Breathless (Meadowlarks) (29 page)

Read Breathless (Meadowlarks) Online

Authors: Ashley Christine

I g
ot up and stood in front of him. “Like what?” I asked, innocently.

“Riley, were you really dreaming about me?”

I gaped. “Yes! And it was so hot…” I trailed my finger down his chest, letting it rest between his hot skin and his jeans. “Get ready for work, and maybe tonight I’ll let you have a repeat dream.”


I winked and strolled by him. I needed to get away from that man before I clawed his clothes off in the front yard. I showered, trying my best to not think of Alex, and dressed for work. Alex was waiting outside when I came out of the house, he was sitting on the porch with my mother and Scarlett.

“Ready?” he ask

I nod
ded. “Ready. Bye, baby! Bye, mom. Love you. Call me if you need anything, okay?”

“I will. Have a good day, you two.”



The first few hours of work were mind-numbingly boring. Sara smiled when I walked in, but made no other conversation except to say hello. I didn’t pry; maybe she was having a bad day. I hoped Weston wasn’t on the warpath again.

it was time to take Mr. Wilson out to show him some homes, I was happy to step out in the crisp afternoon air. The sun beat down, just enough to take the edge off the cool fall weather.

After looking at a few homes in town, Mr. Wilson
didn’t seem too enthused about any of them. I was beginning to worry. He was not as easily persuaded as the Reacher’s were.

“I’m sure it’s out there, Ms. Harrison. Can we take a breather and maybe try again next week?” Mr. Wilson asks, scruffing his white hair with his hand.

“Sure, Mr. Wilson. That sounds great. I’ll find some more prospects, and you call me when you’re ready!”

We part
ed ways, and I drove back toward the office. I cranked the music and cracked the windows, letting myself get immersed in a rare moment of privacy. I tapped my hands on the steering wheel, bobbed my head to the beat and pretended to know the lyrics.

At a stop light, I glance
d over to a car lot. Pretty cars sparkled and shone in the sunlight, beckoning me to drive over and take a look. I flipped on the turn signal, and once the light changed, I drove over to the dealership. I have never owned my own car. Not even in Maine. My parents had two, so if I needed to go somewhere, I just took one of theirs.

Time to put on my big girl panties, and join the rest of the vehicle-owning world. The salesman jabber
ed on about the car I had picked out, how fast it could go, how much gas it used. You know, the usual. All I cared about was that it was the most shocking and gorgeous color of red, and it looked plain mean.

My kind of car.

No hatchback, minivan, or SUV for this mama.

I sign
ed my name on the dotted line, I didn’t even need a test drive—which fully surprised the salesman. Then I called Addison.

“Umm, hey girl. What’s up?” I ask

“Hey! Not much, just finishing up with lunch. The boys are heading back outside, do you wanna talk to Alex?”

I stared at my new car. “Yes, please.”

“Hello?” Alex ask
ed when he picked up the phone.

“Hey babe. Can Blaine or Addison drive you into town to pick up the truck?”

“Why? Did something happen? Are you okay?”

“I’m fine. Can they bring you to the Moorehead dealership? I want to show you something.”

“Okay, be there in a few.”

hung up, and I turned on my heel, excited to show him my new purchase. When Addison and Alex pulled up in her car, he got out and walked over to me with a quizzical look on his face. I stood next to the truck, looking innocent.


“What’s up, babe?” he asked. “Something wrong with the truck?”

“No, I wanted you to take it since I won’t be needing to drive it anymore.”

He narrowed his eyes. “Why not?”

“Because,” I sa
id, whirling my arm to the side to showcase the car.

He blink
ed. And then blinked again a few more times. “You bought a Charger! Holy shit.”

“Well not just
Charger,” I said, opening the folded paperwork under my arm. “It’s an SRT8 Super Bee.” (I acted like knew what I was talking about, even though I don’t. All I know is—it was

“Holy shit, I can’t believe you bought that! You’
re gonna give me wood when you get behind that wheel.” He stated, pulling me into a kiss.

got out of her car, and walked over. Her mouth on the ground. “And here I was thinking that I had the nicest grocery-getter around!”

“Hey girl, you like?”

“Oh, yes. I like very much. When are we going for a road trip in that baby?” Addison beamed.

Alex snort

I grin
ned. “Soon.”

After I convince
d Alex
to have his way with me in the back seat of my new car, he headed back to Addison’s house to finish work for the day. I drove my car back to work, with the biggest and stupidest grin on my face the entire way. I pulled in, parked, and got out. My heart still thumping from the adrenaline.

The rest of the afternoon
was quiet, I didn’t hear a peep from anyone in the office, and the only message I got was from Sara telling me when I should be leaving for Cheyenne, and that she would have all of the details in an envelope on her desk by the end of the day.

My drive home
was unnecessarily longer than usual, as I drove out of the way, taking a rip on the interstate in my Charger. The roar and rumble almost made me throw my head back and cry out with euphoria.

I absolutely love
d that fucking car.

Wednesday’s work day wa
s even duller than the day before. Except for later when Alex kept his word by having me in the back of my new car. We drove down to that lake again, parked like teenagers and fogged the hell out of the windows. I’m sure my mother knew exactly what we had been up to when we got back home, because she touched her hair, insinuating me to fix my own.

I blushed, combed my frazzled hair with my fingers, and scurried up the stairs—mortified.

Chapter Twenty


It was early on Thursday morning, and I was set to leave for Cheyenne within the hour. The drive takes over four hours, so Elsa had asked me to try and leave by 6 AM at the latest. I figured we would be driving together, but she left a message on my desk saying she would drive there herself as she had other business in Cheyenne and didn’t want me to have to wait around for her. I thought it was odd, but smiled at the idea that I got to drive my new car all the way there and back.

I kissed a sleeping Scarlett and Isaac goodbye, peeked in my mother’s room and smiled at her while she slept, and
then planted a big wet kiss on Alex’s mouth. Running my hand down under the sheets and squeezing him gently before I left. “Miss me,” I whispered.

He growled, tried to pull me back into bed and kissed me.

I stopped at the coffee shop and ordered the biggest coffee they would serve me (unfortunately, they wouldn’t just give me an entire pot), cranked the music, and made my way to Cheyenne—thankful for my dashboard GPS.

After four bathroom breaks—damn coffee—and a quick bite to eat just on th
e outskirts of Wheatland, I made it to Cheyenne just after 10:50 AM. I hoped Elsa wasn’t pacing the lobby of the hotel, wondering where the hell I was. She hadn’t called, so hopefully she was running late too.

I was
directed to the Windspur Resort, and when I pulled up in front I realized that I was probably looking like a big idiot the way I was gawking around. Mesmerized by the outrageously huge structure, its design was so modern, yet so country. I loved it.

After handing my keys to the valet, I walk
ed in front of the young man carrying my one bag, into the Windspur and up to the reception desk. Before checking in I gave Elsa a call, as I still didn’t see her anywhere.

“Hi, Mrs. Casey, it’s Riley. I’m here at the Windspur. I was hoping you were running late like I was. Ha ha…” I left her a voicemail. Where
was that woman?

“Hi, I have a reservation under Casey.” I smile
d politely to the woman behind the desk and she types something into her computer.

“Yes, we have two adjoining rooms under the name Casey and Harrison. Which are you, ma’am?”

“Harrison. Thank you.”

The woman type
d a little more, then swiped two cards and handed them to me.

“Has Mrs. Casey
checked into her room yet?”

“No ma’am, not yet.”

“Thank you.” I smiled, grabbed my bag and purse, and walked over to the elevators.

the ascent in the elevator, I was crammed into the corner of the steel box. It was filled to capacity with other people clad in suits, too. I was sure they were here for the same reason I was. My cellphone rang while I was in the sardine can, but I couldn’t reach into my pocket to get it—I was quite literally squished.

Once a few people g
ot out, I managed to pull it out of my pocket and listen to the voicemail. It was Elsa.

“Riley, dear. I’m so sorry, I meant to call you earlier. I’m sick, I won’t make it to Cheyenne. I must have caught that damn bug that has been going around. Good luck, and let me know how you make out! Call Sara if you need anything, and I apologize if West is grouchy. You know men. Bye, Riley!”

I went colourless.

No. No, no, no!

Not Weston,

I pout
ed, shoved the phone angrily into my pocket and clutched my bag as the doors to the sixth floor opened. Once they did, I clambered out, found my room and cursed myself for not being able to find my room cards. I swore they were in my hand…or my pocket…or my purse.


knelt down, and rooted through my purse when I heard a deep voice, I turned my face to see a pair of men’s shoes.

Double shit

“You might need these. Unless you plan on sleeping in the hallway.” Weston tower
ed over me, his eyes piercing into me in a menacing way. “Or you could just share my room. I don’t snore.”

stood up and snatched the envelope from his hand. “What, did you poison your wife so you could come here?” I hissed.

He smirk
ed. “I would never do such a thing. Besides, I’m a big boy, I can go wherever I want, whenever I want. I was planning on coming here anyway. Elsa getting sick was just a bonus.”

“You’re an asshole.” I turn
ed away from him, and inserted one of the cards. My door opened and I rushed in, closing the door on Weston. He stood in the doorway, each hand on the sides of the frame, staring at me. The door closed, the last thing I saw was his raised eyebrow and glaring eye.

Triple, quadruple, quintuple shit, shit, shit…

To add insult to injury, I was standing in the most romantic, cozy, plush, deliciously perfect hotel room I had ever seen in my whole entire life. The bed looked like it was a cloud boxed in dark cherry wood. The frame was so rustic and knotted, like it had just been cut down in the forest across the road, stained, then placed in here.

A large window span
ned almost the entire wall, floor-to-ceiling, and it opened on to a balcony overlooking beautiful Cheyenne. It was breathtaking…and such a shame that I could only spend one night there. I wished Alex were there, to see the view, to sprawl on that bed and let me climb on top of him.

Oh, my…

I kicked off my shoes, letting my feet get massaged by the rich carpet, and I walked into the bathroom. The tub was at least the size of a twin bed, and the depth…could quite pleasantly fit three grown adults. I blushed at the thought, backed out of the bathroom and put my shoes back on. I’ve got to get the show on the road, and I couldn’t face Weston if I was all hot and bothered by how glorious my hotel room was, and just what I imagined could happen in it.

“Were you standing there the whole time?” I ask
ed, annoyed to see that he was still in the hallway when I left my room.

No, I just came out. I was putting my things in my room.” Weston nodded toward the door beside mine.

“Oh, right. I forgot. Adjoining rooms. How unfortunate.” I glare
d, and stomped off toward the elevators. Needing, desperately, to keep distance between us.

I could
have spit nails when the elevator door opened and there was absolutely not one single soul inside of it.

Just my freaking luck.

Weston sauntered in behind me, and pressed the button for the lobby. He stood in front of me, wearing another suit that was clearly made for only him. His broad shoulders stretched the fabric, making my eyes wander down his body. His ass was just…not a good thing to be standing near in such small quarters. My fingers twitched to touch him.

I back
ed up, leaning against the wall, praying not to let my breathing hitch or get loud, giving away my internal battle with my brain and lady parts.

Just as the doors
were about to open, he ran his fingers through his hair; the small diamond embossed in the band on his ring finger twinkled. It made me smile; maybe he wasn’t an epic douche. He
wearing his ring after all.

“After you, Ms. Harrison.” Weston turn
ed and extended his hand graciously for me to exit this hot box of torment. “We’ll take my car.”

“Oh, yes sir.” I smirk
ed, sarcastically. I would have saluted, but part of me thought he may have dragged me back into the elevator and smacked my ass for it.

Sextuple shit.

I snorted when I saw his car. “You’re right. This wouldn’t have given the best impression. There’s nothing country about it.”

We climb
ed into his ridiculous BMW, and he turned to reach something in the back seat. His body was so close to mine, and he smelled way too good. I had to turn and look out the window before my eyes rolled back into my head.

“Here, open my schedule and let me know who I need to see first. I have to take care of Elsa’s loose ends, now that she’s not here.” He hand
ed me his iPad.

I swipe
d the screen, selected his schedule and buckled my seatbelt quickly as he started to pull away from the Windspur.

“You’re meeting with
a Miss Lee at two-thirty, in conference room 2A. Then a Glen Walters at three PM in 4B.”

“Thank you.” He
reached over to take the device, his fingers skimmed my bare thigh. There weren’t tingles, there was actually an electric shock.


Weston smirked. “And you deny there isn’t anything between us.”

“There’s not. It’s called static.”

“It’s called “you just need to shut up and let me fuck you”.”

I huff
ed my chest, crossed my arms and glared out the window. This guy was unrelenting. And it didn’t help my situation at all, knowing how badly he wanted me.

“Whatever happened to that nice guy in the grocery store? The one who
said ‘ma’am’, and wasn’t such a horny bastard?” I asked, my voice clipped and irritated.

“I’m still that guy. I just thought you were a nice girl, so I was being polite. Then I see that little bit of snarl you’ve got, and it just burned in me.” Weston shift
ed in his seat, and naturally my eyes landed on his crotch. “I feel like…I need to be in your life.”

“You can have anyone, why are you torturing me?” I ask
ed, a slight whimper in my voice. “I am in a relationship, and you’re making it difficult to want to come to work.”

“We’ll talk about this later.”

We pulled up to the convention building, got out, and I tried to put my best game-face on. Weston and I walked around, talking here and there with builders, landscapers, financial institute elects, home décor productions, appliance retailers, and about a zillion more people. By two in the afternoon, I was dead on my feet.

“I’m going for my two-thirty now. Care to join me?” Weston ask
ed, leaning in closely to my ear. His lips just faintly grazed my lobe, and I instinctively elbowed him in his side. He grinned, straightened his frame and reached behind me, running his thumb down the small of my back and over my behind.

I clench
ed my jaw, and stomped away from him. I fumbled through my purse and found my phone. Outside of the building, away from Weston, and in the fresh air, I called Alex.

“Hi, baby,” I sa
id, and smile ear-to-ear when I heard his deep and raspy voice.

“Hey, you. How’s Cheyenne?”

“It’s okay. I miss you. How was this morning? I forgot to tell you that Isaac needed five dollars for a fundraiser.”

“He didn’t forget. He got five from me, and ten from your mom.” Alex laugh
ed. “She’s actually here at the ranch. She put Scarlett in the stroller and they walked over after lunch. She and Addy are having tea. Want to talk to her?”

I smile
d. “No, it’s okay. I should go soon. I just wanted to tell you how much I love you, and I miss you. You should see the place I’m staying at…it’s gorgeous.”

Alex inhale
d sharply, then cleared his throat. “I wish I could see it. Love you.”

“I’ll call before the kids go to bed. Love you.”



Weston was very quiet after his two meetings this afternoon, he hardly said a word to me on the way back to the Windspur, and nothing at all in the elevator or the hallway. He stomped into his room, slammed the door, and I tried not to burst into laughter. I wonder what got his knickers in a twist.

I walk
ed into my room, and dropped my purse on a chair. Kicking off my shoes, I unzipped my skirt and wiggled out of it. It fell to the floor, and I gingerly traipsed around the room, wondering what to do with myself for the rest of the evening. I heard low grumble coming from Weston’s room, I leaned my ear into the door that joined our room, eavesdropping on his conversation.

didn’t know who he was on the phone with, but he was not happy. He barked about something, cursed his face off, and then the phone slammed down.


I pressed my face closer on the door, but I couldn’t hear anything else. I nearly fell back on to the floor when a knock startled me from his side. I blinked, tried to calm my rapidly beating heart, and got up to answer the door.

“Just a sec!” I shout
ed through the wood. I scrambled around, trying to put my skirt back on. When I opened the door, just a crack, he was standing there, brooding. “What is it, Mr. Casey?”

“We’re drinking. Now.” He pushe
d the door open, barging right into my room. He had a bottle of dark-colored liquor in his hand, and he loosened his tie when he walked to my balcony and flung open the door. Stepping outside, he called back in, “Get some glasses, will you?”

What a dick.

Again, I almost muttered something snarky, but his mood didn’t seem the slightest playful. So, instead, I turned into a good employee and did what I was told. All the while rolling my eyes and shooting daggers through them.

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