Because of you (7 page)

Read Because of you Online

Authors: Lea J.

Finally, I’m able to relax, and a smile sneaks on my face. The song raises my spirits. I feel free, saved. This is what Hope lived for, and I’m sure that she’s watching me right now and is proud of me. I sing the remaining part of the lyrics, which
talk about
a hero
in all of us.

My eyes closed, I wait for the response of the crowd. I am taking deep breaths and
am still shaking—I’ve never sang in front of an audience before. What Hope and I were filming in our room, was just for fun. She sang a couple of times in the school gym, everyone knew about her talent and passion for singing—but they couldn’t persuade me to join her. I am torn from my deep thoughts by the sound of applause, and Addison is shouting and clapping in front of the stage. All our friends stand behind her—twins Jayden and Jarrod, Jackson, Marc, and even Noah stopped working. Ryder is sitting at the table with an ambiguous expression on his face I cannot interpret, and his lips are in a straight line. He raises a glass of beer to his mouth and takes a long gulp. Damn it, what is his problem? I decide to ignore him and have fun this evening. I have more energetic songs to sing next and I have to sing them well.

Thank you,” I am grateful for the applause. “The next song is quite appropriate for this moment, I think. Let’s get this party started!” I shout into the microphone.
Pink’s Get The Party Started
starts playing. I’m singing the refrain. Everybody is dancing and jumping in front of the stage as I sing about a Saturday’s party where everyone is waiting for me to arrive, about driving around in my pricey car, loud music playing from the stereo. People are belting out along and I relax even more. I sing about pulling the car up to the house and coming into the room where the party is and everybody’s dancing with me. I have fun on the stage, and, shaking my hips, I jump around and seduce the crowd with my voice. The next song is
Whenever, Wherever
I can’t believe I’m having so much fun. Now, I see how Hope felt, why she enjoyed it so much. I sing a few more songs, and my performance slowly comes to an end. I feel completely rejuvenated. My breathing is quick and deep from all the jumping. “Thank you, everybody,” I say, about to leave the stage.

More, more, more,” I hear the crowd chanting. Patrick joins me as I go down the stairs.

Wow, this was a real surprise. How come we’ve never heard of you?” I blush.

Because I’ve never sang o
stage before,” I offer a hesitant reply.

You were great, really. Come with me, let’s talk about payment.” He grabs my hand and tries to take me to his office. I shake my head at him.

No, really, I said I’m going to help, and you don’t have to pay me. It was my pleasure.” Patrick throws his hands around me, a wide grin on his face.

Oh, you’re an angel—I don’t know who sent you to me, but I’m so grateful.”

I turn around to go to the restroom when I see Ryder standing beside me, piercing me with his eyes, a frown wrinkling his forehead and a serious expression on his face.

“What? Come to taunt me again? You won’t ruin this wonderful evening for me, if this is your intention,” I say with my hands crossed over my chest, returning his glare. Not waiting for his response, I go back behind the bar
and continue working.





Fuck, after seeing Aaliyah’s hot performance I need some air. I open the club’s door and step outside. I sit on the side of the pavement and close my eyes. I am totally speechless. I didn’t expect her to sing this good, and her hips, damn it, she moved them in such a sexy way. “Shit,” I exclaim out lout as I fix the erection in my pants that’s still throbbing hard from her sultry seduction on the stage. How can I like her so much, yet can’t stand her at the same time? I shake my head. I overheard her conversation with her boss when she refused the payment. Why would she do that? Perhaps she really isn’t who I thought she was. Addison is also trying to prove me wrong. My thoughts wander to Aaliyah on
stage again. Her full lips sensually caressed the microphone in her hands, I imagine her doing the same to my lips. I lick my lips and down the rest of my beer. Looking around for a garbage can, I hear the back door of the club open. Aaliyah steps out and the door shuts behind her with a slam. She fixes her long hair,
which is
falling on her eyes, and is about to throw the full garbage bag she’s holding in the dumpster. When she leans over, my gaze wanders to her long legs and her sexy ass. Ethan approaches her from behind and grabs her by the hips.
What the hell? Don’t tell me she’s dating this scumbag.
She quickly turns around, eyes widening in surprise when she sees him. She takes a step back and her back hits the wall beside the dumpsters. Ethan puts his hands against the wall to the sides of her head, pinning her against him. He is saying something to her, but I can’t make out what. At first it seems as if they’re having a friendly conversation, but then Aaliyah pushes him away. At that moment alarms in my head start going off. I quickly run to them just as Ethan starts undoing his pants. Aaliyah, on the verge of tears, is begging him to let her go. I’m already at her side, grab Ethan by the upper arm, turn him so he’s facing me, and
him hard in the nose. He contorts in pain, falling on his knees.

Leave her alone, you son of a bitch. If you ever approach her again, I’ll call the cops. Fuck off

You asshole, you broke my nose! You’ll be sorry for that,” he threatens me, wiping his bloody nose, before he runs away. I move closer to Aaliyah, bring my hand up to cup her chin, directing it upward, so I can look her in the eyes.

Are you okay?” She nods and steps away from me. “Did he hurt you?”

Why do you care all of a sudden? I’m surprised you didn’t let him just rape me here,” she raises her arms in rage, yelling. “Why do you care? You couldn’t care less until now.” She starts crying and wraps her arms around herself. I take a step closer again. “Stay away from me!” I raise both my hands in the air to let her know I mean her no harm.

I just wanted to help.”

Fuck you, leave me alone.” Shaking my head, I slowly turn around, one eye still warily on her. She’s still standing in the same spot, arms around her hips, shaking. Damn it, I guess I was really cruel to her if she doesn’t want my help.


I go back into the club and join my friends. Everybody is still talking about Aaliyah and her performance. She surprised us all—nobody knew she could sing that well. The party is at its peak, but I can’t seem to get into it. Every once in a while, I steal glances at Aaliyah, she is doing her job as if nothing happened. She doesn’t look as if she was attacked
an hour ago, but her sad eyes tell a different story. She’s talking
Noah, laughing, and I notice his hand often brushes against hers or rests momentarily on her hip. One time, he comes really close to her, whispering something in her ear, making her blush. It is obvious he likes her. Hmm, who doesn’t—every man turns after her when she serves him a drink. Her long legs are practically begging to be touched. Aaliyah puts some drinks on her tray and I see her coming in our direction. She approaches and sets our order on the table.

Can I bring you anything else?” she asks absently.

No, we’ve had enough. I can’t believe that was you up on the stage! You rocked!” Addison can’t hide her excitement. “You were smokin’. We all just stared at you up there on the stage with our mouths open, and our boys were drooling all over you.” Aaliyah laughs gently, looking to the ground and fixing a lock of hair behind her ear.

Thanks, I didn’t have a choice, Patrick was totally crushed when he found out Casey wasn’t coming.”

You were much better than her, I can’t wait to hear you sing again.” Addison assures her. Aaliyah holds her hands in front of her in defense.

Oh no, no, this was just a one-time thing. A favor of sorts. Don’t think I’m ever doing that again.”

Oh for crying out loud, it was nothing special.” Paris’s voice comes from behind Addison. “I could sing like that, too. You missed a few notes, you need a lot of practice,” she says, inspecting her manicured nails.

Oh, shut up, Paris, you wouldn’t know singing if it bit you in the face. Just shut your trap,” Addison jumps in. Everyone starts laughing out loud, including me, but Aaliyah remains somber.

Ryder, honey, did you hear how she offended me, say something,” Paris is pouting, Britney and Scarlett comfortingly stroking her arm.

Hey, don’t mix me up in your affairs,” I say, raising my hands in defense, “work it out among yourselves.”


“Hey, can we talk?” I approach Aaliyah as she puts the glasses in the sink. She freezes for a second when she hears my voice, but still turns around.

I’m working, I don’t have time. What the hell do you want to talk about? Are you going to accuse me of chasing after your money again?” I run my fingers through my hair, desperate.

Look, I just want to talk to you, are you free after work?” She shakes her head no.

Nope, Noah is driving me home, I can’t today.” Damn it, Noah again.

Okay, what about tomorrow?” Aaliyah stops in her tracks, focusing her gaze on me.

What are you up to?” She raises her perfectly shaped eyebrow. “All of a sudden you help me, you want to talk to me—yet before tonight all you did was ignore or insult me? Look, I don’t have time for your games.” She turns away and walks to the other side of the bar where some thirsty customers are waiting. Damn it, why is she so stubborn? I just want to apologize. But I’m aware it’s my fault she’s acting this way toward me—I was a huge jerk to her.

Chapter 6




Aaliyah?” Addison calls as she comes into our room. “What are you doing?” I am crouching on the floor by the closet, rummaging through my belongings.

What?” I raise my head, looking at her.

What are you doing?” she repeats,
her head
the closet where I’m going through my things.

Oh, nothing. I’m looking for my old camera. I think I put it here somewhere, but I’m not sure.” I’m rummaging through my suitcase, opening the drawers, and finally I find it at the bottom
next to my shoes. “Found it!” I exclaim happily. I blow some dust off the camera and walk to my bed. Addison gives me a strange look.

Umm, it’s broken, what are you going to do with it?” I wave my arm.

I know, I know, but it’s an important part of my past—I can’t seem to get rid of it. That’s why I was searching for it. I think it’s time I throw it away. It
doesn't work
anyway.” Addison just shrug
and walks over to the fridge. I am turning the camera
, examining it to see if it could be repaired, but it looks like the repair would cost more than a new camera.
Couldn’t I find anything else to incapacitate Caden with?
I managed to break the camera when I threw it at him. Stupid me, what silly things I’m thinking about. Of course I had to do this, otherwise, I wouldn’t be here now. In that moment, it seemed like the smartest decision. I’m still twisting and turning it, when a memory card falls out of its slot. I pick it up, it looks undamaged. The last time Hope and I used it was for filming our singing. I stick it in my pocket
to check if there’s anything on it at the first opportunity.
Perhaps footage of Hope is on there, I don’t have anything else to remember her by.

You’re not working tonight, right?” Addison joins me, yoghurt in her hand. I shake my head no.

No, I’m free, why?” I hope she doesn’t want to go shopping again. The last time was stressful enough.

We’re going to a basketball game. Tigers are playing against Bears. It’s just a friendly game, but it’ll be fun.” I frown.

I don’t know if it’s a good idea for me to be there.” She gives me a surprised look but doesn’t say anything. She’s waiting for me to continue. “Ryder will probably be mad if I show up. I’d rather stay here.”

What’s with you and Ryder? Why are you like cats and dogs? I swear Ryder has never behaved so badly, especially toward a girl. I don’t know what’s gotten into him.” I shrug.

Don’t ask me, I have no idea. Ever since we’ve met, he’s been a jerk to me—but I haven’t done anything to him! I don’t know why I should pursue him and beg him not to act like
he does
. If he doesn’t like me, he should leave me alone, and that way we’ll both be happy.” The bed squeaks as Addison sits on it.

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