Colter's Revenge (12 page)

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Authors: Jan Springer

Her hands slipped from his head and landed on his hard shoulders. Taut muscles greeted her and she dug her nails deep into his flesh. She loved the way the thick cords gave way beneath her fingers.

Violent sensations spiraled through her as his mouth made love to her pussy.

“Colter!” she hissed. Her mind was twisting, threatening to give into the carnal pleasures.

“Please! Fuck me! Now!”

His face drew way, his shoulders moved beneath her fingers. At the sound of his zipper lowering her heart picked up a mad beat.

Wild desperation gripped her. She needed to get laid! Now!

For a tense moment he hesitated. Something raw and hurtful tugged at her heart for pushing him like this, but the magnificent arousal splashing through his face made her glad too.

She felt as if she might come out of her skin as she watched him suddenly rip open his shirt, buttons popping around like candies. His eyes darkened. He removed his pants and his underwear. Then he kicked off his shoes and ripped off his socks. His cock was fully engorged and sticking straight out.

“My starry-eyed devil,” he whispered.

The seductive tone of his voice, the spicy scent of man made a fierce hunger gnaw deep inside her empty vagina. She breathed him all the way into her lungs. Emotions careened through her. Guilt for making both of them lose control. Satisfaction because her plan just might work. Most of all, overwhelming arousal that he still craved her after all the time that had passed between them. Reaching up, she curled her hands over his thickly muscled shoulders. She loved the damp, solid feel of his silky flesh beneath her fingertips.

“You’re mine, Starry Eyes,” he growled, and she cried out as his thick cock slid into her wet channel. She gasped as in one solid thrust he buried his shaft right to the hilt. Sweet mercy! What unbelievable fullness! She’d forgotten how big he was. He let out a ragged breath. Lifted one hand to gently cup her chin, forcing her to watch him as he began a slow, erotic plunge.

She became lost in the seduction of his eyes. There was an odd darkness there that she’d never noticed before in the past. A darkness that made her think he’d gone through the same hell she’d gone through over the last few years. Could he have missed her as much as she’d missed him?

Her heart contracted at that thought.

If everything went according to plan, then in a few minutes she’d be gone. She wouldn’t have to see the hurt anymore. And then what?

Emptiness engulfed her heart. If she escaped, dare she tell the desk clerk Colter Outlaw was an intruder? Especially after she’d sworn to him she would never hurt him. 66

Colter’s Revenge

If she did break his cover, then any shred of hope she’d once felt of them getting together would be destroyed.

But she desperately needed that cure!

He caressed the side of her jaw with soft strokes, bringing her out of her momentary doom and gloom. Her arousal was peaking. She could feel the tension zip through her. The fever building.

“Keep your eyes open while I make love to you. I want to watch,” he whispered softly.

At his words, tremors suddenly racked her and her body came apart in one long violent explosion of unbelievable pleasure.

Killing pleasure. It wrapped around her like an electrifying blanket. Moans ripped from her mouth. His hot breath blew against her face. He withdrew and swiftly entered her again, grunting his pleasure.

Her mind reeled at the onslaught.

He withdrew. Plunged harder. Her vagina gripped him tightly, almost refusing to let him go.

He plunged faster, neared his own climax.

His mouth came down, locked on hers. He tasted her. Sucked her as if she were some sweet piece of fruit he couldn’t get enough of.

And she couldn’t get enough of him either as she held onto him and lost herself in the delicious rapture.

Ashley didn’t know how long she slept but when she realized she had fallen asleep, her eyes snapped open and she listened to Colter’s uneven breathing. Sweet heavens, her plan had worked. After having sex, he’d always slept. Yet he’d never been one for sleeping soundly after a fucking session, but this was as good a chance of escape as she was going to get.

Her pussy felt exquisitely sore as she cautiously moved off the mattress. Trying hard to make sure the chain holding her captive made no noise, she tiptoed to where he’d dropped his pants.

She had no idea where he’d put the key to the collar, but he must have it in his clothing somewhere. A quick search of his pants and then his shirt revealed nothing. Dammit! Where could he have put it?

She gave the room a furtive scan and stopped at the sex toy cabinet. Could he have put the key in there? If he had, she wouldn’t be able to get to it. On the bed, Colter moved slightly. Ashley stiffened. Desperation clawed at her belly.

Would he awaken? Would he screw her plan for escape? She held her breath and waited until he stilled again, her gaze then dropped to the floor where the white sheets lay in a crumpled heap.


Jan Springer

A spark of hope gripped her at the sight of his jacket lying there. The craving for freedom grew almost intolerable as she reached down and searched the numerous pockets. Any other time she would have loved to be Colter’s sex slave, but not now. Now she couldn’t take any chances.

Her fingers touched metal. Wrapped firmly around the key. Sweet mercy she’d found it!

In a matter of seconds she would once again be a free woman…and then she’d have to decide about Colter’s fate.


Colter’s Revenge

Chapter Six

“You wanted to see me, General?” he asked as he stood in the doorway of the makeshift
tented hospital room of the M.A.S.H. unit. The man in the bed, the top of his head bandaged in
white, smiled wearily.

“Ah yes. Dr. Colter Outlaw, is it?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Come in, please. I wish to speak to you.”

Colter entered and positioned himself at the foot of the general’s bed. He tried hard not to be
impressed by the man on the bed and his will to survive. Under the medical circumstances, this
man should have died when that bullet slammed into his brain. But he hadn’t. He’d been lucky.
Very lucky.

“I want to thank you for saving my life, Lieutenant Colonel.”

“Any surgeon would have done the same, Sir.”

“Ah, but you aren’t even a surgeon, are you?”

“No, Sir. No one was available to perform the operation, Sir.” Colter held his breath as the
man’s piercing gray eyes studied him.

He hoped S.K.U.L.L. had done their homework and the general would be grateful he was
alive. Unfortunately, it hadn’t been his skills that had saved him but another doctor’s. But
S.K.U.L.L. had seen the general’s injury as a way to get a S.K.U.L.L. member into the general’s
good graces. Colter had been picked.

“Where did you learn your techniques, Doctor? I’m sure digging a bullet out of a man’s
brain isn’t something you were taught in your training as a family doctor.”

“I read a lot of medical journals before I joined the Wars, Sir.”

“How long have you been in the Wars?”

“About a year, Sir.”

“I bet you could use a long stretch of R&R, couldn’t you?”

“I don’t take time off, Sir.”

The general nodded. “They tell me you are very dedicated.”

“I took an oath, Sir.”

“What would you say if I arranged for you to stay at my palace to take care of me during my

Yes! He was in!

“I’d have to decline the offer, Sir.”

“It’s not an offer, Doctor Outlaw. It’s an order.”


Jan Springer

Colter forced himself to hide his increasing excitement. Phase one of S.K.U.L.L.’s plan was
in full swing. Now all he had to do was get into the general’s palace and wait until he could
assassinate the general’s terrorist son the first chance he got.
When he’d accompanied the general home several days later to help him recuperate, he’d
been introduced to the black-haired beauty with sparkling blue eyes. Ashley had made his heart
go pitter-patter the instant he’d seen her. It hadn’t been long before he’d fallen in love with her
and taken her to his bed.

He’d enjoyed many scorching nights and mornings of pleasure with her…delicious pleasure just as they’d shared this morning after breakfast. He’d tried not to give in to the wickedly carnal sensations of lust spiraling through him as he’d sucked the sweet cream from her vagina.

Her desperate cries for relief had broken his control and the fact she still reacted to him so violently during their lovemaking had stroked his ego. Unfortunately for her, it would also hurt her more when he walked away.

Man! Even in his after-lovemaking drowsiness, he could feel his cock hardening with the need to have her again.

Pure pleasure without any interruptions from the Pleasure Palace employees or Cheri or…


What the hell time was it anyway? He had to do his check-in with Blade or he would come looking for him…and he’d find Starry Eyes.

At that thought his gut clenched. He wasn’t prepared to share Ashley…at least not yet.

In his drowsiness he found himself reaching for her. Emptiness greeted his fingertips.

What the hell?

His eyes snapped open and he immediately noticed things weren’t how they should be. Ashley wasn’t in the bed. And something soft circled his neck.

“Fuck!” he shouted and quickly sat up. The tinkling sound of chain ripped through the silence. His stomach sank as his fingers touched the collar around his neck. She’d removed the collar from herself and given it to him!

How the hell had she managed to do that without him waking up?

The collar wasn’t the only thing he noticed either. His hands were cuffed in front of him and she’d managed to hold his cock captive as well. He swallowed at the lusty shivers shooting through him at the erotic sight. From the base of his cock right up to the tip of his head, a series of metal rings in descending sizes adorned his full length. Jesus H. Christ! What the fuck was he going to do now?

A giggle from the bedroom doorway caught his immediate attention. His body responded when he saw Ashley standing there.


Colter’s Revenge

Fully clothed in a sexy sapphire blue blouse and matching short skirt that hugged her every delicious curve, she looked utterly sinful. She’d done her hair in soft ringlets that cascaded over her shoulders and partially covered her breasts.

“Hello, lover,” she cooed as she walked into the room with long, confident strides he found tremendously attractive. He found himself wondering how she’d managed to escape getting the X-virus or one of its many mutations. Hardly any woman had escaped its wrath. In fact, the government was actively recruiting the few who were immune to volunteer to be guinea pigs for a possible vaccine or cure. His Claimed wife Callie had been one of those women. She’d been held against her will in a government lab for five years before finally managing to escape Cheri’s mad scientist late husband. She’d eventually been legally Claimed by his brothers and him. It had been the only way they’d been able to protect her from the government because Claimed women were omitted from the government experiments in the hopes they would produce babies, preferably virus-resistant girls for the future.

“Oh if your looks could kill, I’m sure I’d be a dead woman.” She smiled at him. A smile that made him believe he wouldn’t be able to resist her if she decided to play sex games on him. A strong need to make love to her again coiled inside him. He wanted to hold her. To touch her. To ask her why she’d been gone when he’d come back for her.

“But until then, you’re a guest in my cabin, Dr. Outlaw. A guest whom I can do with as I please.”

It was then he noticed the little black box nestled in the palm of her hand. Instantly he knew it had something to do with his cock cage.

His instincts, of course, were correct.

Helplessly he watched her thumb work a button on the box. Immediately the rings began to vibrate around his shaft. His teeth clenched as his cock immediately responded to the gentle, seductive, fingerlike caresses curling around his thickening flesh.

The little bitch!

“Come here, Ashley.” What he’d hoped would sound like a command actually came out more like a husky plea.

Her eyes widened slightly but she walked closer, allowing him to see that the top she wore had two little holes immediately over her breasts. The holes allowed her plump, burgundy nipples to poke through.

Tension zipped through him. He found himself licking his lips as he remembered the plump, hot feel of her nipples in his mouth yesterday. He’d just about come undone then at the sound of her sexy whimpers.

Her sparkling blue eyes flashed at him with mischief and lust. “What can I do for you? Would you like me to bring you relief?”

She fiddled with the button on the remote control and the erotic vibrations stopped, allowing him a breath of relief.


Jan Springer

“Enough, Ashley.”

“Uh-uh. I want you to experience first-hand that payback is a bitch, lover.”

“Ashley, if I don’t make my appointment…”

Her soft fingertips brushed against his lips stopping him cold.

“Quiet, lover. You talk too much.”


Her soft mouth slid across his lips, cutting off his words and short-circuiting all coherent thoughts.

Jesus! She tasted sinfully good. Warm and sweet. Full of restrained, savage desire. He touched her bottom lip with his tongue, enjoying the lush silkiness he found there. The feel of her mouth sliding over his made him think crazy thoughts. Made him think stupid things like how in the hell could he ever walk away from this exquisite jewel?

Breaking the kiss, she sat down on his lap, her legs warm against his thighs, her wet pussy gyrating against the length of his caged cock. She threw her head back in a wanton gesture, her luscious mouth open in a gasp of delight. Her black tangled hair swept all around her and brushed erotically against his chest and shoulders. God! She looked so damn good.

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