Breathless (Meadowlarks) (28 page)

Read Breathless (Meadowlarks) Online

Authors: Ashley Christine

shook his head, and crossed his arms over his chest. “Well, can you take a break anyway?”

“Yeah, I guess so. What do you have in mind?”

He slipped his hand in mine and pulled me toward the door. Before he opened it, he leaned in and tenderly kissed me, his tongue ran along my lip and my knees almost buckled. “You’ll see,” he growled softly.

We pass
ed Sara’s desk, and I turned to tell her I would be back shortly. I smiled, and she drops her jaw.

“Wow!” Her mouth
said quietly, and she winked at me.

led me out to the Dodge, and opened the passenger door for me.

“Wait,” I ask
ed before getting in. “How did you get here?”

He grin
ned. “I ran.”

I slap
ped his chest playfully. “Liar.”

“Blaine dropped me off, he had to come into town.” Alex
took my hand and kissed my knuckles. “Now, get in before I have to make you.”

I smirk
ed. I would love to see that happen. I got in, and Alex shut the door. While he ran around the front of the truck, I peered in the window of Pine Ridge to see Weston standing there. He was staring out the window, through the glass between us, and I had to turn away before I started melting from his glare. I put on my sunglasses and leaned over to kiss Alex when he climbed in the driver’s seat.

drove to a lake, and backed the Dodge right up to the edge of the water. I gave him a look, saying, “What’s going on here, Mr. Cole?”

He just smile
d and hopped out.

“Okay, what’s up with the lake?”

Alex lowered the tailgate and patted it with his hand. “Sit!”

I love
d this Alex

Playful and unexpected Alex.

I sized up the tailgate, and looked at him like he was crazy. “Alex, I’m wearing a skirt. And heels. How am I supposed to climb up there?”

“Take off the skirt?”

I rolled my eyes.

“Here,” he
said, wrapping his arms around me and lifting me up to sit. His hands ran down my legs and he pressed his body into me. His mouth softly rained kisses down my face and neck. When he pulled away, I was almost winded.

Alex jump
ed up and sat beside me, his blue eyes simply sparkling just like the water we were sitting by. He held my hand, holding it between both of his.

“We don’t ever have time for us. Just us. I miss you.” He frown
ed. “I know a lot has gone on this year. Between Isaac and your dad, I’m surprised you’re still able to smile. I wish I had a shred of your strength. Every day is hard for me.”

I blink
ed at him. “I didn’t know you felt that way. Why didn’t you say something? You can always talk to me, about anything.”

“Don’t know.”

“And I’m not strong. I’m anything but. I put up a good front. I’m a complete mess, babe. There are things that go through my mind, and I wonder who person staring back at me in the mirror is.”

“What kind of things?”

Crap, I opened a can of worms that I didn’t mean to.

“I don’t know. Just stupid stuff.” I lie
d, grabbing the can and throwing it into the water, praying it sinks out of sight. “I have to go away on Thursday.”

“Why? Where?”

“A home show in Cheyenne. With my boss. She asked me and I felt like I didn’t really have a choice. But, I’ll tell her no if you don’t want me to go.”

“No, you should go. It’ll be good for you, right?”

“I guess. I mean, I’ve been to them before. But, Wyoming is different than Maine.”

“Sure is.”
Alex laughed.

We s
at for a little while longer, talking about the kids, my mother, and my upcoming business trip. I looked down at my watch and realized that I had to get back to work.

“It’s really peaceful here,” I sa
id, looking back at the water before Alex started up the truck. “We should come back again.”

When we g
ot back to the office I told him to take the truck home and pick me up when I was off work. We kissed goodbye, and I stood, watching him roar away in the Dodge.

“Okay, he’s gorgeous!” A voice

was standing in the doorway, holding the door open, gawking.

I laugh
ed. “Yeah, I do pretty well.”

“Tell me he’s got a brother.”

“Sara! You have a boyfriend.” I gaped, but grinned at her. “And no, he only has a sister.”

“Damn.” She turn
ed to walk back in. “I can see why you looked so happy to be dragged out of—” Sara’s face paled and froze. I looked up, meeting Weston’s eyes.

“Sorry, Mr. Casey, I was just…” Sara
said, fumbling her words.

“Just getting back to work, right, Sara?” Weston growl

“Yes, sir. That’s what I was doing.”

I rolled my eyes, and strolled into my office. His stupid temper tantrum wasn’t going to ruin my good mood. Closing the door behind me, I sat at my desk and opened the interoffice messaging application on my computer.


Riley Harrison:

Sorry, Sara. We’ll
finish that convo soon, k?


She didn’t respond. Weston was probably hovering over her, making sure she was actually working.

Poor girl.

The messaging app chimed. I glanced over, expecting to see it’s from Sara—it wasn’t. Damn, Weston Casey. Why couldn’t this man just leave me alone?

Weston Casey:

So, who was that?


Riley Harrison:

That was none of your business.


Weston Casey:

You don’t have to be rude.


I rolled my eyes and stuck my tongue out at the computer screen.


Riley Harrison:

That was Alex. Any more questions, Officer Casey?


Weston Casey:

I didn’t like where Sara’s conversation was headed.


Riley Harrison:

at? I am not interested in you.

I have Alex, I’m very happy.

Why are you pestering me?


Weston Casey:

I’m not used to hearing the word NO

That, and you’re gorgeous.

What else do you need to know?

I’m drawn to you.


I click
ed the messages off, not giving him the satisfaction of a response. That man was relentless!

didn’t hear anything from Weston for the rest of the day. And just after five PM, Alex pulled into the parking lot, and I gathered my things before bounding out the door to see him. Sara wasn’t at her desk when I left. I hope she didn’t go home early, upset from Weston’s douchebaggery.

hapter Nineteen


“Mom! This is just…holy crap, I can’t believe you made all of this!” I gaped, scanning the vast array of dishes my mother had spent her entire day making.

“I wanted to. Plus…” she start
ed to wander off. “I need to keep busy.”

I hug
ged her, knowing she was dealing with losing my dad in her own way. “It looks great, mom. Thank you.”

“Isaac, take your sister and help her wash her hands
for dinner. Okay, love?” Mom asked Isaac, and he smiled and took Scarlett by the hand. “I hope everyone is hungry!”

“So, Mommy has to go on a business trip on Thursday. I’ll be back by Friday night though.” I tell Isaac
once we had sat down to eat. “It’s for work, I’m going to look at a bunch of companies that build homes and all the fun stuff that goes along with it!” I tried to sound enthusiastic, probably trying to convince myself more than Isaac that it sounded fun.

“Okay,” Isaac
said, shovelling fettuccini in his mouth. “Will you bring me back something cool?”

“I promise.” I
took a bite of food, and spoke around it. “Mom, will you be okay?”

She smile
d. “Of course, I will. I have these wonderful people to keep me company. I hope you’re ready for dessert!”

I literally
had to unbutton my skirt after dinner. If it wasn’t so sexy, I would have asked Alex to roll me out of the kitchen.


Still, I was going to regret it later, but I couldn’t
try at least a bit of everything my mom made. And, of course, I had to indulge a little more when dessert came out. I think I ate my weight in starch and sugar tonight.

was upstairs bathing Scarlett, so I began loading the dishwasher and tidying up the kitchen. Alex came in, after losing to Isaac in a game of hockey on the PlayStation, pouting about his defeat.

“Awe, what’s the matter, baby?” I tease

“He beat me. Again.” Alex
stuck out his bottom lip.

“Well, now you can help me with the dishes.”

He stuck his lip out farther. “Really?”


Alex’s hands ran up the back of my legs, and he stood closely behind me. Pushing his body into mine. I had to brace myself on the counter, praying my body didn’t give out on me.

“Mmm…” he whisper
ed in my ear. “Oh, did you sit in some sugar?” He wiped his hand against my behind.

“No?” I ask
ed, turning around to look at my skirt.

Cause you sure have a sweet ass.” Alex laughed.

World’s Biggest Man-Child, ladies and gentlemen.

“Ohh! You’re just too funny, Mr. Cole. How did I get so lucky?” I teased him again.

“I’m the lucky one,” he
said, his voice clipped.

No, you’re not.

I’ve acted pretty crappy lately.

Scarlett, Isaac, and my mom
were all fast asleep. Even Alex was snoring softly on his side of the bed. I stared out the window, into the darkness, cursing my insomnia. I’m going to look like complete shit in the morning if I don’t start sleeping.

I roll
ed over, and studied Alex intently. It felt like it had been forever since he touched me…I mean,
touched me. People say this happens after marriage, but damn, I was sure Addison was getting her mind blown nightly.

Lucky bitch.

“Alex,” I whispered. “Wake up.”

“Mmm,” he groan
ed and rolled away from me.

scowled and turned on my back, staring up at the ceiling. At some point my eyes finally closed and I was able to sleep.

I dream
ed of the first time Alex made love to me, the night that I finally give in and admitted to him that I wanted him. The kiss in the pool on the night of his graduation was just a teaser. I had no idea what I was really in for. Of course, I had to leave out some details of the night when I told Addison that her brother had spent the night with me. What she didn’t know was that we stayed in a vacant home on the shore, one that I was the realtor for. The owners had left the house fully furnished, and moved to Europe. I took Alex there, expecting to have my way with him, and see him off the next morning. But what happened was completely the opposite.

And it was amazing.

I fumbled with the lock box, trying to get the key out of the steel encasement. In my slightly drunken state, I should have figured this would happen. I had enough trouble with those damn things when I was sober and it was daylight. Having tequila, the darkness, and Alex pressed up right against my ass, sure wasn’t in my favour. Well—maybe the last thing was.

“Need some help?” Alex asked, his voice low and raw.

“I got this,” I said, proudly. Even though I was struggling. “Finally!” I whispered, once the box opened and I pulled out the silver key. The door opened with a turn of the handle, and I stepped in like a teenager that was way beyond her curfew…complete with a man in tow.

“Let’s go, baby,” I growled, pulling Alex’s
tie, dragging him toward the bedroom. The same room I had fluffed the pillows in just a few days earlier to prepare for an upcoming open house.

Those pillows didn’t stand a chance.

Alex stopped dead in his tracks when he saw the colossal sleigh bed. His mouth opened, and I grinned deviously. “Me likey,” he groaned. He stood behind me, and kissed the back of my neck and shoulders. He peeled that dress off my body like he was shedding a banana.

I could feel his heart thrashing through his chest and right into my back when he wrapped his arms around me, fondling my breasts and stomach with his
strong hands. His breath was ragged and matched mine perfectly. I was having a hard time keeping my legs straight.

“I’ve wanted you for so long, do you know that?” he hissed into my ear before taking my lob
e into his mouth, gently biting it with his teeth. “Now, you’re all mine.”

My head spun from his words. I turned around and frantically kissed his lips, like they were the only solution to
my frenzied state. I wanted to consume every single inch of Alex—and I was going to.

“Time to take what’s yours then, baby.”

Alex picked me up, right into his arms and I towered over him. He grinned and quite literally tossed me onto the huge bed. I squealed when I landed and he pounced on top of me like a wild animal.

His eyes blazed sapphire, lined with black
; they would put any beautiful gemstone to shame. His mouth nipped and pecked down my neck and chest, over my breasts and down my stomach.

My hand fisted in his hair, my head fogged, and my back bucked up when his mouth devoured my body. I screamed my heart out, and my cries echoed through the walls of the unoccupied home.

Alex climbed up my body and loomed above me, staring down with that beautiful face of his. “Ready?”

I nodded.

He really should have warned me, because the split second he entered me I thought I died. I lost all thought, all my oxygen was gone, and I thought I was temporarily blind. He fell down on top of me and his hands threaded through my fingers and held them down on the bed. He growled into my ear, “Fuck, I wasn’t expecting that.”

Over and over Alex plunged, until I thought I was going to have to beg him to stop before my heart detonated. “What. Weren’t. You. Expecting?” I breathed out each word through each of his mouth-watering impalements.

He leaned up and looked down at me, then he stopped moving. My body throbbed, waiting for his response.

“How good you feel,” he whispered quietly, and kissed the tip of my nose. His movements slowed, but the aggressiveness was still there.

I didn’t care that his whole body was weighing me down, I didn’t want the night to end. And for another few hours—it didn’t. Alex made love to me over and over (and over) again, until neither of us could take it any longer.

Just as the sun started to rise, he fell asleep on my chest. His lips
breathed hot air onto my skin, and the stubble on his face tickled me. I played with his hair for a while, then fell asleep. The faint sound of my phone ringing started to wake me.

When I awoke, I listened to Addison’s voicemail, paled, and then let my eyes casually linger over to her sleeping brother.


She’s gonna flip.

“Alex, wake up.” I nudged him slightly.

“I don’t wanna.”

I giggled. “You have to! Addison called, she wanted to know where you were. She’s worried.”

“Tell her I’m busy deep in you.”

“Alex!” I shoved him. “Get up!”

“I haven’t gone down since last night, baby.” He winked his groggy eye at me.

“We have to go, get dressed.” I started to get out of bed but Alex grabbed my wrist and pulled me back, on top of his chest.

“Once more. Come on, baby.”

“How can I resist you? You’ve completely flipped me upside down!”

He raised his eyebrow and flashed his gorgeous smile at me. I melted, gave in, and let him destroy me once more.

Alex flew back to Wyoming, and I had to straighten my shit out and show that very house two days later. When I walked into the bedroom with the potential buyers, I had to turn away from them, hoping my beet-red face didn’t make them curious. I looked over the bed, now clean and immaculate…thinking of all that took place on it only a few days ago.

My belly flipped and I actually admitted to myself that I missed Alex. “Give your head a shake, Riley,” I told my reflection when I excused myself to use the bathroom in the show house. “It was a one-time, ‘let’s just get this out of the way’ type of thing…right?” I sighed, exasperated with myself and my body for wanting to relive that amazing fantasy over and over again.



My eyes slightly opened, and Alex was staring down at me. His face unreadable. My chest was tight, thundering, and my legs were trembling.

Was I having a stroke?

A heart attack?

What wa
s going on?

“I don’t know wh
at you’ve been dreaming about, but you just had a fucking orgasm. I watched you.” Alex glared.

I blink
ed, trying to come to terms with his words, and wanted to run away because now I’m feeling completely embarrassed. “I—I was dreaming about you.”

Alex reache
d down between my legs and guided his erection into me. I gasped, and crammed my eyes shut.

“Yeah?” He ask
ed. “What about me?”

I tr
ied and speak over my heated breath, but it was almost impossible. “Our first time,” I managed to spit out.

His eyes flare
d, and he hung his head, pushing deeper and harder into me. He leaned up and pulled my legs up and over to the side of his body. He presses his body down against my curved behind and I had to bite my pillow so I didn’t moan and wake up my mother and children.

An hour later I
had to sit at the kitchen table and try to keep a straight face. Alex kept looking over at me, winking, grinning, biting his lip, or raising his eyebrow, and every single time I felt like I was going crimson.

“Have a good day at school, Isaac!” I
said to my son while he skipped down the driveway to catch the bus. Scarlett waved and said goodbye to him as well, before getting down the steps and walking over to her little plastic slide to go down it.

“Mommy, come here!” She call
ed over to me. “Come down my slide!”

I smile
d, walked over and bent down on the grass. “Mommy can’t fit on there, Scar. Sorry. But I’ll catch you when you slide down.”

Scarlett smile
d, climbed the small ladder and held her hands out to me. “Ready!”

“Ready! Go!”

I caught her, we both laughed as I toppled backwards on the ground with her securely wrapped in my arms. I held her up in the air. “Want an airplane ride?”

She squeal

I lift
ed her up, and pretended she was flying. She laughed and kicked her feet. When I brought her down I laid her on my chest and wrapped my arms around her again. “Mommy loves you so much, baby.”

“I love mommy,” Scarlett
said sweetly, right before getting up and running away from me, and over to Alex

“Oh, thanks!”

“Be a good girl today, baby,” Alex said, picking her up in his arms. “Love you.”

Scarlett kisse
d Alex’s cheek and wanted right back down again.

He saunter
ed over to me, stared down. “Want some company down there?”

I laugh
ed. “Not unless you want to traumatize your daughter.”

“Well, not exactly.” He slowly rub
bed the zipper of his jeans. “I’m trying to calm myself down before I go to Blaine’s. Stop looking at me like that.”

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