Stalin answers that he continues to hold his previous point of view. In addition he says that, besides the current UN, it is necessary to create separate organizations for Asia, Europe, etc., not in lieu of the UN, but parallel to the UN. Let America create an American organization, Europe, a European one, Asia, an Asian one, but parallel to the UN, not contrary to the UN.
Zhou Enlai says that China has no interest in the UN and obviously it is necessary to take initiative in creating a continental organization.
Stalin emphasizes that UN is an American organization and we should destroy it, while keeping up the appearance that we are not against the UN; we should conduct this with an appearance of respect to the UN, without saying that it should be destroyed, weakened, but in reality weaken it. He reminds that during the war Churchill suggested the creation of a continental UN, but America opposed this. We quietly observed the debate, but then Britain rejected its position and we supported the proposal regarding the creation of the UN.
Zhou Enlai asks whether there will be letters concerning this matter from Comrade Stalin to Mao Zedong.
Stalin explains that it will be better without a letter. He sees that Zhou Enlai is taking notes and he fully trusts him.
Zhou Enlai mentioned the Peace Congress in Beijing, scheduled in the end of September, saying that now it will be necessary to move the congress to the beginning of October. He adds that China is striving for the participation of Japan and India in this congress.
Stalin asks if Pakistan will participate.
Zhou Enlai agrees that Pakistan should participate as well and that Pakistan representatives are invited, but the Pakistan government is not issuing them passports. As for India, a part of the Indian delegation has already arrived, and the Japanese delegation will arrive via Hong Kong.
Stalin says further that we should aim for China to have the principal role [in the congress], because:
| 1. The initiative in assembling the congress belongs to China.
| 2. It will be better this way, because the USSR is only partly located in Asia, and China is entirely in Asia, therefore it should have the principal role.
Zhou Enlai asks what specific actions will be taken by our delegation.
Zhou Enlai talks about Nehru's proposal concerning the conference of five countries the Soviet Union, China, England, France, and USA.
Molotov explains that this was a proposal of the Committee of the National Congress Party.
Stalin says that this proposal should be supported.