Colter's Revenge (16 page)

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Authors: Jan Springer

Anger sparked her eyes but she nodded. Slowly he slid his hand ever so slightly off her mouth, not quite trusting that she wouldn’t scream.

“Yes, I’ll be there,” she called out.

Before she had a chance to say anything else, he slid his hand over her mouth again.

“Very well. I will let her know.” The sound of his footsteps faded quickly away. When Colter lifted his hand from her hot little mouth, he was instantly sorry he’d done what he had by covering her mouth.

“Damn you! I thought you trusted me by now. I should have screamed bloody murder. I should have told him you aren’t who you said you are. I should have—”

He pressed his lips firmly against hers, cutting her off mid sentence. A split second later he felt the tension ease from her succulent body, felt her respond with an eager passion that equaled his own.

Spirals of lust circled his cock as her grip hardened. Although he knew she was pissed off at him, her touch built the familiar sexual tension, urging him to want to make love to her yet again.

But now was not the time.

It was hard to break the kiss, but they only had an hour before the meeting. There were things he needed to do to prepare her, to control her. Naughty things she just might not like…at first.


Colter’s Revenge

* * * * *

Aside from Cheri, Ashley was the only woman there. Lusty grins and harsh frowns from the handful of male doctors greeted her as she walked into the conference room. Colter followed closely, his freshly soaped body and his unique male scent titillating her senses, making her crave him, making her horny. He was a dangerous son of a bitch, that’s for sure. Covering all the angles of her possibly breaking his cover.

He’d even concealed an earphone in her ear so he could whisper instructions to her.

“Looks like we’re the last ones.” His whisper dripped with tension as they stepped into the conference room, but she didn’t care. She was still pissed off at him for not trusting her. Angrier still when he’d outfitted her with clit clamps, nipple clamps, placed a concealed harness around her waist that firmly held a large vibrating butt plug in her ass. He’d also inserted a fleshlike, succulent strap-on dildo inside her vagina. A dildo, he’d warned, that would inflate and vibrate at his command if she so much as acted rebellious. With the touch of a button from a small, black remote-control box she’d seen him slip into his black jacket pocket, he now controlled her. Or so he thought.

She hadn’t even bothered to wear panties, because by the time he’d finished with the honors, her pussy had been creaming magnificently.

“Remember, Starry Eyes, you behave yourself or you will be punished right here in front of all these horny doctors.”

“Go to hell, you son of a bitch,” she muttered quietly, and tried to ignore the lusty looks of the doctors who watched her every move as she strolled into the room. Colter’s amused chuckle in her ear reminded her of the time he’d figged her ass with the ginger root. The memories made her cream harder. He’d even laid out her pale, sky blue dress for her, the sexy one that enhanced the blue in her eyes. The thin velvet material hugged her every curve, gave everyone an awesome view of her cleavage and, of course, if the men looked close enough, they just might see the outline of the clamps clinging to her nipples. She’d held her breath as he’d picked the combination lock on her suitcase, hoping he wouldn’t find the pills that would give away her disease. Thankfully he didn’t discover the medication, but he did find her slave jewelry and insisted she wear them. Colter had taken great pleasure in tormenting her with his heated touches as he’d arranged the necklace around her neck then draped two tantalizing strands of chain, one attached to each of her clamped nipples, before leading them down and threading them through her belly ring. He’d then caressed her abdomen and mons with the jewelry before firmly attaching each strand to each of the pussy-lip clamps he’d placed on her.

Agreeing to his commands had been the only way to get that slave collar off her neck.


Jan Springer

Silently she cursed him for the hundredth time as with each step the entire length of the delicate chain tightened and pulled gently. The intoxicating movements sensually chafed her clamped nipples and clamped labia. The erotic friction kept her highly aroused and, to her irritation, kept her mind on craving sex with Colter instead of concentrating on her desire to obtain that cure.

When she sat down, she was momentary thankful as the chains released the pressure on her pussy lips and nipples but she couldn’t stop herself from wincing at the pleasure-pain gripping the intimate parts of her body as both the butt plug and the dildo sank even deeper into her hot depths.

“You look absolutely horny,” Colter’s whisper echoed in her hearing aid as he took a seat beside her. “I can’t wait to get you out of here and fuck you all night.”

She managed to keep herself from whimpering at the arousal in his voice, but couldn’t stop her pussy from creaming warmly at his words.

“Now that all the parties are here, I’d like to give you a brief orientation about the product up for bid.” Dr. Cheri Blakely said as she stood at the front of the room flanked by all her seven husbands a.k.a. bodyguards who impassively scanned the faces of the visiting seated bidders, probably making sure no one would make a move against Cheri.

Today the bitch wore a simple white lab coat that reached her knees. The coat was unbuttoned and open, allowing everyone a generous glimpse of a daring dove gray dress. A sheer dress that did nothing to hide the lush curves of the woman’s braless breasts along with an unmistakable view of the dark hair covering her mons. She made no effort to conceal herself as she bent to pick up a pen she’d just dropped, giving the men an intimate view of her deep cleavage.

Ashley cast a quick glance at Colter who, as well as all the doctors, had his appreciative eyes riveted to the display.

To Ashley’s irritation, a fissure of jealousy shot through her. She was about to elbow him in the ribs but caught herself as his gaze swung on her. He grinned. A wickedly horny and knowing grin that sent a heated rush through her.


“As you know I’ve got the cure for one of the versions of the X-virus,” Cheri continued. “What you don’t know is I’ve decided when the time comes for bidding there will also be a live sample.”

What exactly did she mean by “live sample”?

“The woman is currently being weaned off her drugs so she will be a submissive for the demo. I’ve called you here to let you know about it and also to tantalize you with a brief glimpse at how we came up with the cure as well as handing out more information for you to peruse until we can have that wonderful live demo. Please remember, I won’t be revealing all the angles but only allowing a succinct glimpse. This will prevent those of you who are unsuccessful with the bidding from copycatting the 90

Colter’s Revenge

cure unless the winning bidder wishes to share it. As I’ve already mentioned, the lucky doctor who bids the highest for the cure for their company will get it along with how to make it. Whoever wins the cure will be able to have it mass-produced within weeks. And now without further ado, I will begin my explanation.” She paused for dramatic effect before grabbing a green marker off her desk. Turning to the white board behind her, she drew a large circle.

“This is the cure of all X-virus mutations, doctors. Embryonic stem cells.”

Ashley’s mind whirled in disappointment. That’s it? Stem cell research?

Governments around the world had given up on the stem cell angle after discovering it produced no long-term benefits and here was Cheri Blakely Claiming it could be done.

“That avenue was exhausted by all the major research companies who had billions of dollars to work with,” she found herself blurting out. Everyone’s eyes lashed onto her, including Colter’s, which sparkled with anger at her outburst. She found herself backing down at his gaze…but only a little.

“I mean why would Dr. Blakely continue work on stem cells when the world’s top researchers hadn’t been able to find a cure using that avenue?”

From beside her she noticed Colter slip his hand into the pocket of the jacket he wore. Obviously he was getting ready to keep her in line with that stupid remotecontrol box. Well screw him! She had every right to ask questions, especially if she were about to bid millions, if not billions of dollars on a cure that may not even be valid.

“Yes, they wasted billions of dollars. But they also had stringent rules to follow.”

Cheri smiled smugly. “My husband was a renegade who followed no one’s rules. That was how he was able to come up with a cure.”

Your husband was an asshole!
Ashley wanted to yell. An asshole who killed millions of women because he was a greedy son of a bitch in creating and then selling the Xvirus to that fanatical group DogmarX who thought all women should be subservient and submissive to men.

“My late husband was a highly skilled researcher. A skilled craftsman if you will. As you all know, embryonic stem cells can be manipulated to produce replacement organs. Scientists have been able to clone the nerve cells using stem cells successfully and have eradicated certain diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and even spinal cord injuries.”

“But how was he able to get access to these embryonic stem cells? I mean certainly he wasn’t stooping so low as to kidnap women and steal their eggs?”

Oops. Obviously Colter didn’t like her question for the dildo inside her pussy inflated slightly, bringing a rush of cream down her channel. She felt the stickiness seep along her inner thighs and cradle her ass. The butt plug in her ass began a slow, erotic vibration, making Ashley bite her lip at the erotic sensations zipping through her ass. This warning from Colter had effectively shut her down.


Jan Springer

For now.

“I have my own harem of virus-free women,” Cheri said.

An excited mumble escaped the doctors at the table. Everyone knew that virus-free women were very rare and extremely valuable. Just as she had been rare and valuable for the general until she’d contracted the virus. Then he’d set her up with Colter and put another one of his money-making schemes into process without her being the least bit suspicious.

“For those of you who don’t know too much about these embryonic stem cells—”

Cheri glanced at her several husbands, obviously loving to show off how smart she was

“—a cell begins to divide soon after it has been fertilized with a sperm. In a few days that cell is a minute ball of cells called a blastocyst.” She began to draw again. This time a larger circle around the original one. “At this phase it is a hollow sphere consisting of an outer layer, in other words a shell. This is called the outer layer.” She drew several smaller circles inside the original one as she continued to explain. “Attached to the inside of this shell is a cluster of around thirty cells called the inner cell mass. The outer layer will eventually become the placenta and the inner cell mass eventually becomes the embryo. But before it becomes an embryo, it is at the blastocyst stage. The inner cell mass has not yet developed into any specialized cell. It has no nerve cells, no kidney cells, no heart cells, etcetera… These cells at this stage are called stem cells. These stem cells when harvested and manipulated in different ways will eventually cure any virus known to mankind. The controversy of course lies right at this blastocyst stage. For when these stem cells are removed, the embryo is in effect destroyed.”

Ashley’s heart wrenched at her words. Thankfully the vibrator and butt plug stopped also. She glanced over at Colter and found him frowning as he watched Cheri’s demonstration.

“Before he was murdered, my late husband Dr. Blakely had discovered the cure for one of the mutations. Hence, why I have summoned you all here to bid, so I can use the money to continue my husband’s research and cure the rest of the mutations.”

And line your own pocket
, Ashley mused.

Through the general she’d learned of the hell her stepbrother Blakely and his wife put women through. She knew that because of those suffering women and Blakely’s

“research” Cheri’s husbands had inherited mansions all over the world, many expensive cars and yachts and billions of dollars. She and her husbands were probably getting a wee bit greedy and wanting more money with this so-called cure. She could barely contain her passion at the thought that if she played her cards right, she would have the cure and would make the drug available to the US

government who could quickly develop a vaccine so they could vaccinate the young girls who would eventually be entering puberty and potentially falling ill to the X-virus.

“What is the rejection rate?” Ashley called out. “I mean surely you must have experimented on the innocent girls when they reached puberty? Perhaps even infected them with the X-virus so you could ‘cure’ them?”


Colter’s Revenge

The dildo started to expand inside her pussy again, making her clench her teeth at the erotic sensations gripping her. When she got Colter alone she was going to wring his gorgeous cock…or punish him in some naughty way that would make him think twice before he tried to control her.

“Actually yes. Girls have been used as lab rats. My husband particularly enjoyed that avenue of research. He had a fondness for his lab girls.”

The smooth way she said fondness made her tense. Thankfully Colter came to her rescue by easing off on the inflating dildo and vibrating plug and asking the question she wanted to ask.

“You didn’t say what the rejection rate is? Injecting foreign tissue into a person can ultimately lead to rejection by the recipient’s immune system.”

“That’s the beauty of this particular cure. My husband has been able to manipulate the cell in such a way so that the cure is not rejected at all.”

“Zero percent rejection,” Colter mused. “How intriguing. But how do we know you’re telling us the truth, Dr. Blakely? How do we know you won’t take our money and leave us with a list of bogus tests that you say worked?”

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