Bernard, Lynnette - Laurie's Loves [Beckett's Wolf Pack, Triad Mates] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) (21 page)

“Just remember that I’ll have the right to tell you to take off your clothes any time I want, too,” she told him, smiling as his right eyebrow lifted in surprise, before his eyes flashed a soft gold.

Laurie smiled at the two men, appreciating the expanse of beautifully tanned skin and muscle as they slowly removed their jeans until they stood gloriously naked before her, their erections standing hard and proud as they faced her. She licked her lips in anticipation as they started closing the distance between them. They stopped just a foot from her and waited, watching as she pulled her shirt over her head and reached down to unzip her jeans and push them over her hips.

She is gorgeous.
Jace’s voice was nearly breathless in Jackson’s head. He took a step toward her and reached up to slowly unclasp the front closure of her peach-colored bra.

I’m going to lick every luscious curve of her body.
Jackson growled as Laurie’s bra fell to the floor, and she stood before them naked from the waist up.

Jace leaned forward and tenderly kissed Laurie’s forehead, closing his eyes and breathing in her wonderful scent. “As types of kisses go, that would be kiss number one,” he whispered softly.

Laurie smiled and leaned into his lips, loving the gentle way he touched her. Jackson leaned against her face and gently kissed her cheek.

Leaning into her hair, he whispered into her ear very softly. “And that would be kiss number two.”

Laurie couldn’t stop herself from giggling as both men nuzzled against her neck and kissed her against her pulse points, sucking her flesh into their mouths before biting down gently.

“That would be kiss number three,” Jace whispered, growling against her neck, using every bit of his control not to bite her too hard.

Laurie’s moans of pleasure spurred them on, spiking their arousal. They stepped forward as one and wrapped their arms around her. Jackson took her mouth in a kiss that nearly made Laurie cry with the tenderness of it.

“That’s kiss number four,” he whispered as he pulled back and looked down at their mate, loving the way her expression was soft and open. He was definitely liking the way she was so pliant in their arms and so open to their touch.

Jace leaned in and took her mouth gently, increasing the pressure of his lips against hers as he demanded entrance. The growl that escaped him was matched by Laurie’s moan as she opened to accept his tongue and reached with her own to dance with his. Her arms tightened around both men as she lost herself in the kiss, not even realizing when Jackson’s mouth took over and kissed her until she was barely able to breathe.

“That was kiss number five?” she asked, breathless and aroused beyond measure.

Both men’s deep laughter made her smile. She felt the warmth of their happiness surround her, and she knew that she would be happy for the rest if her life if she made them happy. Her worries and insecurities were pushed aside for now. She wanted to be the one who gave them joy.

“Yes, baby,” Jackson told her, chuckling. “That was number five.”

Both men stepped back, and she felt their loss immediately. She couldn’t stop the sound of distress that left her as she lost the connection. They looked at each other and smiled as they knelt before her as one and reached out to take hold of her waist and pull her toward them. Lifting their hands to cup her breasts and gently stroke the fullness of them, they were struck by the beauty of her softness. Leaning forward slowly, they kissed the soft undersides of her breasts before settling on the rosy pinkness of her areolas. Pulling the erect tips of her nipples into their mouths, they suckled gently at first, then increased the pressure and bit down gently until Laurie moaned and laced her fingers through their hair to pull them closer against her body.

“Jace. Jackson,” she moaned, unable to give voice to the power they had over her.

“That’s kiss number six,” Jace told her, his voice deep with desire. He reached up and hooked his index fingers in the waistband of her panties and slowly pulled them past her hips, leaning forward to inhale the scent of arousal that flooded her as she lifted her feet to allow him to remove the delicate material from her body.

Standing, Jace drew her into his arms, growling as his fully engorged cock dragged against her body to find its home between her legs to rest tightly against the warmth of the swollen folds of her sex. He pushed against her once to appease his wolf, but his human side fought to control his claiming.

Jackson came up behind her, kissing his way from the sweet swell of her ass, up her spine, to her shoulders, leaning forward to bite her right shoulder gently. Laurie moaned once again from the double onslaught of the two men’s loving.

“That would be kiss number seven,” Jackson whispered against her neck.

Laurie lifted her arm and reached behind her to tenderly stroke Jackson’s soft hair then turned her face to kiss him gently. Jackson smiled down at her and couldn’t keep the emotions from his face as he looked at her with all the love he was feeling for her. His heart was full as he saw the caring she couldn’t help but show him. He said a silent prayer to the Fates that she would realize just how much they both loved her.

Jace moved to climb onto the bed, bringing Laurie with him as he went. When she tried to kiss her way up his body, he stopped her with strong hands and pulled her up to kneel beside him. “No, Laurie, this night is for you,” he told her firmly. “Just let us love you.”

Laurie looked at him silently for a moment, nodding slightly after thinking. “Okay for now,” she agreed, “but next time, you’re both mine.”

Jackson leaned over her back, pulling at her waist to settle her on her hands and knees. “Sounds good, baby,” he told her as he reached forward to squeeze the cheeks of her ass and moan at the soft fullness of them. He kissed each cheek softly, biting her gently as she gasped in surprise at his touch.

Separating the mounds of her ass, Jackson growled as he looked down at the forbidden star. “Have you ever been taken here, Laurie?” he asked, reaching forward and rubbing the puckered opening with the pads of his thumbs.

“No,” Laurie whispered, confused by the excitement she felt at Jackson’s touch and the thought of them both entering her body there.

“We’re not small men, honey,” Jackson told her calmly, continuing to caress her tight ring of muscle, smiling as he felt her lean into his touch. “We’ll have to prepare you over time to stretch you before we can try this. We don’t want to hurt you.” He leaned forward and licked at her opening, his tongue carefully playing with her before pushing in lightly, then leaning back to kiss the sweet opening that he knew they would soon find ecstasy within.

Laurie looked up at Jace, her passion obvious on her face despite her confusion at the newness of what Jackson was doing and promising. “Jace?” she questioned, not really sure what to ask.

“That would be kiss number eight, sweetheart,” he told her gently. “Don’t be afraid. Everything we do with you is out of love and desire to bring you the most pleasure and happiness.”

Laurie searched his handsome face and was amazed that she was actually experiencing such beautiful lovemaking with these two incredible men. When Jace reached out and took her in his arms, she went willingly. He turned her body so that she lay on her back, and he smiled down at her with a mischievous smile that made her heart race in anticipation.

“My turn,” he told her softly, kissing his way down her body until he settled between her legs, loving that she opened herself to him without hesitation. The very width of his broad shoulders forced her to spread her legs wide, and he settled himself within the cradle of her hips, smiling as he saw Jackson lay beside her and take her into his embrace immediately.

Jace leaned in to take a deep breath and absorb the wonderful scent of their mate’s desire for them. He reached forward and spread her swollen lips, running his finger along her cleft and growling at the wetness that awaited him. He couldn’t stop himself from leaning in and reaching out with his tongue to slowly lick the sweet nectar of her crème. He couldn’t stop, didn’t want to stop, loving the sound of Laurie’s mews of pleasure as he quickly plunged in and out of her warmth, sliding his tongue up to circle the engorged nub of her clit before drawing it into his mouth and suckling gently before biting down with just the right amount of pressure.

Laurie came apart in Jackson’s arms as Jace pushed her over the edge. Her body bowed as she reached her climax, and she shuddered repeatedly as her orgasm raced through her, sending shockwaves through her body.

Jace gently licked up the glorious release that Laurie’s body gave him. Giving her clit one last sweet kiss, he made his way up her body and took her in his embrace, sharing the afterglow of her orgasm with Jackson.

“That would be kiss number nine, Laurie,” he told her quietly, his joy evident in his voice.

“Number nine,” she repeated mindlessly.

Both men laughed softly, loving every intimate moment with their mate. Their large hands pet her body softly, helping her to calm down from her intense climax. Each man was content in a way that they had never been in their lives.

Laurie sighed and reached up to take their hands in hers. She had no words for what she was feeling. She was so overwhelmed that she couldn’t even begin to tell these men just what they meant to her. Pulling each man’s hand to her mouth, she kissed them gently, reverently, hoping her emotions would somehow be expressed to them.

They both leaned in and kissed her temples gently, understanding immediately the strength of her emotions. And they couldn’t be happier. They rested their bodies against her sides, loving the feel of her naked body pressed so intimately against theirs.

Laurie smiled and sighed contentedly. As her surroundings came more into focus, she was aware of their cocks, hard and leaking against her thighs. Letting go of their hands, she reached down and took their velvet shafts gently in her hands. The sound of each man’s intake of breath made her smile, and she pulled up on their shafts with just the right amount of pressure, judging by their moans of approval. When she rubbed her thumbs across the tips of their cocks to gather the leaking fluids there, her moans joined theirs.

“I think I know how to make you feel really good,” she whispered, pushing down on their cocks and pulling up again, squeezing lightly.

Jace stopped her with his hand and quickly covered her body with his own. “No, Laurie,” he told her quietly, his voice tight with tension. “We need to claim you as our mate now,” he told her, looking into her eyes with such intensity Laurie couldn’t look away. “Will you accept us into your body together?”

“Together?” she asked worriedly. She looked at both men, knowing that they wouldn’t hurt her, but afraid nonetheless.

“Don’t worry, baby,” Jackson assured her. “We’ll be gentle. And we’ll make it so good for you.”

“We need to love you together and claim you together,” Jace explained. “It’s how we’ll bond us as a triad.”

Laurie looked at Jace, then at Jackson, and saw the way they held themselves. The tension they were feeling rolled over her. There was no choice as far as she was concerned. It felt right to be with these two men who put her needs and care before their own.

“Yes,” she whispered.

At her acceptance, the tension left them immediately. They both kissed her lips gently, resting their foreheads against hers.

“Thank you, Laurie,” Jace whispered, barely able to speak.

“Thank you, baby,” Jackson echoed, needing to finish the mating ritual with every fiber of his being.

Jace pulled Laurie toward him until she straddled his waist. He gently held her hips as she sat up and settled herself over his cock.

“Take me inside you, Mate,” he told her gently.

Laurie reached down and took hold of his erection, caressing him gently as she positioned him at the entrance to her body. Watching his eyes, she slowly lowered herself down onto his hardness, gasping as her body opened to accept his fullness. When she settled herself all the way down on his incredible width and length, she breathed in a sigh of contentment.

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