Blackness Within (21 page)

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Authors: Norma Jeanne Karlsson

Every time a body hits the ground with a decided thud another fighter enters to battle the victor. Money is being passed around the smoke-filled arena. I’m ringside with Roman to my left and the man that ripped me from my car to my right. All around the room people dressed for an expensive night out or preparing for a fight. I feel like I’ve stepped into the movie
, without Jean-Claude Van Dam for entertainment.

I can feel curious eyes on me, penetrating my skin with their questions. A woman in particular, on the other side of the pit, is staring holes into me. I’m doing my best to avoid looking at the fighting and the woman’s furious gaze.

The men are staring at me with curiosity and lust. Roman had clothes waiting for me to change into, along with make-up and hair products. I took a long hot shower scouring the filth and sorrow from my skin. When I was certain I was wasting more time than Roman would appreciate, I got out and clothed myself in his desired outfit.

When I pulled the black slinky dress from the box, I was relieved. I could tell immediately it was long, floor length. Then I took a closer look and my pulse jumped. It has one shoulder that splits open at my chest and only comes back together with a shiny short zipper at my hip. My boobs are barely contained and the slit up the front meets the bottom of the zipper. The back is completely open too, so I’m only covered in full from the base of my spine to my ankles. Add in the hooker heels and I feel like the whore I’m now required to be.

Based on the things left for me, Roman wanted my hair up and my make-up smoky. I did what he wanted. So I’m now sitting pit-side barely dressed with Roman’s hand on my exposed thigh. I’ve been staring at his dragon-covered fingers as much as possible, willing the damn things to come to life, devouring him for real.

Roman’s wearing a black suit, shirt and tie. He looks as foreboding as he is. Every few minutes he’s checking his watch and glancing at the entrance to the arena. I follow his movement every time, wondering what Roman could possibly be waiting for.

I get my answer. The door to the arena opens and a man wearing tattered jeans and a leather coat walks in. If I saw him on the street, I’d turn the other way. His face says everything you need to know.
I’m a badass motherfucker
. I’m busy staring, feeling something of familiarity, when a truly familiar face catches my eye next to him—Aaron Kavanagh looking as scary as I’ve ever seen him. I glance around the rest of the group in a panic to recognize everyone with him. Dylan, Callaghan, Finn, Aidan and another guy that I think I remember being named Nick. Then I see him.


My heart races in my chest and I force myself to be still when Roman climbs to his feet, signaling his men at the door. Sully’s wearing sweats, a hoodie hiding his face. I know it’s him. I haven’t seen those chocolate eyes, but I know it’s him. What the fuck is going on?

The scary guy leading the pack begins to stalk toward us with a few of the guys with him. Kavanagh and Callaghan stay with Sully as he moves toward the fighter’s area. What the fuck is going on?

“Kieran Delaney,” Roman greets with a firm handshake right in front of my face.

“Roman,” Kieran’s deep whiskey and tar voice rumbles back.

“Is your fighter any good?”

Roman indicates with a nod for Kieran to take the seat on the other side of him. Aidan, Dylan, Finn and Nick walk past me without glancing in my direction, following Kieran.

“That’s what I’m here to find out,” Kieran replies, flopping into the chair.

He has an easy swagger about him that resembles Sully along with something else I can’t quite put my finger on. I feel like I’ve seen him before. Roman retakes his seat cutting off my view, ending my perusal. I attune my ears for any indication of what I’m in for.

“Where are the Doyle brothers?” Roman asks, placing his hand near the top of my naked thigh.

“Holdin’ down the fort.”

“I saw Connor Doyle fight last year. He’s an impressive specimen,” Roman compliments.

“He’s a beast,” Kieran agrees.

“Alex Vetrov is making quite the name for himself in the UFC.”

“Kid’s got amazin’ potential to go all the way. That’s why I’m here tonight. I need to refill my stables.”

“So you made the trip just to check this guy out?” Roman asks and begins tracing small circles on my skin. I want to push his hand off my leg and run to Finn’s arms. I know he’d get me out of here if he could. But I can see at least ten of Roman’s men with machine guns strapped to their chests waiting for someone to make a wrong move. I can’t risk it. So I let Roman touch me.

“Somethin’ like that,” Kieran dismisses.

Roman’s hand grips me firmly enough to cause me to wince. Kieran’s making him edgy. Shit. I rest my fingers over Roman’s, hoping it will relax him. Instead, it alerts him to my presence, like he was unaware who he was just stroking.

His midnight eyes shift to mine and I hold my breath. He looks enraged. He’s going to hurt me in front of the people here to rescue me. We’ll all be shot to death in the pit like animals. I have to do something.

I offer him a charming smile and the rage seeps from his features. I let out a relieved sigh before he leans into my neck, nibbling and licking. I close my eyes and think of a dark chocolate gaze, warm and full of want.

“Roman,” a female voice calls from above us.

I flick my eyes open to be met with the puzzled and infuriated blues of Finn. I plead with him to understand before Roman rights himself, cutting off my visual contact.

“Maria,” Roman responds curtly, scooping me flush with his side.

He wraps his arms completely around my shoulders and begins to stroke the exposed side of my breast. I push away every instinct to fight and look up at the woman who’s been scowling at me for the last hour.

“That’s it?” she asks disbelieving.

“That’s it,” Roman says with a tone indicating whatever is over, is completely over.

“No, Roman. That’s not it. You can’t just walk away from me. I know you. Remember that.”

“If you knew me at all, you would know what you’re doing right now is very foolish. It’s time to leave. Igor,” he barks at the man next to me.

Igor climbs to his feet and drags Maria away as she screams and flails. No one looks at her or responds to her pleas for help. I shudder knowing sooner or later I’ll be just like Maria. Discarded.

“Sorry about that,” Roman apologizes to Kieran.

“Problems on the home front?” Kieran retorts.


His rough fingers are still caressing my skin tenderly. I’m becoming convinced he does these intimate things to fuck with my head. It’s working. I shouldn’t feel safe in his arms, but I do. I know nothing will happen to me until Roman wants it to. My captor is also my protector. I hate it and feel tears beginning to pool.

“Heard you had some trouble earlier today,” Kieran says nonchalantly as the bullhorn sounds, signaling the fight has ended. I look at the pit and breathe slowly as the floor is wiped clean of puddles of blood. The same man has won all of the fights since we’ve been here.

He’s the size of a house. When the other fighters hit him, he smiles. He takes their assault until he’s had enough and then he beats on them until they’re no longer moving.

“Did you?” Roman responds coolly, pulling me tighter into his side.

“Just some rumors of you makin’ a statement.”

“It’s necessary to remind people from time to time the consequences of disobeying,” Roman informs him before pulling my hand to his mouth and brushing his lips across my knuckles.

“Don’t I know it.”

The conversation ends abruptly when Sully enters the pit wearing only shorts. His dark hair is a mess and his eyes are filled with mischief and promises of pain. There’s a sheen of sweat covering his sculpted torso, dripping from his stubble-covered chin. Sully looks as scary as Roman and Kieran right now.

He jumps around a few times and then signals for the big guy to bring it on. I can’t watch this. I feel my body begin to tremble and as mightily as I try, I can’t stop it.

“Cold?” Roman murmurs into my hair. I lie with a nod in response.

He quickly stands up and pulls me to my feet. I panic momentarily thinking he’s going to lock me away in his room again, but he takes my seat and then pulls me into his lap. He situates me so my back is to my rescuers and envelopes me in his arms. I lay my head on his shoulder and will myself to calm down.

When I look at the pit again, I see Sully staring at me. He’s not paying attention to the giant he’s fighting. His chocolate eyes are trained solely on me. The giant takes the advantage and hits Sully in the face with his meaty fist. I gasp as Sully stumbles back before shaking off the hit and coming back into the fight. It’s just in time as the giant is storming toward him to end it.

Sully ducks out of the way, landing a punch to the kidney. The giant stumbles to his knees and Sully goes to work. He pounds on the man’s head until he falls face first to the floor. Then Sully flips him over and continues beating his face. Finally, the blow horn man pulls Sully off.

His chest is heaving in labored breaths, his hands dripping with blood. I watch his throat bob a few times before he turns his gaze to me once again. He’s murderous. The soft sweet man that held Junior and cradled me when I was sobbing is nowhere in sight.

“Natasha,” Roman’s voice pulls me away from Sully.

I tip my head back to be met with midnight eyes, possessive.

“Do you know him?” He nods toward Sully.

“N-no,” I stutter the lie.

He searches my face before shaking his head slightly.

Roman climbs to his feet, placing me on mine. He wraps an arm around my waist and turns us to face Kieran and the guys.

“Delaney, coming in here to take something from me that’s not yours nor your concern is a mistake. Leave now and I’ll forget this ever happened. Try and make the move you’re planning and I’ll add your body to the rising count I’ve already got,” Roman snarls.

Kieran’s on his feet and in Roman’s face before I know what’s happening.

“Don’t threaten me you piece of shit!” Kieran roars as the guys fly to back him up.

Guns are immediately thrust at each of them by Roman’s men, Kieran included. I panic and sweep my eyes to find Sully in the pit with Kavanagh and Callaghan, four armed men surrounding them.

“Leave now,” Roman dictates.

With barrels to the backs of their heads, none of them can help me. And they know it based on the looks of furious defeat. Tears begin to roll down my cheeks as Finn shakes with rage, only feet from me and not able to do a damn thing.

“Please, let them go,” I sob to Roman.

He looks down at my surely mascara stained face and waits. I don’t know what he’s waiting for, but he’s waiting for me to do something. I hold his midnight eyes with mine, blurry from the tears and pain. Vomit comes up that back of my throat as I realize what he wants. Convince him.

With more effort than anything I’ve ever used in my life, I turn my back on Kieran and the guys to face Roman. I run my hands up his firm chest before encapsulating his neck. I lean up on my toes and press my mouth to his. I’m not kissing Sully this time. Sully’s here watching and roaring like a caged animal as I do it. I’m saving his life with this kiss. I’m saving all their lives.

I work my tongue in tandem with Roman’s, convincing him as best I can. When the tension melts from his shoulders and his hands grip my ass cheeks, pulling me flush with his body, I know I’ve won this one. He takes over the kiss, plundering my mouth possessively…marking me. He’s now convincing the room that I’m his, challenging anyone to take me from him.

Roman finishes, pulling my bottom lip between his teeth. When he releases me, his eyes pierce mine. He’s waiting to see if I’ll look to Sully. I want to more than I want to rip Roman’s face off, but I don’t. If I do, Roman will have a bullet in his head before I can make eye contact. I don’t have the strength to fight the urge so I bury my head in Roman’s chest, shielding me from the temptation.

“Get the fuck out,” Roman growls and I hear people moving.

Sully is no longer screaming, but there were no gunshots so I know he’s still alive. He’s alive and I just ended any hope of him coming for me again. What he just witnessed will convince him I’m not worth the fight, the trouble. He’ll give up and go on with his life and three women a week. I’ll stay here in Roman’s clutches and hopefully Blake will get clean and come for me. Until then, I’m here in hell allowing the blackness within me to envelope everything good I’ve worked for. Alone.


Vojtech’s goons lead us to our waiting SUVs at gunpoint. I want to fight, rip these fuckers limb from limb. I can’t. I’ll be dead before I dismantle even one. I’ve lost.

I saw her. I was fighting, winning the battle in the pit. The giant that was my opponent only had size on his side. That’s great when you’re pummeling untrained fighters. It’s a weakness when you step to me. Unless the woman you’re fighting to save stands pit-side practically naked before cuddling into the lap of her captor.

I was stunned stupid. Thankfully, the giant knocked some sense into me and I unleashed every ounce of rage thrumming through my body. I was only extricated from him once his face was hamburger meat. Then my world stopped.

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