Read Daddy's Boy Online

Authors: RoosterandPig

Tags: #romance gay

Daddy's Boy (20 page)

From other people, yes,
but not from me! You always told me where you were going, and that
you were okay. I’ve spent twelve years trying to find you, and then
I found out you had a daughter you were trying to pass off as your
sister, and I met you again a few years ago, but you barely glanced
at me.”

I wracked my brain, trying to remember
meeting Dodger a few years back. “I don’t remember

No, you wouldn’t.” Dodger
sighed. “You were with a
and you both came into a restaurant where I was
dining. I knew him, so I stopped by the table to say hello. He
introduced us, and you said hi to me, but you barely glanced my

Small tendrils of a long
forgotten memory started to seep into my brain at his words, and I
bit my lower lip. I could vaguely recall going out with… someone…
and them introducing me to a business associate at dinner. I’d been
told the other man was the heir to a fortune but at the time I
hadn’t paid any attention. Not because the words

” didn’t register in my repertoire, but because something
else had been going on at the time.

Do you remember who it

Dodger’s eyebrows lowered in
confusion. “Whom who was?”

My client. Do you remember
who introduced us years ago?”

Dodger nodded. “Aiden Charles,

I covered my mouth with a gasp as I
remembered the evening Dodger meant. Aiden had taken me out to
dinner in an attempt to persuade me to be his permanent “mister on
the side,” but that same day, I had received a call from Stella’s
doctor telling me she’d been brought into the hospital. They only
called to tell me of those things because they knew I paid the
bills and wanted to be alerted. To them, I was some kind benefactor
paying for her hospital visits and prescriptions since her adopted
parents couldn’t take care of everything; but what they didn’t know
was that Stella wasn’t actually adopted by anyone. She was in the
guardianship of others, but she was my child. I would never give
her up.

I remember that night,” I

Yeah. I guess since I
didn’t have a fortune right then, you couldn’t spare me a glance.”
Dodger sounded disappointed, almost angry, and I felt insulted.
Another new emotion for me. I didn’t concern myself with what
others thought of me or how they viewed me, but for some odd
reason, his opinion meant more to me than anyone else’s.

You have no fucking idea
what you’re talking about,
,” I said, practically
spitting out his name. “I didn’t spare you a glance because I was
having a bad day. Stella had gone into the hospital, and I was
worried. My daughter is more important to me than trying to get
into the good graces of the next multibillionaire.”

Oh. Tyler, I’m sorry, I
didn’t know.” Dodger reached out to touch my face, and I stepped

No, you wouldn’t know
because you haven’t been a part of my life for twelve years.” I
stepped over broken bottles of cologne and figurines, barely
noticing the shredded remains of my clothing covering the floor, or
the mattress I slept in that was now ripped beyond belief. “When
you didn’t show up in San Francisco, and Leon and Devereux turned
me away, I was found by someone so much worse. I may have been
saved from two men who would have subjected me to the same
treatment I received at my mother’s home, but I knew how to handle
that. I was used to having a man come into my room in the middle of
the night and use my body for his pleasure. I was comfortable with
being treated as nothing more than a fuckhole for some fuckwad’s

Having my spirit beaten
and my soul further tarnished by the depravity of men older than me
so they could get their rocks off, would have been like sleeping on
a pillow-top mattress for me. But KuJoe finding me and taking care
of me? Stealing my money and then getting me hooked on drugs harder
than any Lloyd and my mother had ever given me, like acetyl
fentanyl? Turning me out and prostituting me? I’ve slept with more
men than I can recount. Seen more than I ever wanted to see. Gone
through more hell than I ever thought possible.” I turned and faced
Dodger again, noting the despair on his face, the tears, and the
shame in his eyes. “All because you didn’t show up. You left me,
Dodger, and I was all alone.”

I headed toward the doorway of my
bedroom. “Get out.”

What?” Dodger asked,
surprise coloring his voice.

I said. Get. Out.” I
stopped next to the open door and gestured. “I want you to get out
of my house and never come back. Forget you found me again, forget
you ever knew me. Forget our arrangement. Just leave me and move on
with your life. You’ve done it before, and quite well, I might add,
so you can do it again.” I waited for him to move to the door, my
left hand holding the doorknob in a tight grip, my right arm
hanging loosely at my side. I appeared apathetic, emotionless, and
uncaring about my command to him, but I was anything but. Inside I
was trembling, breaking, and tearing apart. I could feel the
darkness pulsating within me, growing and threatening to overwhelm
me. I was losing my best friend all over again, after I’d just
refound him; and more than that, I was losing the man who actually
made me
something after over a decade of me building a wall around my
heart to keep from doing so. But it had to be done. Not only
because of what Dodger’s betrayal had made occur in my life, but
because KuJoe knew about him, and he was threatening Stella and me,
and I couldn’t have that.

No.” Dodger didn’t budge
and my eyebrows rose in surprise.

I’m sorry, what did you

I said”—Dodger replied
firmly, making no move toward the door whatsoever—“no. I’m not
leaving you again. Not now. Not ever. And especially not on a day
like today.”

I pointed at the wall, KuJoe’s crude
handwriting and threatening message starkly displayed like neon
lights reflecting on the white paint.

Do you see that? If you
stay in my life, if you hang around, you are putting me and my
daughter in danger.”

Dodger shook his head. “No, I’m not.
This guy”—he gestured at the wall with his hand—“wants money, and I
have that, in spades. I could help you, Tyler. I will help you if
you’d just let me.”

And what do I have to do
for this money?”

Dodger looked at me, horror blatantly
displayed on his face. “How could you ask me that?”

I shrugged. “You didn’t have a problem
with it before.”

That was just to get your
attention. To get my foot in the door, as it were. You don’t have
to do anything for it. I want to help you and Stella. Help you the
way I tried to help twelve years ago.”

He stepped close to me and cradled my
face in his hands. He pressed a kiss to my forehead and then to
each cheek. “Please let me help, Tyler.”

I would let him help, but I wouldn’t
let him give me the money without me giving him something in
return. I didn’t have much. Not anymore, but I had one thing that
was a pretty good commodity and had made me lots of money over the

My body.

Lifting my hand, I placed it behind
Dodger’s head and pulled his lips down to my own. Kissing him
passionately, my tongue flicked over his bottom lip, seeking
entrance. I reveled in the taste of this man, my former best
friend, who was going to help me get rid of the biggest threat in
my life. I wrapped my arms around Dodger’s neck and pressed myself
against his wide, hard body. Releasing his mouth from the kiss, I


Dodger released a sigh and smiled at
me. “Thank you.” He jerked me close to him and took my lips in a
firmly passionate kiss. I moaned as the taste of him flooded my
mouth. The smell of Dodger’s cologne filled my senses, and my cock
hardened behind the zipper of my pants. I wanted to wrap myself
around Dodger’s muscled frame and impale myself on his dick while
he fucked me into the mattress.

When the need for air became
paramount, Dodger lifted his head from mine and nibbled his way
down my neck. I buried my fingers in his hair and leaned my head
back to give him more room to explore my body. I shivered as
Dodger’s hands drifted down my back before he squeezed the globes
of my ass in his firm grip. He lifted me up into his arms so I
could wrap my legs around his waist, which I did quite happily, and
continued to probe the inner recesses of my mouth with his

I felt the Earth moving as Dodger
moved across the room to my bed on swift feet. Before too long, the
softness of my mattress was beneath my back. I was only distantly
aware of the fact Dodger had placed me on an undestroyed portion of
the bed, so intent was I on the press of his body against my own. I
stroked my hands down Dodger’s neck to the buttons of his shirt,
pulling each one from its subsequent hole quickly. Though some
distant part of my brain tried to remind me that I was only doing
this as a method of exchange, my body for Dodger’s money and
assistance. It was hard to remember that when the wide expanse of
his tanned, muscled chest was put on display for me. I licked my
lips, anxious to taste him, to feel his torso pressed against my
own, but I was no novice at this. I made my living seducing men
into my bed for payment, so I knew what do.

I ran my fingers over Dodger’s pecs
until I reached his nipples, the buds hard, either from his arousal
or the air conditioner, and I pinched them lightly. Dodger groaned,
his hands tightening on the globes of my ass, and I swallowed the
sound as he pushed into my mouth with his own.

Pulling my head away from his, I
kissed and licked my way over his chin, and down his neck to the
top of his chest. I pushed his shirt down his arms and then
returned my hands to his nipples, flicking, twisting, and pinching
them. I moved my fingers down to the waistband of Dodger’s pants
and removed his belt, unbuttoned his pants, and pushed my fingers
inside of them. While I sucked on Dodger’s nipples, the taste and
scent of him making me dizzy with lust, I cupped his considerable
erection in my hand through the fabric of his underwear.

Tyler,” Dodger moaned. A
thrill raced through me. I always enjoyed hearing my name moaned,
groaned, and whispered like a prayer—it never ceased to heighten my

Lowering my legs from around Dodger’s
waist, I made sure I pushed his pants down with my feet as I did
so. Dodger’s hands were moving all over my body, and I trembled
with the force of my desire. I raised my arms up in the air when I
felt his hands on my shirt, letting him undress me as

I almost laughed when Dodger didn’t
waste time unbuttoning the few buttons of my polo before taking it
off of me. Instead, he merely grabbed the shirt in his two beefy
hands and ripped the material down the middle in his haste to get
it off. I gasped at his display of strength and found myself
moaning when he pressed me back down onto the mattress and nibbled
his way over my chest to my nipples before licking and sucking them
into his mouth.

I’ve wanted you like this
for so long,” he mumbled into the flesh of my torso, rubbing his
face on my skin. The slight abrasion I received from the stubble on
his face made me clench my hands on his shoulders and lift myself
closer to his lips.

Take me, then,” I

I raised my hips, when I felt Dodger’s
hands on my pants, allowing him to lower them. My eyes widened when
I saw him kneel beside the bed to remove my shoes and socks. He
lifted my left foot, rubbed it on his chest, and then placed a
gentle kiss on the arch. Dodger then licked around my ankle as he
smoothed up my legs to the waistband of my pants. He pulled them
down, along with my boxer briefs, and tossed them over his
shoulder. I remembered our first “appointment,” when Dodger had
given me one of the greatest blowjobs of my life, and I ran my
fingers through his hair, wanting to experience that sensation

However, I was to be both disappointed
and wonderfully surprised when Dodger did nothing more than kiss
the tip of my hard dick and then lick his way down past my
surgically gifted testicles to my aching hole. I held my
breath—rimming had always been an extremely intimate thing to me.
It was something I didn’t do for my clients unless they paid me
extra, and it was something I didn’t allow them to do to me. Ever.
I gasped when Dodger flipped me over onto my stomach and continued
to lick my crease and my hole, driving me out of my mind. Something
no other client had ever been able to do.

But Dodger wasn’t just any old client
for me. I’d known that from the beginning. Perhaps a piece of me
had always known he was my old friend Pierce, the boy I’d always
had a little bit of a crush on but, in a strange way, knew I
couldn’t be with him as “Tiffany.” Either way, I was now in his
arms, feeling the brush of his tongue against my most intimate and
private part, licking and stroking, flicking over my hole before
pushing deep inside me. I gripped my torn sheets and released a
stuttering breath as pleasure zinged through my nerve endings.
Dodger’s fingers dug into the flesh of my ass as he spread me open,
his tongue piercing deeper inside me, plunging further, driving me
crazy with lust.

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