Bernard, Lynnette - Laurie's Loves [Beckett's Wolf Pack, Triad Mates] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) (46 page)

She raised her hands to balance herself against his hips, loving the feel of the strength of his body under her hands. Everything about him screamed power, yet his gentleness with her touched her heart and made her cry.

Carefully easing himself out of her mouth, he reached down and pulled her up so that she stood before him, kissing her as she looked up at him. “Are you all right?” he asked her quietly when he saw her eyes glistening with tears.

She nodded and smiled. “I love how you make love to me,” she whispered, reaching up to touch his face with utmost tenderness.

The male satisfaction that stared back at her made her laugh. But that laughter quickly turned into a moan when his hand made its way to her backside and gently pushed against the plug that was deeply embedded inside of her.

“Do you have any idea how much Jackson and I enjoyed putting this inside of you?” he whispered, unsnapping her jeans so he could slip his hand into the back of her pants and reach down to slide his fingertips along her crack to gently separate her cheeks and find the bottom of the plug as it lay nestled within her rectum. He pushed against it lightly, smiling at the groan that escaped her.

Laurie smiled at the memory of their time together just that morning when both men loved her until she screamed and patiently stretched her and filled her with lube until her body was ready to accept the hot pink butt plug. By then they were both hard and aching, and she had happily watched as they stroked themselves while she held and caressed their sacs until they shouted their release and came all over her breasts, immediately rubbing their seed into her to make sure their scent enveloped her and once again claimed her as theirs.

“Baby, I need to see,” he told her almost desperately, quickly unzipping her jeans and pushing them, along with her panties, down her legs until they were kicked off her body along with her sneakers.

Pushing her back against his desk until she was lying on her back, with her legs on each side of his shoulders, he leaned toward her and breathed in the sweet scent of Laurie’s arousal. His mouth was on her almost immediately, licking the abundance of juices already dripping from her sweet pussy and moaning as he lifted his head to her hard and swollen clit. When he reached that delicate morsel, he sucked it into his mouth and bit down on it gently as his fingers pumped into her wetness, looking for and finding that sweet spot that would send her over the edge.

Laurie’s muffled scream made him smile against her pussy. He knew she was trying to be quiet so that the rest of the ranch didn’t hear them, but she was fighting a losing battle. He wasn’t going to stop until she either screamed his name, or passed out from the pleasure. Whichever came first. No pun intended.

Standing up, he took his cock in hand and guided himself to her warm and weeping channel, groaning at the tightness that the butt plug created within her, gently pushing inside her until their bodies met and held. Looking down at her sated expression, he waited until she became more aware and smiled up at him before he started a slow and torturous glide in and out of her sweet body. Reaching down, he gathered some of her cream and circled her clit, giving just the right amount of pressure to build her back up to peak level before quickening his pace and pushing her over the edge once again. He held himself still inside her as her body’s waves of contractions stroked his cock, and he breathed deeply to try to stay his own orgasm.

Pulling out of her slowly made them both groan. With strength that amazed Laurie, he easily lifted her and turned her until she was face down on his desk with her backside tipped up toward him, showing him her pink star and the bottom of the hot pink plug that peeked out from her virgin ass. Just knowing that he would be the first to enter her there made his chest tighten in excitement.

Reaching down, he carefully eased his thumb and index finger into her tight hole and gripped the bottom of the plug to pull it partway out of her body, then pushed it back in, jolting a spike of pleasure through her body. Laurie’s constant moans of approval made him smile. He wanted her to enjoy this experience. An experience he hoped they would repeat often.

He pulled the plug free from her body and carefully dropped it to the floor before taking his cock in hand and pressing the tip to her already stretched hole. He was glad his cock was already covered in her juices and her hole was already filled with lube, so he wouldn’t hurt her. He hesitated a moment, taking a deep breath and praying he could go slow enough so that she would enjoy this first time.

“Push out, baby,” he whispered, stroking her back gently as he lined up his painfully hard erection against her sweet body. He smiled as she followed his instructions and felt her body accepting him.

The head of his cock sank slowly into her, and he groaned as he watched her body swallow him with ease. It was a tight fit, but he was careful to rock his way in until he was balls deep. Laurie groaned and reached up to entwine the fingers of his left hand with hers as he leaned over her to gently hold her close to his chest.

“So full,” she moaned, breathing heavily.

He stilled all movement, waiting for her body to adjust to the thickness of his cock. The butt plug had helped in stretching her, but his cock was by far much longer and wider, and he refused to hurt her.

“Are you all right, baby?” he whispered against the back of her neck.

“Yes,” her voice was barely above a whisper. “Please move,” she pleaded, pushing back against his body so that his hips rested tightly against her.

Jace was more than happy to oblige. He pulled nearly all the way out before carefully sliding back deep inside of her. The lube they had filled her with when they had inserted the butt plug earlier eased his way. The added coating of her crème helped to make the ride a smooth one.

Reaching under her body, he gathered juices that were leaking from her pussy and swirled his finger around her already sensitive clit. With each thrust of his cock, he grazed her clit, increasing the pressure as his movements became harder and deeper.

He refused to let go until she found her release. Looking down, he couldn’t stop the growl from escaping him as he saw his cock disappear into her body. He leaned over her, lying down against her back, whispering in her ear.

“Come for me, Laurie,” he commanded as he pushed hard against her clit and simultaneously bit down on her shoulder over his mating mark.

Laurie screamed his name as wave after wave of pleasure crashed through her body, tightening every muscle in her body in complete rapture. Her muscles squeezed down on Jace’s cock, and he was lost. His orgasm barreled through him, and he yelled out her name as his seed erupted from his body and filled Laurie’s exquisitely tight back hole.

Laurie lay against the desk, fighting to control her breathing. Jace lay against her back, willing his heart to stop racing, kissing her back tenderly as he stroked her face and arms to gently coax her down from her orgasm. When his cock unknotted and finally softened, he was able to slowly pull from her body, smiling at the moan that left her lips as he did so. He sat back on his chair, bringing her body with him to turn her so that she sat sideways on his lap. He cradled her possessively in his arms.

Laurie laid her head on his chest, leaning up to kiss his neck gently as he pulled her tighter toward him. “I love you, Jace,” she whispered, petting his chest lightly.

“I love you, honey,” he told her after a bit. He was having a hard time keeping the overwhelming emotions in check as he felt the total joy of finally finding and holding their mate.

They were both sweaty and smelled of sex. Jace’s seed was leaking from Laurie’s body and was pooling on his legs, but neither seemed to notice or care.

Chapter 26

The calm and casual normalcy of the next two days did a lot to eliminate the tension that had surrounded all of them because of Patrick’s attack. The fact that Patrick was being held without bail and was awaiting arraignment made them all breathe a sigh of relief. If all went well, they wouldn’t have to deal with him for a very long time.

Jace was glad to see that Mia and Dean had become comfortable within their pack. He was glad that they, along with Mitchell, had adhered to his rules regarding keeping in contact with him whenever they were away from home. Mitchell’s happiness at finding out that his triad partner was Dean also made the ranch a happy place to be. Jace’s talk with Dean about what exactly being a triad partner meant had gone well. He was impressed, not only by the maturity of the young man, but also by his acceptance of the shifter world and how it would affect his future.

Jace was especially proud of the calm acceptance Dean had of the way any children Dean and Mitchell would have with their future triad mate would genetically belong to all three of them. Dean had talked with Doc on several occasions in order to totally understand the shifter world and the relationship between triad partners and their mates. He had proven to be the right person for such an unusual circumstance. Once again, the Fates knew what they were doing in choosing Dean. It seemed that Mia’s fate within the pack was also growing. Jace knew that, in time, her future destiny would be revealed as well.

Laurie’s contentment seemed to blanket the rest of them with happiness. He and Jackson were calmer now that she was with them. They drew strength from her in ways that they never would have thought possible. In soothing the men, she had calmed their wolves.

The children of the pack gravitated toward Laurie, and she welcomed and loved them all. She had proven herself to be a natural alpha mate and a gentle but firm leader who had earned the respect and caring of all of them.

Jace looked out across the open expanse of the yard as he stood on the back deck. He watched as Mia and Dean worked with pack members to decorate the deck with streamers and balloons. Martha and Julia bustled around, setting up plates and cups and napkins while Nikki showed Alexander and Butler where to place the giant cooler of iced tea. They were all excited to surprise Laurie with this birthday celebration.

“Do you think Mom has any idea what we’re planning?” Mia’s voice drew his attention.

He turned to smile down at the young woman and shook his head. “I don’t think she has a clue,” he told her honestly. “She’s been so busy helping with pack business, she falls into bed exhausted every night.”

“She’s happy,” Mia told him, nodding. “I’ve never seen her so happy.”

Jace smiled, unable stop the feeling of joy that spread through him. “I’m glad,” he said finally. “I want her to be happy.” He looked at Mia very seriously. “She has brought more joy and love into our lives than we could have ever hoped for. We love her very much, Mia.”

“You’d better,” Dean spoke up as he stepped up behind his sister.

“We do,” Jackson said, his voice strong, as he walked up to stand next to Jace, placing his hand on his alpha’s shoulder.

Mia looked at both men, then back at Dean before returning her attention to them. “She loves you, too,” she said finally. “She belongs here with you. She deserves the happiness that you two give her.”

Jackson’s million dollar smile lit his face, and he reached out to grab a strand of Mia’s soft brown hair to tug it teasingly. “Thanks, honey,” he told her honestly.

Mia blushed at the unaccustomed kindness, unsure how to handle it. Thankfully, Dean stepped forward and bridged the awkwardness for her as he always did.

“Come on, lazy,” he teased as he pushed her toward the sliding glass door that lead inside. “Let’s get the rest of the food and set everything out so we can finally get Mom and surprise her.”

“Okay, okay,” Mia protested. “You don’t have to go shoving me all over the place.”

“Quiet, brat,” Dean teased, winking at Jace and Jackson as he passed them to follow Mia into the kitchen.

“Where is Mom anyway?” Mia asked as they all gathered in the kitchen, waiting for Martha to hand them the platters of food.

“She’s upstairs, lying down,” Jackson told them quietly, smiling at the thought of Laurie resting, unaware of the reason she was so tired lately. Of course, all their lovemaking could be a contributing factor, too. Jace smiled at him knowingly.

“I hope she’s okay,” Mia worried.

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