Casey's Warriors (Bondmates) (24 page)

“Fuck me, Lorn, please!”

“Not yet, my bride.”

“I can’t take it!”

“Yes, you can.” He gave her a sharp nip on the mound of her breast where the bondmark should appear once they were joined.

She fisted her hands in his hair and he lowered his head, sucking and nibbling at her breast through the black gown. The color set off her creamy skin and lightened her eyes to a stunning shade of golden brown. Her head was thrown back and his cock twitched at the sight of her neck exposed to him. Even if she didn’t know it that was an act of submission to him, an acceptance of his dominance in the bedroom, it still drove him crazy. Matriarchs had so much responsibility that it was her husband’s sacred duty to take over the pleasures of the bedroom and give his wife a release that would help ease the pressure on her. A duty he took very, very seriously.

Biting her hard nipples, he grinned at her efforts to tug his head from her breast, reading her through their bond, enjoying the hot surge of her arousal, he bit even harder until she stiffened beneath him and moaned long and loud. Hmmm, his
liked a bit of pain with her pleasure. Unable to resist he slipped his hand between her lush thighs and at the feel of her hot, wet pussy beneath his fingers it was his turn to groan against her breast. He’d never felt anything even close to the perfection of her body.

Finding that tight little nub of flesh unique to human women, he manipulated it by gently rubbing on it with his thumb. Most women of his galaxy gained pleasure from penetration, which he greatly enjoyed, but there was something to be said for being able to build Casey’s desire while keeping his own somewhat in check. The ache in his testicles was beginning to border on pain, but he tried to ignore it as he continued to stroke her arousal higher.

She gripped his shoulders and sank her nails into the skin beneath the thin cloth, letting out a keening wail as she stiffened beneath him. Before she could find her release he withdrew his fingers and watched her, amused when she opened her eyes and gave him a look that promised his swift and violent death.

“Why did you stop?”

“I need to taste you.”

Her protest faded as he pulled her hips out so her ass was on the very edge of the couch before throwing her legs over his shoulders. Starting with her inner thighs he licked up her abundant nectar, glorying in the taste. Her essence exploded on his tongue and he growled as he licked the crease where her plump thighs met her swollen sex. Leaning back he took a moment to examine the results of his efforts, enjoying the way her sex flushed a deep pink and her clit had pressed out from its soft hood as if begging for his kiss. She was so wet some of her honey had dripped down the crack of her buttocks.

He did not want to waste a drop of her desire so he started there, working his tongue between her rounded cheeks. She gave a startled squeak when he slipped his hands beneath her curvy ass and tilted her hips up so he could torment the nerve-laden area of her anus. He could feel her protest so before she could wiggle away he gently probed the entrance to her ass with his tongue and let her feel how much he enjoyed pleasuring every inch of her body. Her thighs fell open and she arched into his mouth.

“Oh, Lorn, fuck, that is so hot.”

Growling as his cock swelled almost enough to extend the pleasure ridges, he feasted on her, licking up every bit of nectar her generous body offered him while he struggled to control himself. By the time he reached her clit and placed a gentle kiss on it she was writhing against him, pleading then yelling at him to make her come. Instead of giving in to her demands he placed small, feather light licks around that little nub until it swelled further and quivered beneath his lips. He rode the edge with her, opening the bond between them as wide as it could go and drowning in the fierce heat of her desire.

Before she could climax he drew away again and would have laughed at her heartfelt wail of despair if he wasn’t hurting as bad as she was.

Moving back he ripped open his breeches and released his aching cock, gripping the shaft in an effort to keep from coming the moment the swollen crest touched her hot, slick entrance.

“Look at me,” he said in a barely understandable growl.

She forced her eyes open with obvious effort and he began to push his way into her. She was so damned tight he feared he would hurt her, but women’s bodies were built to stretch and accept their mate. Her plentiful liquid arousal coated him and it was his turn to struggle to look into her eyes. She reached out and pulled him to her, kissing him with surprising tenderness despite the wild need flowing through her. With a growl he sank further into her and stroked her tongue with his own, reveling in the unique taste that made her his.

Slowly pressing into her wet heat he broke their kiss and breathed hard against her lips as she trembled beneath him. Once he was fully seated in her body he stopped. “I love you, Casey. With everything that I am and everything that I have. I am yours and you are mine.”

A massive surge of emotion blasted through their bond drawing their souls closer until they were almost fully merged and he began to move inside of her, feeling her love even if she didn’t say it. There were no lies between them when they were joined like this, no fear or distrust. She was his and he was hers. They belonged together because they’d been created for each other. Her tight little pussy sucked at his cock and he had to grit his teeth as his pleasure ridges began to vibrate. Casey went crazy beneath him, thrusting her hips into his, clawing at his back through his shirt and screaming at him to fuck her harder, faster.

His control snapped and he gave her exactly what she wanted.

Together they fought and strained for their mutual orgasm, their lips meeting as they pressed together as close as they could get, their bodies trying to mimic their souls. Fire lit through his blood and Casey locked her legs around his hips, grinding herself against him while she panted his name. Ecstasy exploded through every inch of his body while she began to climax beneath him, crying out and shuddering while her soul enveloped him with the delicious warmth of her orgasm, triggering his own.

Unable to help himself, he roared out his pleasure, pressing himself up on his arms and arching his back, shoving himself as deep into her as he could. Through it all her tight sheath milked him, sucking at him and squeezing every drop of seed he had to offer. He gave her everything he had, straining to extend her pleasure until she was whimpering beneath him. The agonizing ecstasy eased at last and he collapsed on her, managing to keep most of his weight from crushing her.

She gasped beneath him, her heart racing as her body shivered and the mixture of their mutual release soaked his balls. Satisfaction filled him when he gently stroked her cheek and she nuzzled her face against his hand, kissing his knuckles with such gentleness that it broke his heart. After a lifetime of searching for her, of slowly losing his sense of compassion and empathy to the madness, he was overwhelmed by the things this tiny female made him feel. Trying to be gentle, he pulled out of her then staggered to the bathroom to get a cleansing cloth.

Returning quickly to her he found Casey sprawled out in the same position, the lilac tint of his seed dripping from her swollen sex. She barely stirred when he cleaned her and made a grumpy noise after he pulled her into his arms and reclined back on the couch with her draped over him. For a long time they lay like that, heart to heart while she gently stroked the portion of his chest exposed by his shirt. Closing down the link between them a little bit so his emotions wouldn’t distract her, he kissed the top of her head.

, nothing will harm you here. You are safe.”

He felt a tiny bit of irritation from her, then she yawned and snuggled closer. “Okay, just a small nap.”

Holding her as she relaxed against him he began to pray harder than he’d ever prayed before that she wouldn’t leave him.



A sense of alarm woke Casey from her nap. She pushed up on the couch to a seated position and it took a few moments to orient herself. Looking around she found Lorn attaching some kind of crimson-lined black cape to his armored shoulders. Instead of his soft white shirt and black breeches he wore what she could only describe as some sort of military uniform complete with what appeared to be ribbons and medals over the breastplate and on his forearms. He’d pulled his hair back into a tight braid and his face was shut down into a cold mask of concern tinged with anger.


He glanced up while checking the fastenings containing various daggers strapped to his legs. “I must leave you for a little bit, Casey. There is someone I must meet.”

Chilled at the mixture of anger, worry, and determination coming from their bond she sat up and tucked her hair behind her ear. “Are they a threat? Are you in danger?”

He gave her a grim smile. “No more than usual. Do not worry, Casey, I will deal with this and will be back as soon as I can.”

That didn’t reassure her at all and she stood before hesitantly approaching him. “Deal with what? Do you need me with you? I may not know how to fight but I’m sure I can point and shoot a gun.”

Shaking his head, the anger faded a bit. “No, I am afraid you can’t shoot my mother, though I am sure many would appreciate if you did.”

“Your Mom is here?” She smoothed her hands over her dress and tried to finger comb her hair.

“I am sure she came to meet my bride, which I will try to prevent if at all possible.”

“And you’re not happy about us? You don’t want me to meet her?” She wondered if he was embarrassed about her and didn’t want his family to meet her.

, I feel your pain and worry.” He cupped her face with both hands and kissed her forehead. “It is not that I am ashamed of you. It is…my mother is a very high-ranking political figure and she did not attain that position by being sweet and charming. Can you understand that? While she loves me, she also loves power and would have preferred it if I bonded with a woman of her choosing. I want to have a talk with her before she meets you for the first time.”

Worry filled her that his mother wouldn’t like her and she cupped his face with her hands just as he held hers. “Lorn, I know it’s crazy but I love you with all of my heart but I don’t want to cause issues with your family.”

He smiled at her and warmth tinged with reassurance filled her. “I know you love me; I can feel it, but it is nice to hear you say. There is no need for you to worry. My mother is just one of those women who…well, Lord of Life forgive me for criticizing her, she is sort of what you would call a bully. If she feels she can force you to do things her way she will. Not out of evil or malice but because she truly believes her way is the best way.”

“Awesome,” Casey muttered and forced Lorn to release her so she could give him a hug. “I’ve met women like that before. The only thing they respect is strength.”

“Exactly. Do not take any feces from her because you do not have to.”

That made her giggle. “You mean don’t take any shit?”

“Yes.” He pulled back and his pupil’s expanded then contracted. “I must go. When I return, my parents will be with me.”

She nervously twisted her hands. “Umm, should I like make cookies for them or something?”

Shaking his head with a smile he started for the door. “You are adorable beyond words. Know that I love you, Casey, and no matter your choice I will not let my mother hurt you. You are mine and I am yours. Never forget that.”

He left before she could confess that she wanted to bond with him completely. She’d come to that decision while she was drifting off to sleep on his chest, wrapped up in his love. They’d have to talk about somehow letting her family know she was okay before she went through the wormhole with him, and about the possibility of bonding other men, but her decision was made.

With those heavy thoughts in mind she went to the bathroom and tried to do something with her hair so it wasn’t just hanging around her shoulders in a crazy ‘I just got really well fucked’ mess. She had to smile at the sight of her lips still swollen and pink from Lorn’s kisses. Looking at herself in the mirror dressed in the shimmery black gown she had a moment where she could hardly believe that this was real, that she was actually on a spaceship, on one of Jupiter’s moons, about to commit herself to the most amazing man in the universe.

Her thoughts went to Lorn and she tried to reach out to him then felt the slightest hint of reassurance coming back through their bond and smiled. She had to giggle at the way her eyes lit up and how she practically radiated happiness. Was this wonderful feeling what true love was like? It was hard to imagine anything more sacred or magnificent.

The melodic trill of an unfamiliar chime broke through her besotted giggles and she quickly moved out into the hallway, unsure of what was going on. A moment later the doors leading to the apartment opened and a tall, mature, but still stunning blonde woman in a glittering white robe that extended up to her neck in an almost priest-like collar strode into the room. She quickly spotted Casey standing in the hallway and her lips turned down with obvious distaste. Casey knew right away this was Lorn’s mother. He had her hair and glowing blue eyes along with a few facial features that marked them as obviously being related.

When Lorn didn’t appear behind the woman, a hint of panic came through their bond, and Casey realized Lorn’s mother had somehow managed to sidestep her son.

Strapping some steel to her spine Casey walked slowly into the room. “Hello. You must be Lorn’s mother.”

The slightest tightening around the woman’s eyes betrayed her surprise and she continued to stare at Casey. Cocking her head to the side, Casey met her gaze head on. If this woman thought she was going to be intimidated by an icy look she had another think coming. While Lorn’s mother was tall and imposing, she was just a woman. From the way Lorn described her Casey had been expecting some kind of evil witch from a fairytale.

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