Read Crush (Hard Hit #5) Online

Authors: Charity Parkerson

Crush (Hard Hit #5) (11 page)

Andrei turned up his glass, draining its contents. Every word Kieran spoke reminded Andrei he was an ass. Not to mention, hearing Orlando’s name over and over was killing him. His skin itched, wanting Andrei to feed his addiction—find Orlando and touch him.

“You’re hurting too,” Kieran said, surprising Andrei enough so that he turned his head. The room tilted. Andrei slid down in his seat and relaxed further into the couch. “Orlando made you smile, but now it’s gone. I don’t like it.”

The room spun. He’d gone too long without eating, and adding whiskey to the mix wasn’t helping. Andrei closed his eyes against it. “I never smiled before Orlando either; you just saw what I showed you.”

“I know that too, but don’t worry. I’ll make everything right.”

Andrei tried lifting his lids at the odd claim, but they weighed too much. “You can’t fix me. I was smashed to bits long before we met.” His words sounded slurred even to his ears, but Andrei couldn’t find the will to care.

Kieran chuckled. “Don’t be so sure. I enjoy gluing crazy back together.”

Andrei tried responding, but everything went black.


Slivers of light penetrated his eyes, slamming against Andrei’s pounding head with the weight of a truck. His brain was on the verge of explosion. Death was imminent.

“It’s disconcerting as hell, waking up like this, isn’t it?”

At the sound of Orlando’s voice, Andrei turned his head from side to side, eyeing the ropes binding his wrists. Fucking Kieran. “Cute. You can untie me now," Andrei said, sounding like he was talking around a mouthful of gravel.

Orlando ignored his demand. “I’m sure your head is pounding, your hands are cold, and your fingers are tingling from the lack of blood flow."

Andrei tried killing Orlando with his stare. “We’re even now.”

Orlando’s lids swept slowly. His mouth lifted in one corner, mesmerizing Andrei. “No,” Orlando said as he crossed the room. “We’re nowhere near even, baby.” Orlando straddled his hips. “We are so far from being square, it’s ridiculous.” Andrei strained against the ropes as Orlando moved in closer. His cologne filled Andrei’s nostrils. The heat radiating from the apex of Orlando’s thighs engulfed Andrei’s dick, making it grow. “You stole my heart and walked away. You have to answer for that.” Finding the hem of Andrei’s shirt, Orlando shoved his hands inside, making Andrei’s heart race at the skin-on-skin contact. “I have a confession," Orlando said, leaning in to kiss Andrei’s jaw. “The month between when you let me walk away from this place and when I found you again, I thought about this moment between us. I lost count of how many times I’ve closed my eyes and imagined you climbing onto my lap. Except, in my head, there were no barriers between us. Sometimes, the hot water from my shower will slide down my body, and I picture you slipping against me, positioning yourself to ride my cock."

Andrei couldn’t move or speak. He forgot about his aching head and numb fingers. He could barely breathe as he listened to Orlando. His body burned.

“I can’t resist the fantasy of you any more than I can the real thing. Each time that vision hit, I would slide my hand to my dick.” Orlando mimicked his words by sliding his hand down his body. Andrei couldn’t tear his eyes away. Orlando unzipped his jeans and slipped his hand inside, making Andrei pant at the sight. Orlando kissed Andrei’s neck as he moved against his own palm.

“Jesus, Orlando. Untie the ropes so I can touch you. You’re killing me.”

Orlando froze, meeting his gaze. He looked every bit as turned on as Andrei felt. His bottom lip was already swollen from biting it, the way Orlando always did when he was on the edge. Instead of giving in, Orlando shook his head.

“I’m glad you’re suffering. Maybe it’ll help you understand what it’s been like for me since you stripped away my right to touch you.”

Andrei’s eyes fell closed at the hurt and Orlando’s voice. He slammed his head against the headboard, hoping to knock the pain out of himself. He’d suffered too. Every second they’d been apart. His arms itched in their emptiness. Orlando shoved one hand behind Andrei’s head, stopping him from knocking himself senseless.

“You can’t get rid of me that way. Trust me, I know," Orlando said, sounding sad. “I’ve drunk so much I couldn’t see straight, smoked enough weed to keep a pusher in the black for a month, and even tried going home with someone else.”

Red coated Andrei’s vision. A roar ripped from his dry throat. “What?”

Orlando’s fingers massaged the back of Andrei’s head, as if soothing him. He made a shushing sound. “I couldn’t do it.”

Andrei’s heart slowed, but not by much. The rage wasn’t as quick to slip away, especially since he had no one to blame but himself. Orlando would eventually find someone else. That was what Andrei wanted for him, right? Fuck that. He’d kill any motherfucker who dared to trespass.

“Untie me.” Andrei’s voice turned inhuman to the point it surprised even him. He might as well have been mute for all the attention Orlando gave his words.

“For all your stubborn ass bullshit, Andrei, I still love you, and it’s not going away. You can bark at me about how fucked up you are on the inside, but the thing is, so am I. You had to fucking kidnap me to make me see what I was doing to Gannon was wrong.” He moved in until he was nose to nose with Andrei, as if ensuring Andrei didn’t miss the determined glint in his eyes as he added, “And I didn’t even fucking hesitate before taking you hostage. I won’t the next time you run either, or the time after that. Unless you got someone in this world ready to stage an intervention on your behalf, you are royally fucked, because I won’t stop — not ever. You are mine." The way Orlando growled the final word squeezed at Andrei’s heart. His whole life, Andrei had secretly craved belonging somewhere in the world to someone who would stop at nothing to love him. Orlando gave him that. No one would ever understand what it was like to be unloved and unwanted, even by the people who gave them life. It left a gaping hole only endless, obsessive love could fill. “Do you fucking feel me, Andrei?”

Andrei swallowed past the love choking him. “I feel you, potty mouth. Now untie me so I can touch you.”

Orlando’s eyes fell closed. He pressed his forehead to Andrei’s. Andrei could practically feel the relief pouring through the other man’s veins.

“Tell me I’m allowed to feel you now,” Orlando whispered.

“You’d better. I can’t be alone in this." Before Orlando could move away, Andrei captured his lips. He hated the ropes keeping him from holding Orlando. Orlando kissed a path to the center of Andrei’s chest. His fingers found the button of Andrei’s jeans and tugged. Next came the zipper. Orlando slid it down, moving slowly as he continued his downward path. Andrei watched, incapable of tearing his gaze away as Orlando set his erection free.

Orlando’s hand encircled Andrei’s cock, pumping. The vision was hot as hell. There was nothing Andrei could do to stop anything Orlando chose to do to his body. The idea was strangely hot. Making a show of it, Orlando held Andrei’s stare as he lowered his mouth to Andrei’s dick. His tongue shot out, sweeping over his crown. Andrei’s muscles jerked.

“Tell me you love me,” Orlando demanded.

“No need to coerce, baby. I love you.”

Orlando smirked before taking Andrei down his throat. Andrei sucked in a deep breath and pulled against his bindings. There were so many sensations he was missing out on with his hands bound. As quickly as it happened, Orlando moved away, climbing from the bed, leaving Andrei with his soaking wet erection. He pulled his shirt over his head, revealing the gorgeous skin Andrei loved feeling against his. While still holding Andrei’s gaze, Orlando pushed his jeans down his hips.

“You know there are cameras in here,” Andrei pointed out, even though he hated himself for doing so.

Orlando’s open wickedness deepened. “What’s your point?”

“I’m thinking my point is obvious.”

With a wink, Orlando removed the remainder of his clothing. “Maybe Henley and Kieran are popping popcorn and settling in for a show.” Orlando fisted his cock, openly taunting Andrei. Tilting his chin back, Orlando released a low moan as he jacked himself with Andrei as his captive audience. When Orlando finally dropped his chin, meeting Andrei’s stare once more, his eyes shone brighter than ever before. Andrei wondered if he’d come from this alone.

“Please?” The word fell from Andrei’s lips on a whisper. His throat refused to work properly. At his plea, Orlando closed the distance between them, straddling his hips once more and capturing his mouth. Their tongues fought for supremacy as Orlando’s fingers tugged at the ropes keeping Andrei bound. Once they loosened enough for Andrei to work his hands free, he hugged Orlando tight against his chest. There was lust mixed in with his emotions, Andrei couldn’t lie, but this was more. This need to hold Orlando was all-consuming. It began in the pit of his stomach and spread throughout his body.

“I’m so sorry,” Andrei said between kisses. “If I destroy you, it’ll kill me.”

Orlando growled. “Shut up. You’re not empty. I fill you up. Now please make love to me before I’m crippled.”

It amazed Andrei how Orlando wiped everything clean in a single breath. He did fill Andrei to completion. With a twist, he had Orlando pinned beneath him. “You’re not allowed to touch anyone else again,” Andrei said, letting Orlando know how it would be.

Orlando’s eyes flashed with humor. “That goes both ways.” He rolled his hips, taunting Andrei with his body as he made the claim.

Andrei sucked in a hiss. “I don’t want anyone else, but that wasn’t the point of this conversation. I’m about to fuck you with no barriers, because I’m clean and feeling very manly and raw.”

“I’m clean too.”

Andrei nipped at Orlando’s throat as Orlando pushed Andrei’s jeans down his hips. “I know. I checked.”

“You really are one crazy-ass bastard. Goddamn, I love it. I love you.”

At his claim, Andrei held his gaze. “I love you too, potty mouth. Kiss me and I show a magic trick.”

Orlando shook with laughter, just as Andrei hoped. His eyes fell closed as the sound brushed across his ears. “How did I think I could live without that sound?”

“You can’t,” Orlando promised as he pulled Andrei’s mouth to his. Their lips met and Andrei kept his word. He showed Orlando the magic of eternal love.

The End

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* * *

Continue the Hard Hit series in book six, Break.


A Few More Books by Charity Parkerson:

Collide (M/M, Sports Romance)

Blow (M/M, Cop, Sports Romance)

Thrash (M/M, Sports Romance)

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