Bernard, Lynnette - Laurie's Loves [Beckett's Wolf Pack, Triad Mates] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) (22 page)

“So good,” she whispered, smiling down at him. She could see his face tight with strain. “Are you all right?”

“Baby, just move a little to get me covered in your crème,” he told her softly, struggling to remain still. “Then you need to lie on my chest so Jackson can get behind you and enter you.”

Laurie lifted her hips carefully and slowly settled down on him once again, moaning her enjoyment of him deep within her body. She did it one more time, panting as intense pleasure coursed through her.

Jace reached up, gripping her upper arms gently and pulling her down to settle her against his chest. When he was content with the way she was settled against him, he reached down, laced his fingers with hers and pulled them up to settle on either side of his head.

Jackson carefully climbed behind Laurie and leaned forward to kiss her back tenderly. Laurie heard the snap of the opening of a bottle and the sound of liquid squirting. Jackson was taking no chances in hurting her. He was going to make sure the lube he had would ease his passage inside of her. He coated his painfully erect cock and took a deep breath.

Laurie gasped as she felt Jackson’s hand spreading the cool gel around Jace’s cock, pushing gently into her and filling her with the needed lubricant. Both she and Jace moaned at his tender strokes. Jace moved his hips gently so that only the head of his shaft remained inside of her.

Reaching down, Jackson took hold of his engorged length and brought it to rest beside Jace’s cock, matching the head with his triad partner’s and pushing in slowly so that both their lengths entered their mate at the same time, stretching her slowly to accept them both, inching their way deeper with a slow-but-steady stroke. Jackson watched in amazement as Laurie’s body slowly opened to accept them. He had never seen anything so erotic in his life.

All three of them moaned as the men pushed inside her sweet body. The tightness of Jace’s and Jackson’s cocks inside her warm and wet pussy brought them such intense pleasure they all struggled to catch their breaths.

The rightness of the moment surrounded them with a blanket of emotion. They felt their hearts reaching out to each other, searching for the bond that was destined to be theirs. There was no more perfect moment in their lives as this moment when everything in the world fell into place, and they accepted each other without reservation.

Once he and Jace were seated all the way inside Laurie, Jackson stopped and took a breath to calm himself. Leaning forward, he covered their hands with his and entwined his fingers with both of theirs. Jackson kissed Laurie’s left shoulder tenderly. He could hear Jace taking shallow breaths and knew he was trying not to move. Neither would chance hurting their mate. The next move had to be Laurie’s.

“So full,” Laurie moaned.

“Are you all right, honey?” Jace whispered.

“Darlin’, tell us if you’re okay,” Jackson pleaded softly, his voice filled with concern when Laurie remained quiet.

“I need to move,” Laurie told them almost desperately.

Before either man could answer, Laurie slowly moved forward, gasping as the two men’s cocks were pulled out of her channel until just the mushroom heads remained. She pushed back down slowly, taking their lengths back inside her until they were inside her so deeply she could feel them touching the mouth of her womb. A spark of pleasure raced through her as they touched that special spot inside her that made her gasp in ecstasy.

As she moved, both men picked up her rhythm and met each rise and descent of her body with matching movements of their own. Jackson’s and Jace’s hips snapped with each thrust, losing themselves in the dance of their mating, experiencing such intense pleasure and joy at finally joining with their mate. Time dissolved into a myriad of emotions and feelings. They knew only the sounds of their lovemaking, the feel of their bodies joining, and the joy of their hearts forming their triad.

Laurie’s keening signaled her impending release. Both men’s canines dropped, and their eyes changed to a golden hue indicating their wolves were finally free. As one, they leaned forward to bite Laurie where her neck met her shoulder, Jace on her right shoulder and Jackson on her left. As their lengthened canines sank into Laurie’s flesh, all three found their release, and their moans and howls blended to form a symphony of completion. Laurie couldn’t stop the tears from falling as she felt the warmth of a ribbon of white energy reaching out from herself and each of her men, surrounding them and interlacing with each other. They each felt the immediate bond of emotions as they snapped into place, irrevocably joining their souls.

Three hearts soared in total joy and joining as Jace’s and Jackson’s cocks swelled and knotted inside of Laurie, pulling another moan of pleasure from her. Their seed filled her as pulse after pulse shot deep inside of her, finding a warm and loving home within her. Their triad of love was formed. Their mating was complete.

Both men licked at Laurie’s mating marks tenderly, closing the wounds and feeling a deep satisfaction that she bore their marks. She was good and truly claimed. They were finally one.

“Baby, are you all right?” Jace asked, gently pushing her hair from her face as she lay against his chest.

“Is she all right, Jace?” Jackson asked worriedly.

Jace looked at Laurie and smiled proudly.


She’s passed out, Jackson.

We are that good.

Yes we are.

Both men chuckled. They couldn’t be happier or prouder that they had pleasured their mate into unconsciousness.

Laurie’s vaginal muscles squeezed them tightly, drawing gasps of pleasure from them both, and one last spurt of seed was released from each of them.

Be quiet and go to sleep. I’m tired.

Jace looked at Laurie in shock then turned to look at Jackson, a satisfying grin covering his face. Their triad mate was completely bonded to them, for only a truly bonded triad could talk to each other telepathically.

Chapter 13

Laurie moaned as she turned into the warmth that cuddled against her right side. Her forehead furrowed as the soreness in her body settled into one steady throb between her legs. Goodness, she ached. She leaned into Jace’s chest, inhaling his scent slowly, relaxing immediately when his arms tightened around her and pulled her closer.

“Sore, honey?” he asked her quietly, kissing the top of her head gently.

She was glad her face was turned into the hard wall of muscle of his chest. She knew her face had to be red with embarrassment at his intimate question. Opening her eyes slightly, she couldn’t help but sigh at the mouthwatering sight before her. The black hair that dusted Jace’s chest made her breath catch in her throat. Without thinking, relying purely on instinct and need, she leaned forward and kissed his chest lightly, not stopping until she placed soft kisses across his chest to stop at the small, copper colored disc of his nipple. She opened her mouth slightly and took it into her mouth, kissing it gently before sucking on it and gently biting down, claiming possession.

She smiled at the sound of his indrawn gasp and moan of appreciation as she suckled the morsel with alternating flicks of her tongue. Her arms tightened around his waist, and she pulled his body against hers, loving the feel of his naked skin in full contact with her entire body. The impressive erection that nestled against her belly kicked up her need for him, and she couldn’t stop herself from lifting her leg and encircling his hip, bringing his cock closer to where she wanted him to be, needed him to be.

Reaching between them, she grasped the velvet steel of him and placed him between her legs to rest against the swollen lips of her pussy before releasing him and rocking against him slowly, loving the feel of him pressed so intimately against her. His moan of desire soon turned to a growl as his right hand reached for her hip and pulled her toward him, maneuvering her leg off his hip, successfully trapping his cock tightly between her thighs. Unable to stop himself, he canted his hips back and forth, loving the feel of her body surrounding him and bringing him intense pleasure.

Hearing her moan of discomfort, he froze and pulled back to look down at her. Despite the passion that filled her soft brown eyes as she looked up at him, he could see that she was hurting. And he’d be damned if he would be the cause of her pain. Pulling back, he removed his cock from between her legs and reached out to gently pet her face.

“I’m sorry, sweetheart,” he whispered, kissing her lips lightly. “I should have controlled myself. I don’t want to hurt you. I know you’re sore.”

Laurie smiled up at him and nodded. “Just a little,” she admitted quietly.

Jace chuckled but sobered quickly as he searched the adorable face that looked up at him with total trust and honesty. “More than just a little, baby,” he corrected her. “Jackson and I are big men. Having both of us deep inside of you at the same time had to have been a shock to your body.”

Laurie looked up at him, blushing prettily. “But I liked having you both inside me at the same time,” she whispered. “It made me feel like I belonged to both of you.”

Jace’s heartbeat doubled at her words. She didn’t realize that what she said was what they hoped she would feel. Reaching up, he traced his mating mark on her right shoulder. “You do, baby,” he whispered, unable to keep the emotion from his voice.

“Why?” she asked suddenly.

He looked down at her and smiled. “Why what, honey?”

“Why were you both inside me at the same time?”

The passion that ignited in Jace’s eyes shocked her. When she saw the soft golden glow that flashed at her before dissipating and returning to crystal blue as he looked down at her with obvious caring, she couldn’t stop herself from sighing contentedly. She would never get used to the way he looked at her. The way both men looked at her. It made her feel cherished. It made her feel loved.

“During a triad mating, both men need to be inside their mate at the same time,” he explained softly. “The triad partners enter their mate at the same time, uniting their essence in their mate’s body. This makes their woman’s body adapt to the bonding, accepting the men as hers. That connection is strengthened when their seed is released deep inside of their mate’s body, and their mating knot prevents them from withdrawing until every last bit of seed finds its way to their mate’s womb. Once the men mark their chosen mate with their mating bite, the ritual is completed.”

Laurie looked up at him silently, taking in his words. He could see her mind racing, and he couldn’t stop the smile that covered his face at the joy of his mate’s quiet intelligence.

“Doc says the combining of our seed within your body will change your DNA to be compatible with ours,” Jace explained quietly, stroking her shoulder gently.

“Will it always be that way?”

“What way?”

“The mating knot.”

Jace chuckled and leaned forward to kiss her forehead gently and pull her into his embrace. “I’ve never been mated before,” he told her, laughing quietly. “We’ll just have to wait and see, won’t we?”

Laurie nodded and realized suddenly that they were alone. “Where’s Jackson?” she asked, worry edging her voice.

“Ask him and find out,” Jace told her, smiling.

“What do you mean?”

“Talk to him. Ask him where he is.”

Laurie shrugged. It seemed ridiculous to her, but she did as she was told. “Jackson, where are you?” she called out, her voice strong.

Jace chuckled and shook his head. “No, honey. Call to him in your mind. He’ll hear you.”

Laurie eyed him warily. “Yeah, sure,” she said finally.

“Really, baby,” he insisted. “You received that gift when we bonded last night. You even told us to be quiet because you were tired. Bossy little mate.”

Laurie couldn’t help but smile at his words. She vaguely remembered doing just that, but she couldn’t be sure if she had done it verbally or mentally. Maybe he was telling her the truth. He hadn’t told her anything but the truth so far. And they could very easily have withheld secrets from her about their wolf nature, but they hadn’t. As a matter of fact, they were determined to tell her everything before she consented to accept them as mates in her bed. Well, their bed.

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