Bernard, Lynnette - Laurie's Loves [Beckett's Wolf Pack, Triad Mates] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) (23 page)

“How do I do this?” she asked, believing that she was about to be let in on an amazing miracle.

“Just think it. Jackson will hear you.”

Jackson, where are you?
She thought it calmly, unsure if she expected an answer or not.

I’m with Martha, honey. She’s giving me something to ease your soreness. Jace, is she doing all right?

Laurie gasped more at Jackson’s words than at the fact that she could hear them. “You are discussing my soreness with Martha?” she nearly screeched in embarrassment, both verbally and mentally.

She could hear Jackson chuckling in her mind, and her embarrassment quickly turned to anger. “How can you share such intimate things with someone else?” she gasped in horror, tears immediately stinging her eyes.

Jace, I can feel her falling apart. I’m on my way.

Hurry, Jackson. We need to help her.

Laurie pushed away from Jace, pulling the sheet with her to cover her nakedness as she scooted to the far side of the bed. Before she could say a word, the bedroom door opened, and Jackson stood there looking at her with such anguish she almost relented in her anger. Almost.

Jackson closed the door behind him, locking it securely before walking toward the bed, and placing two plastic containers on the nightstand beside the bed. He sat on the edge of the bed, getting as close to Laurie as he dared. Her anger and hurt rolled off her and filled his chest. Her tears broke his heart.

“Baby, please don’t be upset,” he tried to soothe her, reaching out to touch her hand gently.

She pulled away and pressed her back against the headboard. She closed her eyes and covered them with shaking hands as visions of years of being humiliated by her ex flashed through her mind. She didn’t realize that she was projecting her memories to Jace and Jackson until she heard them gasp. Their instant low growls of anger filled the room. As one, they reached forward to draw her into their arms and settle her between them.

“You saw what I was thinking?” she whispered, horror and embarrassment warring within her. “I can’t even keep my thoughts to myself? You’ll know every humiliation, every secret I have.”

“No, sweetheart,” Jace assured her, rubbing her arm soothingly. “It’s just because this is new to you. Once you learn how to control it, we’ll only be gifted with what you want to share with us. But what we saw is something you will
experience with us. Ever.”

“It’s like putting a barrier in place,” Jackson explained gently, drawing Laurie away from the horror she had experienced and unknowingly shared with them. “Keep yourself in a white light of protection at all times. You’ll get used to doing it without having to think about it. And when you want to talk to us or send us a thought or a picture, you allow the bubble of white light to open to include us in your thoughts.”

“Try it, honey,” Jace encouraged her. “Close your eyes and picture yourself in a bubble of protection.”

Laurie looked from one man to the other, willing her emotions under control as they tenderly held and comforted her. Closing her eyes, she pictured herself surrounded by a white light of protection. Without realizing she was doing it, she reached out and took both men’s hands in hers. Bringing them up to her chest, she squeezed them tightly as the bubble of pure white light surrounded the three of them.

Jace looked at Jackson and smiled. Her vision was projected to them both with a clarity that made his heart happy. She instinctively included them in her protection.

“Honey, make the bubble only surround you for now,” Jackson told her gently. “That way we can show you how to open it to send us thoughts.”

Laurie nodded and very slowly pulled at the white light of protection so that it surrounded only her. She didn’t like that Jace and Jackson were outside the bubble. It bothered her that she wasn’t protecting them.

“Very good, Laurie.” Jace’s deep voice praised her sincerely. “Now try to open a small part of that bubble, like opening a window, and send us a picture of some thought that you have.”

Laurie nodded slowly and concentrated on opening only a small part of the bubble. She opened her eyes and smiled seductively, causing both men to look at her in confusion, then slammed them with a picture of the three of them, naked, with Jace’s cock deep in her pussy and Jackson’s cock deep in her mouth. Without hesitation, Laurie threw complete sexual release at both of them, causing all three of them to orgasm immediately.

“Holy shit!” Jackson roared as he came so hard in his pants he nearly passed out.

Jace was speechless. His cum soaked the sheets, and his breathing was labored. “What Jackson said,” he finally rasped out.

He looked at Laurie and saw the sated look of their woman, completely satisfied with herself. Both men leaned against her, pulling her tightly into their embrace as they lay beside her, breathing heavily as they fought to calm down.

“I think you’ve got the hang of it, Laurie,” Jace told her finally, amusement evident in his voice.

“Think so?” she asked proudly.

“Baby, you’re going to kill us.” Jackson laughed, reaching up to possessively cover her breast and caress it lightly.

“I’ll only kill you if you tell anyone about what happens between us again,” she warned them both.

“I swear to you, Laurie, I did
tell Martha one thing about us,” Jackson insisted, leaning up to look down into her eyes.

Laurie looked up at him and saw the anguish in his eyes. She didn’t want to give in, but she could see the honesty there, too.

“Laurie, every member of our pack knows what happens during a bonding,” Jace explained softly. “The way a woman is taken during the bonding is always the same. Every member of our pack knows this. And they know that the woman of the triad needs to be cared for after the bonding.”

“Martha was just giving me what she gives to every newly bonded triad,” Jackson told her, his voice sincere. “She is taking care of you just as she takes care of every newly bonded female.”

Laurie looked at both men, wanting desperately to believe them. “Really?” she whispered.

Both men nodded, smiling softly at her. “Close your eyes and open yourself to us, honey,” Jace told her quietly. “Reach out with your heart and call to us. You’ll be able to feel our emotions. We can’t hide anything from you. It’s a part of the gift of the bonding. You’ll always be able to reach out and sense what we’re feeling. It’s a way for us to always be sure that the others of our triad are safe. Jackson and I have been able to do that from the time we were teenagers. We’ve never told that to anyone else. We knew that what we could do was not the way it was for others. It usually only happens when a triad bonds.”

Laurie closed her eyes and concentrated on the two men beside her. She could feel their concern. She could sense their honesty. And tears immediately filled her eyes as she felt their honest caring for her.

Jace and Jackson closed their eyes and reached out to her. They could feel her fear and her uncertainty. But what caused their hearts to seize with happiness was the true and pure sense of love and longing that she tried to hide behind the protective bubble of white light. The Fates would not allow her to keep that part of herself from them. They nuzzled into her neck and sniffed the scent of their bonded mate, licking at their mating marks and drawing a groan of appreciation from Laurie. They would allow her the cautious shielding of her heart. When the time was right, she would allow them to see what they already knew to be true.

“So what did Martha give you to help me?” she asked, trying to deflect the intensity of the moment while at the same time needing to know.

“Are you very sore, baby?” Jackson asked, concerned.

“Have you looked at the size of your cocks?” she asked, stunned by her inability to prevent herself from saying exactly what she was thinking. She blushed immediately and covered her face with her hands.

Both men laughed then growled as they leaned in to pull her hands from her face and smile down at her.

“Only for you, sweetheart,” Jace promised, his voice tender.

“I’m glad,” she whispered, smiling at both men with a sparkle in her eye. “Now what are you going to do to help me?”

Jackson kissed her quickly and lay next to her on her pillow. “Martha gave me some healing salts to put in your bathwater. And she gave me an herbal ointment to rub around and into your sweet pussy.” He smiled as she blushed brightly. “But the first thing we need to do is something we knew about without Martha having to tell us.”

Laurie looked at Jackson and waited for him to explain. When he remained silent, she turned to Jace and saw him smiling down at her. “What?” she asked, totally at a loss.

“Our saliva has healing properties,” Jace explained, smiling. “When we bit you to mark you, we used our tongues to help in the healing of the mark and the easing of the pain.”

Laurie looked at him and nodded, understanding his explanation. Their tongues
eased her pain. In fact, she felt no pain at all. She gently touched the marks on each side of her neck and found that they were already healed.

Her eyes widened as understanding finally hit her. Her blush deepened even as her desire for the intimacy with her two men spiked within her body.

“Our saliva, mixed with your crème, will speed up the healing process,” Jace told her, his eyes flashing with need.

Jackson pulled the sheet away from her body, gazing at the beauty of their mate and growling in anticipation. “Open your mind to us, Laurie,” he told her. “Feel what we feel when we look at you, when we touch you, when we join with you. Keep your bond open to us. You will never question our feelings again.”

Laurie’s breath caught in her throat as she opened her bond and felt the immediate warmth from both men. She felt the desire they felt only for her. She felt the appreciation they had for her kindness and her intelligence. And she felt their primal male attraction to her body. She was overwhelmed by their honest and total acceptance of who she was.

She cried out with pleasure as she felt Jackson’s mouth cover her clit. When did he move down her body to place himself intimately against her? When did she open her legs without any hesitation or fear? She had no memory of her immediate acceptance of his ownership, but she knew it was right. Looking down at him, she carded her fingers through the soft silkiness of his dark brown curls and pet him as he continued to lave her swollen folds, feeling beginning relief in her soreness immediately.

She turned and faced Jace, unable to say a word before his lips covered hers and demanded entrance to the sweetness of her mouth. She had no power to deny him, nor did she want to. She moaned into his mouth, accepting his tongue and sucking on it lightly. His responding growl sent bursts of happiness through her.

Jackson continued to lick every inch of her pussy, spreading her swollen pink lips carefully as he kissed and licked every drop of her wetness from her. Leaning forward, he captured her clit in his mouth, sucking on it and swirling his tongue around it before biting down gently and drawing the swollen nub into his mouth.

Laurie’s scream of release made him smile, and he eagerly extended his tongue to lap up the fresh gush of crème that rushed from her body. He would never get enough of her body, her taste, or her heart.

He gently kissed her pussy then rose to lie beside her. Carefully caressing her body, he soothed her with gentle words as Jace tenderly kissed her face. Once her breathing was more under control, Jackson reached over to take her lips with his, demanding entrance to her mouth and moaning when she immediately opened to him, sucking on his tongue as if she would die if she didn’t kiss him.

He was aware that Jace moved down her body and placed himself between her still-open legs, knowing his triad partner would find pure ambrosia waiting for him there. When Laurie moaned against his mouth he knew that Jace had begun the healing ritual. Before they were through, Laurie’s body would have no soreness. By tonight she would be ready to take them again. And the thought ramped up his desire for her.

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