Bernard, Lynnette - Laurie's Loves [Beckett's Wolf Pack, Triad Mates] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) (25 page)

Their chests heaved from their release. They looked down at their mate lying before them and growled as their possession of her was strengthened. Laurie smiled up at them, totally happy to be covered with the warmth of their seed. Both men looked down at their woman. A sweeter sight was never possible. They growled low in their throats, both of them echoing the same word in her head at the same time.


The tears that filled Laurie’s eyes were tears of joy, and she opened her heart to them without hesitation. If this were to end tomorrow, she would have the most wonderful memories to last her a lifetime. Reaching forward, they rubbed their release into her body, caressing her breasts and belly as they did so. Laurie sighed in contentment as their hands continued to massage their seed into her body. Without hesitation, she reached out and opened her arms to them. They quickly went into her embrace and settled to lie beside her, nuzzling into her neck and licking at their mating marks.

They lay quietly, wrapped in each other’s arms. Time slipped away as they gave themselves over to the feeling of complete and utter contentment. The men’s warmth soothed Laurie, and their strong heartbeats against her chest made her happier than she had ever been in her life.

“Jace? Jackson?” she finally whispered. “I think we need another bath.”

Chapter 14

Laurie, where are you, honey?

A scream and the sound of a crash answered Jace’s question. Both he and Jackson raced from their office and ran into the kitchen as fear gripped them.

Jackson’s panicked voice called to her as he followed Jace, stopping short as he saw Laurie kneeling down to pick up the broken pieces of a ceramic mixing bowl.

“Martha, I’m so sorry.”

Laurie’s anguished voice met their ears as they slid to a halt beside the kitchen sink. Laurie’s tear-filled eyes met theirs as she looked up at them briefly before turning her gaze back to the older woman.

Martha knelt down beside Laurie slowly, reaching out to take the pieces of the broken bowl from her and handing them to Julia as she came to stand beside them. “Please, my Alpha,” Martha murmured, trying to soothe Laurie. “A broken bowl means nothing. All that matters is that you’re all right. Did you cut yourself?”

“No, I’m fine,” Laurie assured her, reaching out to take Martha’s hand, allowing the older woman to help her to her feet. She found herself immediately hugged by the woman and melted into the softness of her embrace. She realized as Martha soothed her, Julia’s hands were rubbing her arm, and little Tammy was clinging to her leg. The open caring of the three females touched her heart, and she couldn’t help but laugh through her tears.

“You are all so wonderful,” she told them as she leaned back, reluctantly stepping out of their embrace. Just Tammy still clung to her leg, looking up at her with fear in her eyes.

“Are you okay, Laurie?” Tammy asked her sweetly, trying very hard not to cry.

Laurie reached down and took the tiny child in her arms to lift her onto her hip and hug her tightly. “I’m fine, honey,” she assured her. “I guess we’ll have to find another bowl so we can make the cookies.”

She kissed the little girl’s cheek sloppily, rubbing into her face to tickle against her neck. Tammy dissolved into giggles, just as Laurie had intended, all drama and worry leaving her. With one last hug, she lowered Tammy to the floor, smiling at her mom and winking. Julia smiled at her and reached out to take Tammy’s hand in hers.

“Come on, honey,” Julia told her daughter gently, tugging at her hand and bringing her with her to the cabinet underneath the center island. “Let’s find another bowl and get all the ingredients we’ll need to make the chocolate chip cookies.”

“Okay, Mommy,” Tammy said happily, pulling open the cabinet door and sitting on the floor to study the stack of bowls before her, wanting to pick just the perfect one for their task.

Laurie smiled down at the little girl then turned to face Martha. “I’m really sorry, Martha,” she told her sincerely. “When Julia and I go shopping later, I’ll buy you a new bowl to replace the broken one.”

“No.” Martha stopped her quickly. “You will
do that. You’re part of our pack now, not an outsider. We care about each other and help each other.” Martha stepped forward and hugged her quickly, leaning forward to whisper in her ear. “We’re lucky that you’ve found your way to us and have made my boys so happy.” Stepping back, she turned and faced the sink, reached out to open the tall cabinet to the right of it, and started taking down ingredients from the pantry for the cookies Tammy wanted to make.

Laurie raised her right hand to her face, trying to hide the quiver of her mouth as she fought to keep her tears at bay.
They are so kind.
Her voice was choked as she mentally voiced her thoughts so sincerely, watching the women before her.

Sweetheart, they love you.
Jace’s voice spoke softly in her head.

She turned to face him, smiling softly at him before her face changed to one of annoyance.
I wouldn’t have dropped the bowl if you hadn’t scared the hell out of me!

Jackson snickered and fought to control himself when Jace turned his annoyance toward him.
You have something you’d like to say, Jackson?

Jackson raised his hands in defense and stepped back.
No, Alpha. But she’s right. You have to let her get used to being able to hear us in her mind before you boom in her head when you talk to her.

Thank you, Jackson.
Laurie nodded and smiled openly at him.

Jackson leaned forward and kissed her lips gently.
Any time, baby.

Jace leaned forward and took Laurie into his arms, pulling her sweet body against his.
I’m sorry, sweetheart. I didn’t realize that I would scare you. I’m so used to talking to Jackson that way, it didn’t occur to me that I would frighten you.

Laurie looked up at him and couldn’t stop herself from leaning into his arms, laying her head on his chest, and snuggling into his embrace.
Give me some time to get used to it. Just try to talk softly until I do.

Laurie leaned back and lifted her hands to gently frame his face, pulling him down toward her and sweetly kissing his lips. Stepping out of his embrace, she walked over to Jackson, smiling as he opened his arms to her immediately and leaned down to accept the light kiss she offered him.

She looked up at both men and winked.
That’s kiss number one.

Turning, she walked back toward the women and focused on their project, laughing softly as she heard the two men growl behind her. Memories of them showing her nine different kisses the night before made her more than determined to give them just enough to heighten their anticipation because she intended to kiss them senseless in ever-increasing intensity and variety over the course of the day.

Both men smiled at her before turning to leave their mate to her project. Jace sent the picture he had in his memory to Jackson of Laurie holding Tammy and kissing her, comforting her. Jackson smiled at the image and reached out to place his hand on Jace’s shoulder.

“She’s amazing, isn’t she, Jace.”

Jace nodded, almost too overwhelmed to speak.

* * * *

Jace? Jackson? Are you in your office?
Laurie’s hesitant voice called to both men.

They looked at each other and smiled. Their mate’s voice in their head made them feel a sense of happiness that they had been lacking in their lives. They knew that her being with them made them know that all was right in their world.

Yes, sweetheart.
Jace answered her immediately, careful to keep his voice soft in her head.
Is everything okay?

There was only silence. Jackson looked at Jace and stood immediately, fear grabbing at their hearts.

Baby, what’s wrong?
Jackson’s voice held the panic he was feeling.

Laurie’s voice answered immediately.
Would you mind if I came into your office?

Of course not, Laurie.
Jace walked over to the door of their office, pulling it open quickly. He looked toward the kitchen and saw her standing by the sink with Martha and Julia, a platter filled with cookies in her hand.

He opened his arms to her, and she walked the short distance to him immediately, stepping into the warmth of his embrace and allowing him to pull her into their office and close the door behind them. Jackson stepped up behind her, successfully pinning her between them. Leaning down into her neck he took a deep breath, taking in her delicious scent. He could detect a subtle difference in her scent, and he found that the difference made him extremely happy.

“You’re always welcome wherever we are, sweetheart,” Jackson told her warmly, kissing his mating mark gently, loving the soft whimper of arousal that escaped her. “Especially if you bring us something to eat,” he teased, reaching over her shoulder to steal a still warm cookie from the plate she was trying to balance as the men embraced her.

Laurie laughed and turned to place the plate on Jace’s desk. “So you only want me to feed your stomachs,” she accused, her eyes sparkling with humor.

She reached up and took Jace’s face in her hands to pull him toward her. Gently passing her lips over his, she leaned into him and wrapped her leg around his thigh, bringing the kiss to a deep level of passion immediately, smiling as Jace opened his mouth to her without hesitation. Their tongues met, and she sucked on his as she moaned into his mouth. Her intent was to make him lose himself with her forwardness, but he quickly turned the tables on her and pulled her toward him in a whirlwind of want and need.

She leaned back from the kiss and smiled lazily at Jace. Hugging him tightly then stepping out of his embrace, she turned to give her attention to Jackson. Wrapping her arms around him, she kissed him lightly just as she had done with Jace then quickly ramped up to the all-consuming passion that was so easy to reach with both of these wonderful men. When she pulled away, the three of them were breathing heavily.

“That’s kiss number two,” she whispered, pulling herself away from both men, opening the door of their office and exiting quickly, although a little unsteadily.

Both men watched her walk away, the feminine sway of her backside drawing their attention.

“Damn!” Jace whispered as he watched her sweet bottom move seductively. “She has no idea how sexy she is.”

Jackson groaned and reached down to adjust his erection. This was going to be a long day.

* * * *

An hour later, Laurie gently knocked on their office door. Before she could even lower her hand, the door was pulled open, and she found herself being pulled roughly into Jace’s embrace while Jackson closed and locked the door behind them. A squeak of surprise escaped her before she laughed out loud at the joy she felt as the two men surrounded her.

“Hands to yourselves, guys,” she warned them, pushing them away from her with determination.

“Okay, baby,” Jackson answered, the humor evident in his voice. “We’ll play your way for now.” He leaned forward and kissed her forehead gently, unable to stop himself. “But in five minutes, all bets are off,” he warned her.

“I’m giving her two,” Jace interrupted, the growl in his voice filled with need.

Laurie smiled and reached out to caress both men’s denim-covered erections, pulling gasps of pleasure from both of them. “I only need one,” she whispered, kneeling down between them, quickly unbuckling their belts, and unbuttoning and unzipping their jeans to release their fully engorged cocks.

“Laurie, baby,” Jace groaned, reaching out to grab for Jackson’s shoulder to steady himself as she took him into her mouth, sucking deeply and bringing him to the back of her throat.

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