fidgeting with my tie peeking up at me every so often.

“So Sugar, why won’t you eat any food,” I ask gently.

“Mommy says I’m a picky eater,” she says wrinkling her nose. I know I have seen that look before. She shrugs her little shoulders. “I don’t know if I’ll like it. You shouldn’t waste food.”

“You know what? I’m a picky eater too. I ate a few things here though. How about before we get your ice cream you eat a little? I’ll get you a plate of what I had, that sound good?”

“Okay,” she says, nodding enthusiastically.

“Are you allergic to anything?” I ask not wanting to give someone else’s kid something that would harm them.

She wrinkles her nose again and looks me in the eyes as she thinks. “No,” she replies. “But when I go see Nana and Pop Pop I have to wash my hands after I eat my peanut butter crackers before I touch Pop Pop or his things.”

Feeling certain she understands what allergic means and that she isn’t allergic to anything. I place her on her feet and fill a plate with some turnovers, wraps and pigs in a blanket. There are a variety of things to choose from but I go as kid friendly as I can. Plate in hand I take Brielle to a table, help her into a chair and have a seat.

“Okay Sugar, let’s see if your taste is as good as mine,” I say and wink at her.

She grabs for the turnovers and starts to munch away. It is easier than I thought. She sits humming and watching me. I watch her just as intently. Her lashes are blonde but so long and thick. Her hair is not a golden blonde like mine but it is a dirty blonde color with sandy brown highlights.

“Do you go to school Ellie,” I ask.

She nods in between bites then covers her mouth with her small hand. It is such a lady like gesture. “But Mommy let me skip two weeks to take me on a cruise,” her eyes sparkle when she says mommy.

“Oh really, I bet you had a lot of fun.”

“Oh yes, I did. It was just me and Mommy and I got to go swimming, see movies, play, take princess pictures. At night me and Mommy sat in our room and read our books on our readers while having quiet girlfriend time to unwind,” she says animatedly.

Yeah, this kid could not be mine. She is definitely too old to be mine. I sit quietly to watch her devour the rest of the food. She cleans the plate, which leaves me chuckling. I have no idea where she packed it all. We clean up and then we go to get our cake and ice cream before returning to our seats.

“Mr. Brad, thank you. This is so good,” she chimes as she shoves ice cream and cake in her mouth.

“You’re welcome and your’e right it is good,” I chuckle.

“I think we should tell Mommy to get a cake like this for my party. Will you come with me to tell her,” she says excitedly.

“Sure Sugar, what kind of party,” I ask.

Her whole face lights up. That’s when I really look at her. Her eyes aren’t just blue. They are the exact same blue as mine. Not that I haven’t seen people with blue eyes before outside my family, but my family has a distinctive blue. They’re not just blue they are midnight around the outside and bleed into a turquoise then light blue around the irises. When they light up from our excitement they almost glow, just like hers are doing right now.

“My birthday party, it’s going to be a princess party,” she sings.

“How old are you Ellie,” I have to know.

“I’m three but I’ll be four in a few months for my princess party,” she gushes then her face lights up more, like she just had the best idea ever. “Oh Mr. Brad, will you come to my party? You’re my new friend you have to come.”

I am stunned into silence. Could she be confused? My nieces and nephews were nothing like her at three or four and she is so tall. I feel like I am talking to a small adult, she has to be older. Her being older would release this pit in my stomach.

Her face falls when I don’t answer her question and she places her spoon on her plate and pushes the little bite left away. I snap out of it at the sight of her crestfallen face. She wipes her little hands on a napkin and slides out of her chair.

“Brielle,” I croak then clear my throat. She turns her little face toward me and looks at me with sad big blue eyes. “I would love to come to your party, but we have to ask your mommy and Uncle Ellerie first, okay?”

Her full megawatt smile comes back and she nods her head with excitement causing her curls to bounce around her face. She launches herself at me and wraps her little arms around my neck. Something tugs in my heart and I am happy I could bring that smile back to her face.













Chapter 7

“What did you do with my daughter?” I narrow my eyes and look around the crowded tent.

Ellerie just strolls over to me like he owns the world. He throws an arm over my shoulder and squeezes. I fold my arms across my chest and give him a pointed look.

“Will you relax,” Ellerie says and rolls his eyes. “I love you and that kid more than life itself. I’ve known where you and she have been every moment we’ve been here. You do remember I’ve got the tall gene. I can see over the crowd unlike you.”

“Oh shut up,” I giggle. “I’ve had to hear about you and your tall gene and your hazel eye gene since we were little. I don’t know why I even like you. You spend more time teasing me than anything.”

“You sister dear, love me. And you love me because I tell the best jokes, babysit whenever you need, and I kick anyone’s ass that tries to step out of line,” Ellerie says straightening his jacket and his tie.

“Whatever,” I laugh. “Where’s Bri?”

“I sent her on a mission to have fun, something I’m hoping to get you to do,” Ellerie says nonchalantly.

“I think I’m doing good. I was having fun talking to Teddy and Eric,” I retort.

“Teddy is in a bitter marriage and I almost had to kick his ass for even having thoughts of trying to bring you into that mess. Eric is …Yeah, those two are not the type that I want my baby sister with. Besides, their my best friends we talk a lot of trash to each other but they know how I feel about you and Ellie and they wouldn’t go there.”

“What, I’m not good enough for your friends,” I put my hand on my hip and scowl. “I was thinking about going out with Teddy and his wife.”

Ellerie’s mouth pops open and he glares at me until I can no longer keep a straight face. I throw my head back and laugh. Ellerie tugs at a loose piece of hair at my temple.

“Dad called me last night. They’re on their way back home from Greece,” Ellerie swiftly changes the subject.

“Good, so they’ll be in the States for Bri’s birthday. I was thinking about going to New York after her party.”

“You won’t have to,” Ellerie sighs. “They are thinking about coming here for a while.”

“Oh Eli, what’s a while,” I whine.

“Not sure, a few months maybe,” he shrugs.

Not that I don’t love my parents and want them around. It’s just my father has never been happy that I refuse to tell them who Brielle’s father is. He always gives me this knowing look, like he figured it out or something. But like a good lawyer he is willing to wait for the truth to reveal itself with time and observation. That’s the problem. My dad is too observant and he does things to trip me up when I’m not on my game.

Well he can bring it on because that is one cat that will never be coming out of the bag. Brielle will keep them plenty busy with her insistent talking and demands. Bri can be the little diva when she wants.

“I guess it is about that time again,” I sigh. “I just thought I would have this partner thing under wraps and it would be enough to pacify Daddy for a little bit.”

“Dad is just like the rest of us, wanting to see you happy,” Ellerie says with a warm smile.

“When are you going to be happy Eli?”

“You’d have to understand my world to know why I do the things I do, Tam,” Ellerie says somberly. “You know a lot about the sports world but there are some things I hope you never find out. I’ll get a ring or two and then I’ll go after what I want. Hopefully it will still be there waiting for me.”

“What happened, Eli? When did we forget to be happy?” I muse aloud.






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