Bloods Gem (41 page)

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Authors: Gloria Conway

Tags: #vampires, #love, #drama, #fantasy, #young adult, #shape shifter, #lust, #vampires bloodlust thriller paranormal romance, #vampires and shapechangers

Shh, calm down Dan. Not anytime soon.
I just know eventually I'll want one… or two.”

Enough!” I yelled. I couldn’t talk
about it anymore. The thought made me sick, knowing there was a
slim survival rate.

We can always use precautions until
were ready.” She said trying to comfort me.

Please. I can’t talk about this right
now.” I went and sat down on the sofa feeling light

I thought you’d be happy. I changed
my mind and wanted to have your child!” She shouted across the
room. I laughed and shook my head. “I’d rather you be one of us
then carry a monster in your belly!” I immediately regretted the

I can’t believe you!” She yelled.
Tears rolled down her cheeks. I went to her, hugging her. “I’m
sorry. I didn’t mean it. You surprised me and the risk of loosing
you in the process--”

She pushed me away. “Don’t touch me. You
called our unborn baby a monster. Knowing I’d risk my life to have
our child, you're so ungrateful!”

It’s not… it wouldn’t be one. I just.
I'm sorry. Sometimes I say things I shouldn’t. Please forgive my

Faith glared at me, disgusted. She took off
upstairs and told me with her mind to leave her alone, so I did. I
couldn’t take the words back and she was pissed. I decided the best
thing to do was give her some time.


Celeste called my phone but I ignored her.
Wanting to sleep most of the day. Faith was at school, and I had
the house to myself. Trying to go back to sleep, Celeste pounded on
the door downstairs.

Go away!” I shouted, stumbling out of
bed. Opening the door, Celeste barged in. “Good morn to you,” I
said, annoyingly.

Two months,” she said, staring at

Okay. Two months. Should I know what
that means?”

She shook her head. “I’m sorry, Daniel.”

What are you talking

Faith is going to die in two months
damn it!”

I flew over to her, reading her but she
blocked me out.

What the hell are you talking

She’s going to be pregnant soon. She
can’t carry a child.”

Fuck!” I flew around the room,
tearing the house apart.

What did I do?!”

Calm down Daniel. I'm not sure if she
is yet or not but if you guys continue, she will definitely be, you
need to stop.”

How will I know?” I asked.

It only takes a week for the signs,
the normal stuff, puking, wanting weird food and so on. You’ll

Then what? Can we get it out or
something before it grows?” I asked, hopeful. “Only a doctor can do
that and a human doctor would freak out if he saw--”

That’s fine I'll study surgery
online. What about pills? They have abortion pills

Daniel, you're going to slip her an
abortion pill?”

If that’s what it takes to keep her
alive then what the hell do you think Celeste?” “She’ll never
forgive you, you know that.”

She’ll never know then, will she?” I
glared at her, telling her with my mind she better not tell on

Fine! I'm not judging you, it’s just
wrong not to tell her.”

And if I do. She’d try to keep it,
then what?”

You're right.”

I can’t wait a week, maybe I should
just go grab one of those now, do I need to buy ten? Or maybe
twenty would do it.”

You're going to kill her by stuffing
all those pill down her, you don't need that many. Are you mental?
Plus, I wouldn't do anything right now, you don’t even know if the
pill will work against a mixed breed fetus.”

It will. I'll make sure of

She kept shaking her head glaring at me. I
knew what she was thinking, that I was a monster for even
contemplating this. But, I couldn’t just let her die.

Why not just change her

I laughed, “Ha-ha. Funny sis. Real

It’s not a bad idea, I mean she will
be one of us eventually anyways.”

Oh yeah? Says who?”

You know she wants to be a vampire
too, everyone knows. Eventually you're going to cave. You give her
everything she wants, you know this.”

Not when it comes to that, you know
how I feel about that.”

You’ll change your mind in a few
years, just like you told her a few months back that you would
consider changing her, because of Fathers request.”

Alright, whatever you say. I can’t
talk about this anymore. I need to go kill something.” I ran out
the door and into the woods.

Chapter Thirty-four



I was at work, at my sisters store. We were
stocking custom made jewelry in the shelves. “These look awesome
sis. You really need to show me how you make these.” “Thanks, Their
pretty easy. You know if you want anything, Just take it. I don’t
mind. I mean, you work your ass off for me every time I need

Thank you. I think I'll take some of
the black and red bracelets, I love those.” “Whats up with you and
black lately? You’ve been wearing a lot of it.”

I dunno. I just like the color, I

I remember you used to wear girly
things. What ever happened to the girl who liked pink and liked to
have makeup parties?” She laughed.

I was eight Tania. I still do like
pink but I’ve grown up. Like you're one to talk. You have a strange
style too. The belts you wear with everything and the hoop earrings
that are like bigger then your head.”

You're funny, it’s called fashion
sis… maybe I should teach you a few pointers.” “Ha-ha, not a
chance. I'm fine with my black jacket and sketchers. You can save
the pointers for a later date.”

Uh huh…” We laughed. I went over to
the wall, I wanted to add shirt to one of the outfits that was on
display. I extended my arm, stretching above on my tiptoes, trying
to latch on the shirt on the hanger. I suddenly felt a pulling
sensation in my stomach, then heard a ripping sound. I fell to my
knees, screaming in pain.

Tania ran over to me. “Whats wrong? what is

I ripped something in my stomach!

Tania called the paramedics. I started to
black out. I tried staying propped up but the pain was too much. I
rested my head against the wall, blacking out completely.


Opening my eyes, Daniel stood above me. My
vision still blurred.

What happened?”

Shh. Try to rest Love, you're okay

I tried to sit up but my stomach was wrapped
in gauze. It was difficult to move.

What is this? What

You had a miscarriage Faith your
stomach was tore open.”

How is that even

We'll talk more later. You need to

I laid my head back down wondering. First,
how I could even be pregnant so quick, it had only been a few weeks
since we first made love. It didn’t seem possible, or likely. I
fell back into a deep sleep, hoping this was all just a bad dream
that I would soon wake from.


I woke to Daniel's beautiful face smiling at
me. He made me feel so loved, so important.

Welcome back Love.” I sat up. That
stupid thing was still around my stomach. “How long have I been
out?” I asked.

A few days. You needed the

The hospital released me while I was
still sleeping?”

Well, We sort of.Cesar was actually
your doctor, he did your surgery and everything. It was easier that
way no one freaked out.”

Freaked out about what?” I asked

Faith lets not talk about that. You
just woke up. You don’t need any stress.”

No! I wanna know, first how I could
have been pregnant and second, how did it--” He sighed. “It grew
really fast. When you went to reach for whatever you were reaching
for, it ripped your stomach open.”

But I didn’t even have a

We’re dealing with something not.
human Faith. This is not a normal pregnancy.” “So if I get pregnant
by you again, I wont have a bump?”

Not for at least a month. It stays
hidden,buried. And that will never happen again. I'm so sorry

It wont happen again? What are you
saying? You don’t want a child?”

At what cost? Your life? I don’t
think so.”

Your mother had three! I mean, I can

Not worth the risk.”

What?!” I yelled, hurt.

It’s not worth losing you is all I'm
trying to say Love. Calm down. Maybe we can adopt someday, when we
are ready.”

Whatever Daniel. Always on your
terms, never about what I want.”

Don’t say that.”

I mean, it’s true. You have all these
rules, regulations and it’s annoying.”

It’s for the best. These rules… are
in place for a reason. To protect you. You're not in a relationship
with a human Faith. I mean, what do you want? Me to treat this like
we are two normal people having a healthy normal relationship?
Because that’s far from what this is.”

So what is this then?” I

I don't know anymore.”


Daniel stood up and started walking out.

Leave then! I just miscarried your
child and you start an argument, then want to leave me. I guess
that’s what your good at.”

Why do you like to hurt me

You… you're. Forget it! Just

He turned around and went downstairs. I laid
there crying In my pillow. He seemed distant, defeated. Daniel was
fading and I didn’t understand why. The next few days Celeste
helped feed me, bath me and helping me to the bathroom.

Daniel stayed away from me. He wouldn't talk
to me or even glance in my direction. It made me feel vulnerable
and hurt. I felt like he had abandoned me in this time of need and
he didn’t care about my feelings. Or, how it hurt me to loose our
child. He was repulsed by it all.

I starting to resent him. Not only did he
betray me once but Daniel seemed cruel and empty as of late. Later,
I would tell him about my plan to move back in with my mom. I
didn’t want to be around him anymore. It was just too painful.


Daniel was downstairs watching television. I
slowly walked down and he didn’t look up once. I felt a knot in my
stomach, then my eyes began burning. I held back the tears. I
picked up the remote and turned the television off. He stared at
the blank screen.

Are you going to talk to me or
continue to give me the silent treatment?” I asked.

He wouldn’t respond.

I'm moving back in with my Mom. I
can’t take this anymore. You wont even look at me, or touch me.
What man does that to the woman he loves?”

He glanced at me. “I am no man… I'm

What is wrong with you? Why are you
acting like this? Why are you shutting me out?” He stood up. “I’m
sorry…” He said, looking down.

For what?” I asked.

He glanced up again. “We… I can’t pretend
this is okay Faith. Not anymore.”

What's not okay?”

Us. This. It’s not right. You and me,
a human and a demon. A creature of the night. I can’t live normally
with you Faith and I can’t pretend anymore.” He looked disgusted.
his fist tightened. He began shaking.

Are you breaking up with me or
something?” I asked.

He shot me a hopeless expression.

I fell to my knees, holding my stomach. “How
could you, do this to me? And just leave. How cruel are you!” I

This is why we can’t be together. If
all I can do is hurt you. I can never be good enough.”

I stood up, staring him in the face. “Why
are you doing this to me?!” I yelled. I slapped him.

I deserve worse. If I could show you.
How bad I feel for hurting you. I wouldn’t be here anymore but
neither would you. So… that’s not an option, no matter how
tempting.” “If you leave me. I'll never forgive you. Don’t try
begging me back.”

I wont. And I already know this. I
know you wont. I understand that. I wont forgive myself for what
I’ve caused. You wont ever see me again. You wont even know who I

Don’t you dare think about it Daniel,
I swear--”

It’s the best way. I’ve caused too
much damage. If the only thing I can give you before I leave is no
memory of this ever happening, us… everything. Take away your hurt.
Your loss.”

Our loss!”

That’s another thing Love. I can’t
Love something that tries to hurt you, or kill you. That we will
never agree on and I know how much you want it to be

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