Bernard, Lynnette - Laurie's Loves [Beckett's Wolf Pack, Triad Mates] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) (24 page)

Jace was in heaven. The taste of their mate satisfied a hunger in him that he never could have believed would ever be quenched. Laving the delicate pink folds before him, he found himself wanting to take away all the pain from their woman and give her unbelievable pleasure. Reaching in to the sweet depths of her body with his tongue, he tasted her arousal. He tasted her need. And something more.

Licking up to her clit, he sucked the distended nub into his mouth and suckled with sure-and-constant pressure, not letting up until he heard his mate cry out his name as her release slammed through her body. He licked up the proof of her release and kissed her intimately, loving the scent and taste of their woman.

“Enough,” she gasped, pulling at his hair to bring him up to her embrace.

She held both men to her, loving the feel of their weight as their chests lay heavily against her. She rubbed her hands soothingly across their backs, scoring her nails down the bulging muscles of their torsos until she landed on their backsides. She loved the feel of Jace’s naked ass and whined with distress that Jackson’s was covered by his jeans.

“You need to take these off,” she told him, pulling at the waistband of the offending material.

Jackson chuckled and lifted himself off of her. She felt the loss of him immediately. When she reached out for him, she realized that Jace had also removed himself from her side and knelt beside her.

“We need to get you into the bathtub and let you soak in the water with the salts Martha gave us.” Jace’s voice held tenderness for her, and he held out his hand to help her from the bed.

She moved slowly, still a little sore, and was grateful for the help. After grabbing the small plastic container of bath salts from the bedside table, Jackson was by her side quickly, taking her other hand and leading her into the bathroom.

Jace reached forward and turned on the tap of the most incredibly decadent bathtub Laurie had ever seen. She looked around the bathroom, seeing it for the first time. She realized that these men, her men, had made this suite with every thought of sharing it one day with their triad mate. Everything about its size, its decadence, its design, was meant to create a cocoon of warmth and love to provide a haven, a home, for them. She could feel it.

“Come on, baby. Step in,” Jackson encouraged her.

She saw the empty plastic container on the side of the tub and realized that she had missed quite a bit of time as she was lost in thought about her men.
My men

Looking up, she saw that Jace was already in the sunken tub and was reaching out his hand to help her step down into it. She looked over at Jackson and smiled as he was carefully peeling his pants from his body, a small moan of appreciation escaping her as she saw the sticky proof of his release clinging to the material of his underwear and his already hard cock. Turning to look at Jace, she saw that he was in the same state of arousal.

As the three of them sat back in the tub, Laurie was amazed by its size. Jace’s six foot five inch frame fit comfortably as he sat, his long muscular legs stretched out before him with room to spare. Jackson was no slouch with his six foot three inch frame fitting comfortably as he happily sat beside her. Both men’s broad shoulders and muscled bodies sandwiched her between them, and she found that she felt small and protected, something she had never felt in her life before now.

Closing her eyes, she couldn’t help the sigh of complete and utter contentment that escaped her. She didn’t see the men look at each other and exchange a smile and a silent communication of their own complete happiness. She smiled as she felt each man gently wash her with soft cloths and allowed someone else to take care of her for the first time in her life.

“Come on, baby,” Jace’s voice called to her as if from a distance. “Let’s get you out of here before the water gets too cold.”

“Did I fall asleep?” she asked, confused.

“Yes, sweetheart,” Jackson answered as he helped Jace steady her beside the tub so they could wrap a large, soft towel around her. “Must be all that satisfied lovin’,” he teased her.

She opened her eyes and reached out to touch both men’s arms gently. “Must be,” she agreed, smiling softly at them both.

Their eyes flashed with lust, glowing golden as they looked at her. She opened her heart to them and smiled as she felt the total joy that they experienced at her words.

They led her back toward the bed, waiting patiently as Jace covered the wet spot where he had released earlier with the towel that Laurie wore, leaving her naked before them. Jackson turned to her and lifted her slowly into his arms, walking the remaining two steps toward the bed and gently placing her in the center.

Jackson sat against the headboard, pulling Laurie into his embrace to cradle her with his legs. She leaned into his body without hesitation, smiling at Jace as he knelt before them, opening Laurie’s legs and running his hands gently up her thighs to lightly pass his thumbs across her pubic bone. He smiled at the moan that escaped Laurie’s mouth, looking up to share his happiness with Jackson before smiling down at the gentle softness of their mate. She lay before him, open to him and accepting his touch without hesitation.

“Laurie,” he whispered softly, waiting for her to open her eyes and look at him. He couldn’t prevent the burst of emotion that exploded through him at the sensual look she gave him.

“Yes?” She looked at him with such open trusting that he could barely breathe.

“I need to massage you with some of the salve Martha gave us,” he told her, touching the soft curls that covered her sweet pussy. When she looked at him silently, he leaned forward and kissed her lips lightly. “I’ll be gentle. I promise. It will help with your swelling, but it will make you more sensitive.”

Laurie laughed and reached out to touch his cheek gently. “If I get any more sensitive I’ll never be conscious,” she told him with complete honesty.

She felt Jackson’s rumble of laughter behind her. She snuggled against the warmth of his chest and reached down with her left hand to take his hand in hers and squeeze it gently. Would she ever get used to being so tenderly held and cared for? Did these men realize how much their comfortable acceptance of her made her feel so totally cherished?

Jackson kissed the side of her neck gently, making her moan in response. Jace leaned toward her neck and breathed in deeply, growling at the scent of their mate. He nuzzled against her cheek, dragging his face against hers, wanting her scent on him as much as he wanted his own on her.

“I’m going to push some of the salve deep inside you, too,” he whispered against her lips, smiling when Laurie leaned into his kiss and gave herself to him completely.

“Okay,” she whispered lightly, leaning back and smiling at the flash of arousal that lit Jace’s eyes. She could see his wolf below the surface, amazed that she could now distinguish the difference. She turned to look at Jackson, amazed to see the same level of possessiveness emanating from his wolf.

“Lift up, baby.” Jace’s deep voice broke into her thoughts.

She turned to face him once again and lifted her hips so he could adjust the towel beneath her. Once she settled herself down on the soft towel, she watched in silence as he gently covered her mound with a warm washcloth. She leaned into Jackson’s embrace as she watched Jace pull the washcloth away from her body and carefully touch her swollen folds. Laurie moaned lightly as Jace moved her legs to open her totally to him, gently running his index finger through her folds as he carefully examined her. Leaning back slowly, he looked into Laurie’s eyes and smiled. There was a sense of possessiveness as he looked at her. And Laurie knew without a doubt that Jace truly did own her, body and soul.

Jackson moved from behind her and sat to her left as she lay back against the bedding. He reached out and gently pet her swollen mound, pulling a moan from her at his touch. He looked from her sweet pussy to her face and smiled, his eyes flashing with the same look of possessiveness that Jace’s own eyes had flashed just seconds before. The man and wolf of both of them truly owned her.

Jace moved to her right side, handing Jackson the small plastic container that he had taken from the bedside table.

“It’s the herbal salve Martha gave me,” Jackson explained when he saw Laurie look at the container in question.

Laurie nodded and reached up to touch each man’s face tenderly as they moved to kneel beside her on the bed. She would never be able to forget the way they looked at her at this moment. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She could feel the men reaching out with their bond to make sure that she was all right, and was careful to keep her feelings of inadequacy from them. She sent them a burst of warmth and happiness to show them how much she loved being with them. Their growl and immediate response of contentment made her know that they felt the same.

Jace reached down and took her right leg in his hand, gently running his hand up to her thigh and urging her to open herself up to them. Jackson did the same to her left leg, and she found, to her utter surprise, that she felt no embarrassment at this intimacy.

She gasped slightly at the coolness of the healing balm as they rubbed it against her pussy, moaning slightly as their thick fingers eased the gel into her. They carefully massaged it repeatedly into her still-swollen folds, careful to keep their touch light and soothing. She could feel the effects of the healing properties immediately.

“That feels so good,” she whispered, unable to keep quiet as their fingers entered her and rubbed the salve deep inside of her.

“Is the soreness gone, honey?” Jace asked her, his voice filled with concern.

“You don’t ache?” Jackson added, his soft brown eyes searching hers.

She shook her head and opened her eyes to look at the two men. They were the most caring and gentle men she had ever known. “No.” Her voice was barely audible. “But you do.”

Before either man could question her meaning, Laurie reached up and took both of their erections in her hands. They gasped in pleasure as she stroked them slowly, passing her thumb over their weeping slits before she firmly squeezed and pushed down the length of them again. She smiled as both men groaned and pushed into her touch. She could barely contain her joy as they allowed her to do what she wanted to them.

Leaning up, she licked the drop of pre-cum from Jackson’s cock, kissing it lightly before turning to do the same to Jace’s. She loved the taste of them. Each man’s flavor was unique, each was different, but both satisfied a need in her. Reaching beneath both engorged shafts, she found their heavy and full sacs, taking them in her hands to squeeze them gently. Both men moaned, and she was consumed by a deep happiness at pleasing them.

“Please come inside me,” she whispered, smiling softly as each man looked at her with such need and desire.

“Baby, we can’t,” Jace told her sadly. “You need to heal.”

“But I need you,” she told them honestly, unable to explain the deep need she had to have their seed inside of her.

“Tonight we’ll be able to bury ourselves deep inside of you,” Jackson explained carefully, his voice heavy with emotion. “You need the day to allow the healing balm to help you.”

Laurie continued to gently caress their heavy sacs. “Do you know how much I love touching you?” she asked, not waiting for an answer as she stroked them carefully. “I love the strength of your bodies. I love the way your muscles tighten when you hold me. I love the way your bodies feel lying beside mine, your naked skin touching mine. I love the way your hands are so gentle when you touch me, and strong when you protect me. You make me feel cherished.”

Laurie looked up and saw that both men had tears in their eyes as she spoke to them. She couldn’t stop. She could feel through their bond that they needed to hear what she felt for them, and she wanted them to know exactly what they meant to her even if baring her soul to them made her afraid.

“I love that you desire me, because I desire you.”

“I need to mark her, Jace,” Jackson groaned.

Jace nodded, knowing exactly what he meant. He had that same insistent and urgent need. As one, both men reached down and grabbed their painfully swollen members, pumping furiously, a sharp contrast to the gentle caressing they felt as Laurie held their sacs tenderly in her hands. It didn’t take long. Their seed shot out in continuous pearly ropes onto Laurie’s chest and belly, coating her with their essence and scent. Their howls of pleasure erupted from them as they came.

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