Blackness Within (22 page)

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Authors: Norma Jeanne Karlsson

I looked into Natasha’s grey eyes and saw torment. Beyond the torment I saw something worse, acceptance. She’s sacrificing herself. Vojtech unfortunately spotted my connection with her and put our plan to shame. We didn’t plan for Natasha to be at his side. Our lack of time and full, thought out planning fucked us. Now Vojtech knows what we all look like and if we try to come back we’ll be met with a hail of bullets.

“MOTHERFUCKER!” I roar, driving my fist into the seat in front of me.

No one says anything about my outburst. I continue the ride back to our house with my head in my hands and my heart in my stomach. I’ve fucked this whole thing up beyond recognition.

When the SUVs pull up in our driveway, I sprint to the front door and fly down to our gym. I then proceed to drive my fists into the heavy bag, ferociously. My fists bleed, my arms burn and my body tenses with each swing. I scream at the top of my lungs as I increase the speed of my assault, moving the bag back and forth with force. I’m a wounded animal and my cries echo through the space as such.

I can take no more as I collapse to my knees, panting and heaving.

I stay kneeling until she enters the room. I know she’s there. I always know when she enters a room. The air changes and hairs rise on the back of my neck.

“Sully,” Kid whispers.

“I can’t,” my voice breaks.

She’s in my arms before I hear her move, crushing me to her.

“I’m sorry,” she murmurs into my dripping wet hair.

I hold her tightly, falling to my ass.

“It’s my fault,” I admit, setting Kid away from me.


“I fucked with her head. I did this, Kid. If I’d just been a man instead of a pussy, she’d be here in my arms.”

I stare at my mangled hands and feel even worse. I pushed her away from me and now Vojtech has her. When he kissed her, I saw it. He won’t let her go. Keeping her means something to him. She’s his now. What have I done?

“We’ll get her back, Sully. Don’t quit,” Kid orders, bringing my gaze to her fiery emerald eyes. She’s pissed.

“They know us. Unless we get the cops or FBI involved, we’re fucked,” I scoff.

“If she’s with him…the authorities can’t do anything,” she mumbles what I already know.

“Cops are useless to us and for all we know he’s got the FBI in his pocket too.”

“We’ll figure it out. Nicky’s got calls into the DCA. Kieran’s…well…mad,” she informs me with big eyes.

“I’m goin’,” Blake’s voice rings through the gym.

I spin to look at him and find he’s in worse shape than me. Obviously, on the outside I’m bloody and covered in sweat, where the pain encasing my insides is present on Blake’s features.

“No,” I say, shaking my head as I climb to my feet.

“Vojtech wants me. I’m not letting Natasha pay for that,” he retorts firmly.

“He’ll torture her in front of your eyes, Blake. She’ll pay a worse price,” I assure him, stopping a foot from his face.

“He’ll kill her anyway. Eventually, she’ll be discarded. If she’s gonna die, I’m gonna try to stop it. If I can’t stop it, we’ll die together.”

“I’ll save her,” Kid interjects from behind me.

“Right,” Blake snorts his disbelief.

“I can save her. Kat and I haven’t been seen by Vojtech and his men. We can get in and get her out. I promise you, Blake. I’ll get her out,” Kid finishes strongly, sliding up to my side. “Get clean for Natasha so when I get her back, she has her brother waiting.”

“How long?” he huffs.

“I need to talk to the guys and come up with a plan. We’ve got one shot at this so we can’t rush it.”

Blake begins to argue only to be cutoff.

“We have to be smart. Vojtech’s not gonna be easy to beat. It’ll take time, but the instant we’re ready, I’ll go get your sister.”

Blake nods minutely his understanding. He wants his sister alive and safe. If he could trade himself for Natasha, he’d be out the door already. He knows there’s no trade to be made. Whatever Roman Vojtech has planned for Natasha is out of all our hands.

“Let’s go talk to the guys,” I grumble, hating the idea of waiting as much as Blake.

When we enter the office, fury is peeling the wallpaper. Kieran is on the phone snarling like a rabid dog. Cooper is much the same, pacing as he does. Finn, Kav, Cal, Kellerman and Aidan are huddled around the desk plotting something.

Everyone halts when they catch us moving into their war room.

“Bry,” Kieran breathes out, dropping his head to his chest, ending his call.

“No need, cuz. What’s the plan?” I avoid anyone in the room trying to make me feel better or comfort me.

“DCA won’t make a move. They’ve got people inside Vojtech Bratva and aren’t willing to compromise the op to go on a rescue mission. I’m putting in calls to see if we can get together a small grab team, but it’s not lookin’ good,” Cooper informs me dejectedly.

“I can’t go to war with ’em, Bry. I don’t have the manpower to take on an organization as big as them. I could pull in other families and make a move, but no one’s gonna agree to that for one woman. I’m fuckin’ sorry,” Kieran groans in frustration.

“I’ve got contacts in the FBI and KCPD. I’ve talked to everyone I know, man. I’m gettin’ nowhere. No help. I have gotten multiple warnings to back the fuck off,” Finn grumbles, running his hand through his seriously fucked up hair.

“I’m goin’,” Blake announces.

“Dude, that’s a bad fuckin’ move,” Kieran warns.

“Sittin’ around here while you can’t do anything is a worse one,” Blake retorts pointedly.

“We’ll figure somethin’ out. It’s four in the morning. We need clear heads and people awake to make a plan,” Kieran says with a small amount of conviction. He knows we’re in a bad spot with little hope of improvement.

“I’m not leaving Natasha there. This is my fuck up. I’m gonna get my sister!”

His weak frame crumbles during his protest, leaving him to lean against the wall for support.

“You won’t do anything other than get you both killed. You want your sister dead? Or worse, livin’ a life with Vojtech after watchin’ him torture and kill you? Keep your fuckin’ head in the game, man. Vojtech made the smart move takin’ her. He’s got you captive right along with Natasha and anything you do to get in this, he wins.”

“I can’t,” Blake whispers. “She’s all I’ve got. How the fuck do I leave her there?”

Blake’s grey eyes shoot to mine begging for an answer.

“We keep her alive until we can get her out safely. We’re smart, connected people, Blake. We’ll find a way,” I assure him, hoping like hell I’m not lying.

“I’m gonna work with Kat to make a plan for her and I to go in,” Kid pipes in.

“Kiddo,” Kellerman warns in a low growl.

“Kel, I can’t leave her there. Kat and I haven’t been seen. We can get in and get Natasha out.”

Her voice is strong and assured, but her eyes hold hurt. She’s been held against her will before and knows the devastation that follows. There’s no way Kid can stand idly by while someone else is in the same position.

“You’re pregnant,” Kel snarls as the room collectively gasps.

“Kel!” Kid yells.

“Kid,” Kav steps in for the group. “No way you’re goin’ in. No fuckin’ way.”

A throat clears behind us as Kat enters the room. Gorgeous and effortless, her strides to her husband are purposeful.

“We’ve got the same problem,” Cooper announces, wrapping Kat beneath his arm.

“Jesus,” Finn huffs, flopping back in the desk chair.

“Brian, I’ll go in. I can keep myself safe,” Kat says forcefully.

“Kat,” Cooper warns.

She stiffens at the tone.

“How far along are you both?” Blake asks a strange question.

“Thirteen weeks,” Kat says quietly.

“Eleven weeks,” Kid grumbles.

“So you’re both outta the game for at least six months. I’m supposed to leave my sister for half a year with Roman Vojtech? Really?” he barks.

The room stays silent as we consider his question. I don’t know what to do. I’m fucking lost, distraught and worn out. I don’t have an answer. I’m afraid of the answer.

“We’ll keep workin’. Figure it out,” Kieran answers for the room.

“I don’t think you will,” Blake states coolly.

“I will. I just need a little time.”

“I’m goin’. You can’t stop me. I can live with the consequences. She’s my sister. She may not mean shit to you people, but she means everything to me. I’m gettin’ my sister back.”

With that, he turns on his heel and moments later, we hear the front door slam. That thud sealed his fate along with Natasha’s. And we all stand here doing nothing about it. There’s nothing to be done. Vojtech will kill him and do it in a way that will keep Natasha right where she is…in hell. I can only hope she’s as strong as I believe she is. The fight I’ve seen in her eyes tells me she’s got it in her. Vojtech will do everything in his power to break that. I’ll get her before he does.


As soon as the arena is emptied of the people that came to save me, Roman grabs my bicep and hauls me to his room. I don’t utter a word as I stumble and struggle to keep up. I don’t breathe a ragged breath as he slams the copper door, causing my ears to ring. I don’t protest as he yanks my wrist, dragging me to his bedroom. I don’t tremble as he locks me in the room, leaving me alone in his palatial prison.

I sit on the edge of the bed and listen to him screaming, roaring and barking on the other side of the door. I’ve never seen him lose control since he’s had me. Everything Roman does is with purpose and forethought. Tonight, or rather this morning since his bedside clock reads 3:07 am, caught him off guard. Roman doesn’t like being caught off guard. I’m sure I’ll pay for this.

I slip off my heels and curl into a ball on top of his deep crimson duvet. He’ll come for me soon. I can’t fight him. Sully and his friends aren’t coming back for me. Blake can’t be sober enough to come for me yet. I’m completely alone.

“Zeus.” As I whisper his name, I begin to silently weep. Not long after, exhaustion pulls me into a deep sleep.

“Natasha,” Roman’s low timbre filters into my dreams.


His lips begin to caress my neck as his arms reach around me from behind. He threads his hands inside my barely there dress and palms my breasts, pinching and rolling my nipples. I don’t want it to, but it feels good. I hate myself even more for enjoying his hands on my body, his mouth warming my skin.

My back arches of its own accord while a moan breaks from my throat. Roman quickly rolls me to my back and then crawls on top of me. He captures my mouth in a searing kiss, devouring me. His large rough hand slides down my side until he reaches the tiny zipper holding my dress together. Slowly, he unzips it, all the while kissing me.

My arms reach around his shoulders as my fingers dig into his hair. My mind recoils at the feel just as my body craves more. If I’m going to do this, I have to shut my mind off. I have to let the physical drive me. At the slightest hesitation, this experience will become torture. And my body wants Roman’s. If it can’t have Sully—it can’t—it wants Roman.

He stops the kiss and sits up on his knees with want and lust vibrating in his dark eyes as he drags his gaze down my naked body. I wasn’t given any underwear and I couldn’t wear a bra with the dress. Now that the zipper has been released, I’m completely exposed.

Roman’s gaze heats me everywhere it touches, as I watch his control dissolving. I’m bringing this man to his knees and that brings me a small victory. I reach up and gently begin to undo his buttons.

I keep my gaze on his as I work. His breathing is picking up and his jaw is tensing and relaxing with every brush of my fingers against his built chest. When I get halfway, Roman’s last bit of patience dies and he grasps the fabric, ripping it away. Buttons fly and tick as they hit the floor, some peppering me and the bed.

My eyes take in the man above me. The dragon I’ve been studying on his neck sweeps down his chest back and forth, its wings wrapping around his ribs. Roman’s heaving breaths are giving the dragon life. With each draw and exhale, the winged creature gains strength.

Roman ends my perusal as he reaches up and undoes the clasp at my shoulder holding the last of the dress intact. He reaches around my back and rips the fabric from beneath me and then proceeds to divest himself of his pants and boxer briefs.

Both naked, Roman lowers his head to my neck as his hand traces down the side of my ribs. His other arm settles at the side of my head, powerful and tense as he supports his weight. When he reaches my hip, he stops and rubs tiny circles against my skin. Intimate and tender, I feel myself caving to my captor. If only he’d be violent and harsh with me. Instead, his head begins to move to my collarbone, nibbling and savoring. He continues his descent groaning in appreciation as he tastes the valley of my chest. Roman’s tongue darts out, licking a trail across my breast before flicking my peaked nipple.

I press into him for more contact and he gives it to me. His hot mouth pulls me in while his other hand snakes back up my ribs until he finds my hand. When he does, he interlaces our fingers, holding my hand to the mattress near my ear. Intimate.

I thread my free hand into his hair and encourage his ravishing of my nipples as he switches to the other. I moan as he pulls the tip between his teeth and tugs gently.

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