Dance with Deception: Scandalous Secrets, Book 1 - Exclusive Edition (Scandalous Secrets - Exclusive Edition) (18 page)

“Sebastian, why are you here?” she dared ask.

“Never mind that.” His tone was gentle. “What did you mean about not marrying Dunlop?”

Gwen opened her mouth to respond but he interrupted her. “No, that’s not as important as your health. First tell me if you’re well.” He touched her cheek. “You look pale.”

She leaned against the wall to steady herself. Deep worry lines etched his strong features and she longed to smooth them. Instead, she reassured him, “There’s no need for concern.”

“I will always be concerned about you.” His words were rough with emotion.

“Is that why you came here today?”

“Yes.” His thumb caressed her cheek. “I considered it in your own best interest to marry the man you love, the same man who loves you to distraction.”

Gwen grinned, “To distraction? I can’t think of anyone who I have distracted of late.”

He stepped closer toward her and she could feel the heat emanating from his body. Her pulse quickened. “You can’t? Not even one?”

“I never knew I distracted you.”

Sebastian returned to his initial question. “Did you really decide against marrying Dunlop?”

“Yes, I refuse to marry Keir and told my father last night though he believes I will be bullied into changing my mind. He is wrong.” Her voice lowered to a whisper. “So you needn’t involve yourself or your sister. As I explained when we last spoke, this is my scandal, not yours.”

He leaned to whisper in her ear, “I will gladly share everything, including scandal, with you.”

Gwen drew back, her brown eyes beseeching him. “No, think of Victoria.”

“What if I told you that I have a plan?” He ran his fingers up and down her spine. The motion made her skin tremble with excitement.

“A plan?”

Sebastian pressed his forehead against hers. Her whole body responded, tingling from his closeness, one that she never again thought she would experience.

“Yes, even I can come up with a plausible plan from time to time.”

She frowned. “Couldn’t you have come up with your plan a little earlier? Say two days earlier, before I broke both of our hearts?”

“I wish I had.” He buried his face in her hair. “Someday I’ll explain why it took me so long. Until then, there can be no more excuses. This is your one chance to marry for love.”

He kissed the top of her head. “I’ll give you the world if you let me. All I ask in return is that you trust me.”

“I do trust you.” Gwen backed away mere inches, gazing into his azure eyes. “Trust has nothing to do with why I don’t want you involved
in this. Think of the repercussions.”

Sebastian held her cold hand in his, infusing warmth. “Leave them to me. I have—”

“You have a plan.” A grin tugged at the corners of her lips.

“Smart woman. I knew there was a reason I wanted you as my Duchess.”

Sebastian caressed her hand with his thumb, the small motion causing waves of excitement to ebb and flow throughout her body.

“I can make this right, Gwen, and minimize the scandal. You must place your trust in me.” His words were rough with emotion.

Gwen felt as if she were about to jump off a cliff. How could scandal be minimized? “Are you certain you are willing to risk sacrificing so much?”

“If you only knew the lengths I would go to, the risks I would take for you.” His timbre was rich.

“The only way I will agree to this,” she countered with firm resolve, “is if you agree to put your sister first. I won’t allow her to suffer on my account.”

“You drive such a hard bargain,” he teased.

She grabbed his lapel and leaned into him. “I am serious. On this I will not compromise.”

Sebastian again pressed his forehead against hers. “You have my word.”

“All right, then.” Gwen squeezed his hand as she whispered, “Ask me once more.”

His intent gaze was fixed upon hers. He wet his chiseled lips then spoke with quiet emphasis, “Gwendolyn MacAlistair will you marry me?”

His proposal sounded like music to her ears.
“Yes, I will marry you.”

“It’s about bloody time!” He wrapped his arms around her, pressing his lips to hers in a long, passionate kiss.

Sebastian offered his soul in that kiss.

When he withdrew, Gwen groaned her disappointment. He then kissed her forehead. “There will be much more time for that, my love. First we must speak with your father and get ourselves betrothed.”

“My father looked furious with me earlier. Can you be certain that his health can take such news?” she asked with concern.

“No, but I summoned Dr. Danbury lest his services be needed. He’s waiting downstairs.”

Gwen embraced him. “I love you all the more after hearing that.”

A low, “Ahem,” from Tristan brought a close to their private tête-à-tête.

Gwen’s attention was drawn toward her brother who, in turn, averted his gaze by meticulously inspecting his fingernails.

“Why, Tristan,” Sebastian addressed his future brother-in-law. “I had forgotten you were standing there.”

“I can’t imagine what would have caused you to be so preoccupied,” Tristan drawled in a satirical tone. “We should return to Father. Heaven knows he may have his ear pressed against the door trying to ascertain what’s going on out here.”

“Tristan,” Gwen admonished.

Sebastian’s deep azure gaze captured hers once more. He squeezed her hand and his unspoken
message was clear.

They would face her father as a united front.

Lachlan no longer needed to question his daughter as to whether or not the Duke of Davenport had compromised her. Gwendolyn’s shameful behavior in his very room confirmed it.

He had scrutinized his daughter during her exchange with Sebastian in the corner, disgusted by her unguarded and intimate conversation with him.

History was repeating itself

Lachlan slammed his fist upon the fireplace mantle. He always thought that if he were strict with Gwendolyn, he would squash the characteristics that he so despised in her mother.

Damn that girl!

Like mother, like daughter

He paced across the span of his study, the Persian rug padding his footfalls as he massaged a large knot of tension in his neck. His great machination had failed because of Gwendolyn. The one person he never suspected of being a threat.

Lachlan cursed himself for his error in judgment. They should have remained in Scotland. What was he thinking bringing Gwendolyn to the same place that her mother—

Stop this at once!
His inner voice bellowed.

He refused to give into defeat just yet. Although his plans for making Keir a legitimate member of his family had failed, he could still have the last laugh.

Lachlan curled his lips into a contorted smile.

To hell with all of them!

It was time he revealed the secrets that so many struggled to keep from the light of day. It was past time they all knew what he had done, the power he yielded all this time.

Having made his decision, Lachlan returned to his seat. He was much calmer as he picked up the book he’d been reading before his unwelcome visitor arrived.

He would allow the wedding between Montgomery and Gwen to proceed without a hitch. His wedding present to the happy couple would be something neither would forget.

It will destroy all they hold dear

Sebastian’s scheme centered on showing the
that not only had he won Gwen’s heart, but that their families wholeheartedly supported their betrothal as well.

“We won’t act shamed, we won’t hide anything from the
. That would only cause gossip and speculation. Instead, Gwen and I will share our appropriate two dances at each of the upcoming balls this week. She and Victoria will go shopping together while Tristan and I will be seen in White’s. The
will recognize that Gwen fell in love with a duke with a large fortune. Common sentiment will be that she has made quite an improvement in her situation. In other words, they’ll be quick to perceive our marriage as we present it to them.”

“I will not donate one crown to this debacle.”
Lachlan pursed his thin lips. “Nor will there be a dowry.”

Sebastian was relieved that he’d asked Gwen to check on Dr. Danbury while he discussed the particulars with her father and brother. The elder man was merciless.

He studied Lachlan, his eyes ablaze with silent warnings. “I have no need of her dowry and will pay for all of Gwen’s gowns and other necessities. If anything has already been prepared for her union to Dunlop, I want it burned. Better yet, donate the fabrics to the less fortunate.”

“When will this joyous event take place?” Tristan inquired.

“In a fortnight.”

Lachlan chortled. “It’s impossible! You’ll never accomplish everything in time.”

“We most certainly will.” Sebastian smiled with confidence. “I employ a seamstress for Victoria. As we retain her for a small fortune, I am confident that she will be more than happy to please her wealthiest clients. We will have the ceremony at my estate, inviting all the prominent families. My staff will take care of the décor and the rest of the arrangements.”

“Tristan,” Gwen’s brother perked up. “May I count on you to accompany your sister to all functions between now and the ceremony? Your father is ill, after all, and will be physically unable to do so.”

“Of course, I’d be happy to,” Tristan obliged, an air of satisfaction spreading over his face.

Sebastian chose his next words with great care.
“Lachlan, my man, you will be the portrait of a proud, happy and approving father.” He projected an ominous expression, warning old Lachlan there was to be no negotiation on that subject. “Tristan? Why don’t you walk me downstairs and we can discuss further details?”

“Of course,” Tristan leapt to his feet.

As the two men descended the grand staircase, Sebastian instructed, “I need you to handle the dissolution of your sister’s betrothal contract to Dunlop. Negotiate a sum that will convince him to release Gwen from the contract. I will pay whatever it takes.”

“Your pockets may not be deep enough, if I know Dunlop.” Tristan pushed his hair out of his eyes.

“Rest assured they are more than deep enough.” Sebastian’s voice was tinged with a steely edge. “I don’t care how much money I have to pay him, just make certain that by the end of the meeting he’s out of your sister’s life. I’ll have a bank draft delivered to you at the first opportunity.”

Gwen had been beside herself, waiting downstairs in the sitting room, when she heard their voices. She sprinted down the marble corridor, passing Norris on the way, with Dr. Danbury tailing her. “What happened? Is everything all right?”

Sebastian’s tone was steady. “Your father appears well. Dr. Danbury, would you mind checking on him just to ensure Mr. MacAlistair’s health is stable?”

The portly doctor nodded. “Of course, Your Grace, I’d be happy to.”

Gwen called to her butler to show the doctor into her father’s study.

“I thought I advised you to relax,” Sebastian whispered.

“As if that were possible,” Gwen’s frantic heartbeat wouldn’t let up until she knew more. “Please, will one of you tell me what happened?”

“Father and I will meet with Keir tomorrow and dissolve your betrothal agreement. Then you and Sebastian will marry in a fortnight.” Her brother’s tone was proficient, as if he’d broken such betrothal agreements thousands of times. Since he was an attorney, he may very well have done just that.

“So it’s not official?” Gwen could feel the frown lines in her forehead etching deeper. “Something can still go wrong?”

Sebastian tipped her chin. “Nothing is going to go wrong. It will be fine, you’ll see.”

Gwen remained unconvinced.

“Tomorrow we’ll dine at my estate and begin our nuptial arrangements.” Sebastian reached for her hand and squeezed in assurance. “Come tomorrow evening you’ll be stuck with me.”

“I’m going to hold you to that.” She smiled with mischief at the proposition.

Sebastian kissed the back of her hand, sending a hot, tingling sensation shooting through her entire body. “My carriage will arrive for you and your brother at four.”

Gwen acknowledged him with a nod.

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