Broken Play (19 page)

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Authors: Samantha Kane

“You did,” Beau told him. Danny jerked his head around to frown at him. “I mean you gave a shit. She had you. And we will owe you forever for that. You get that, right? No matter what, no matter when, no matter how high they set the bail, we will always be there for you. You may not believe that now, but you will.”

“That's a promise, by the way,” Cass added. “And we take that pretty seriously.”

“Danny,” Marian called out to him. She reminded Cass of a siren, those beautiful creatures in mythology who called men to their deaths in the sea. How could any man resist when she called his name like that? “Come here, Danny,” she said again. “Come over here and love me.”

Danny went without hesitation and Cass's breath caught in anticipation. All his plans, his hopes and dreams were pinned on this night. All he could do was get them to this point. The rest was up to them.

Chapter 29

Danny came to her and it was like a dream. Marian was afraid she was going to wake up and find it was all her imagination—Cass and Beau, Danny, Tom and Tyler. This was the most wicked fantasy she'd ever had, and it was coming true. Five men, all focused on her pleasure, her happiness, her body. They were all so gorgeous, so big and muscular, every woman's dream. When Tom stepped out of the way and let Danny slide in between her legs, reality hit. This was real. All of it. She reached for Danny, and he leaned down without hesitation and kissed her. After all these years, the kiss of lovers between them. It was bittersweet and beautiful.

Suddenly she was desperate for him. Desperate to feel him inside her, to feel their hands on her body, to finally make the fantasy a reality in every way. She broke away from the kiss with a gasp. “Please,” she whispered against his neck. He smelled so good, like expensive cologne and Danny. His skin was smooth and hot, his muscles firm underneath it. “Please,” she said again, words failing her as they always did when she was aroused.

Danny smiled at her and it was almost a shock. It was a wicked, sexy smile. No ghosts were haunting him now. “Tell me what you want,” he said.

“You.” She wrapped her legs tightly around his hips and tried to pull him into her, but he was too strong.

“Not yet,” he said. “I want it all.” His ran his fingers over her breast and down her stomach, his gaze following his hand. He didn't stop, just ran them right down into her pubic hair, then pressed them into the wet heat of her pussy. “I want to taste this.” He pushed a finger inside her and she arched her back, moaning. He pulled it out and sucked it into his mouth. “That's what I want,” he said, satisfied. “Some more of that.” He pulled back, sliding down her body, stopping on the way to lavish her breasts with kisses and licks before moving on to her stomach.

“Let go,” Tom said quietly, gently pulling her ankle until she unwrapped her legs from around Danny's waist, letting him sit down in the chair Tyler shoved over for him.

Danny didn't waste any more time on words. He just leaned down and began to lick her pussy, which she could tell was wet. She was so turned on she knew she was going to come any moment. She put her hand on his smooth scalp and the feel of it, so different from Cass or Beau, made her arch her back again. Danny must have known how close she was. He pushed his finger into her again and sucked on her clit and she exploded, coming with a gasp and then a deep moan.

“Jesus,” Tom whispered, clearly impressed. Marian didn't hold back then. She panted and writhed under Danny's mouth, prolonging her orgasm, enjoying it to the fullest. When she caught her breath she turned her head on the table to look at Cass and Beau, and the sight of the two of them made her moan. She could feel her excitement rising again. She loved to watch them together.

They were kissing, and Beau had both their cocks in his big hand, jerking them together. Cass had him by the shoulders, holding him tightly, as he kissed Beau hard and rough. At first glance it looked like Beau was in charge, but a second look showed clearly that Cass was. That was how Beau liked it, and Marian did, too.

“Shit,” Danny whispered above her. She glanced up to see him watching them too.

“They are so hot,” Marian said quietly. “I love to watch them together. I can get off on just that.”

“I can't,” Danny said. He looked down and met her eyes. “I want to be inside you.”

“Here,” Tyler said, holding out a condom. “I found a stash over there. Take it.”

Danny straightened and put the condom on. He yanked on Marian's legs, pulling her ass to the very edge of the table, and then he was inside her. No sappy love words, no warning, just slid right into her. “God, I needed that so bad,” she moaned.

“I know you did,” Danny said, pumping his hips. “I know.”

Marian reached her arms over her head, thrusting her chest out. “Please, Tyler,” she begged.

Tyler walked over and leaned down to lick her nipple slowly with the flat of his tongue. “That's not right,” he said with a grin. “You like it rough—isn't that what Cass said?” He bit her nipple gently.

“Harder,” she panted. She looked over at Tom. “Please.”

Tom walked over to the other side of the table, facing Tyler. Then he leaned down and bit her other nipple. Marian cried out and dug her nails into the table. All of a sudden Beau was there, kissing her. Marian wrapped her arm around his neck and let him have her mouth. He fucked her with his tongue and she thrust her hips up at Danny, taking him deep.
This, this is what she'd dreamed about.
It was perfect. And she knew Cass was watching. He loved to watch her with Beau. She put on a show for him, letting go of all her inhibitions as she enjoyed the attention of the others. She liked the idea of Beau pressed side to side with Tyler, liked that Tyler got to see how amazing he was, how sexy and sweet and hers.

It took a few minutes for Marian to realize that Danny was just going through the motions. His thrusts were steady, but he was silent and distant. She broke away from Beau's kiss. “Danny,” she whispered to him. Beau straightened so she could see Danny. “Stop,” she said breathlessly, and Tom and Tyler both pulled away. “Danny, stop,” she said again. He stopped, but his eyes were closed, his face stoic. “It's not working,” she said sadly, “is it? I'm sorry. I'm sorry I made you do this.” She scrambled to sit up, pushing everyone away, suddenly embarrassed. Then Danny stopped her with a hand on her arm. When she looked at him he pulled her into a tight hug.

“It's not you,” he said, clearly frustrated. “It's me. I can't. I want to, but this wasn't what turned me on that night.”

“What?” she asked, confused.

“They held you down,” he whispered in her ear, anguish in every word.

She processed what he was saying, her body still struggling to catch up with events. “You want to hold me down?” she asked. Cass quickly stepped over to them, but she shook her head when he started to say something.

“No,” Danny said. He had his face buried in the curve of her shoulder. “Not you.” Marian didn't understand.

“Okay,” Tyler said in his no-nonsense way. “Switch places.” He climbed up on the table behind Marian. “Danny on your back on the table. Marian, you're going for a ride.”

Danny pulled back and stared at Tyler. Marian could see he was wary but excited. Tyler had figured out what Danny wanted. In this situation she trusted Tyler's judgment. “Okay,” she said calmly. “I'd like that.” That broke Danny out of his trance and he let Marian sit up. She came to her knees and crawled over to the side of the table, waving her hand at the spot she'd been in. “Go ahead. I warmed it up for you.”

Cass still looked alarmed, but Beau stepped over and pressed his shoulder to Cass's, drawing away some of his tension. Danny turned and sat on the table. Then, with a deep breath, he scooted back until he could put his feet up. “More,” Tyler told him. “All of you on the table.” Danny hesitated, breathing deeply, and then he scooted back even more, until he was completely on the table.

“It's a damn good thing this table is big and sturdy,” Tom said. “How much weight can it hold?”

“All of us,” Cass said. “If it has to.”

“It just might,” Tyler said with a little grin. “Arms up,” he told Danny. Danny slowly stretched his arms up over his head until they lay flat on the table. Then Tyler leaned over and grabbed hold of Danny's wrists, pinning him down. Danny visibly shivered, and his eyes closed. His cock was hard, bouncing against his stomach as he panted. Tyler looked up at her. “Ride 'em, cowgirl,” he told her.

“Have you ever done this, Danny?” she asked, a little worried. She didn't want him to freak out the first time he tried this scene. He shook his head. “Is that what you want? To be held down?”

“Yes,” he whispered. “God, I'm sorry, Marian.”

She climbed on top of him and slid down on his cock. He felt so big this way. She loved to ride a man's dick. She rocked her hips and he moaned. “Don't be sorry, stupid,” she said. “Whatever makes you happy is all good.” She rocked again and her breath hiccupped. “This feels amazing,” she said with a sigh.

Danny wrapped his hands around Tyler's wrists, as if he was afraid Tyler was going to let go. Marian almost cried at that little gesture.

“Don't worry,” Tyler whispered, as if he'd had the same thought. “I'm not letting go.”

Tom climbed up on the table. “I want you to suck my dick while you do that,” he told her. She glanced over in surprise. “Too much?” he asked.

“Absolutely perfect,” she said, smiling. “I desperately want to do that.”

Tom stepped up beside her and grabbed a fistful of her hair. It was just the right amount of pressure, dominant but not hurtful. She flexed her hips, grinding on Danny while Tom fed her his cock. Tom was a surprise. She hadn't expected him to take the lead like this, to give her what she needed before she even knew it herself. But she had needed this, needed more. She wanted to be used and pleasured. Feminists might not like it, but they weren't here right now and she was having a wonderful time, thank you very much.

There were no more words then, just Danny's cock fucking her and Tom's in her mouth and Tyler holding Danny down. Danny was wild beneath her, panting and groaning, his hips thrusting, driving his cock into her forcefully. Tom held her mouth on him, but he let her do what she wanted. She played with his cock with her tongue, not taking him deep, but toying with the head, licking the sensitive spot underneath it. She braced one hand on his thigh and felt the muscles flex as he moved slowly in and out of her mouth.

When Beau climbed up behind her she reached back and cupped the back of his head, bringing him in close. She wanted him to watch, to see how well he and Cass had taught her to suck cock.

“That's good, baby,” he told her in that slow, sexy voice of his. “You are so good.” He kissed her neck and cupped her breasts in his hands. “I want to fuck you, too,” he whispered. “I just can't stay away. Can I fuck you with Danny?”

She let go of Tom and laughed breathlessly. “Yes. Always yes. You don't have to ask.”

“I'll always ask,” he said, nuzzling her ear. “Because I love you.”

She looked up at Tom who was waiting patiently. “I'm sorry,” she said. “I can't do it all. I'm just not that good.”

“That's all right,” he said with a smile. “My hand works well enough.”

“Get over here,” Tyler said in a rough voice.

“Who?” Marian asked. “Me?”

“No.” He shook his head. “Tom. I need something over here. Holding down the Monster of the Midway has its own special rewards, but I need something a little more immediate.”

“Wait,” Tom said. “Are you saying you want to suck my cock?” Danny moaned below them and thrust frantically up into Marian, making her gasp at how good it felt.

“I think Danny likes that idea,” Tyler said. “So come on. I know my way around a dick, don't worry.”

“I've heard that about you,” Tom told him. Marian could tell he was thinking hard about it.

“No judgment here,” Cass said, standing off to the side of the table. “You know Marian and Beau and I don't care. And Danny seems on board with it.”

“Yes,” Danny said breathlessly. “Anything. Whatever. Just don't let Marian stop fucking me yet.”

“Oh, I'm not done with you yet,” Marian said, leaning down over him until her breasts were pressed against his chest. She playfully teased the corner of his mouth with her index finger. “Not by a long shot.” He was so delicious like this, desperately horny and so, so hot. He licked his lips and she had to kiss him. He raised his head from the table, kissing her back hungrily. Tyler leaned over and rubbed his cheek on both of theirs and she took pity on him. She broke off kissing Danny and turned her head to kiss Tyler. Tyler's kiss was practiced, smoother and more controlled than Danny's, but no less devastating. He was a master at it, using lips and teeth and tongue to tease her mercilessly. His kiss made you think of his mouth on other places. She tightened around Danny's cock inside her and shivered at the surge of lust tingling along her nerve endings. Tyler moved away slowly, so that their lips clung damply, and then he smiled. He looked down at Danny, who'd been watching them, his eyes a little hazy and crazed. And then Tyler simply leaned down and kissed Danny. More surprising was that Danny let him.

“That seals the deal,” Beau said. Marian felt his slick finger on her ass and straightened her arms but kept her back arched. “While we fuck Marian, Tyler sucks Tom's cock.”

Marian heard both Tyler and Danny groan, but she was too focused on what Beau was doing to look at them.

“Did I just kiss the fucking quarterback?” Danny whispered.

“You did,” Tyler told him.

“Good enough for me,” Tom said. “Kiss this.” Marian did look then, and watched as Tyler took Tom's cock deeper than she had. Tyler's moan of pleasure was positively decadent.

“Shit,” Tom said breathlessly. He caught hold of Tyler's head the same way he'd held Marian's and moved his cock in and out of Tyler's mouth. It was one of the sexiest things she'd ever seen. “First time a guy's given me head,” he said, blushing.

“Not the first time they wanted to, I bet,” Marian told him. Her breath left her in a rush as she felt Beau press his cock against her ass.

“Ready?” he asked.

“Yes,” she said. She met Danny's eyes. “Are you?”

“You're going to feel me in there,” Beau warned. “It's pretty intimate.”

“And pretty amazing,” Cass added. He touched her cheek and she turned, knowing he was going to kiss her. She wanted to kiss him as Beau entered her, needed to connect with Cass right now. He held her head in both of his hands and kissed her tenderly as Beau slid inside her.

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