Blackness Takes Over & Blackness Awaits (31 page)

Read Blackness Takes Over & Blackness Awaits Online

Authors: Norma Jeanne Karlsson

Tags: #romantic suspense, #romance, #romantic thriller

“I know why the guys call you Kid. I get it. You were a kid back then and that’s how they’ll always see you. As their little sister. When I look at you, I don’t see a kid. I don’t see anything that I’ve ever seen before. You amaze me Shannon. You’re strength and courage are the things of legend. I’m in awe of you. Your name means little wise one and it fits you perfectly. I say your name with pride because you’re no longer a kid, but a marvelous woman.”

My jaw is on the floor. I was NOT expecting that. I have no idea what to say. His eyes are kind and hold my gaze with adoration. I am speechless.

Ring, ring.

His phone pulls me out of my stuper. He shakes his phone at me without answering it.

“Food’s here.” I nod because I still can’t speak.

“I’ll meet Rodger at the elevator. Be right back.” He smiles sheepishly at me before leaving my office. Once the door closes I release the longest breath I’ve ever held.

“Holy shit,” I mumble to myself. I look down to see three texts from Kel.

Kel: I’ll wait up for you tonight. I want to see you.

Kel: Kid?

Kel: I guess you’re busy again.

Me: Sorry about that. Taylor needed to talk to me.

Kel: I wouldn’t want to intrude on Taylor’s time with you.

Me: Kel…please. I don’t want to argue.

Kel: I’m not arguing. Just trying to talk to my girlfriend.

Me: I’m sorry. I’m just so tired I can’t pay attention to more than one thing at a time right now.

Kel: You mean more than one person at a time.

Me: I thought you weren’t arguing?

Kel: You know what? I’m not. I’m done. Have a good night with Taylor.

Me: Kel. Don’t be like that. Please.

No response. GREAT!!

“Hey. What’s wrong?” Taylor asks as he sets our food out on the table. I humph and toss my BlackBerry back in my bag.

“Kel,” I scoff. Taylor nods and grins down at the food. “What?” I ask sharply.

“Nothing,” he replies innocently. I don’t have the energy for this.

“You’re gettin’ your ass kicked tomorrow,” I threaten.

“Lookin’ forward to it,” he retorts.

We sit in companionable silence as we eat our dinner and I finish my work. I come home to an empty bed. If I wasn’t so exhausted I’d be hurt, but I don’t give a shit right now. All I want is sleep. Kel and I will be back to normal once the trial is over. Opening statements can’t get here soon enough.

“Just like that,” Taylor grunts at me. His sweat covered body sliding on top of mine.

“Right there?” I ask, swiveling my hips to the side.

“Yeah,” he breathes out. I wiggle and thrash beneath him.

“Harder Taylor,” I demand.

“WHAT THE FUCK?!” Kel screams. I throw my head back against the mat, arching my back to see an upside down view of a fuming Kellerman. Fuck!

Taylor climbs off me and I stand up, straightening myself as best I can.

“Taylor was just showing me some release moves,” I say innocently and out of breath. Kel has just walked in on Taylor on top of me, shirtless and pinning me to the ground. I know it doesn’t look good. Taylor pulls a tank over his head with a smirk on his face, not looking at me or Kel.

“Well the dialogue I heard before I saw him on top of you doesn’t really make that shit seem so innocent, Kid,” he scoffs. I walk over to him and put my sweaty hand on his chest.

“Kel, it was just a workout. Nothing is goin’ on with me and Taylor. You know this.” I huff the last part because this conversation is getting a little overplayed now. I feel like something else has to be fueling his pissy mood, but I didn’t know what it is. He looks down at me with a furrowed brow but doesn’t say anything.

“I’m gonna hit the shower,” Taylor says a little too cheerfully. “I’ll save you some hot water. Great job today, Shannon,” he whispers closely to my ear as he pushes past Kel and me. I nod but don’t look away from Kel’s gaze which just gotten ten times darker. When I hear the door shut I try to lean into Kel, but he steps around me and sits down on a bench. I sigh and go limp exaggerating the act with my arms. I don’t want to have this talk again. Kel and I don’t fight, which I love, but we’ve been having a lot of talks lately that I’m over at this point. I’m fucking stressed too and I want Kel to be my safe place, not another point of contention! He crawled into bed last night really late, reeking of whiskey, and never made a move to touch me. I guess another talk is needed.

“How would you feel?” he asks in an irritated tone.

“About what?” I moan. I turn around and notice he’s just staring at the ground, his body language defeated.

“This, Kid.” He motions with his hands around the room and looks at me with a “you know what I’m talking about” stare.

“Kel, I’ve told you I don’t know how many times, nothing is goin’ on with me and Taylor. I don’t know how to make you believe me. It’s actually startin’ to piss me off that you don’t trust me. I have done NOTHING to make you question me!” I’m raising my voice now. Maybe this is our first fight. I start pacing back and forth in front of him to give this anger somewhere to go.

“I didn’t fuckin’ say there was!” he yells right back. “You try walkin’ in on me sweaty and half naked on top of some chick I spend every waking hour with and see how you feel. I’ll tell you …it feels like shit!”

“That’s on you, not on me! I’m not gonna do this with you anymore. I’m not doin’ anything wrong. This situation fuckin’ sucks for me. I feel like a goddamn prisoner most of the time. I don’t need to be fighting with my boyfriend every day on top of that. What the fuck do you want me to do? I have to be guarded all the time. Do you want me to sit in silence all day and just wait for you to finally show up at the end of the day…if you show at all? What is with this fucking mood you’re in all the time now?!”

“Kid.” I feel a hand on my shoulder, Kavy trying to soothe me in my ear. I didn’t even hear him come down.

“What?” I snap. “Sorry, Kavy,” I say a little calmer.

“Why are you screamin’?” Kavy asks, moving to my side so I can see him better.

“This asshole!” I yell pointing at Kel.

“Kav, I just walked in on Taylor on top of her with no shirt on sweating his balls off, after hearing her tell him ‘harder’ before I saw them. So yeah I’m a little pissed off,” he fumes.

“What the fuck, Kid? Is that true?” Kavy gives me a puzzled look.

“Fuck you both! I don’t have time for this shit. I’m gonna go shower and head to the hospital. You two have a lovely day!” I seethe as I stomp my way up the stairs. I fly up to my room taking two stairs at a time. Just as I get to my room Taylor walks out of his in just jeans. His chest is smooth and broad down to his six pack, with a small happy trail of dark hair disappearing below. His man V frames it perfectly…yum! Stop ogling, Kelly!

“Hey,” I say still with a shitty tone. He snickers at my wandering eyes.

“Hey, sorry about Kellerman.” He’s not sorry in tone or body language.

“No you’re not,” I sneer.

“You’re right, I’m not,” he says matter-of-factly.

“Taylor,” I implore. Damnit, is he really going to put me in this situation? Before I can finish Kel crests the stairs and glares at Taylor. I throw my head back and scream before turning on my heel and slamming my door. I’m too old for this shit!

I peel off my clothes and make my way into the shower, all nozzles in full effect. I just stand there for a while trying to let the water clear my head and body from all this tension. I love Kel, and I only want him. He has made my life so much better in so many ways. I have learned about myself in ways that I didn’t know I needed to be taught. I’ve learned to love in a way that I thought was only in fairy tales. But this constant bickering is sending me over the edge. I don’t want to be in a relationship where I can’t breathe without having to explain it. Then there’s Taylor. He’s gorgeous, we have a lot in common, he’s funny…I like him. He’s not Kel…he’s my bodyguard and my friend. But if Kel is going to continue like this, maybe I need to rethink this whole thing.

“UUUGHHHH!” I groan and rub water vigorously over my face. I feel Kel in the room before he makes a sound. I get to work washing my hair like I wasn’t just completely preoccupied with him and his shit. He slides in the shower behind me and runs his hands into my hair to take over scrubbing duties. It feels really good, and I moan without realizing I’m doing it.

“I’m sorry,” he murmurs. I turn around to rinse my hair and he wraps his arms around my waist nuzzling into my neck. He stands back up and I look into his eyes seeing fear and remorse.

“I love you.” He smiles slightly and kisses me softly on the lips.

“I love you too, Kel,” I say with an annoyed tone in my reply. “I fucking love you so much. I’ve never loved anyone like I love you and it kills me that you’re questioning that.”

“I’m not.” I glare at him. “Okay…maybe it seems that way, but I know you love me and I sure as shit love you unlike any man has ever loved a woman. I don’t trust Taylor,” he says the last part emphatically. I nod because I’m afraid maybe he’s right not to trust him. “Forgive me?”

“Maybe,” I purr, indicating make-up sex is needed. He hoists me up in our usual pose and smashes me against the tile before I know what hits me. Our mouths are ravaging each other’s as he slams into me. I cry out in pain and pleasure at the sensation of his force and substantial size. I dig my nails into his back and moan in ecstasy. I’m panting and quivering on the edge within seconds it feels like.
Kel is aggressive and forceful in his thrusts, his fingers sharply digging into my ass cheeks.
The intensity of his emotion is seeping out of each pore on his magnificent body. I cling to him tighter kissing him passionately with everything that I have. He drives into me harder and faster, sensing my impending orgasm and growls into my ear. We both come undone together groaning and chests heaving. He kisses me softly only to be interrupted by a banging on the other side of the wall. Cally is screaming and applauding our performance like it’s Super Bowl Sunday. Nice. We both laugh and get back to our shower.

Kel and I walk out of my room only to run into our audience after we’re dressed and ready for the day.

“Feeling better?” Cally glimmers at me.

“Much!” I push him in the chest. I do feel better…and sore!

“I’m gonna go pick Aidan up at Crown Center from his trauma conference. Wanna come?” he snickers when he says come, like a twelve-year-old would. I chuckle at him and Kel smiles shaking his head.

“I gotta head to my place for a bit, Kiddo,” Kel grimaces, knowing I’m sick of being apart so much. He wraps his arms tightly around my waist and kisses my forehead. “Go spend some time with Aidan. I’ll be back here in a few hours, before we head out to Mia.” I nod into his chest and inhale the scent of him deeply through my nose. His arms are my home and his scent is my air, I love this man.

The three of us walk downstairs to find the rest of the boys and Taylor immersed in college basketball. When we get to the bottom of the stairs, my BlackBerry starts ringing in my bag. I walk over to the counter to grab it before the call rolls to voicemail. It’s Reed.

“Shannon Kelly,” I answer in business mode. Since the revelation that Butch is not a murderer, Reed and I have become more civil…but not much. Kel trails behind me and is leaning against the breakfast bar on his back so he can face me.

“Shannon, sorry to interrupt your weekend,” Reed says in his snake voice.

“What can I do for you Reed?”

“The investigator took the plea!” His hissing voice is higher pitched than normal. Yesterday, the crime scene investigator had been convicted of tampering with evidence in another homicide. Reed approached the ADA with a deal that would give the investigator less time if he confessed to tampering in Butch’s case. It turns out the investigator was in the pocket of the largest methamphetamine manufacturer in the Midwest. I’m sure there is a connection there with Butch’s case for the ADA to use somehow.

“That’s really great news Reed,” I say happily. I don’t have to endure this circus life anymore!

“Prosecutor’s dropping the murder and attempt charges on Butch, and he’s off with time served for the distribution charges. He’s done! No trial Monday!”

“Wow, that’s a great win for you. I’m sure Butch is thrilled. I’m actually heading to see Mia today.”

“I was actually calling about Mia,” his tone more serious now. “We need to get this protection order rescinded.”

“Yeah, I can get the ball rolling on that. I know a judge that will sign off today if I ask him to.”

“Shannon, that would be really great. Thanks for being so open to all of this. I know you had Mia’s best interest at heart this whole time, but Butch is a really good guy who was in the wrong place at the wrong time.”

“I know Reed. Well, I better hop off here and start makin’ some calls. I’ll let you know when I have everything ironed out.”

“Thanks again, talk to you soon.”

“No problem, bye.”


Butch is free. I’m relieved and stressed all at the same time. Mia’s father didn’t beat her into a coma nor did he murder her mother. The relief I feel is palatable. The stressor is…someone did. There’s a person walking around on the streets somewhere that did this. The ADA will be first on my list of phone calls Monday morning. A new investigation needs to start so we can catch this monster.

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