Ballers: His Game (Ballers Series Book 1) (9 page)

“Thomas,” she growls. “H-he called Bri a bastard and said her mama ain’t pretty enough to keep her daddy around. Now where would he get something like that from Perry?” Miranda is now fuming at her husband.

Perry snorts as his beady little eyes rake over me. He licks his lips and gives me a smug smile. He is the bastard, he’s asked me to sleep with him more than once.

My body starts that humming and the hairs on my neck are at attention. I groan internally. Brad’s hand splays my belly possessively and draws me back against his chest.

I crane my neck. “I thought I asked you to take Ellie to the car,” I murmur.

“I did but she forgot her shoes, we had to come back,” he explains then looks up at Miranda and Perry.

Perry’s mouth is gaping open as he looks at Brad. Then his eyes flicker between Brad and Brielle in his arms, several times before bouncing to me. Perry swallows then draws a hand over his face. I turn into Brad’s side and sink into his warmth and his arm tightens around me. He looks down at me to search my face then plants a kiss on my forehead.

“Bradley Monroe,” Perry says sounding puzzled and holding out his hand. Brad nods, takes his hand, and squeezes harder than he has to. “C-can we get you something? My boy would love to meet you. It’s his birthday party.”

“We’re actually leaving. I don’t take too kindly to folks making my baby cry. Maybe I’ll meet your boy at Brielle’s princess party when he comes to show he has better manners,” Brad says matter-of-factly.

“I’m sorry about the kid. He can be a real little shit sometimes,” Perry says like a goofball.

“Oh my God, I’m so embarrassed,” Miranda groans. “Bradley, Tam, I apologize for my entire family. Thomas will be dealt with and again I am so sorry.”

“Y’all have a goodnight. Let’s go Darlin’,” Brad says and tugs me toward the door.

“Can I ride with Daddy, Mommy, please,” Bri whines.

“Sweetie, your seat is in my car, he’ll be right behind us,” I tell her.

,” Bri whines.

“How about this Sugar, I’ll strap you in your seat and you’ll ride with your mama. I’ll follow you in my car and when we get to your house I’ll give you a ride on my back all the way in the house,” Brad says with a big smile.

“Okay,” Brielle beams. She throws her arms around his neck and kisses his cheek. “I love you, Daddy.”

“I love you too, Ellie. So much,” Brad chokes.

We reach my car. Unlocking it and opening the back door, Brad places Brielle in her seat and straps her in, as I make my way around and into the driver’s seat. He whispers something in Brielle’s ear and she squeals with laughter. When he tickles her I watch her face glow and my heart aches. She fell in love with Brad from the moment she met him. It was like she knew who he was all along.

“Daddy, can we have pizza when we get home,” Brielle chirps.

Brad throws his head back and laughs. “You be a good girl for your mama on the way home and we’ll see if we can work some magic on her,” he says and winks at her.

“I’ll be good, promise,” she coos.

“I have no doubts, Sugar,” he says with a broad grin and ducks to kiss her on the head.

He closes her door then walks around my truck and taps my window. I press the button and the window slides down. Without warning he cups the back of my neck and ducks his head in the car crushing my lips with his. It isn’t an open mouth kiss. It is a promise of more to come.

“Drive safe,” he murmurs against my lips. He backs away from the truck. I start it and back out of the space. I look in my rearview as I exit the parking lot to see him watching our safe departure before walking to jump in his truck to follow.









Chapter 10

Watching Brielle with her father tonight tore at my heart. She missed out on so much because of me. My poor choices hurt her and Brad. She needs her father more than anything. That’s why I know what I have to do. I can’t be with him and mess things up. Brielle needs her father in her life more than I need a man in my bed.

They looked so happy together. She fought sleep as long as she could, trying to stay up to play with him. It’s like she thought he would disappear if she went to sleep. That’s what made my decision, the thought that she fears he will disappear.

Brad just took her upstairs to put her in bed and I plan to talk to him tonight. We haven’t kissed or anything since we got back to the house, though his hands would find my waist on occasion. It would just be better this way.

Just as I convince myself I am doing the right thing I bend over to pick up Brielle’s things from the couch. Brad’s hands cradle my waist and he steps up behind me. I straighten and he pulls me flush against him nudging my hair aside with his face and planting wet kisses to my neck.

“Brad,” I moan. “We ne –,” I start but he cuts me off. Pulling my face to his and capturing my lips.

I forget what I am trying to say and turn to face him. He deepens the kiss slipping his tongue in my mouth. He groans and tips my head back.

Brielle, she’s more important.
I pull away and put distance between us. Brad’s brows draw together. He runs his hands through his hair.

He looks so good. His shirt is un-tucked from his jeans and his feet are bare. His hair is even loose again. He looks like he made himself right at home. I touch my tingling lips trying to focus and figure out how to do this. He pinches the bridge of his nose then lets his eyes roam over me. His eyes narrow on my face and in that moment he decides something.

Like lightening he shoots at me closing the distance and crushing my mouth with his once again. Brad’s hands lock in my hair holding me in place. I push up on my toes and wrap my arms around his neck moaning into his mouth. His hand slides out my hair, down my body, and cups my butt.

“Tamara,” He groans and squeezes. Next thing I know he is lifting me up and wrapping my legs around his waist.

Never breaking the kiss he starts for the stairs. I am lost in his cologne, in his taste. His kisses are hungry and almost desperate. He takes us upstairs to my bedroom pushing the door closed behind us with his back. When the door clicks closed some of my sense clicks back in place with it.

“Brad,” I pant. “We shouldn’t do this.”

“Tam, baby just let me love on you. I know you want this as much as I do. Let me please you baby,” Brad groans.

“Brad,” I try again but he nips at my bottom lip before dropping me onto the bed and coming down to hover over me.

I give up when his mouth wraps around my breast through my shirt. I cry out and Brad groans. Soon clothes are flying everywhere. Brad cups my face and drinks from my lips with soft kisses. When I feel him start to push into me I freak out and push at his chest.

“Brad, condom,” I pant.

“You can’t be serious,” he groans pushing forward again.

“I’m very serious Brad. I’m not on birth control. I’m allergic to it. That’s how I got pregnant with Bri,” I explain.

“Really?” He smirks down at me and nudges my soaked entrance a little more. “I want a son, Tamara.”

“Are you crazy? I’ve in all seriousness known you for two weeks and a night. Not to mention I have no clue what you have been doing in the last five years. Thank God Bri was all you gave me the first time. No glove, no love Brad. I mean it.”

He growls and gives me a chaste kiss on the mouth before rolling off me and standing. He walks over to the pile of our clothes and fishes around for his jeans retrieving a condom from his wallet. Even his ass is hot,
someone help me.

He turns to watch me, grinning as he rolls the condom on while making his way back onto the bed. He looks so sexy with his blonde hair disheveled and spilling over his shoulders. He scoops me into his arms, kissing me long and deep. He sinks into me nice and slow.

“Tamara, I’m going to make you fall in love with me and then I’m putting my son in your belly,” he growls.

“Mmm, Brad shut up. I missed you,” I moan.

“I missed you too, Baby.”

Oh how have I gone this long without this? He even feels larger than the last time. I pull my knees back to my chest needing to feel as much of him as I can. Bradley doesn’t disappoint as usual. He starts to drive into me deeper groaning as his eyes roll back into his head.

“Oh my God, baby,” he growls loudly. “You feel so good.”

“You do too,” I whimper. “Babe, you’re so hard you feel so good.”

“I’m so hard for you. I’ve dreamt a million times of being back inside you.”

“Ah,” I moan.

I almost purr when his hair spills forward between us. It is tickling my breasts and creating an unexpected sensation as our bodies become slick with our sweat. I slide my fingers down his back and squeeze his tight backside.

Brad takes the queue and starts to really pound into me. His full lips fuse to mine and I know I’m going to explode. He knows it too as he lifts my hips off the bed and plows into me.

“Brad,” I whisper scream because it is so good my voice leaves me.

“Tamara,” he bellows back before collapsing against me. He catches his breath then looks me in the eyes. “I’m going to need more condoms.”

I just laugh and shake my head at him.


I stare up at the ceiling thinking about how this turned into the perfect day. I spent the morning with my mom and dad. I couldn’t stop talking about Ellie. They are so excited to meet her. I know Tamara wants to take things slow. My mom says she’s right and I’m trying, I really am, but I want my family so bad. That’s what Tamara and Ellie are, they’re my family.

When my baby girl looked at me and told me she loved me my heart almost burst open. I love that little girl so much. She’s so beautiful and smart just like her mama. I wasn’t joking when I told Tam I want a son. I want to watch her grow with my baby inside her this time. I want to be there for all the stuff I missed with Ellie.

My mama told me to give Tamara time, to keep my hands off her until she is ready. I had planned on waiting at least two months before trying to have sex with her. But when I walked into that place for that birthday party and saw her wiggling in those skin tight jeans, I lost my mind. I wanted to throw her over my shoulder and run out to my truck with her.

It took everything I had in me to wait until tonight. When she started to reject me tonight my old insecurities tried to creep in. I thought she was saying no because of the race thing, but when I looked into her eyes I saw it. I saw how badly she wanted me too. I hadn’t misread the looks she’s been giving me.

I want her to get to know me and me to get to know her. I want her to know I’m not leaving again. I know we can make this work. She’s the one. I look over at her and smile.

Tamara is so beautiful when she sleeps. I try to let her sleep. I really do, but for five years I have been waiting for this. I watch my fingers glide up her arm and over that shoulder I know so well. I’m hard as a rock and looking at her and touching her isn’t helping. My baby sleeps like the dead. I’ve made so much noise hoping she’d wake up and I wouldn’t have to feel bad about waking her.
Forget that


“Ouch,” Tamara yelps and shifts in the bed rubbing her ass where I just smacked it. I chuckle and brush her hand out of the way to rub it for her. “Brad, what’s wrong with you,” she grumbles.

“Baby, I went to the store for those condoms an hour and a half ago,” I complain.

“Boy, if you don’t take your country ass to sleep,” she hisses then starts giggling when I nip her ear and tickle her ribs.

“My country what,” I chuckle and nip her shoulder.

She gasps when I slide my hand between her legs. “Brad,” she moans.

“I’ve wanted to hear you say my name for five years, Tamara,” I groan. “Your body is tighter than I remember. How many have been in here after me?”

“No one,” she cries out throwing her head back against my shoulder.

I grin with satisfaction. “No one, Darlin’.”

“No, no one,” she sucks in a breath. “M-my…oh Brad, my vibrator…oh…but it never feels like this, like you so …ah…I…I stopped try…ing. Brad, Brad, Brad.”

I nudge my way in from behind after quickly suiting up. She is killing me with those moans and calling my name. Knowing she hasn’t been with anyone else drives me mental. I need to claim her. I’m so in love with her.

“You’re mine, Tamara,” I growl as I give her all of me. “I want you to be mine. You’re all I want, you. I want my family Tamara.

I don’t mean to go all cave man and lose my head but with this woman this is who I am. I need to have her, need to protect her, need to make her happy. I break when she whimpers and throws her arms back, locking them around my neck. My eyes lock on her breasts bouncing as I drill into her. I can’t hold anything back anymore. I make love to her like my life depends on it.









Chapter 11

I feel soft kisses raining across my forearm and stir. I yawn, blinking a couple of times to realize I’m lying on a big hard body. My face is in his chest and my arm must have been shoved in his face from the angle it is at.

I lift my head and peek up at him. He smiles grabbing my sides and sliding me up his body to kiss my nose then nuzzling my neck.
Someone tell this man I am thirty, not eighteen

“Bradley, seriously,” I giggle when he cups my butt and grinds me into his erection.

“You said Ellie won’t come looking for you until noon. We have a half hour,” he murmurs into my neck.

“Babe, give me some time to recuperate. You wore it out last night,” I whine. “And let me brush my teeth.”

Bradley’s chest rumbles with laughter as I push up and roll out of bed, heading for the bathroom. I use the bathroom and wash my hands then slap some water on my face. I look myself over as I brush my teeth. I am glowing. I am so happy. I am happy until I notice the biggest bite mark ever on my neck.

I spit the toothpaste out and rinse my mouth. “I’m gonna kill him,” I growl.

I run in the room and jump on him straddling his sides and wrap my fingers around his thick neck. He is startled at first but starts laughing at my feeble attempt. I growl in frustration and he flips me onto my back hovering his huge frame over me.

“What,” he chuckles and nips my lower lip.

“What, are you fifteen? Why in the hell do you have to leave hickeys all over me,” I snap. “How the hell do you even manage to get them everywhere without me noticing, I look like I have eggplant patches all over me?”

“I think my marks are sexy on you. They say you belong to me,” he retorts smugly.

“They’re humiliating, Brad. Last time I didn’t even know I had them and my mother was the one that pointed them out,” I whine.

“Oh Darlin’, I’m sorry,” he snickers. I slip my hand free and slap him upside the head. “No Tam, I’m sorry, Darlin’. Let me take you and my little girl shopping today. I’ll get you something really pretty so you can cover it up.”

“I don’t know. I think you should go home and be alone to think about what you’ve done,” I pout.

“I’ve been alone long enough Sweetheart. Now, you going to let me spoil my girls today or are we going to stay in bed all day so I can show you how lonely I’ve been.”

“Brad,” I moan as he snakes his hand between my legs.

“I love that sound.”

“Babe, we can’t. Ellie won’t come bother me until noon but she is still up. She’ll hear us,” I whimper as his tongue flicks over the sensitive skin on my neck.

He sighs and rolls off of me with a heavy thump on the bed. He untangles the sheets and pulls me back on his chest before covering us both. I kiss his chest then take the time to really look at that tat that has me so curious. I gasp and sit up holding the sheet to my chest.

“Brad, that’s me,” I point to his chest. I look up at the smile on his face then bend over his chest to look again. It is so realistic; it looks like a black and white photo has been screen-printed to his chest. You can see the detailing of Brad’s head raised as he looks down at me lying on his chest. You can make out the side of my face and my shoulder and the sheet fans out just below my shoulder blades.

“Babe,” I question with my brows drawn.

“I told you I had a picture of you. I’ve never stopped thinking about you, Tam.” He brushes his fingers across my cheek. “I wanted you as close to my heart as I could get you. I needed to fill the hole losing you left.”

“Bradley,” I say in almost a whisper. “You meant what you said yesterday didn’t you?”

“What, that I want a son? As soon as you’re ready, yup,” he says wiggling his brows at me.

“No silly, you told Ellie you love her and her mommy very, very much,” I say coyly.

Brad sits up and cups my face. “I fell in love with you the very first time I laid eyes on you. I’ve been in love with you ever since. Yes Tamara, I love you.”

I take his hand in mine and squeeze it. I give him the most serious look I can muster. “Bradley, my big country giant, I’m going to make you work a whole lot harder than that to get those words out of my mouth.” I burst out laughing when he groans.

“At least I know what I’m dealing with, because I really want that son,” he chuckles.

“You have a one track mind, geese.”

He throws his head back and laughs. Wrapping an arm around my shoulders he pulls me back down with him. He kisses the top of my head.

“Can I ask you something else?”


“Have you been with a lot of women since me?”

“You really want me to answer that?”

I look up at him and he looks amused. I sigh and shrug. “I guess not. But how did other women take it to see me resting on your chest?”

“Darlin’, I wasn’t with many women. The one relationship I tried to have,” he sighs heavily. “This tat started a lot of shit. She was jealous anyway I think, but seeing the tat caused a lot of trouble. She was never right for me in the first place. To be honest the tat broke us up. She gave me an ultimatum to have it covered or removed and give her a more solid commitment or she was leaving. I had her shit packed for her and shipped to her place.”

“Remind me not to give you ultimatums,” I tease.

“Baby, anything you ask for I’ll give you. You don’t have to worry about that.”

“Did you love her?”


“The girl you were in the relationship with.”

“Tiffany, no I never loved her. I felt so lost for so long. She was a friend for a while before we dated. It started out as innocent flirting and a few dates. Then she wanted to get more serious so she showed up at a road game after a win and we made things physical. It was about a month after that that she actually saw the tattoo.

“I wasn’t really hiding it. I just knew her and knew it would cause a problem. One night she forced her way into sleeping over and she saw it when I came out the shower. She went nuts at first.

“I hadn’t known that she saw the picture beforehand when looking through some of my things. She said I was still seeing you and that’s why I was so distant. She called me cold, said I had to be to have another woman on my chest while I was in her. I guess she was right. But I warned her in the beginning that she was not getting all of me, because I knew I belonged to someone else. She pushed anyway.”

“You do know I’m not inking your face anywhere on my body,” I snort.

“Oh yeah,” he chuckles and starts tickling me, “how about here…or here…or maybe here.”

“Brad stop,” I gasp for air as I laugh.

Like clockwork the door bursts open and Brielle comes bouncing in the room. I bite back my laughter and curse under my breath. I didn’t realize we were lying here so long. I am still butt naked. Brad only has on his boxers, which he must have put on when I was in the bathroom.

“Daddy,” Brielle squeals. She bounces up on the bed and launches herself at him wrapping her arms around his neck.

He gives me a wink to let me know he will keep her distracted. I edge to the side of the bed where I spot his t-shirt from yesterday. I snatch it up and slip it on quickly. Brad is holding her head away from me and whispering in her ear while he tickles her.

She squeals with laughter. “Daddy, you’re so silly,” she squeals. “Mommy’s not going to make us eat candy for breakfast. She’ll make us pancakes, right Mommy?”

“It’s lunchtime and I think I’m going to leave you two to fin for yourselves. You are both too happy and loud for a quiet Sunday morning,” I tease.

“Please can we have pancakes,” Brad says with a pout as he holds Brielle in his arms with her back to his chest. She cranes her neck to see his pout then gives one of her own.

“You have got to be kidding me,” I say to the almost identical faces.

“Please,” Brad whines.

“Ugh, go home.”

“Home is where the heart is, Darlin’.”

I lean in and place my hand over the tattoo over his heart. “Just so you know I just might be falling too,” I whisper against his lips as I kiss him.


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