Bound by Duty (Bound Series Book 1) (11 page)

Instead, I shrugged, dragging out the game. “I wanted to see you.”

His eyebrow rose and Aidan leaned in closer to me, allowing me to catch a whiff of his cologne — alternating scents of citrus and woods. I wanted to breathe it in and hold it forever.

“I thought you made it pretty clear you didn’t want to see me.” His words were low, barely above a whisper, and I countered with hushed words of my own. Never breaking eye contact, I leaned in even closer, very aware of where my lips and his lips were in relation to each other as I enunciated each word. “I was wrong.” His pupils dilated in response and as close as we were, I saw his eyes shift from smoke to liquid metal as they darkened.

The screech of a chair being pulled back broke our trance and we both jerked away from each other, realizing both Micah and Bethany were getting up to leave.

“Let’s head over to the beach. We can grab dinner on the pier,” Bethany said as if we all had just been in random conversation and I hadn’t been inches from my first real kiss. “I’ll ride with Micah! You guys take the Jeep.”

She tossed Aidan her keys, giving me a look that screamed, “See, told ya!” I smiled in return, but as I turned to Aidan and saw blatant desire mixed with his still-unanswered questions, I realized I might have bitten off a little more than I could chew.



In the few steps from the table out to the Jeep, I lost all of my bravado. I clutched my small purse in a death grip in an attempt to stop my shaking hands. I couldn’t turn back now, I’d started this game. Doubt crept in and all I heard in my head was,
“What are you doing?”
Aidan was quiet until we pulled out to follow Micah and Bethany. I could see Micah laughing as he drove while Bethany was making crazy gestures and likely telling another one of her outrageous stories.

“I don’t get you, Amelia. What are we doing?” I noticed his grip on the steering wheel, knuckles white with how tight he held on. His voice was tense. Frustrated. I hated that we were both thinking the same thing.

“I…uh…well, I don’t know exactly what we’re doing, Aidan.” I was fumbling. In this whole planning process I never stopped to think about what I should actually say. “I just know I want to try this. I was, um, scared before.”

I couldn’t look at him. The words came out tiny and soft and I had lost any flirtation I’d held in the restaurant. I shifted in my seat and pulled at the length of my dress, anxious to be out from under his scrutinizing gaze. Most people wouldn’t have admitted it outright like that, but the gnawing ache in my gut told me I just needed to put it out there. There was just something about him that made me want to tell the truth. Even that feeling told me I was probably causing myself more trouble in the long run, but right now, none of that mattered.

He was quiet the rest of the drive. Granted, it was only five minutes, but it was the longest five minutes of my life. I stared straight ahead, my nails likely doing permanent damage to my poor purse. As soon as Aidan put the car in park, I tried to launch myself out the door, but he grabbed my wrist. Instantly, his touch sparked a flame inside of me. My power popped and fizzed, filling every corner of me with happiness with just the imprint of his fingertips and the warmth of his palm seeping through my skin. I tried to keep my cool as I turned to face him — it would have been mortifying for him to understand the affect he had on me already.

For a second, Aidan just looked at me. Then, as he smiled, he slid his hand down my wrist and over my thumb, locking my palm in his. “Okay.”

One word. That’s all he said. One word and I couldn’t stop the stupid grin from spreading from ear to ear. “Okay,” I repeated back to him.



I expected dinner to be more awkward than it was, but everyone seemed to let their guard down and the four of us actually got along better than I imagined. Aidan had his arm around the back of my chair, grazing his fingertips up and down my shoulder the whole time, making it extremely difficult to think straight. I had to spend a considerable amount of effort containing my overly-zealous power, which he seemed to send into a frenzy by just breathing in my general vicinity.

“So, Amelia, I don’t feel like I know much about you,” Micah stated as we got our food. I stopped with my fork halfway to my mouth and wasn’t sure how to respond.

Aidan actually interjected, adding, “That’s true, Amelia. We’ve been listening to Bethany go on and on with her stories about raising chickens and being a rodeo princess, but you haven’t said much.”

He smiled and winked at B. She threw a chunk of breadstick at him in response. “You have no idea how complicated it is to stir up that much dust and still look like a pageant queen when you get off the horse. You don’t see bull riders worrying about how dirty they are when their eight seconds are up, do you?” She straightened in her seat, the posture of a true queen, and looked down at him as if he were a mere commoner.

It was Micah who laughed the loudest. “You and my mother would get along fabulously, Bethany. You’ve both mastered the ‘don’t question me’ look perfectly.” The hope that lit into Bethany’s eyes sent Micah back-pedaling faster than I’d ever seen and he choked on his own bite trying to speak. I decided to save him from himself and my surprisingly commitment-hungry best friend.

“I moved here from Northern California. My family lives in a small community there near Gualala. My brother lives here in Brighton now, which is why I decided to come here.” I strategically omitted that they had just met my brother, unsure of how much I wanted these two parts of my life to intermingle.

“So, are you a mountains girl or an ocean girl?” Aidan’s question caused me to sit back and ponder for a moment.

“Definitely ocean. My favorite is when I can be a part of both at the same time. Gualala was like that. Turn left and stare at the never-ending shoreline, turn right and watch the trees reaching for the sky all the way up the mountain. But, I’ve always been drawn more toward the water.” Views entered my mind from the solitary walks I took to escape the realities of my life growing up. Standing with my palms on thick tree trunks, staring out into the breaking waves, feeling like everything else had dropped away.

Aidan just nodded as a small smile played at the corners of his mouth. Looking into his eyes, it was like we were the only two people at the table. I had to force myself to look around. As my gaze found Micah, the questions reflecting back at me made me sit back, instantly feeling uncomfortable. “What?” I asked.

He shook his head, seemingly surprised that I noticed his obvious expression. “Nothing. I’m sorry. My mind was elsewhere.” He quickly changed the conversation toward how we all liked school and Brighton.

The evening finally came to a close and Aidan slowed our progression toward the cars, letting Bethany and Micah move ahead. Their hands were linked loosely and she was leaned into Micah, laughing. I took a few more steps before realizing Aidan had stopped completely.

“Sorry! I was just watching them. I’m really happy she’s happy. He’s kind of weird, but he makes her happy.” I finally looked back at Aidan and was startled by the intensity in his eyes.

“Have lunch with me tomorrow,” he said. It wasn’t a command, but it wasn’t a question either.

He waited a second before starting again. “Amelia, I know that whatever is going on with us has been…well, weird, to say the least. But, I’d really like to get to know you. Just us. No one else.” His dimple appeared alongside a boyish grin. As he continued to look in my eyes, I once again got caught in his smoky stare. He brought his hand up, brushed the backs of his fingers along my cheek, and whispered, “I don’t know what you’ve done to me, doll, but I can’t help but want to know you.”

Heat filled my cheeks and I brought my own hand up to remove his in an attempt to slow my frantic heartbeat, but I couldn’t bring myself to. I gripped his wrist and found myself leaning further into his palm.

“Yes,” I sighed, reveling in the warmth of him. “Aidan, I want time with just you, too.” As I opened my eyes again, I couldn’t help but smirk and finish with, “But you really have to stop annoying me all the time.”

He chuckled, took my phone from my hand, and entered in his number. “I’ll do my best, doll, but no promises.” He gave me one last smile and turned toward Micah’s SUV, tossing out, “Tomorrow. In the commons. Lunch.” The way that boy flipped from sweet to cocky never ceased to amaze me.

I stood staring for a minute, just watching him walk away. There was something to be said for a guy who knew how to pick a pair of jeans. His stride was relaxed but he exuded masculine strength — there was no denying it. Something about him just screamed “safe” to me.

I somehow knew that he was smiling to himself as he got to the car. I waited expectantly for him to turn around again and was surprised when he didn’t. He just got in the car, Micah backed out, and they pulled away.

Oh, stop being such a girl
, I berated myself as I pulled my way up and into the Jeep — which was not an easy task in a mini-dress. Bethany was already waiting, sneaking a peek through the side-mirrors. As I buckled my seatbelt, I finally looked up at her and she had the biggest grin on her face.

“You are in some serious trouble, girl,” she said with a laugh. And, with that, she gave me a playful look, used her turquoise-painted nails to tap a button on her phone, and the latest Pop Diva love song came blaring through the speakers. “Subtle, B. Real subtle,” I half-yelled over the music, while I laughed.

Chapter 9

I should have had happy and restful sleep after the amazing day I had, instead I tossed and turned all night. I still don’t know exactly what it was that I was dreaming, but I heard that same melody as I got ready this morning. It haunted me. I found myself humming it, though the lyrics floated just outside my reach. I couldn’t pin them down and the haze I felt was hard to shake no matter how much coffee I mainlined. It was just another night where it felt like I had been up all night watching movies instead of sleeping.

Knowing I had lunch with Aidan, I put a little extra effort in; pulling on my favorite dark skinny jeans, zipping up my brown ankle boots, and loving the flowing peasant top Bethany had talked me into during our last shopping trip. I left my hair down and a little wild.

Classes went by quickly and all too soon I stood in the commons, wondering where it was I was meeting him. I sent a few different texts and even called him once and had yet to receive a response. His phone had gone straight to voice mail, so I assumed it might be off, which was strange.

I stood off to the side tapping my foot and found myself getting irritated. Really irritated. Before I could pick up my bag and walk away, I saw him running across the grass. He scanned the crowds and finally landed on me. I jutted one hip out, balled my fist on it, and tossed the other hand in the air — making it clear from one-hundred feet that I wasn’t impressed. As he finally skidded to a stop in front of me, actually huffing a bit — which I secretly appreciated since I hadn’t worked out in forever — he tried to explain.

“Amelia, I am so sorry. I overslept, I missed all of my classes this morning and got here as soon as I could. Am I too late?” He looked around as if to make sure people were indeed still eating lunch. He was rubbing his hand through his hair as he scanned the crowd, looking like he hadn’t fully woken up yet and too adorable for how irritated I wanted to be.

His clothes were a mess — wrinkled with a few visible stains. I would bet he either slept in them or dove straight into the laundry basket, not caring if they were clean or dirty. His hair went in all directions with a clear cowlick from where his head had been on the pillow. As I really looked at him, I laughed when I saw a sleep line on his right cheek. I could only shake my head and ask how soon we could eat.

With a bashful smile, he grabbed my hand and led me toward the outdoor food vendors, telling me to make my pick. As we stood in line at the Greek stand — gyros were my absolute favorite — neither of us said much. I couldn’t think past the fact that he still hadn’t let go of my hand and, instead, had interlaced his fingers with my own. His hand was warm and strong. As I stood enjoying the moment, I found myself people-watching and humming that same tune from my dream absentmindedly, not realizing I was doing it out loud. Before I could react, Aidan yanked me out of the line and pushed me backwards away from the crowd.

“Hey! Aidan! What the hell?” I tried to drop his hand but all that warmth and strength had turned to solid rock. The look in eyes was a little scary — he definitely wasn’t sleepy anymore. Aidan finally stopped as he pulled me into an alcove.

“Where did you hear that song? How do you know that song?” His face was just inches from mine, his voice was menacing, and his eyes were so dark they looked black in the shadows of where we stood.

“Aidan, I…I don’t even know. I woke up this morning and it was just there. I haven’t been able to get it out of my head. I don’t even know the words, I just keep hearing the music.” I was talking fast, his reactions making me uncomfortable.

He brought his hand up and pointed his finger in my face, “Amelia, I need the truth.
did you hear that song?”

I tried to calm the building hysterics in my own voice as I put my hand on his chest, both my eyes and my words pleading my ignorance. “Aidan, I’m really sorry, but I truly don’t know how I know. I wish I could tell you, but it was just
. Sometimes I dream about things and I have no idea where they come from.”

I watched him back away slightly, his posture slumping. I instantly felt responsible and kept talking. “Really, Aidan, I’m sorry. I wish I knew. Why? Do you know that song?”

“Yeah,” he said, his voice laced with sorrow and his eyes pained. “I know that song. It’s the song my mother used to sing to me before she put me to sleep. I haven’t heard it in seventeen years.” He backed away from me until his back hit the cinder block wall. “I haven’t heard it since she died.”

“Your mom died, too?” I asked quietly. I looked up into his surprised eyes and knew exactly what he was feeling. It was as if we were trading emotions. Or, at least acknowledging that someone else could understand the depths of a loss like that. A hole that permeated not only your heart but the essence of who you are.

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