Authors: Angelica Chase
Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Bdsm, #Suspense, #Romantic Erotica
This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales are entirely co-incidental.
Text copyright © 2014 Angelica Chase
All rights reserved.
No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or otherwise without written permission of the above author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short experts in a review.
Published by Angelica Chase, Independent Author
Cover Design by Juliana Cabrera,
Jersey Girl Graphics
Editing by Edee M. Fallon,
Mad Spark Editing
Interior Design and Formatting by Juliana Cabrera,
Jersey Girl Graphics
For my readers, I ca
t thank you enough.
Perfect, another damn sub gone due to my inability to emotionally commit. My reluctance to be more intimate had ruined yet another year of training.
d had her just where I wanted her. She was completely responsive and obedient. Just as my time and patience were paying off, she insisted she wanted more.
You wo
t even try with me, Rhys
she cried as she buttoned her blouse.
Jill, I told you everything up front, made absolutely sure you heard and understood me, did I not
I could
t hide the irritation in my voice. This scenario, along with the rest of the past year, had become routine, mundane, and unfulfilling.
I would have to handle this situation the same way I had with all the women before her. When they looked at me, they saw a challenge, like a pawn that could easily be taken in a chess game with the right move, behavior, or sexual act. I was an emotional conquest to them.
She was
t the first to dismiss my firm stance that the relationship would only remain sexual in nature. It was
t about my lack of affection. I would compliment them on their beauty, kiss them tenderly, comfort them when they were upset, dine them, and then fuck them senseless. It was always about those three fucking words. The power they felt it gave them. The power I refused to give.
Though a few of them had sometimes charmed their way into getting more than I usually would allow, I always caught myself quickly. It was a conscious choice I made with each partner. I had been fair to Jill. I had been a committed lover to her and her alone. I had given her everything I promised I would.
She swept her long auburn hair into her hand and faste
it on top of her head as she walked toward me
All I wanted was a chance
she whispered with pleading eyes, her tears falling down one by one
m in love with you, Rhys
Her eyes told me she believed what she was saying.
m not the man you need
I said quietly
I ca
t give you what you want
She had mistaken my kindness and attentiveness for weakness, as a sign I harbored the same feelings. She had decided to make me her project. Sh
d made a big mistake.
You have no heart
she asked, cornering me as she tucked her blouse in her pants
You ca
t try or you wo
t? Why do
t you need more
She was beautiful, smart, a good sub, but I felt nothing
for her.
s just not who I am, Jill. Not right now
Her shoulders slumped as her body shook with emotion. Though I wanted to comfort her, I knew it would be a mistake. She would misinterpret it and I did
t want to drag this out
I wo
t ask you to stay, but I want you to
I lied as I pulled on my jacket.
She opened the door to walk out of the room then turned to me, regret clear in her posture.
Just tell me what to do and
ll do it
she pleaded.
m not the man you need. This does
t have to end. We can continu
I ca
t, Rhys. Goodbye
Watching her walk out left me with a small sting. It was more out of resentment for the amount of time I spent with her. W
d never had a connection other than physical. Anything she was feeling was just due to the amount of time w
d spent together sexually. Of all my subs, she was the one I felt least strongly about. I was certain she was hoping I would go after her.
I would
d situated my tie, I headed toward the door, but was stopped short by a beautiful woman filling the frame.
s a pity when they fall in love
she said on a sigh
You know, fighting after fucking
a sign that you care for the person
I was
t fighting
I admitted.
No, you certainly were
she quickly replied with a smirk. We stood and stared at one another, both of us sizing each other up. It had been a long time since the sight of a woman made me hard. I appreciated that about her immediately. Her dark brown hair, closer to black, a sleek porcelain face and startling blue eyes made me want to fuck her right then. I imagined a few scenarios in my head as I perused her. She was far more beautiful than any sub I had ever had. Her body was made for sin and she was aware of it; her posture said as much with the way she leaned in the doorway confidently. This was a woman aware of her effect on men and comfortable with her sexuality. I liked her instantly.
She looked like she was a lot of fun
she said, tilting her head quickly in the direction Jill left.
Not today
I said, closing the distance between us. There was no denying the attraction we both felt in that moment. The air was filled with potential. She turned from me and opened the door at the opposite end of the hall. She looked back, catching my gaze then giving me a knowing smile, which I returned
she answered my unspoken question before the door snapped shut.
It would not be our last encounter, of that I was sure.
Looking at my watch with a curse, I realized I had thirty minutes to get to dinner with my sister. I raced to the Olde Pink House, her favorite place to dine in Savannah. It was her birthday and she had just been released by her boyfriend, so I agreed to take his place. My dear sister Heidi was always throwing her heart out to the wrong suitor. I felt like a hypocrite stepping in, when I had just hurt Jill. I had a heart, but Jill would never be the woman to possess it. Letting Jill walk away was for the best.
ink house was located in Reynolds Square. True to its name, it was an old, pale flamingo, Victorian mansion that had been converted into a restaurant. Authentic to its historic bones, the décor was reminiscent of the 180
s and the rooms were quaint, each unique in setting.
Arriving on time, I spent ten minutes circling the square looking for parking. When I finally made it up to the steps to the entrance, I received a text.
Heidi: Running late. Can you see if they can squeeze us in at the next available time?
Standing behind a couple waiting on the hostess, I was suddenly annoyed with my sister and her inability to be on time. I did
t want to be stuck in a romantic restaurant with my sister. I hoped they would nix the antique candlesticks on the table this time. I despised the bastard who had left her dateless and heartbroken on her birthday, and for the responsibility of salvaging her night. A night I was sure she had planned herself due to the type of man she usually adhered herself to.
I was definitely a hypocrite and this punishment was fitting. This punishment also reinforced the reasons why I did
t want to go further than sex when it came to a relationship.
Clean lines were appealing; blurred lines were messy. End of story.
s perfect, thank you
The voice came from the woman who stood in front of me addressing her date and her sound instantly caught my attention. It was silky and raspy and her sentiment hung in the air. I watched their hands clasp and his thumb gently slide across the top of her skin. She looked up at him filled with longing and I had to take a step back. I felt like I was invading on a private moment, and yet I could
t tear my eyes away from her. I took her in from head to toe. She was dressed in a long flowing red gown and her hair was styled loosely and fell sporadically around her shoulders. Her neck was statuesque and I suddenly felt myself wanting to touch it as I studied her profile. Her skin was perfection. Her mouth, from what I could see, was beautiful and when she spoke I had to fight not to take another step forward.
What the fuck, Rhys?
It was
t just her voice or beauty that captivated me. It was the way she looked at him. For just one moment in time, for one clarifying second of my life, I wished I was another man; the man who stood in front of me with the adoration of the woman next to him.
I can see that
she said to him with a smile as I caught a small piece of their conversation. I felt the corners of my chest fold in painfully.
Right this way
the hostess said to the smiling couple. A feeling of loss came over me in that moment, although I could
t understand why. It was a pain that shook me fiercely and I had to put my hand on the wall next to me to steady myself. The hostes
greeted m
and I found my composure, though the ache in my chest lingered.
Name, sir
I forced out
The other half of my party is running late. Would you be able to get us in at seven
I asked, my gaze still focused in the direction of the woman who left me breathless that was no longer there.
she said, eyeing me appreciatively before scribbling in her guestbook.
ll be at the bar
I said, ignoring her exaggerated stare. I walked downstairs to the basement bar I frequented often. It had an eerie, but at the same time, inviting feel. Savannah was infamous for modern décor in historic space, but this bar seemed completely authentic to the era of the house. The walls were lined with exposed brick and wood. The faint and familiar stroke of keys being played on the piano could be heard over the hushed conversations. The stone fireplace was lit, welcoming me as I sat at the small formidable table next to it. I sipped two fingers of whiskey as I watched the red embers glow, thinking about the voice of the woman who had just unglued me in mere seconds. I had just fucked Jill for hours, and met a promising new prospect in Sandra. What I could
t get my head around was the new crack in my once solid foundation. I was completely consumed by the way she regarded him. Did I want
? Why was I so envious?