Beg Me (Power Play Series) (3 page)


“Well I’m going to head out later and you are welcome to come with.” I mention as we finish unpacking the last box.

We have no secrets;
they know where ‘out’ is.

“Club Xc
ape?! That’s so gross to me.” Cheri says and makes a face like she’s just tasted something sour.

“I don’t think I want to spend my ev
ening with a bunch of perverts” Lauren quickly adds.

“No offense Viv.”
Her hands are up, showing surrender.

“None taken.” I

hen I notice the sky getting dark, I look at the time and see that I need to start getting ready. 

“Thanks for the help guys, I love you.” 
I say to my two best friends.

We love you too Viv.” Cheri and Lauren both say simultaneously.

be out late, so I’ll just see you guys in the morning.” 

“Ok, be safe Viv.”  Lauren says and walks out the door.


What to wear
, what to wear.  I search my closet for something to put on and nothing catches my eye. I come to the conclusion a shopping trip in order before heading to the club.

On South Street
, I see a lot of college age girls going into a new shop on the corner, so I make my way in that direction to take a look.  In the window, a black leather outfit catches my eye; I go inside to try it on.

n the store I browse around for a few other things to take with me to the dressing room, I hate the ordeal of getting naked to try on just one thing.  I pick several other sexy dresses and make my way to the changing room.  Everything looks and fits great; I save the leather outfit for last.  The shirt, if you can call it that has a solitary studded button in the middle holding it together and the bottom flares out at the ends showing off my belly button.  The pants are form fitting and give the illusion of being painted on my body. I walk out in the hall to the three way mirror for a 360 view. Yes, I will be taking this one too.   I put the red halter style dress I tried on first back on, the seam lands mere inches below my ass.  I put my nude peep toe pumps on and head back to the three way mirror for a look.  I turn looking at myself from every angle, and I like how my ass looks as if it’s been lifted to new heights in this dress. This is definitely the right outfit for tonight.  After I pay the owner, she takes the tag off so I can wear the dress out of the shop. I throw all the rest of my bags in my trunk and head to the club.


My heart starts to race as I make the final turn. I love this place; I feel at home and accepted here.  It almost felt like I was having trouble breathing as I walked through the door. Inside the air sat heavy and had muskiness to it.  I supposed this was from all the sweat that was dripping from the bodies crammed to the middle of the dance floor underneath the lights.  Unsure yet if I want to just watch or partake, I make my way to the bar.

My inner circle
at the club consists of some amazing people.  They range from Doctors, and Lawyers, to Congressmen, and Teachers, everyone has their own dirty little secrets they try to hide from the rest of the world.  In here, in this place, everyone is able to remove the masks that they wear day in and day out.  Here they are free, able to let their hair down and be exactly who they want to be.

While I waited
, I surveyed my surroundings and use the mirror behind the bar to scope out the crowd.  Friday nights were always exciting, as they brought a lot of first timers to the club.  I look at everyone talking and mingling about. As I am scanning the crowd I notice a man who seems to be watching me in the mirror.  He has perfect man shoulders, beautiful dark hair and piercing grey eyes.  I don’t know him, and wonder if he’s a new guest or here with a member. I look up and catch his eye again; it’s almost as if he’s trying to see right into my soul.  The heat from his stare rises up my face and warms me as if it’s his hands on me.  If I keep staring at him he’s going to notice me watching, but I just can’t stop. I think part of me wants him to see. 

I am brought back to reality when
the bartender returns with my drink. 

“Here you are honey.”
She says, pushing the drink towards me. “Do you want me to start a tab for you?”

I say, reaching in my purse to pull out the black card and hand it to her. My face turns towards an unfamiliar voice to my left.

“Put anything she wants on my tab.”
Grey eyes says and places his hand over mine, stopping me from handing the bartender my card.  I instantly feel jolts of electricity running through my body, my nipples perk up. There is something about his touch that seems familiar to me.

“Thank you for the of
fer.” I say, and am proud that my voice doesn’t give away the storm raging in my lower belly. “But it would be wrong for me to let you buy me a drink when I’m here with someone else.” 

The bartender
taps the bar top in front of me and I look down to notice his hand still covering mine, then at both of us.

“Doesn’t matter to me who pays, but I need $6.50”
she says impatiently.

“Put it on my
tab.” The man says again with more authority and the woman nods her head. 

“Yes Sir”
she says and walks away. 

“You going to drink that?”
he asks tilting his head in the direction of my drink.

“Yes, thank you
.” I respond politely and take a small sip.

“You are welcome.” His eyes are still fixed on me

I can feel sweat s
tarting to trickle down my back, this stranger is causing me to become unnerved.  Who is he and why am I having such a strong reaction to him?

“So, can I get your name?” His voice is de
ep, bouncing around inside my chest, and has the slightest accent…a very sexy combination.

I raise the glass to my lips to drink so that I don’t have to answer him
right away. “It’s the least you could do after ruining a perfectly fine suit the other day at the airport.” I almost choke as I realize why he seemed familiar.  My salvation comes as I hear someone calling my name from behind.  

“Hey Viv, Vi
vienne!” comes a familiar voice, I turn to see who it is.

That’s just perfect
I think to myself with an inner eye roll, now mystery man has my name.

“Well, Good Evening Viv. D
on’t you look good enough to eat?” the voice says as he approaches.

“Thank you Dr. Martin.”
I say with a tip of my head.

“Viv, how many times
have I told you, call me Charles.”

“I know
Charles, but it’s one of my dirty little fantasies that I can’t quite get out of my head.” I say to him with a devious smile.

I cock my head to the side
and watch him as I cross and uncross my legs slowly, just enough to give him a peep.

“Are you here to play?”
he asks, watching me.

I take another sip of my drink.

“Just watching for now” I turn my head and look around the club; I can still feel the stranger’s eyes on me.

“If you change your
mind, you know where to find me.”  Dr. Martin says before leaving. Yes, I know exactly where I can find Dr. Charles Martin this Friday night and every Friday night for that matter, he will be in the torture room in the back.  Apparently, his fantasy involves being tied up, whipped and humiliated by women. 

“So, which is it?” The stranger
questions coming up close behind me.  I feel a slight chill down my neck and goose bumps form on my skin as breath blows across my bare shoulders.  I suddenly wish I had worn my hair down.

“Excuse me?”  I turn
my body and narrow my eyes at him.

“Let’s see.
You told me you were with someone, but you told the good doctor you were just watching for now. So which is it?” he asks again, raising he eyebrows as if he’s caught me in a lie.  Now that we are face to face, it feels even more like he is searching for something in my eyes.   I don’t know which upsets me more, his aggressiveness or the fact that I am turned on by it.

“Well, if you must know.  I
am meeting friends here, I just happen to be early.  So I guess both. I am watching for their arrival.” I say trying to fain impatience. “Is there anything else?” I ask harshly as I slap my hand impatiently on the bar. He seems amused by my reaction, and instead of answering me he takes my hand and kisses it on my still stinging palm.

“See you soon Vivienne.”
The stranger says quietly, leaning into my ear, then turns and walks away.

exhale loudly as I watch his back disappear in the mass of bodies. I finish my drink just in time to see two of my favorite regulars coming in, Mark and John. I feel instantly revived when they make their way towards me; I always have a good time with them.

, Viv! Don’t you look smokin’.” John says.

Mark takes my hand pulling
me off my stool.  He raises me arm and spins me around quickly watching the flare of my dress.

“What are you doing?”
I squeal.

“Making sure you don’t have any panties on.”  I laugh
out loud at his statement, its common knowledge that I don’t wear panties. EVER.

“You guys want to get a room
and play?” I say to John running my hands up and down his large chest. I make a show of this, somehow knowing that the stranger is still keeping his eyes on me.

“I’ll go reserve the Voyeur room.”
Mark answers with a grin on his face.

The Voyeur room is the most popular
room in the club.  It has a king size bed, and all the walls are made of glass.  You are literally on display for whoever wants to watch.  It doesn’t bother me as I like to watch from time to time as well, it’s like watching porn, but obviously better.  The room is usually hard to reserve, especially on short notice.  I guess you could say it’s helpful that John and Mark are not just my favorite members, they are also the owners.

As I am lead
into the room and I can see the stranger standing on the other side of the glass wall, his gaze is fixed on me and his eyes throws me off center. I watch as he makes himself comfortable on the couch, and take notice as he ignores the various women trying to get his attention.  He doesn’t look at them, only me.  I have no idea what is happening to me.  I look at him through the glass and I have to remind myself to breathe in and out.













Chapter Three

“Let’s have some fun tonight” John says a
s Mark reaches in his back pocket and pulls out a blindfold. 

grey eyes of the stranger are the last things I see before the room goes dark.  I am pulled by my hand to the edge of the bed and I feel my dress being lifted up over my head, a shudder runs down my spine as I stand there naked in the dark.  I hear sounds: the clinking of belt buckles, pants rustling as they are being kicked off, and a condom wrapper being ripped.  Instead of concentrating on the sensations of what I am about to do, I think of him…the man on the other side of the glass watching us.  I don’t know why, but the thought of him watching me adds to my arousal.

“Come here” John
commands as he pulls me forward and leads me over to the bed.

I crawl across it on my
hands and knees then lay down. My head gently falls off the edge where my face is level with John’s taught abs when he leans over me.  His soft warm hands massage my breasts and pull at my tight buds.  He takes my nipple in his mouth and I am hungry for his cock in mine.

My hands reach and search above my head blindly feeling for it.  When I feel it in my grasp I tilt my head back even further so I can get it all into my mouth.  I can taste the precum that has started to drip from him like delicious nectar.  I want more, and begin to suck harder.  I move my hands up and feel his rigid chest getting damp from sweat.

A second pair of hands starts
massaging their way up my thighs, and I part my legs instinctively.  I feel a jolt as his hands are soon replaced by his wet lips and strong tongue.  As Mark sucks on my clit, he slips his fingers slowly in and out of me. I go wild and I moan loudly. The vibrations from my mouth wrapped around John’s cock causes him to twitch and move.

“Aah that’s right baby.
You’re the best at that.” John says through clenched teeth as I suck on him with reckless abandon. 

“I’m going to fuck you
so good” I hear Mark say against my sex.

My body arches up instinctively
, reaching and wanting to be filled by him. The stranger’s eyes flash across my thoughts and I hope he is still watching, seeing how much I enjoy this. 

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